Final Results

BlackRock Throgmorton Trust plc Annual Report 30 November 2014 Performance record Financial Highlights As at As at Change 30 November 2014 30 November 2013 % Assets Net assets (£'000) 235,455 240,754 -2.2 Net asset value per share 321.97p 329.21p -2.2 - with income reinvested -1.1 Ordinary share price (mid-market) 270.00p 290.00p -6.9 - with income reinvested -5.7 Numis Smaller Companies excluding AIM (excluding Investment Companies) Index 15,272.50 15,368.52 -0.6 As at As at Change 30 November 2014 30 November 2013 % Revenue Net revenue return after taxation (£'000) 3,797 3,651 +4.0 Revenue return per ordinary share 5.19p 4.99p +4.0 ------ ------ ------ Dividends - Interim 0.80p 0.75p +6.7 - Final 3.60p 3.25p +10.8 ------ ------ ------ Total dividends paid and payable in respect of the year ended 30 November 4.40p 4.00p +10.0 ------ ------ ------ Overview Chairman's statement I am pleased to present the annual report to shareholders for the year ended 30 November 2014. Performance The Company's net asset value per share (NAV) returned -1.1% compared with a return of -0.6% for the Numis Smaller Companies excluding AIM (excluding Investment Companies) Index. Since the year end and up to the close of business on 11 February 2015, the NAV has increased by 5.7% outperforming the benchmark index which rose by 4.7%. (All figures in sterling terms with income reinvested.) The long only portfolio returned 1.6% and the CFD portfolio fell by 1.3% (before expenses) of opening shareholders' funds during the period under review. An explanation of how the portfolio is managed, including the CFD portfolio, is set out on page 6 of the Strategic Report in the annual report. Details of the factors which have contributed to performance are set out in the Investment Manager's Report. Market overview The Company's performance over the year under review was set against a background in which progress in equity markets was held back by a number of factors, including heightened unrest in Ukraine and Iraq, US and EU sanctions directed at Russia and signs of further weakening of continental European economies. Latterly, markets have been affected by the Ebola epidemic in West Africa and fears of a slowdown in economic growth in China and Europe. In the UK, the economy continued to make good progress, with growth in consumer spending and employment, and the prospect of some real income growth for the first time in many years. Revenue return and dividends Revenue return per share for the year amounted to 5.19 pence compared with 4.99 pence for the previous year, an increase of 4.0%. The Directors are proposing an increased final dividend of 3.60 pence per share. This, together with the interim dividend of 0.80 pence paid on 22 August 2014, makes a total dividend for the year of 4.40 pence per share compared with the 4.00 pence per share paid in respect of the financial year ended 30 November 2013. The final dividend is payable on 7 April 2015 to shareholders on the Company's register on 27 February 2015. The ex-dividend date is 26 February 2015. Annual General meeting The Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at BlackRock's offices at 12 Throgmorton Avenue, London EC2N 2DL on Thursday, 26 March 2015 at 11.00 a.m. Our Portfolio Managers will make a presentation to shareholders on the Company's progress and the outlook for the smaller companies sector. Alternative Investment Fund Managers' Directive (AIFMD) Following a change in regulation, BlackRock Fund Managers Limited (BFM) was appointed as the Company's Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM or Manager) on 2 July 2014. The Board has also appointed BNY Mellon Trust & Depositary (UK) Limited to act as the Company's Depositary (Depositary or BNYMTD). In complying with its new regulatory obligations, the Board continues to act independently of the AIFM and the arrangements in respect of the management fee remain unchanged. BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited (BIM (UK)) continues to act as the Company's Investment Manager under a delegation agreement with BFM. Outlook The outlook for global economic growth remains mixed. It now appears that the United States economy has finally established sustainable momentum, underpinned by robust employment growth. Continental Europe remains fragile though, with sluggish demand and continuing concerns about Greece. The recent and rapid fall in oil and commodity prices is likely to keep inflation subdued and increase fears of possible deflation. A return to more normal levels of interest rates may also be deferred as a consequence. Falling oil prices should also provide a helpful fillip to economies in the developed world. The forthcoming UK general election, and the knowledge that, whatever the outcome, government borrowing still needs to be addressed, may well impact market sentiment and temper enthusiasm for corporate investment in the short term. Following a lacklustre year for the sector, valuations on many high quality small and mid capitalisation shares now look more attractive and offer good prospects notwithstanding the uncertainties on the horizon. Crispin Latymer Chairman 13 February 2015 Historical record Assets Equity NAV Total Mid-market shareholders' funds per share return price per share Year to 30 November £m p % p 2014 235.5 322.0 -1.1 270.0 2013 240.8 329.2 +40.1 290.0 2012 174.1 238.0 +19.4 193.3 2011 147.8 202.1 -3.9 170.0 2010 127.3 212.8 +51.7 163.0 2009 106.9 144.3 +63.7 115.8 2008 77.0 (1) 93.5 -51.4 (4) 62.8 2007 272.5 194.6 (2) -1.6 152.0 2006 326.2 199.4 (2) +15.4 164.3 2005 313.4 (2) 171.6 (2,3) +29.1 142.0 Compound annual growth rate rate over the ten year period - 6.5% - 6.6% 1. Reduction from a tender offer and reorganisation of the Company in 2008, as well as market movements. 2. Prior charges at par. 3. Restated for changes in accounting policies: the principal changes were to value investments at bid (previously mid) market value and to account for dividends in the period in which they are paid. 4. Includes £5.5 million in respect of the write-back of prior years' VAT. Revenue Net revenue Revenue return Dividend after taxation (6) per share (6) per share Year to 30 November £m p p 2014 3.8 5.19 4.40 2013 3.7 4.99 4.00 2012 2.7 3.64 3.32 2011 2.1 3.29 3.15 2010 1.9 2.85 3.00 2009 3.1 3.86 2.75 (5) 2008 4.8 3.85 2.40 (5) 2007 2.3 1.54 2.20 2006 3.3 1.84 2.00 2005 3.2 1.58 1.75 Compound annual growth rate over the ten year period - 12.6% 9.7% 5. Dividends per share do not include special dividends of 2.00 pence per share paid in 2009 and 3.00 pence per share paid in 2008. 6. Net revenue after taxation and revenue return per share for the years ended 30 November 2013 and 2012 relate to the parent company and for the years up to 30 November 2011, related to the Group including subsidiary companies. Strategic report The Directors present the Strategic Report of the Company for the year ended 30 November 2014. Principal activity The Company carries on business as an investment trust and its principal activity is portfolio investment. Objective The Company's objective is to provide shareholders with capital growth and an attractive total return through investment primarily in UK smaller and mid-capitalisation companies listed on the main market of the London Stock Exchange. Strategy, business model and investment policy The Company's performance is measured against the Numis Smaller Companies excluding AIM (excluding Investment Companies) Index (the Index). The Company may hold up to 25% of its gross assets, at the time of acquisition, in equities or collective investment vehicles traded on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange. The Investment Manager may invest in companies outside the Index without restriction subject to the limits noted above. In addition to holding a conventional long only portfolio of UK smaller and mid-capitalisation equities, the Company will hold approximately 30% of its net assets in a portfolio of contracts for difference (CFD) and/or comparable equity derivatives which provide both long and short exposure. Under normal circumstances, the long only portfolio is expected to comprise 100% of the Company's net assets. Therefore, the Company can have gross exposure of 130% of net assets, albeit that some of this exposure represents short positions. Portfolio risk will be mitigated by investment in a diversified portfolio of companies. No more than 5% of the Company's gross assets at the time of acquisition, may be invested in any one single company and the Company will not invest more than 10% of its gross assets, at the time of the acquisition, in other listed closed-ended investment funds, unless such companies have a stated investment policy not to invest more than 15% of their gross assets in other listed closed-ended investment funds, in which case the limit is 15% of gross assets. The Board's policy is that net gearing, borrowing less cash, should not exceed 20% of gross assets. However, the Company is geared primarily through its CFD portfolio. No material change will be made to the investment objective and policy without shareholder approval. Long