Interim Results
• Continued Strong Outperformance against FTSE SmallCap Index
• Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share at 31 May 2004, 115.5p (with prior charges
at market value, 110.2p)
• Interim Dividend 0.5p (2003 - 0.5p)
30.11.03 31.05.04 Change
The Throgmorton Trust PLC
- prior charges at par 104.9p 115.5p +10.1%
- prior charges at market value 99.4p 110.2p +10.9%
FTSE SmallCap (ex IC) 2,462.4 2,524.1 +2.5%
FTSE All-Share 2,146.7 2,201.8 +2.6%
During the six months to May 2004, the UK Stock market overall continued to
make some progress but at a much slower pace than during the recovery in the
second half of 2003. However, the portfolio of the Trust performed more
strongly, resulting in handsome outperformance of the net asset value per share
against the FTSE SmallCap Index - and all the other main FTSE indices.
In addition to a number of significant uncertainties in the world economy, such
as the oil price, structural imbalance in the United States, the rate of growth
in China and changing patterns of international trade, there are some strains
developing in the domestic economy which make the outlook more opaque than
usual. With house prices at dizzy levels, and government spending running far
ahead of revenue, further increases in interest rates look inevitable.
Nevertheless, the UK economy continues to grow at a reasonable rate, and this
should provide scope for further improvement in corporate profits, particularly
in the case of well-run smaller companies. As explained in the Manager's
Report, we believe that a diversified portfolio, concentrating on companies
with sound balance sheets, strong management and a competitive position in
their market place, remains well positioned for further growth.
15 July 2004
Contact: Roger Whiteoak - 020 7330 6551
Framlington Investment Management Limited
The Throgmorton Trust PLC
Interim Revenue Statement
Six months to Six months to Full year to
31 May 2004 31 May 2003 30 Nov 2003
£000s £000s £000s
(unaudited) (unaudited) (audited)
Income from fixed asset investments
Franked income 2,582 2,692 6,318
Unfranked income 134 - 20
Dividends from subsidiary 250 250 560
2,966 2,942 6,898
Other income
Interest receivable 76 145 367
Sundry income 36 47 118
112 192 485
Total income 3,078 3,134 7,383
Management fee (654) (518) (1,138)
Administration expenses (188) (162) (372)
Interest payable (1,076) (1,278) (2,550)
Net revenue from ordinary 1,160 1,176 3,323
activities before taxation
Tax on net revenue from ordinary - (25) -
Net revenue from ordinary 1,160 1,151 3,323
activities after taxation
Ordinary shares - Interim 0.50p (1,149) (1,186) (1,186)
- Final - (1.00p) - - (2,308)
(1,149) (1,186) (3,494)
Net revenue retained 11 (35) (171)
Revenue reserve brought forward 3,449 3,620 3,620
Revenue reserve carried forward 3,460 3,585 3,449
Earnings per share 0.50p 0.49p 1.40p
The Throgmorton Trust PLC
Summarised Balance Sheet
31 May 2004 31 May 2003 30 Nov 2003
£000s £000s £000s
(unaudited) (unaudited) (audited)
Fixed asset investments
Portfolio investments 294,275 231,138 279,691
Subsidiary undertakings 2,754 3,072 2,889
297,029 234,210 282,580
Current assets
Debtors 5,386 1,736 2,564
Cash at bank 1,070 12,031 -
6,456 13,767 2,564
Creditors - due within 1 year
Creditors (4,004) (6,455) (6,214)
Bank overdraft - - (1,373)
Unsecured loan stock - (11,007) -
(4,004) (17,462) (7,587)
Total assets less current liabilities 299,481 230,515 277,557
Creditors - due after 1 year:
Debenture stock (19,094) (19,119) (19,119)
Loan from group company (15,000) (15,000) (15,000)
(34,094) (34,119) (34,119)
265,387 196,396 243,438
Capital and reserves
Share capital 11,488 11,863 11,600
Share premium 35,272 35,272 35,272
Revenue reserves 3,460 3,585 3,449
Other reserves 215,167 145,676 193,117
Total shareholders' funds 265,387 196,396 243,438
Net Asset Value per ordinary share 115.51p 82.78p 104.93p
Net Asset Value Adjusted for 'Fair 110.18p 76.20p 99.39p
Value' of Debt
Number of ordinary shares in issue 229,758,869 237,258,869 232,008,869
The Throgmorton Trust PLC
Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses
Six Months to 31 May 2004
Revenue Capital Total
£000s £000s £000s
(unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited)
Realised gains and losses - 14,037 14,037
Unrealised gains and losses - 11,564 11,564
Income 3,078 - 3,078
Investment management fee (654) (654) (1,308)
Other expenses (188) - (188)
Net return before finance costs and 2,236 24,947 27,183
Interest payable and similar (1,076) (1,013) (2,089)
Return on ordinary activities 1,160 23,934 25,094
before taxation
Tax on ordinary activities - - -
Return on ordinary activities after
attributable to equity shareholders 1,160 23,934 25,094
Dividends in respect of equity (1,149) - (1,149)
Transfer to reserves 11 23,934 23,945
Return per ordinary share 0.50p 10.36p 10.86p
