Final Results
British & American Investment Trust PLC
Preliminary Announcement
for the year ended 31 December 2006
Registered number: 433137
Directors Registered office
J Anthony V Townsend (Chairman) Wessex House
Jonathan C Woolf (Managing Director) 1 Chesham Street
Dominic G Dreyfus (Non-executive) London SW1X 8ND
Ronald G Paterson (Non-executive) Telephone: 020 7201 3100
Registered in England
30 April 2007
Financial Highlights
For the year ended 31 December 2006
2006 2005
Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total
return return return return
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Return before tax - 1,829 (53) 1,776 1,759 479 2,238
Return before tax - - 5,159 5,159 - 4,665 4,665
__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________
Return before tax - 1,829 5,106 6,935 1,759 5,144 6,903
__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________
Earnings per £1
ordinary share - 5.85p 20.43p 26.28p 5.41p 20.57p 25.98p
__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________
Earnings per £1
ordinary share - 5.18p 14.59p 19.77p 4.86p 14.70p 19.56p
__________ _________ __________ __________ _________ __________
Net assets 47,647 42,765
__________ __________
Net assets per
ordinary share
- deducting
preference 151p 131p
shares at par
__________ __________
- diluted 136p 122p
__________ __________
Diluted net asset
value per ordinary
share at 24 April
Dividends declared
or proposed for the
per ordinary share
- interim paid 2.5p 2.3p
- final proposed 3.5p 3.25p
- special paid 1.0p 1.0p
per preference 3.5p 3.5p
Chairman's Statement
I am pleased to report our results for the year ended 31 December 2006.
The return on the revenue account before tax amounted to £1.8 million (2005: £
1.8 million). Gross income amounted to £2.1 million (2005: £2.0 million), of
which £1.7 million (2005: £1.6 million) represented income from investments and
£0.4 million (2005: £0.4 million) film, property and other income. As in the
previous year, income from investments included the receipt of special
dividends from a number of our investee companies which was recognised by the
payment of a special dividend of 1 penny per share during the year.
Total profit before tax, which includes realised and unrealised capital
appreciation, amounted to £6.9 million (2005: £6.9 million) and reflected the
growth in share values over the year, as discussed below. The capital element
of this total was represented by £0.1 million of realised gains and £5.1
million of unrealised gains.
The revenue return per ordinary share was 5.8p (2005: 5.4p) on an undiluted
basis and 5.2p (2005: 4.9p) on a diluted basis.
Net Assets
Group net assets were £47.6 million (2005: £42.8 million), an increase of 11.2
percent. This compares to increases in the FTSE 100 and All Share indices of
10.7 percent and 13.1 percent, respectively, over the period. On a total return
basis, after adding back dividends paid in the year, our portfolio returned
15.2 percent. This compares to an increase over the same period of 13.7 percent
(dividends reinvested) in the FTSE 100 share index and 16.1 percent (dividends
reinvested) in the All Share index. The net asset value per ordinary share
increased to 136p (2005: 122p) on a diluted basis. Deducting prior charges at
par, the net asset value per ordinary share increased to 151p (2005: 131p).
We are pleased to recommend an increased final dividend of 3.5p per ordinary
share, which together with the interim dividend makes a total payment for the
year of 6.0p (2005: 5.55) per ordinary share. This represents an increase of
8.1 percent over the previous year's total dividend. The final dividend will be
payable on 28 June 2007 to shareholders on the register at 1 June 2007. A
dividend of 1.75p will be paid to preference shareholders resulting in a total
payment for the year of 3.5p per share.
In addition to these regular dividends, we paid an additional special dividend
of 1p per share during the year, in recognition of special dividends received
during the year. By separating out our special dividend we believe shareholders
will find it easier to keep track of our normal interim and final dividends and
monitor their progress.
Shares and performance
The discount to NAV at which our shares trade in the market has continued to
improve annually and, at approximately 5 percent, now stands at a quarter of
its level of four years ago. In addition, with performance based on net assets
and total share price return modestly outperforming in one case and tracking in
another our benchmark indices and the AIC Growth and Income sector over the
year, the five year record of out-performance against these benchmarks has been
We will shortly be applying to CRESTCo to allow our shares to be traded through
the Crest system. This will facilitate dealing in our shares and will allow
certain fund management companies offering flexible trading accounts to their
customers to hold our shares.