only and CFD portfolio A unique feature of the Company is that it has two potential sources of performance. A traditional long only portfolio and a long/short portfolio comprising Contracts for Difference (CFD), representing approximately 30% of the Company's net assets. A CFD is a financial instrument which provides exposure to the underlying movement in a company's share price. The CFD portfolio allows the managers to: - profit from rising share prices via a 'Long' CFD position; - profit from falling share prices via a 'Short' CFD position; and - adjust the Company's overall exposure to the market. As the maximum short CFD exposure is 30% of net assets, the Company will at all times retain a significant exposure to the market, as shown in the second table below. In the course of their research the Fund Managers come across companies which they judge are likely to underperform: the ability to use short CFDs therefore significantly expands the opportunity to make money for shareholders. This is not possible in a conventional or 'long only' portfolio. When markets are expected to rise in the medium term, the CFD strategy is to generate additional market exposure through ensuring that the long portfolio exceeds the short portfolio in a range between 0% to 10% of the net assets of the Company. Rising or 'bull' markets have historically (in the UK) persisted for longer than falling or 'bear' markets. A typical market exposure might therefore be between 100% and 110%. This is lower than the 'gross exposure', which is the combination of the long only portfolio, and the short and long CFDs added together expressed as a % of net assets. Bull market positioning - % of NAV (130% gross exposure) Long CFDs 20% - Net Market Exposure - 110% Long Only Portfolio 100% - Short CFDs 10% In a recessionary environment the Fund Managers have the flexibility to reduce market exposure to - at the maximum of its 'least exposed' level - around 70%. Bear market positioning limit - % of NAV (130% gross exposure) Long Only Portfolio 100% - Net Market Exposure - 70% Short CFDs 30% - If successfully implemented this strategy would provide some cushioning of the fund's performance in falling markets. Performance In the year to 30 November 2014, the Company's NAV per share returned -1.1% and the ordinary share price returned -5.7%, (all percentages calculated in sterling terms with income reinvested). The Investment Manager's report includes a review of the main developments during the year, together with information on investment activity within the Company's portfolio. Results and dividends The results for the Company are set out in the Statement of Comprehensive Income. The total loss for the year, after taxation, was £2,335,000 (2013: profit of £69,210,000) of which the revenue return amounted to £3,797,000 (2013: £3,651,000), and a capital loss of £6,132,000 (2013: profit of £65,559,000). Details of the dividends declared in respect of the year are set out in the Chairman's statement. Key performance indicators At each Board meeting, the Directors consider a number of performance measures to assess the Company's success in achieving its objectives. The key performance indicators (KPIs) used to measure the progress and performance of the Company over time, which are comparable to those reported by other investment trusts, are set out below. Year ended Year ended 30 November 2014 30 November 2013 Change in net asset value (1) -1.1% 40.1% Change in ordinary share price (2) -5.7% 52.3% Change in benchmark (3) -0.6% 31.6% Discount to cum income net asset value 16.1% 11.9% Revenue return per share 5.19p 4.99p Total dividend per share 4.40p 4.00p Ongoing charges (1) 1.1% 1.1% Ongoing charges (4) 1.2% 3.0% 1. Calculated in accordance with the Association of Investment Companies (AIC) guidelines. 2. Calculated on a mid to mid basis with income reinvested. 3. Numis Smaller Companies excluding AIM (excluding Investment Companies) Index. 4. Calculated as a percentage of average assets for the year and using expenses, including performance fees and interest costs. The Board monitors the KPIs at each meeting. Additionally, it regularly reviews a number of indices and ratios to understand the impact on the Company's relative performance of the various components such as asset allocation and stock selection. This includes an assessment of the Company's performance and ongoing charges against its peer group of investment trusts with similar investment objectives. The Directors recognise that it is in the long term interests of shareholders that the Company's shares do not trade at a significant discount to their prevailing NAV. In the year under review the discount to NAV of the ordinary shares on a cum income basis has ranged between 5.3% and 18.9%, with the average being 12.5%. The shares ended the year at a discount of 16.1% on a cum income basis. Your Board believes that the best way of addressing the discount over the longer term is to continue to generate good performance and to create demand for the Company's shares in the secondary market through broadening awareness of the Company's unique structure. The Board will also be seeking to renew the authority from shareholders to buy back shares when it believes that it is in the interests of shareholders to do so, having taken into account all relevant factors including the size of the Company and the liquidity of its shares. Principal risks The key risks faced by the Company are set out below. The Board regularly reviews and agrees policies for managing each risk, as summarised below. Performance risk - The Board is responsible for deciding the investment strategy to fulfil the Company's objective and for monitoring the performance of the Investment Manager and the implementation of the strategy. An inappropriate strategy may lead to under performance against the Index and the Company's peer group. To manage this risk the Investment Manager provides an explanation of significant stock selection decisions and the rationale for the composition of the investment portfolio. The Board monitors the spread of investments in order to minimise the risks associated with factors specific to individual companies and sectors, based on the diversification requirements inherent in the Company's investment policy. Market risk - Market risk arises from changes to the prices of the Company's investments. It represents the potential loss the Company might suffer through holding investments whose prices decline. The Board considers diversification of the portfolio, asset allocation, stock selection, unquoted investments and levels of gearing on a regular basis and has set investment restrictions and guidelines which are monitored and reported on by the Investment Manager. The Board monitors the implementation and results of the investment process with the Investment Manager. Income/dividend risk - The amount of dividends and future dividend growth will depend on the performance of the Company's underlying portfolio. Any change in the tax treatment of the dividends or interest received by the Company may reduce the level of dividends received by shareholders. The Board monitors this risk through the receipt of detailed income forecasts and considers the level of income at each meeting. Financial risk - The Company's investment activities expose it to a variety of financial risks that include market risk, foreign currency risk and interest rate risk. At 30 November 2014, the Company had approximately 24.1% of its gross portfolio value invested in AIM traded securities, and, by the very nature of its investment objective, largely invests in smaller companies. Liquidity in these securities can from time-to-time become constrained, making these investments difficult to realise at or near published prices. There are also risks linked to the Company's use of derivative transactions including CFDs. Further details are disclosed in note 17 on pages 49 to 58 of the annual report, together with a summary of the policies for managing these risks, liquidity and credit risks. Operational risk - In common with most other investment trust companies, the Company has no employees. The Company therefore relies upon the services provided by the Manager, BNY Mellon Trust & Depositary (UK) Limited (the Depositary) and the Bank of New York Mellon (International) Limited, who maintain the Company's accounting records. The security of the Company's assets, dealing procedures, accounting records and maintenance of regulatory and legal requirements, depend on the effective operation of these systems. These have been regularly tested and monitored throughout the year as evidenced through their Service Organisation Control (SOC) reports and reported on by their service auditors which gives assurance regarding the effective operation of controls. The Board also considers succession arrangements for key employees of the Manager and the business continuity arrangements for the Company's key service providers. Regulatory risk - The Company operates as an investment trust in accordance with Chapter 4 of Part 24 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010. As such, the