Portfolio Update

BLACKROCK THROGMORTON TRUST PLC All information is at 30 June 2014 and unaudited. Performance at month end is calculated on a cum income basis One Three One Three Month Months Year Years Net asset value* -2.4% -6.2% 19.1% 44.1% Net asset value -2.4% -6.2% 19.1% 38.3% Share price -4.2% -10.3% 20.0% 50.9% Benchmark** -1.8% -3.9% 19.7% 35.6% Sources: BlackRock and Datastream * Prior to dilution arising on conversion of subscription shares. **With effect from 1 December 2013 the Numis Smaller Companies excluding AIM (excluding investment companies) Index replaced the Numis Smaller Companies plus AIM (excluding investment companies) Index as the Company's benchmark. For the one year and three year periods the indices have been blended to reflect this. At month end Net asset value capital only: 323.76p Net asset value incl. income: 326.98p Share price: 279.00p Discount to cum income NAV 14.7% Net yield: 1.4%* Total Gross assets: £239.1m** Net market exposure as a % of net asset value^: 104.8% Ordinary shares in issue: 73,130,326*** *Calculated using prior year interim and final dividends paid. **Includes current year revenue and excludes the gross exposure through contracts for difference. ***Excluding 7,400,000 shares held in treasury. ^Long positions less short positions as a percentage of net asset value. Sector Weightings % of total assets Industrials 29.3 Consumer Services 18.2 Financials 17.9 Technology 8.4 Basic Materials 7.6 Health Care 6.5 Consumer Goods 5.6 Oil & Gas 4.0 Telecommunications 1.8 Net current liabilities 0.7 ----- Total 100.0 ===== Market Exposure (Quarterly) 31.08.13 30.11.13 28.02.14 31.05.14 Long 117.5% 118.4% 118.8% 116.9% Short 12.0% 11.2% 10.7% 12.4% Gross exposure 129.5% 129.6% 129.5% 129.3% Net exposure 105.5% 107.2% 108.1% 104.5% Ten Largest Investments Company % of total assets Senior Engineering 2.6 Workspace Group 2.4 Restaurant Group 2.0 Optimal Payments 1.8 Elementis 1.8 Victrex 1.8 Dunelm Group 1.8 Bodycote 1.8 Polar Capital Holdings 1.7 Rathbone Brothers 1.7 Commenting on the markets, Mike Prentis and Ralph Cox*, representing the Investment Manager noted: During June the Company's NAV per share fell by 2.4% on a cum income basis whilst the benchmark index fell by 1.8%. By contrast the FTSE 100 Index fell by 1.2% (all on a total return basis). Slight underperformance was driven by stock selection, sector allocation was slightly positive. The CFD portfolio incurred a loss with losses on the long portfolio exceeding gains on the short portfolio. The only individual stock which materially impacted on relative performance during the month was Xaar, which is held in the long only portfolio and also as a long CFD. Following a strong operational and share price performance in 2013, Xaar had already indicated that 2014 was likely to be a dull year, and the shares gave up some of the gains of 2013. In June, Xaar released a further update which indicated 2014 revenues are expected to be 3% lower than in 2013, and that it had seen a higher level of competition in the ceramics market with some price pressure. New product launches are still a way off, but indications from potential customers to date have been encouraging. The shares fell by a further 39% during the month and have more than halved from their highs at the turn of the calendar year. We decided to reduce our holding for now, taking it down to approximately 0.7% of the gross portfolio. We further reduced our exposure to the UK housing market, an exposure which has served us well over the last 18 months or so. We completed the disposal of our holdings in Bellway and Countrywide and used the proceeds to start a holding in Hellermann Tyton, a global supplier of cable fasteners, mainly to the automotive market. We see the company doing well as a consequence of increasing car production, especially in Europe. Its products are designed in for car model life spans, so revenues are relatively predictable and the shares are attractively valued. We have continued to be wary of most IPOs. However we did make an investment in FDM during the month. FDM Group is an international professional services provider specialising in the recruitment, training and deployment of its own permanent IT Consultants. FDM employs high-calibre graduates, typically with science, technology, engineering and maths degrees, as well as ex-military personnel, providing them with high quality training to qualify them to become FDM Consultants. On completion of their training, FDM Consultants are deployed on client sites, as full-time employees of the Group. FDM's track record is good and the shares were offered at a sensible price at IPO. *From 1 April 2014, Richard Plackett is on a six-month sabbatical. During this period the BlackRock Throgmorton Trust plc is being co-managed by Ralph Cox. 16 July 2014 ENDS Latest information is available by typing www.blackrock.co.uk/thrg on the internet, "BLRKINDEX" on Reuters, "BLRK" on Bloomberg or "8800" on Topic 3 (ICV terminal). Neither the contents of the Manager's website nor the contents of any website accessible from hyperlinks on the Manager's website (or any other website) is incorporated into, or forms part of, this announcement.
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