The Throgmorton Trust PLC
Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses - continued
Six Months to 31 May 2003
Revenue Capital Total
£000s £000s £000s
(unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited)
Realised gains and losses - (2,677) (2,677)
Unrealised gains and losses - 16,986 16,986
Income 3,134 - 3,134
Investment management fee (518) (518) (1,036)
Other expenses (162) - (162)
Net return before finance costs and 2,454 13,791 16,245
Interest payable and similar (1,278) (1,212) (2,490)
Return on ordinary activities 1,176 12,579 13,755
before taxation
Tax on ordinary activities (25) 25 -
Return on ordinary activities after
attributable to equity shareholders 1,151 12,604 13,755
Dividends in respect of equity (1,186) - (1,186)
Transfer (from)/to reserves (35) 12,604 12,569
Return per ordinary share 0.49p 5.31p 5.80p
The Throgmorton Trust PLC
Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses - continued
Full Year to 30 November 2003
Revenue Capital Total
£000s £000s £000s
(audited) (audited) (audited)
Realised gains and losses - (2,199) (2,199)
Unrealised gains and losses - 69,913 69,913
Income 7,383 - 7,383
Investment management fee (1,138) (1,138) (2,276)
Other expenses (372) - (372)
Net return before finance costs and 5,873 66,576 72,449
Interest payable and similar (2,550) (2,425) (4,975)
Return on ordinary activities 3,323 64,151 67,474
before taxation
Tax on ordinary activities - - -
Return on ordinary activities after
attributable to equity shareholders 3,323 64,151 67,474
Dividends in respect of equity (3,494) - (3,494)
Transfer from/(to) reserves (171) 64,151 63,980
Return per ordinary share 1.40p 27.09p 28.49p
The Throgmorton Trust PLC
Cash Flow Statement
Six months Six months to Full year to
31 May 2004 31 May 2003 30 Nov 2003
£000s £000s £000s
(unaudited) (unaudited) (audited)
Operating activities
Cash received from investments 2,703 2,691 6,506
Interest received 76 145 367
Underwriting commission 50 9 89
Management fee (638) (499) (1,089)
Cash paid to and on behalf of (48) (52) (101)
Other cash payments (153) (115) (226)
Net cash inflow from operating 1,990 2,179 5,546
Servicing of finance
Interest paid - revenue (1,076) (1,278) (2,550)
Taxation recovered 8 - -
Capital expenditure and financial
Net sales of investments 7,212 6,830 9,381
Capital management fee (638) (499) (1,089)
Interest charged to capital (1,013) (1,212) (2,425)
Net payments from/(to) subsidiaries 307 (188) 105
Net cash inflow from investing 5,868 4,931 5,972
Dividends paid - equity shares (2,308) (2,373) (3,559)
Net cash inflow before financing 4,482 3,459 5,409
Repurchase of ordinary shares (2,005) - (4,347)
Repurchase of debenture stock (34) - -
Repayment of convertible loan stock - - (11,007)
Net cash outflow from financing (2,039) - (15,354)
Increase/(decrease) in cash 2,443 3,459 (9,945)
The Throgmorton Trust PLC
1. The Trust's figures for the six months to 31 May 2004 and the comparative
figures for the corresponding period in the previous financial year are
unaudited; those for the year to 30 November 2003 are based on the Trust's
accounts for that period, which carry an unqualified report from the
auditors and have been filed with the Registrar of Companies.
2. In accordance with Financial Reporting Standard 16 Current Taxation, UK
dividend income has been shown net of its attributable tax credits.
3. Management fees payable and finance costs of debt are each currently
allocated 50% to capital and 50% to revenue.
4. The directors have declared an interim dividend of 0.5p per share (2003 -
0.5p) payable on 13 August 2004 to shareholders on the register at the close of
business on 23 July 2004.
5. The company's 7.25% convertible unsecured loan stock 2003 was redeemed at
par on 30 November 2003.
6. The net asset value per ordinary 5p share (deducting prior charges at par
value) is based on the shares in issue, the market value of listed investments
and other net assets and liabilities.
In accordance with the AITC recommendations, the Trust has published net asset
values with prior charges valued at so-called 'fair value' with effect since 30
June 2004. This is in addition to the actual net asset values with prior
charges at par that have been published historically.
7. Copies of the 2003 annual report and further copies of these interim results
are available from the Trust's registered office, 155 Bishopsgate, London EC2M
8. The Trust's balance sheet as at 31 May 2004, 31 May 2003 and 30 November
2003 are shown in summary form and have been extracted from unaudited and
audited accounts respectively as described in Note 1.
9. Group accounts have not been prepared, as in the opinion of the directors,
the inclusion of the remaining subsidiary undertakings, taken together, is not
material for the purpose of giving a true and fair view.