Company is exempt from capital gains tax on the profits realised from the sale of its investments. The Investment Manager monitors investment movements, the level of forecast income and expenditure and the amount of dividends paid to ensure that the provisions of Chapter 4 of Part 24 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010 are not breached and the results are reported to the Board at each meeting. Following authorisation under the Alternative Investment Fund Managers' Directive (AIFMD), the Company and its appointed Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM or Manager) are subject to the risks that the requirements of this Directive are not correctly complied with. The Board and the Manager also monitor changes in government policy and legislation which may have an impact on the Company. Future prospects The Board's main focus is on the achievement of capital growth and the future of the Company is dependent upon the success of the investment strategy. The outlook for the Company is discussed in the Chairman's Statement and in the Investment Manager's Report. Social, community and human rights issues As an investment trust, the Company has no direct social or community responsibilities. However, the Company believes that it is in shareholders' interests to consider human rights issues, environmental, social and governance factors when selecting and retaining investments. Details of the Company's policy on socially responsible investment are set out on page 27 of the annual report. Directors, employees and gender representation The Directors of the Company on 30 November 2014, all of whom held office throughout the year, with the exception of Mr Greenlees who joined the Board in March 2014, are set out on page 16 of the annual report. The Board consists of four men and one woman. The Company does not have any employees. The information on pages 11 to 15 of the annual report including the Investment Manager's Report on pages 9 and 10 of the annual report forms part of this Strategic Report. The Strategic Report was approved by the Board at its meeting on 13 February 2015. By order of the Board BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited Company Secretary 13 February 2015 Related party transactions BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited (BIM (UK)) provided management and administration services to the Company under a contract which was terminated with effect from 2 July 2014. BlackRock Fund Managers Limited (BFM) was appointed as the Company's AIFM with effect from 2 July 2014. BIM (UK) continues to act as the Company's Investment Manager under a delegation agreement with BFM. Further details of the investment management contract are disclosed in the Directors' Report on pages 17 and 18 of the annual report. The investment management fee due to BIM (UK) and BFM for the year ended 30 November 2014 amounted to £2,181,000 (2013: £1,864,000). A performance fee accrued for the year ended 30 November 2014 amounted to £224,000 (2013: £3,939,000). At the year end, £1,060,000 was outstanding in respect of the management fee (2013: £1,005,000) and £224,000 (2013: £3,939,000) in respect of the performance fee. The management fee and any performance fee were until 1 July 2014 payable to BIM (UK) and thereafter to BFM. In addition to the above services, with effect from 1 November 2013, BlackRock has provided the Company with marketing services. The total fees paid or payable for these services for the year ended 30 November 2014 amounted to £197,000 including VAT (2013: £16,000). Marketing fees of £213,000 (2013: £16,000) were outstanding at 30 November 2014. The Board consists of five non-executive Directors, all of whom are considered to be independent by the Board. None of the Directors has a service contract with the Company. For the year ended 30 November 2014, the Chairman received an annual fee of £34,000, the Chairman of the Audit and Management Engagement Committee received an annual fee of £25,000 and each other Director received an annual fee of £22,000. With effect from 1 December 2014 the Chairman receives an annual fee of £36,000, the Chairman of the Audit and Management Engagement Committee receives an annual fee of £27,000 and each other Director receives an annual fee of £24,000 As at 30 November 2014, all five members of the Board held shares in the Company. Lord Latymer held 31,007 ordinary shares, Simon Beart held 33,265 ordinary shares (including 8,762 ordinary shares held by Mrs Beart), Eric Stobart held 21,881 ordinary shares (including 9,494 ordinary shares held by Mrs Stobart), Loudon Greenlees held 10,000 ordinary shares and Jean Matterson held 34,000 ordinary shares. All of the holdings of the Directors are beneficial. Since the year end there have been a number of changes to the Directors' share interests. As at the date of this report Lord Latymer holds 31,111 ordinary shares, Mr Beart holds 33,954 ordinary shares (including 9,123 ordinary shares held by Mrs Beart) and Mr Stobart holds 22,230 ordinary shares (including 9,843 ordinary shares held by Mrs Stobart). All other shareholdings remain unchanged. Statement of directors' responsibilities in respect of the Annual Report and Financial Statements The Directors are responsible for preparing the Annual Report and Financial Statements in accordance with applicable United Kingdom law and regulations. Company law requires the Directors to prepare financial statements for each financial year. Under that law, the Directors have elected to prepare the financial statements under IFRS as adopted by the European Union. Under Company law the Directors must not approve the financial statements unless they are satisfied that they give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company and of the profit or loss of the Company for that period. In preparing those financial statements, the Directors are required to: * present fairly the financial position, financial performance and cash flows of the Company; * select suitable accounting policies in accordance with IAS 8: Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors and then apply them consistently; * present information, including accounting policies, in a manner that provides relevant, reliable, comparable and understandable information; * make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; * state whether the financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IFRS as adopted by the European Union, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements; * provide additional disclosures when compliance with the specific requirements in IFRS as adopted by the European Union is insufficient to enable users to understand the impact of particular transactions, other events and conditions on the Company's financial position and financial performance; and * prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the Company will continue in business. The Directors are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records that are sufficient to show and explain the Company's transactions and disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the Company and enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with the Companies Act 2006. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Company and for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities. The Directors are also responsible for preparing the Strategic Report, the Directors' Report, the Directors' Remuneration Report, the Corporate Governance Statement and the Report of the Audit Committee in accordance with the Companies Act 2006 and applicable regulations, including the requirements of the Listing Rules and the Disclosure and Transparency Rules. The Directors have delegated responsibility to the Manager for the maintenance and integrity of the Company's corporate and financial information included on the BlackRock website. Legislation in the United Kingdom governing the preparation and dissemination of financial statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions. Each of the Directors, whose names are listed on page 16 of the annual report, confirm to the best of their knowledge that: * the financial statements, which have been prepared in accordance with IFRS as adopted by the European Union, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and net return of the Company; and * the Strategic Report contained in the Annual Report and Financial Statements includes a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the position of the Company, together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that it faces. The 2012 UK Corporate Governance Code also requires Directors to ensure that the Annual Report and Financial Statements are fair, balanced and understandable. In order to reach a conclusion on this matter, the Board has requested that the Audit Committee advise on whether it considers that the Annual Report and Financial Statements fulfil these requirements. The process by which the Committee has reached these conclusions is set out in the Audit Committee's report on pages 29 to 31 of the annual report. As a result, the Board has