Portfolio Update

BLACKROCK THROGMORTON TRUST PLC All information is at 31 March 2014 and unaudited. Performance at month end is calculated on a cum income basis One Three One Three Month Months Year Years Net asset value* -2.1% 2.8% 28.4% 49.7% Net asset value -2.1% 2.8% 28.4% 58.1% Share price -2.2% -0.2% 39.1% 69.1% Benchmark** -2.8% 3.5% 23.8% 43.2% Sources: BlackRock and Datastream * Prior to dilution arising on conversion of subscription shares. **With effect from 1 December 2013 the Numis Smaller Companies excluding AIM (excluding investment companies) Index replaced the Numis Smaller Companies plus AIM (excluding investment companies) Index as the Company's benchmark. For the one year and three year periods the above indices have been blended to reflect this. At month end Net asset value capital only: 347.77p Net asset value incl. income: 348.76p Share price: 311.00p Discount to cum income NAV 10.8% Net yield: 1.3%* Total assets: £255.1** Net market exposure as a % of net asset value^: 108.2% Ordinary shares in issue: 73,130,326*** * Calculated using prior year interim and final dividends paid. **Includes current year revenue and excludes the gross exposure through contracts for difference. ***Excluding 7,400,000 shares held in treasury. ^Long positions less short positions as a percentage of net asset value. Sector Weightings % of total assets Industrials 27.2 Financials 19.9 Consumer Services 19.8 Technology 8.6 Consumer Goods 8.3 Basic Materials 7.0 Health Care 5.9 Oil & Gas 3.7 Telecommunications 1.8 Net current liabilities -2.2 ----- Total 100.0 ===== Market Exposure (Quarterly) 31.05.13 31.08.13 30.11.13 28.02.14 Long 117.3% 117.5% 118.4% 118.8% Short 10.2% 12.0% 11.2% 10.7% Gross exposure 127.5% 129.5% 129.6% 129.5% Net exposure 107.1% 105.4% 107.2% 108.1% Ten Largest Equity Investments Company % of total assets Senior 2.0 Workspace Group 1.8 Restaurant Group 1.8 Elementis 1.7 Bellway 1.7 Headlam 1.6 Avon Rubber 1.6 Polar Capital Holdings 1.6 Paragon 1.5 Dunelm Group 1.5 Commenting on the markets, Mike Prentis and Richard Plackett*, representing the Investment Manager noted: During March the Company's NAV per share fell by 2.1%. The benchmark index fell by 2.8% whilst the FTSE 100 Index fell by 3.1%; all figures on a total return basis. The relative contribution from stock selection and sector allocation were both positive. The CFD portfolio had a difficult month and lost money on the long CFDs in a weaker market. Looking at stock selection the best relative contribution from holdings in the month came from Telit Communications, Walker Greenbank, and Lookers. Telit is achieving strong growth in sales of its machine to machine communications modules. Walker Greenbank is seeing improving demand for its wallcoverings and soft furnishings, with good sales increases in the US and Western Europe. Lookers has seen good new and used car sales in the UK, and also good performances from its aftermarket and parts businesses. All of these companies are well set and confident. The largest negative contributors to stock selection in the month came from Optimal Payments and ITE Group. Optimal shares had performed strongly in February and saw some profit taking. It announced full year results with revenues up by 41% and EBITDA up by 89%. We met with management who remain positive about prospects for 2014 and especially 2015 when the opportunities in US online gaming should begin to benefit Optimal significantly. Shares in ITE fell sharply given its exposure to Russia and the former Soviet Union, where it generates most of its revenues from the exhibitions it organizes. ITE announced a trading update confirming that its exhibitions in Russia and the Ukraine had so far taken place as planned. However revenues from the recent exhibitions in the Ukraine have been impacted and currency weakness is also reducing revenues and profits. Earnings have been downgraded for this year and next, but post downgrades the shares are now trading on only 10 times current year earnings; the Company has net cash on its balance sheet. This has been an excellent long term and high quality growth company and in time we expect this to be recognised again. Sector allocation benefitted from our lack of holdings in the non-life insurance space. In particular, companies providing annuities suffered following the Chancellor's budget announcement that individuals would no longer be required to convert their pension funds into annuities. We trimmed further some of our holdings in larger midcaps and used the proceeds to gain greater exposure to companies benefitting from the gradual improvement in the economies of Continental Europe. We also added a holding in Boohoo, the online fashion clothing retailer which completed a successful IPO during the month. *From 1 April 2014, Richard Plackett is on a six-month sabbatical. During this period the BlackRock Throgmorton Trust plc will be co-managed by Ralph Cox 7 April 2014 ENDS Latest information is available by typing www.blackrock.co.uk/thrg on the internet, "BLRKINDEX" on Reuters, "BLRK" on Bloomberg or "8800" on Topic 3 (ICV terminal). Neither the contents of the Manager's website nor the contents of any website accessible from hyperlinks on the Manager's website (or any other website) is incorporated into, or forms part of, this announcement.
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