We look forward to continuing advances in the current year as equity and other
financial markets remain generally firm although periods of greater volatility
can now be expected as the continuing recovery in markets reaches a level of
As at 24 April 2007, group net assets had decreased to £46.6 million, a
decrease of 2.1 percent since the beginning of the calendar year. This is
equivalent to 147 pence per share (prior charges deducted at par) and 133 pence
per share on a diluted basis. Over the same period the FTSE 100 increased 3.4
percent and the All Share Index increased 3.7 percent.
Anthony Townsend
30 April 2007
Managing Director's report
In 2006, the overall UK equity market grew strongly by 13 percent, although the
rise was achieved in two roughly equal stages which were interrupted by a
dramatic and sudden correction of 10 percent at the end of the first half. As
reported at the interim stage, this reversal was the result of a sudden change
in sentiment after a multi-year period of high annual growth as inflationary
fears set in, particularly in relation to overheating in commodities prices and
in industrial growth in China. By October, however, the first-half high point
had been regained and the market continued further steady growth through to the
year end, reaching levels last seen in the year 2000. The growth seen in 2006
was broadly based, led as in the previous year by the commodities sector but
also reflecting high levels of domestic and international corporate activity as
a result of mergers and particularly private capital buyouts of increasingly
large-size quoted companies.
Our portfolio tracked the UK indices during the year, slightly out-performing
the leading stocks index while slightly under-performing the wider index which,
as in the previous year, grew faster reflecting higher post-recovery growth
rates in smaller capitalisation companies. The portfolio's overall performance
was dampened somewhat by the exposure to US stocks which showed no growth over
the year in sterling terms. While the US leading index grew by 16 percent and
the NASDAQ index grew by 9.5 percent over the year, the US dollar fell by 11
percent against sterling over the period.
As in previous years, we have been able to pay dividends this year
substantially in excess (by over 50 percent, excluding special dividends) of
index and sector yields while maintaining our capital base in line with our
benchmark indices. The receipt of special dividends from investee companies has
contributed to this result and our ability to pay another special dividend
ourselves this year. This income strategy is in accordance with our policy of
maintaining a balance of income and growth and measuring the success of the
policy in terms of total shareholder return. Furthermore, the improvements in
our share price discount in recent years, as noted in the Chairman's statement,
have resulted in levels of share price total return which have outperformed the
other investment trusts in our AIC peer group.
We remain committed to our US investments which now account for approximately
20 percent of the portfolio, and in particular to our largest holding in Geron
Corporation, a ground-breaking bio-medical company based in California. This
Nasdaq-listed company has developed technology in the areas of oncology and
regenerative medicine based on stem cell science which is likely to represent a
paradigm shift in medicine. The company's discoveries are protected by a
world-wide patent estate and it has already concluded collaborative/licensing
agreements with a number of leading international pharmaceutical and biomedical
companies and institutions including Merck, Roche, Procter & Gamble, Corning
and Edinburgh and Oxford Universities. Over the coming years, as these
discoveries and collaborations are translated into marketed products, the
importance and value of this company should become evident.
In the meantime, as with all technology stocks, a certain degree of above
market volatility can be expected which may be further compounded by movements
in the US dollar/sterling exchange rate. Over the last two years, the sterling
value of our US investments has been squeezed following a substantial downward
revaluation in the US dollar against world currencies. This has been a long
awaited adjustment to compensate for the structural imbalances which have grown
up in the US economy over the past six years. At slightly over $2.00 to the
pound sterling, the dollar has reached a 26 year low against sterling which
itself has been viewed as over-valued given the imbalances in the UK's current
and trade accounts. With the current interest rate cycle in both countries seen
to be close to peak and the US congress now re-asserting control over the
legislative programme, further significant deterioration in the US dollar/
sterling rate affecting the sterling value of our US dollar investments is not
expected and this should serve to minimise further adverse currency movements
affecting our US investments.
The growth trend of the previous year in equities continued into the first
quarter of 2007, with the UK indices gaining a further 7 percent to the end of
February. At that point, a sudden reversal occurred in global equity markets
and the UK indices fell by 7 percent in 2 weeks to lose all the gains since the
beginning of the year. This reversal, which was again precipitated by concerns
over growth in China and in the US housing market which fuelled a flight from
risk was only short term in nature and by the end of March the UK indices had
returned to their previous levels. As noted in the Chairman's statement, higher
levels of volatility have returned to global equity and other financial
markets, reflecting the growing maturity of the 5-year long market recovery but
also to the increasingly destabilising effects of the ever more inter-connected
and geared global market in financial instruments.