concluded that the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 30 November 2014, taken as a whole, are fair, balanced and understandable and provide the information necessary for shareholders to assess the Company's performance, business model and strategy. For and on behalf of the Board Crispin Latymer Chairman 13 February 2015 Investment manager's report Market review and overall investment performance This has been a difficult year for UK small and mid-cap equities. The financial year started strongly but from March we saw sustained profit taking amongst companies in our universe. There have been plenty of issues for markets to worry about, including the likely timing of the first interest rate rises in the UK and the US, the weakness of Continental European economies, problems in Ukraine, Middle East and Hong Kong, slowing growth in China and finally a collapse in the oil price. This is not a helpful background for small-cap equities, which traditionally underperform in periods of uncertainty. During the financial year ended 30 November 2014 the Company's NAV per share returned -1.1% to close at 321.97p; the benchmark returned -0.6%, whilst the FTSE 100 Index returned 4.7%, all on a total return basis with income reinvested. Performance review Individually the largest detractor from relative performance during the year came from our holding in Blinkx, a provider of web based video clips which was out of favour throughout the year. The company indicated that revenue growth had slowed from the high levels previously achieved; forecasts were cut and the shares fell sharply. We sold our holding. Several other stocks performed poorly, including Xaar, which had been one of our best performers. Xaar has struggled partly because the scale and speed of its previous success was impossible to replicate, but also because competitors are launching printheads that are also good and attractively priced. We reduced our position, recognising the greater risks near term. Ithaca Energy suffered as the oil price fell; it has debt but its oil production is significant and growing, and some of it is hedged at higher oil prices than currently prevail. Shares in ITE fell sharply given its exposure to Russia and the former Soviet Union where it generates most of its revenues from the exhibitions it organises. We sold our holding. All of these stocks were held in both the long only and the CFD portfolios. We had some excellent performers during the year, notably Hutchison China Meditech, Optimal Payments, Workspace, CVS Group and Avon Rubber. Hutchison China Meditech develops, manufactures and markets a range of prescription and over-the-counter botanical based pharmaceutical products. Revenues, all of which arise in China, continue to grow well. The company also has a drug research and development business which is focused mainly on developing therapies in oncology. Some of the clinical results that they are seeing are very encouraging. Optimal Payments announced strong results and management remain confident. Workspace has experienced strong demand for its flexible office space, most of which is located on the periphery of Central London. Occupancy and rents have continued to improve and the yield at which the portfolio is valued has fallen increasing the capital value of the properties. We still see scope for further improvement on all fronts. CVS own and operate veterinary surgeries around the UK. It is a well run business which has improved its systems, buying and customer care as its scale has grown. Avon Rubber had strong results, with earnings being upgraded significantly. The company continues to win new contracts both in its protection and defence business and also its milking equipment business. Still relatively small in market capitalisation terms it is very international, a reflection on its ability to provide what its customers really need. Detracting from these gains was a lack of exposure to companies receiving bid approaches, notably CSR, Synergy Health and New Britain Palm Oil. We have had very little benefit from bids within the portfolio during the year. Sector allocation benefited from our lack of holdings in the non-life insurance sector; companies selling annuities suffered following the Chancellor's budget announcement that individuals would no longer be required to convert their pension funds into annuities. Our lack of holdings in the oil services sector was a major benefit although partly offset by being slightly overweight oil producers. Overall during the year the CFD portfolio lost 1.3% of opening shareholders' funds. All of this was on the long side with the major contributors being our holdings, or former holdings, in Blinkx, Xaar, Aveva and ITE. Our short CFD book made money during the year with several good contributors especially from short positions in outsourcers and retailers. Activity We continued to be fairly active within the portfolio but more so at the smaller end. Earlier in the year under review we sold out of, or reduced our holdings in, several larger mid-caps which we considered to be fully valued. More recently we took some profit in a few of our AIM holdings, including some of the oil producers which have weakened with the oil price. Our new holdings fall into three main areas: IPOs, predictable growth companies, and companies likely to benefit from eventual recovery in Continental Europe. Amongst IPOs we invested in FDM, and most recently Fever-Tree Drinks, which develops and sells high quality soft drinks including tonic water. Sales have grown strongly and are becoming more international. Predictable growth companies include Berendsen, Hellermann Tyton and Restore. Restore manages and stores information in paper and digital form for businesses, enabling quick retrieval and ultimately confidential disposal. Recurring revenues are high and profits have grown very strongly in recent years. Lavendon, Bodycote and Acal are examples of stocks bought to benefit from European recovery; most were purchased during the first half when recovery looked more imminent. We still regard these as attractive recovery stocks, but there is little doubt that the recovery we had expected will be delayed. We have increased the number of holdings in the CFD portfolio adding some smaller capitalisation, high growth long CFDs in companies such as 4imprint, YouGov and Zotefoams. During the course of the year, the balance between the long and short CFD portfolios resulted in a net market exposure for the Trust which ranged from 98% to 109% and ended the year at around 108%. Portfolio Positioning We have remained well diversified with a clear emphasis on companies that are trading strongly, seeing good share price momentum, are sensibly valued and generally small relative to our benchmark. Our aim is to own a portfolio of companies which can grow into much larger businesses ideally without having to return to shareholders for more capital. Our strong preference is to own shares in companies which dominate their markets through some clear differentiated offering, which could include technology, brand or service network. We like companies with recurring or predictable revenues, records of growing profits and strong cash generation, all at a sensible valuation. Our approach is very stock specific although it is possible to see certain themes within the portfolio. Within the CFD portfolio we aim to short companies that are struggling or have business models which, we believe, are flawed. Position sizes are rarely more than 0.5% of net assets, smaller if the stock is not in the FTSE 250 Index. Outlook Global growth forecasts look mixed with the US and UK faring relatively well, lower growth expected in China, and the Eurozone struggling to grow. The European Central Bank has announced plans to provide monetary stimulus to support Eurozone economic growth. The recent fall in the oil price should be a bonus for global growth, and one which has not yet really been felt. Tensions remain around the world in particular in Ukraine and parts of the Middle East. Closer to home we have a general election in May with all the uncertainty that this will involve before and after the vote. Uncertainty is generally not good for equity markets and especially for small and mid-cap equities. We have confidence in our portfolio. It is well diversified and comprised of well run, profitable, cash generative and soundly financed companies which are usually outperforming their competition. We have seen good results and trading statements from many in recent months and we expect this to continue. Valuations are more reasonable than at this time last year as earnings have grown and share prices have on average slipped slightly. Sentiment towards smaller companies remains weak and experience shows this can often be a good time to accumulate positions. Mike Prentis Ralph Cox BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited 13 February 2015 Portfolio Fifty largest investments as at 30 November 2014 Market value % of Company £'000 net assets Description Workspace Group Ordinary shares 4,547 2.6 Supply of flexible workspace to Long CFD position 1,465 