Portfolio Update

BLACKROCK THROGMORTON TRUST PLC All information is at 31 December 2014 and unaudited. Performance at month end is calculated on a cum income basis One Three One Three Month Months Year Years Net asset value 2.7% 3.0% -2.3% 70.9% Share price 2.5% -0.3% -10.9% 84.5% Benchmark* 1.7% 1.7% -1.9% 57.7% Sources: BlackRock and Datastream *With effect from 1 December 2013 the Numis Smaller Companies excluding AIM (excluding investment companies) Index replaced the Numis Smaller Companies plus AIM (excluding investment companies) Index as the Company's benchmark. The three year period indices have been blended to reflect this. At month end Net asset value capital only: 325.76p Net asset value incl. income: 330.62p Share price: 276.88p Discount to cum income NAV 16.3% Net yield: 1.5%* Total Gross assets: £243.3m** Net market exposure as a % of net asset value^: 107.3% Ordinary shares in issue: 73,130,326*** 2013 ongoing charges: 1.1%**** 2013 ongoing charges ratio (including performance fees): 3.0% * Calculated using current year interim and prior year final dividends paid. ** Includes current year revenue and excludes the gross exposure through contracts for difference. *** Excluding 7,400,000 shares held in treasury. **** Calculated as a percentage of average net assets and using expenses, excluding performance fees and interest costs for the year ended 30 November 2013. ^Long positions less short positions as a percentage of net asset value. Sector Weightings % of Total Gross assets Industrials 27.8 Consumer Services 20.2 Financials 17.8 Basic Materials 8.3 Health Care 7.9 Technology 7.5 Consumer Goods 6.9 Telecommunications 1.8 Oil & Gas 1.5 Net current liabilities 0.3 ----- Total 100.0 ===== Market Exposure (Quarterly) 28.02.14 31.05.14 31.08.14 30.11.14 Long 118.8% 116.9% 113.5% 117.4% Short 10.7% 12.4% 13.5% 9.8% Gross exposure 129.5% 129.3% 127.0% 127.2% Net exposure 108.1% 104.5% 100.0% 107.6% Ten Largest Investments Company % of Total Gross assets Workspace Group 2.7 Senior Engineering 2.6 Rathbone Brothers 2.2 Victrex 2.2 Tyman 2.1 Ted Baker 2.0 Bovis Homes Group 2.0 Lookers 2.0 4imprint 2.0 CVS Group 2.0 Commenting on the markets, Mike Prentis and Ralph Cox, representing the Investment Manager noted: During December the Company's NAV per share rose by 2.7% on a cum income basis whilst the benchmark index rose by 1.7 %. By contrast the FTSE 100 Index fell by 2.3 %. Performance was good in both the long only and the CFD portfolio. The CFD portfolio added 0.6% of NAV to performance during the month, making December one of its best ever months. As in November both the long CFDs and the short CFDs added value; the majority of the gains arose from the long CFDs in each month. Portfolio outperformance was helped by a number of stocks including Victrex, Consort Medical, Incadea, Northgate and CVS Group. Victrex reported good final results with earnings per share up by 9%, partly held back by currency headwinds. An excellent cash generator, they also announced a special dividend. Most importantly their confidence about the outlook remains strong and they see several large new opportunities for Victrex PEEK, a high performance polymer, over the coming years. Consort Medical's interim results showed good profit growth and their shares partly recovered from the recent sell off as investors reflected on the company's highly predictable revenues and good pipeline of opportunities. Incadea, a small but interesting software company, attracted a bid from Dealertrack at a 59% premium. Northgate announced strong interim results with a 56% increase in earnings per share. Like Victrex management, Northgate's management were on confident form when we met with them. CVS Group announced at their AGM that like for like sales had grown by 8.7% in the prior 4 month period, an excellent performance. The largest detractors from relative performance were Polar Capital Holdings, Northbridge Industrial and Faroe Petroleum. Polar Capital Holdings announced good interim results with earnings per share up by 22% but pointed to higher costs and their exposure to the Japanese equity market. We see this as a well-run business facing the same pressures as many similar businesses but also having some great opportunities; we also see some attractions in exposure to the relatively lowly valued Japanese equity market. Nevertheless, the shares slipped on the news of higher costs. Northbridge Industrial mainly supplies loadbanks to the power sector but also tools to the oil sector. This exposure to the oil sector has unnerved the market given the fall in the oil price. Northbridge shares fell by 28% during the month. We regard Northbridge management highly and expect them to cope with the greater oil-related challenges they face whilst making the most of the opportunities in the power sector. Faroe Petroleum also suffered from the fall in the oil price. It is well financed with significant cash balances and a good level of oil production from the North Sea. We have been underweight, and in some cases short, both oil producers and oil service companies for some time, and this proved beneficial in December. The results and other newsflow we have seen from our portfolio in recent months have generally been very encouraging. Activity in the portfolio during the month was fairly limited especially in our larger positions. We did add to a few smaller holdings and continued to build a few new positions in small companies; this is a gradual process with liquidity still quite thin at the bottom end of the market. 12 January 2015 ENDS Latest information is available by typing www.blackrock.co.uk/thrg on the internet, "BLRKINDEX" on Reuters, "BLRK" on Bloomberg or "8800" on Topic 3 (ICV terminal). Neither the contents of the Manager's website nor the contents of any website accessible from hyperlinks on the Manager's website (or any other website) is incorporated into, or forms part of, this announcement.
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