businesses in London ------- ---- Senior Ordinary shares 4,387 2.5 Manufacture and supply of Engineering Long CFD position 1,525 components for the aerospace and automotive sector ------- ---- Rathbone Ordinary shares 3,768 2.2 Private client fund management Brothers Long CFD position 1,448 ------- ---- Elementis Ordinary shares 3,777 2.1 Manufacture of additives that Long CFD position 1,147 enhance the feel, flow and finish of everyday products ------- ---- Victrex Ordinary shares 3,677 2.1 Manufacture and supply of PEEK Long CFD position 1,235 thermoplastic products ------- ---- Ted Baker Ordinary shares 3,213 2.1 Design and sale of fashion Long CFD position 1,671 clothing globally ------- ---- Tyman Ordinary shares 3,976 2.1 Manufacture and supply of Long CFD position 865 window and door components ------- ---- 4imprint Ordinary shares 3,497 2.0 Supply of promotional products Long CFD position 1,315 in the US ------- ---- Polar Capital Ordinary shares 4,045 2.0 Investment management Holdings* Long CFD position 763 ------- ---- Lookers Ordinary shares 3,912 2.0 Supply of new and used cars and Long CFD position 862 after market parts and services ------- ---- Bodycote Ordinary shares 3,849 2.0 Provision of thermal processing Long CFD position 914 services worldwide ------- ---- Bovis Homes Ordinary shares 3,086 2.0 Housebuilding Group Long CFD position 1,582 ------- ---- Savills Ordinary shares 3,448 2.0 Provision of property services Long CFD position 1,210 ------- ---- Restaurant Group Ordinary shares 3,183 1.9 Operation of branded Long CFD position 1,342 restaurants ------- ---- Avon Rubber Ordinary shares 4,510 1.9 Design and manufacture of protection masks and dairy related consumable products ------- ---- CVS* Ordinary shares 3,388 1.9 Provision of veterinary and Long CFD position 965 related services ------- ---- Dunelm Group Ordinary shares 3,233 1.8 Retailer of home furnishings Long CFD position 1,047 ------- ---- Kier Ordinary shares 2,831 1.7 Provision of construction and Long CFD position 1,182 facilities management services ------- ---- Headlam Group Ordinary shares 3,816 1.6 Distribution of carpets and other floor coverings ------- ---- PayPoint Ordinary shares 2,690 1.6 Provision of payment solutions Long CFD position 960 ------- ---- Northgate Ordinary shares 2,517 1.5 Rental of light commercial Long CFD position 1,101 vehicles in the UK and Spain ------- ---- St. Modwen Ordinary shares 3,529 1.5 Property investment and Properties development ------- ---- Advanced Medical Ordinary shares 2,575 1.4 Development and manufacture of Solutions* Long CFD position 789 wound care and closure products ------- ---- Fuller Smith & Ordinary shares 1,818 1.4 Ownership and management of Turner Long CFD position 1,487 pubs mainly in the London area ------- ---- Lavendon Ordinary shares 2,708 1.4 Rental of powered aerial Long CFD position 598 platforms ------- ---- Hutchison China Ordinary shares 3,227 1.4 Research, development and Meditech* manufacture of botanical based pharmaceutical products ------- ---- Skyepharma Ordinary shares 2,447 1.4 Development and supply of drug Long CFD position 735 delivery products ------- ---- Dechra Ordinary shares 3,098 1.3 Development and supply of Pharmaceuticals pharmaceutical and other products focused on the veterinary market ------- ---- Quintain Estates Ordinary shares 2,986 1.3 Property development and & Development investment ------- ---- Betfair Ordinary shares 1,995 1.2 Provision of an online gaming Long CFD position 928 platform ------- ---- Grainger Ordinary shares 2,897 1.2 Ownership of tenanted residential property ------- ---- James Fisher & Ordinary shares 2,144 1.2 Provision of marine services Sons Long CFD position 719 ------- ---- Howden Joinery Ordinary shares 1,218 1.2 Design and manufacture of Group Long CFD position 1,605 kitchens fitted by local builders ------- ---- Clarkson Ordinary shares 2,770 1.2 Shipping services ------- ---- Diploma Ordinary shares 1,634 1.2 Supply of specialised Long CFD position 1,135 technical products ------- ---- Topps Tiles Ordinary shares 2,756 1.2 Retailer of tiles and other flooring products ------- ---- Cineworld Ordinary shares 2,669 1.1 Operator of multiplex cinemas in the UK and Eastern Europe ------- ---- Galliford Try Ordinary shares 2,582 1.1 House building and construction ------- ---- Consort Medical Ordinary shares 2,565 1.1 Design and manufacture of drug delivery products ------- ---- International Ordinary shares 2,532 1.1 Supply of home credit in Personal Finance developing markets ------- ---- UTV Media Ordinary shares 2,438 1.0 Television and radio broadcasting ------- ---- Marshalls Ordinary shares 2,401 1.0 Manufacture and supply of outdoor tiles and related products ------- ---- SIG Ordinary shares 1,629 1.0 Distribution of speciality Long CFD position 746 building products in the UK and Continental Europe ------- ---- Gemfields* Ordinary shares 2,370 1.0 Supplier of responsibly sourced coloured gemstones ------- ---- Brewin Dolphin Ordinary shares 2,328 1.0 Investment management Holdings ------- ---- Restore* Ordinary shares 2,262 1.0 Management of business information in paper and digital form ------- ---- FDM Group Ordinary shares 1,504 0.9 Training and supply of IT and Long CFD postion 727 other skilled staff ------- ---- Cambian Ordinary shares 2,112 0.9 Provision of specialist behavioural health services ------- ---- Robert Walters Ordinary shares 1,061 0.9 Specialist recruitment Long CFD postion 1,003 ------- ---- Vertu Motors* Ordinary shares 1,954 0.8 Supply of new and used cars and after market parts and services ------- ---- 50 largest investments 176,630 75.0 ------- ---- * Traded on the Alternative Investment Market (AIM) of the London Stock Exchange. Net portfolio is calculated as long only equity portfolio plus long CFD portfolio less short CFD portfolio. All investments are in equity shares unless otherwise stated. A list of the Company's long only equity portfolio and long CFD portfolio is available on the Company's website. Comparative for Ten Largest Investments 30 November 2013 market value % of Company £'000 net assets Bellway Ordinary shares 5,693 3.1 Long CFD postion 1,695 ----- ---- Senior Engineering Ordinary shares 4,790 2.8 Long CFD postion 1,938 ----- ---- Booker Group Ordinary shares 4,962 2.8 Long CFD postion 1,722 ----- ---- ITE Group Ordinary shares 4,626 2.6 Long CFD postion 1,540 ----- ---- Xaar Ordinary shares 4,301 2.5 Long CFD postion 1,824 ----- ---- Howden Joinery Group Ordinary shares 4,385 2.5 Long CFD postion 1,712 ----- ---- Workspace Group Ordinary shares 4,936 2.5 Long CFD postion 1,010 ----- ---- Restaurant Group Ordinary shares 3,479 2.2 Long CFD postion 1,730 ----- ---- Oxford Instruments Ordinary shares 3,830 2.2 Long CFD position 1,376 ----- ---- Dunelm Group Ordinary shares 3,840 2.0 Long CFD position 900 ----- ---- Distribution of Investments as at 30 November 2014 % of % of % of % of long only long CFD short CFD net Sector portfolio portfolio portfolio portfolio Oil & Gas Producers 1.9 0.2 -0.2 1.9 Oil Equipment, Services & Distribution - - -0.4 -0.4 ---- ---- ---- ---- Oil & Gas 1.9 0.2 -0.6 1.5 ---- ---- ---- ---- Chemicals 4.3 1.1 - 5.4 Mining 3.4 0.2 - 3.6 ---- ---- ---- ---- Basic Materials 7.7 1.3 - 9.0 ---- ---- ---- ---- Construction & Materials 4.6 0.8 -0.2 5.2 Aerospace & Defence 3.8 0.6 - 4.4 General Industrials - - -0.4 -0.4 Electronic & Electrical Equipment 2.2 0.2 -0.7 1.7 Industrial Engineering 2.8 0.9 -0.3 3.4 Industrial Transportation 3.1 0.3 -0.3 3.1 Support Services 8.5 3.3 -1.8 10.0 ---- ---- ---- ---- Industrials 25.0 6.1 -3.7 27.4 ---- ---- ---- ---- Beverages 0.5 - -0.2 0.3 Food Producers - - -0.5 -0.5 Household Goods & Home Construction 4.6 0.6 - 5.2 Personal Goods 1.2 0.7 -0.4 1.5 ---- ---- ---- ---- Consumer Goods 6.3 1.3 -1.1 6.5 ---- ---- ---- ---- Health Care Equipment and Services 3.1 0.3 - 3.4 Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology 4.0 0.3 -0.2 4.1 ---- ---- ---- ---- Health Care Equipment and Services 7.1 0.6 -0.2 7.5 ---- ---- ---- ---- Food & Drug Retailers - - -0.2 -0.2 General Retailers 7.5 1.1 -1.1 7.5 Media 5.8 0.5 -0.2 6.1 Travel & Leisure 5.1 1.7 -0.4 6.4 ---- ---- ---- ---- Consumer Services 18.4 3.3 -1.9 19.8 ---- ---- ---- ---- Fixed Line Telecommunications 1.5 - - 1.5 Mobile Telecommunications - - -0.2 -0.2 ---- ---- ---- ---- Telecommunications 1.5 - -0.2 1.3 ---- ---- ---- ---- Banks 0.7 - - 0.7 Equity Investment Instruments 0.3 - - 0.3 Financial Services 8.0 0.9 -0.3 8.6 Non-life Insurance 0.3 - - 0.3 Real Estate Investment & Services 5.0 0.7 - 5.7 Real Estate Investment Trusts 2.4 1.3 - 3.7 ---- ---- ---- ---- Financials 16.7 2.9 -0.3 19.3 ---- ---- ---- ---- Software & Computer Services 6.9 0.6 -0.5 7.0 Technology Hardware & Equipment 0.8 - -0.5 0.3 ---- ---- ---- ---- Technology 7.7 0.6 -1.0 7.3 ---- ---- ---- ---- Other 0.4 - - 0.4 ---- ---- ---- ----- Total Investments 92.7 16.3 -9.0 100.0 ==== ==== ==== ===== The above percentages are calculated based on the portfolio at 30 November 2014. The net portfolio is calculated as long only equity portfolio plus long CFD portfolio less short CFD portfolio. Portfolio by main index membership at 30 November 2014 Gross Basis (1) Net Basis (2) FTSE 250 44.5% 42.7% FTSE AIM 24.1% 26.1% FTSE Fledgling 0.3% 0.1% FTSE Small Cap 26.2% 27.2% Other 4.9% 3.9% Source: BlackRock 1. Long and short CFD portfolios in aggregate plus long only equity portfolio. 2. Long CFD portfolio less short CFD portfolio plus long only equity portfolio. Market Capitalisation as at 30 November 2014 Long positions (including the long only equity portfolio and the long Short Positions CFD portfolio) % % £1bn+ -3.3% 24.7% £400m to £1bn -3.0% 38.4% £100m to £400m -2.5% 39.3% £0m to £100m -0.2% 6.6% Source: BlackRock Position size as at 30 November 2014 Number of long positions (including Number of the long only equity portfolio and short positions the long CFD portfolio) £2m+ - 42 £1m to £2m 1 72 £0m to £1m 51 81 Source: BlackRock Statement of comprehensive income for the year ended 30 November 2014 Revenue Revenue Capital Capital Total Total 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 Notes £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 (Losses)/gains on investments held at fair value through profit or loss - - (947) 67,573 (947) 67,573 Net returns on contracts for difference 110 (102) (3,291) 3,336 (3,181) 3,234 Exchange (losses)/gains - - (1) 3 (1) 3 Income from investments held at fair value through profit or loss 3 4,803 4,672 - - 4,803 4,672 Other income 3 8 1 - - 8 1 ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ------ Total revenue 4,921 4,571 (4,239) 70,912 682 75,483 ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ------ Investment management and performance fees 4 (545) (466) (1,860) (5,337) (2,405) (5,803) Other operating expenses 5 (571) (446) (32) (16) (603) (462) ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ------ Total operating expenses (1,116) (912) (1,892) (5,353) (3,008) (6,265) ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ------ Net profit/(loss) before finance costs and taxation 3,805 3,659 (6,131) 65,559 (2,326) 69,218 Finance costs - - (1) - (1) - ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ------ Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before taxation 3,805 3,659 (6,132) 65,559 (2,327) 69,218 ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ------ Taxation charge on ordinary activities (8) (8) - - (8) (8) ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ------ Net profit/(loss) for the year after taxation 3,797 3,651 (6,132) 65,559 (2,335) 69,210 ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ------ Earnings/(loss) per ordinary share 7 5.19p 4.99p (8.39p) 89.65p (3.20p) 94.64p ===== ===== ===== ====== ===== ====== The total column of this statement represents the Statement of Comprehensive Income, prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), as adopted by the European Union. The supplementary revenue and capital columns are both prepared under guidance published by the Association of Investment Companies (AIC). All items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. All income is attributable to the equity holders of BlackRock Throgmorton Trust plc. The Company does not have any other recognised gains or losses. The net profit disclosed above represents the Company's total comprehensive income. Statement of changes in equity for the year ended 30 November 2014 Called up Share Capital share premium Special redemption Capital Revenue capital account reserve reserve reserves reserve Total Notes £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 For the year ended 30 November 2014 At 30 November 2013 4,026 21,049 35,272 11,905 162,239 6,263 240,754 Total Comprehensive Income: Net (loss)/profit for the year - - - - (6,132) 3,797 (2,335) Dividends paid and declared (see (a) below) 6 - - - - - (2,964) (2,964) ----- ------ ------ ------ ------- ----- ------- At 30 November 2014 4,026 21,049 35,272 11,905 156,107 7,096 235,455 ----- ------ ------ ------ ------- ----- ------- For the year ended 30 November 2013 At 30 November 2012 4,026 21,049 35,272 11,905 96,680 5,135 174,067 Total Comprehensive Income: Net profit for the year - - - - 65,559 3,651 69,210 Dividends paid and declared (see (b) below) 6 - - - - - (2,523) (2,523) ----- ------ ------ ------ ------- ----- ------- At 30 November 2013 4,026 21,049 35,272 11,905 162,239 6,263 240,754 ----- ------ ------ ------ ------- ----- ------- a. Final dividend of 3.25p per share for the year ended 30 November 2013, declared on 10 February 2014 and paid on 4 April 2014 and interim dividend of 0.80p per share for the year ended 30 November 2014, declared on 24 July 2014 and paid on 22 August 2014. b. Final dividend of 2.70p per share for the year ended 30 November 2012, declared on 8 February 2013 and paid on 4 April 2013 and interim dividend of 0.75p per share for the year ended 30 November 2013, declared on 23 July 2013 and paid on 23 August 2013. Statement of financial position as at 30 November 2014 2014 2013 Notes £'000 £'000 Non current assets Investments held at fair value through profit or loss 237,362 247,127 ------- ------- Current assets Other receivables 4,398 1,012 Amounts due in respect of contracts for difference 898 736 Collateral paid in respect of contracts for difference - 833 Cash 328 265 ------- ------- 5,624 2,846 ------- ------- Total assets 242,986 249,973 Current liabilities Other payables (5,786) (7,355) Amounts payable in respect of contracts for difference - (1,035) Collateral received in respect of contracts for difference (1,745) (829) ------- ------- (7,531) (9,219) ------- ------- Net current liabilities (1,907) (6,373) ------- ------- Net assets 235,455 240,754 ======= ======= Equity attributable to equity holders Called up share capital 8 4,026 4,026 Share premium account 9 21,049 21,049 Special reserve 9 35,272 35,272 Capital redemption reserve 9 11,905 11,905 Capital reserves 9 156,107 162,239 Revenue reserve 9 7,096 6,263 ------- ------- Total equity shareholders' funds 7 235,455 240,754 ------- ------- Net asset value per ordinary share 7 321.97p 329.21p ======= ======= Cash flow statement for the year ended 30 November 2014 2014 2013 £'000 £'000 Operating activities Net (loss)/profit before taxation (2,327) 69,218 Add back interest paid 296 279 Add back finance cost 1 - Losses/(gains) on investments and contracts for difference held at fair value through profit or loss including transaction costs 3,941 (71,188) Exchange losses/(gains) 1 (3) Sales of investments held at fair value through profit or loss 176,916 128,673 Purchases of investments held at fair value through profit or loss (168,098) (132,672) Net realised (losses)/gains on contracts for difference (4,191) 4,291 (Increase)/decrease in other receivables (228) 76 Increase in amounts due from brokers (3,158) (514) Increase in amounts due to brokers 2,111 1,497 (Decrease)/increase in other payables (3,680) 3,315 ----- ----- Net cash inflow from operating activities before interest and taxation 1,584 2,972 ----- ----- Interest paid (296) (279) Taxation (suffered)/recovered on overseas income (8) 8 ----- ----- Net cash inflow from operating activities 1,280 2,701 ----- ----- Financing activities Finance costs paid (1) - Dividends paid (2,964) (2,523) ----- ----- Net cash outflow from financing activities (2,965) (2,523) ----- ----- (Decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents (1,685) 178 Exchange movements (1) 3 ----- ----- Cash and cash equivalents at the start of the year 269 88 ----- ----- Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year (1,417) 269 ----- ----- Comprised of: Cash 328 265 Collateral paid in respect of contracts for difference - 833 Collateral received in respect of contracts for difference (1,745) (829) ----- ----- Total (1,417) 269 ====== ===== Notes to the financial statements 1. Principal activity The principal activity of the Company is that of an investment trust company within the meaning of section 1158 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010. 2. Accounting policies The policies set out below have been applied consistently throughout the year. (a) Basis of preparation The financial statements of the Company have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union and as applied in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act 2006. These comprise standards and interpretations of the International Accounting Standards and Standard Interpretations Committee as approved by the International Accounting Standards Committee that remain in effect, to the extent that IFRS have been adopted by the European Union. Insofar as the Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP), revised in January 2009, is compatible with IFRS, the financial statements have been prepared in accordance with guidance set out in the SORP for investment trust companies and venture capital trusts issued by the AIC. The AIC SORP was revised and reissued in November 2014 (effective 1 January 2015) and where compatible with IFRS will be applied to financial statements in subsequent reporting periods. The Company's subsidiary, The Third Throgmorton Trust Limited, was placed into voluntary liquidation on 17 July 2013 and was struck off on 25 April 2014 and accordingly the financial statements for the years ended 30 November 2013 and 30 November 2014 are not prepared on a consolidated basis. The functional currency of the Company is UK pounds sterling as this is the currency of the primary economic environment in which the Company operates. All values are rounded to the nearest thousand pounds (£'000) except where otherwise stated. A number of new standards, amendments to standards and interpretations are effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2014, and have not been applied in preparing these financial statements (major changes and new standards issued detailed below). None of these are expected to have a significant effect on the measurement of the amounts recognised in the financial statements of the Company. IFRS 9 Financial Instruments (2014) replaces IAS 39 and deals with a package of improvements including principally a revised model for classification and measurement of financial instruments, a forward looking expected loss impairment model and a revised framework for hedge accounting. In terms of classification and measurement the revised standard is principles based depending on the business model and nature of cash flows. Under this approach instruments are measured at either amortised cost or fair value, though the standard retains the fair value option allowing designation of debt instruments at initial recognition to be measured at fair value. The standard is effective from 1 January 2018 with earlier application permitted but has not yet been endorsed by the European Commission. The Company does not plan to early adopt this standard. IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements Investment Entities amendments (effective 1 January 2014) establish a single control model that applies to all entities including special purpose entities. The changes introduced by the Investment Entities amendments require management to exercise significant judgement to determine which entities are controlled, and therefore are required to be consolidated by a parent. The Company does not prepare consolidated financial statements and therefore the provisions of these amendments are not applicable. IFRS 12 Disclosure of Interest in Other Entities (effective 1 January 2014) requires additional disclosures that relate to an entity's interests in subsidiaries, joint arrangements, associates and structured entities. The Company does not have any subsidiaries, joint arrangements, associates and structured entities and therefore the provisions of these amendments do not have any impact on the Company. IFRS 14 Regulatory Deferral Accounts (effective 1 January 2016) allows first time IFRS adopters to continue to account for 'regulatory deferral account balances' in accordance with previous GAAP. As the Company has already adopted IFRS the provisions of this standard are not applicable. IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers (effective 1 January 2017) specifies how and when an entity should recognise revenue and enhances the nature of revenue disclosures. Given the nature of the Company's revenue streams from financial instruments the provisions of this standard are not expected to be applicable. There will be no material impact from these standards on the financial position and performance of the Company given the simplicity of the portfolio. (b) Presentation of Statement of Comprehensive Income In order to reflect better the activities of an investment trust company and in accordance with guidance issued by the AIC, supplementary information which analyses the Statement of Comprehensive Income between items of a revenue and a capital nature has been presented alongside the Statement of Comprehensive Income. (c) Investments held at fair value through profit or loss The Company's investments are classified as held at fair value through profit or loss in accordance with IAS 39 'Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement' and are managed and evaluated on a fair value basis in accordance with its investment strategy. All investments are designated upon initial recognition as held at fair value through profit or loss. Purchases of investments are recognised on a trade date basis. The sales of assets are recognised at the trade date of the disposal. Proceeds are measured at fair value, which is regarded as the proceeds of sale less any transaction costs. The fair value of the long only portfolio is the bid price of the securities, without deduction for estimated future selling costs. Any unquoted investments are valued by the Directors at fair value using International Private Equity and Venture Capital Valuation Guidelines. These policies apply to all current and non current asset investments of the Company. Changes in the value of investments held at fair value through profit or loss and gains and losses on disposal are recognised in the Statement of Comprehensive Income as 'Gains or losses on investments held at fair value through profit or loss'. Also included within this heading are transaction costs in relation to the purchase or sale of investments. (d) Derivatives Derivatives are held at fair value based either on traded prices or Directors' fair valuation to the extent that traded prices are unavailable. Gains and losses on derivative transactions are recognised in the Statement of Comprehensive Income. They are recognised as capital and are shown in the capital column of the Statement of Comprehensive Income if they are of a capital nature, and are recognised as revenue and shown in the revenue column of the Statement of Comprehensive Income if they are of a revenue nature. To the extent that any gains or losses are of a mixed revenue and capital nature, they are apportioned between revenue and capital accordingly. (e) Segmental reporting The Directors are of the opinion that the Company is engaged in a single segment of business being investment business. (f) Income Dividends receivable on equity shares are recognised on an ex-dividend basis. Where no ex-dividend date is available, dividends receivable on or before the year end are treated as revenue for the year. Provisions are made for any dividends not expected to be received. Fixed returns on non equity securities are recognised on a time apportionment basis so as to reflect the effective yield of the security. Special dividends are treated as a capital receipt or revenue receipt depending on the facts or circumstances of each particular case. Interest income and expenses are accounted for on an accruals basis. (g) Expenses All expenses, including finance costs, are accounted for on an accruals basis. Expenses have been charged wholly to the revenue column of the Statement of Comprehensive Income, except as follows: * expenses including finance costs which are incidental to the acquisition or disposal of investments are charged to the capital column of the Statement of Comprehensive Income. Details of transaction costs on the purchases and sales of investments are disclosed in note 11 on page 47 of the annual report. * the investment management fee has been allocated 75% to the capital column and 25% to the revenue column of the Statement of Comprehensive Income in line with the Board's expected long term split of returns, in the form capital gains and income respectively, from the investment portfolio. * performance fees have been allocated 100% to the capital column of the Statement of Comprehensive Income, as performance has been predominantly generated through capital returns of the investment portfolio. (h) Finance costs Finance costs are accounted for on an accruals basis. Finance costs are allocated, insofar as they relate to the financing of the Company's investments, 75% to the capital column and 25% to the revenue column of the Statement of Comprehensive Income, in line with the Board's expected long term split of returns, in the form capital gains and income respectively, from the investment portfolio. (i) Taxation The tax expense represents the sum of the tax currently payable and deferred tax. The tax currently payable is based on the taxable profit for the period. Taxable profit differs from net profit as reported in the Statement of Comprehensive Income because it excludes items of income or expenses that are taxable or deductible in other years and it further excludes items that are never taxable or deductible. The Company's liability for current tax is calculated using tax rates that were applicable at the balance sheet date. Deferred taxation is recognised in respect of all temporary differences at the financial reporting date, where transactions or events that result in an obligation to pay more or less taxation in the future have occurred at the financial reporting date. This is subject to deferred taxation assets only being recognised if it is considered more likely than not that there will be suitable profits from which the future reversal of the temporary differences can be deducted. Where expenses are allocated between capital and revenue any tax relief in respect of the expenses is allocated between capital and revenue returns on the marginal basis using the Company's effective rate of corporation taxation for the accounting period. (j) Dividends payable Under IFRS, final dividends should not be accrued in the financial statements unless they have been approved by shareholders before the financial reporting date. Interim dividends should not be recognised in the financial statements unless they have been paid. Dividends payable to equity shareholders are recognised in the Statement of Changes in Equity when they have been approved by shareholders in the case of a final dividend, or paid in the case of an interim dividend, and have become a liability of the Company. (k) Cash and cash equivalents Cash comprises cash in hand and demand deposits. Cash equivalents are short term, highly liquid investments, that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and that are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value. 3. Income 2014 2013 £'000 £'000 Investment income: UK listed dividends 4,555 4,202 Overseas listed dividends 248 237 Dividends from subsidiary company - 233 ----- ----- 4,803 4,672 ----- ----- Other income: Deposit interest 3 1 Underwriting commission 5 - ----- ----- 8 1 ----- ----- Total 4,811 4,673 ----- ----- Total income comprises: Dividends 4,803 4,672 Interest 3 1 Underwriting commission 5 - ----- ----- 4,811 4,673 ===== ===== 4. Investment management and performance fees 2014 2013 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Investment management fee 545 1,636 2,181 466 1,398 1,864 Performance fee - 224 224 - 3,939 3,939 --- ----- ----- --- ----- ----- Total 545 1,860 2,405 466 5,337 5,803 === ===== ===== === ===== ===== Performance fees have been wholly allocated to the capital column of the Statement of Comprehensive Income as the performance has been predominantly generated through capital returns from the investment portfolio. As at 30 November 2014, there was a performance fee payable to the Investment Manager of £224,000 (2013: £3,939,000). Details of the investment management agreement are disclosed in the Directors' Report on pages 17 to 21 of the annual report. 5. Other operating expenses 2014 2013 £'000 £'000 (a) Other operating expenses: Auditor's remuneration: - audit services 34 34 - other assurance services 6 6 Registrar's fee 37 33 Marketing fees 197 16 Directors' remuneration 128 126 Other administrative costs 169 231 --- --- 571 446 --- --- The Company's ongoing charges, calculated as a percentage of average net assets for the year and using expenses, excluding performance fee and interest costs were: 1.1% 1.1% ----- ----- The Company's ongoing charges, calculated as a percentage of average net assets for the year and using expenses, including performance fee and interest costs were: 1.2% 3.0% ===== ===== Auditor's remuneration for other assurance services comprised £6,000 including VAT which relates to the interim review (2013: £6,000 interim review including VAT). 6. Dividends Dividends paid or proposed on 2014 2013 equity shares: Record date Payment date £'000 £'000 2012 final of 2.70p 22 February 2013 4 April 2013 - 1,975 2013 interim of 0.75p 2 August 2013 23 August 2013 - 548 2013 final of 3.25p 21 February 2014 4 April 2014 2,378 - 2014 interim of 0.80p 1 August 2014 22 August 2014 586 - ----- ----- 2,964 2,523 ===== ===== The Directors have proposed a final dividend of 3.60p per share (2013: 3.25p). The dividend will be paid on 7 April 2015, subject to shareholders' approval on 26 March 2015, to shareholders on the Company's register on 27 February 2015. The proposed final dividend has not been included as a liability in these financial statements as final dividends are only recognised in the financial statements when they have been approved by shareholders. The total dividends payable in respect of the year which form the basis of section 1158 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010 and section 833 of the Companies Act 2006, and the amounts proposed meet the relevant requirements as set out in this legislation and are as follows: 2014 2013 £'000 £'000 Dividends paid or proposed on equity shares: ----- ----- Interim paid 0.80p (2013: 0.75p) 586 548 Final proposed of 3.60p (2013: 3.25p)* 2,633 2,377 ----- ----- 3,219 2,925 ===== ===== * Based upon 73,130,326 (2013: 73,130,326) ordinary shares. 7. Earnings and net asset value per ordinary share Revenue and capital earnings per share are shown below and have been calculated using the following: 2014 2013 Net revenue profit attributable to ordinary shareholders (£'000) 3,797 3,651 Net capital (loss)/profit attributable to ordinary shareholders (£'000) (6,132) 65,559 ------- ------- Total (loss)/profit attributable to ordinary shareholders (£'000) (2,335) 69,210 ======= ======= Equity shareholders' funds (£'000) 235,455 240,754 ------- ------- The weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during each year, on which the return per ordinary share was calculated was: 73,130,326 73,130,326 ---------- ----------- The number of ordinary shares in issue at the end of the year, on which the net asset value was calculated was: 73,130,326 73,130,326 ========== ========== Return per share Revenue earnings per share 5.19p 4.99p Capital (loss)/earnings per share (8.39p) 89.65p ------- ------- Total (loss)/earnings per share (3.20p) 94.64p ======= ======= Net asset value per share 321.97p 329.21p ------- ------- Ordinary share price 270.00p 290.00p ======= ======= The Company does not have any dilutive securities. 8. Called up share capital Ordinary shares Treasury Total in issue shares shares number number number £'000 Allotted, called up and fully paid share capital comprised: Ordinary shares of 5p each: At 1 December 2013 73,130,326 7,400,000 80,530,326 4,026 ---------- --------- ---------- ----- At 30 November 2014 73,130,326 7,400,000 80,530,326 4,026 ========== ========= ========== ===== No ordinary shares were issued, purchased or cancelled in the year (2013: nil). The ordinary shares carry the right to receive any dividends and have one voting right per ordinary share. There are no restrictions on the voting rights of the ordinary shares or on the transfer of ordinary shares. 9. Share premium and reserves Capital Capital reserve reserve (arising on Share Captial (arising on revaluation of premium Special redemption investments investments Revenue account reserve reserve sold) held) reserve £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 At 1 December 2013 21,049 35,272 11,905 83,597 78,642 6,263 Movement during the year: Net profit for the year - - - - - 3,797 Gains on realisation of investments - - - 36,673 - - Exchange gains - - - 2 (3) - Change in investment holding gains - - - - (37,620) - (Losses)/gains on contracts for difference taken to capital - - - (4,487) 1,196 - Finance costs, investment management and performance fee charged to capital after taxation - - - (1,893) - - Dividends paid during the year - - - - - (2,964) ------ ------ ------ ------- ------ ----- At 30 November 2014 21,049 35,272 11,905 113,892 42,215 7,096 ====== ====== ====== ======= ====== ===== 10. Contingent liabilities There were no contingent liabilities at 30 November 2014 (2013: nil). 11. Publication of non statutory accounts The financial information contained in this announcement does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in the Companies Act 2006. The 2014 annual report and financial statements will be filed with the Registrar of Companies shortly. The report of the Auditor for the period ended 30 November 2014 contains no qualification or statement under section 498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006. The comparative figures are extracts from the audited financial statements of BlackRock Throgmorton Trust plc for the year ended 30 November 2013, which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The report of the Auditor on those accounts contained no qualification or statement under section 498 of the Companies Act. This announcement was approved by the Board of Directors on 13 February 2015. 12. Annual report Copies of the annual report will be sent to members shortly and will be available from the registered office, c/o The Company Secretary, BlackRock Throgmorton Trust plc, 12 Throgmorton Avenue, London EC2N 2DL. 13. Annual general meeting The Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at 12 Throgmorton Avenue, London EC2N 2DL on Thursday, 26 March 2015 at 11.00 a.m. ENDS The Annual Report will also be available on the BlackRock website at Neither the contents of the Manager's website nor the contents of any website accessible from hyperlinks on the Manager's website (or any other website) is incorporated into, or forms part of, this announcement. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT: Simon White, Managing Director, Investment Companies, BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited Tel: 020 7743 5284 Mike Prentis, BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited Tel: 020 7743 2312 Henrietta Guthrie, Lansons Communications Tel: 020 7294 3612 13 February 2015 12 Throgmorton Avenue London EC2N 2DL END
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