While companies continue to grow profits and interest rates in the developed
economies are perceived to be close to the top of their current cycles,
continued firmness in equity prices can be expected, together however, with
dramatic short-term market movements arising out of unforeseen and seemingly
unconnected localised events.
Against this background, we will continue to pursue our generalist investment
approach, remaining invested in leading stocks with good yield and in targeted
stocks in the USA.
Jonathan Woolf
30 April 2007
Consolidated income statement
For the year ended 31 December 2006
2006 2005
Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total
return return return return
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Investment income (note 2) 2,105 - 2,105 2,032 - 2,032
Gains on fair value through
profit or loss assets - - 5,159 5,159 - 4,665 4,665
Gains on fair value through
profit or loss assets - - 97 97 - 618 618
Expenses (276) (150) (426) (273) (139) (412)
________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________
Profit before tax 1,829 5,106 6,935 1,759 5,144 6,903
Tax (15) - (15) (57) - (57)
________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________
Profit for the period 1,814 5,106 6,920 1,702 5,144 6,846
________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________
Earnings per share
Basic - ordinary shares 5.85p 20.43p 26.28p 5.41p 20.57p 25.98p
________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________
Diluted - ordinary shares 5.18p 14.59p 19.77p 4.86p 14.70p 19.56p
________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________
The total column of this statement represents the Group's Income Statement,
prepared in accordance with IFRS. The supplementary revenue return and capital
return columns are both prepared under guidance published by the Association of
Investment Companies. All items in the above statement derive from continuing
All income is attributable to the equity holders of the parent company. There
are no minority interests.
Consolidated statement of changes in equity
For the year ended 31 December 2006
Share Capital Capital Retained Total
capital reserve reserve earnings
realised unrealised
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Balance at 31 December 2004 35,000 13,114 (12,793) 2,548 37,869
Changes in equity for 2005
Profit for the period - 2,027 3,117 1,702 6,846
Ordinary dividend paid (note - - - (1,600) (1,600)
Preference dividend paid - - - (350) (350)
(note 4)
________ ________ ________ ________ ________
Balance at 31 December 2005 35,000 15,141 (9,676) 2,300 42,765
Changes in equity for 2006
Profit for the period - 2,013 3,093 1,814 6,920
Ordinary dividend paid (note - - - (1,688) (1,688)
Preference dividend paid - - - (350) (350)
(note 4)
________ ________ ________ ________ ________
Balance at 31 December 2006
35,000 17,154 (6,583) 2,076 47,647
________ ________ ________ ________ ________
Consolidated Balance Sheet
For the year ended 31 December 2006
2006 2005
£000 £000
Non-current assets
Investments - fair value through profit or 45,876 42,369
Current assets
Receivables 553 3,379
Cash and cash equivalents 1,554 3,263
__________ __________
2,107 6,642
__________ __________
Total assets 47,983 49,011
__________ __________
Current liabilities (336) (6,246)
__________ __________
Total assets less current liabilities 47,647 42,765
__________ __________
Net assets 47,647 42,765
__________ __________
Equity attributable to equity holders
Ordinary share capital 25,000 25,000
Convertible preference share capital 10,000 10,000
Capital reserve - realised 17,154 15,141
Capital reserve - unrealised (6,583) (9,676)
Retained earnings 2,076 2,300
__________ __________
Total equity 47,647 42,765
__________ __________
Approved: 30 April 2007
Consolidated cash flow statement
For the year ended 31 December 2006
Year ended Year ended
2006 2005
£000 £000
Profit before tax 6,935 6,903
Adjustments for:
Gains on investments (5,256) (5,283)
Scrip dividends and interest (27) (4)
Film income tax deducted at source (4) (4)
Proceeds on disposal of investments 20,510 6,406
at fair value through profit and
Purchases of investments at fair (19,452) (7,552)
value through profit and loss
__________ __________
Operating cash flows before 2,706 466
movements in working capital
Decrease/(increase) in receivables 13 (52)
(Decrease)/increase in payables (2,305) 2,576
__________ __________
Net cash from operating activities 414 2,990
before income taxes
Income taxes paid (85) (4)
__________ __________
__________ __________
Dividends paid on ordinary shares (1,688) (1,600)
Dividends paid on preference shares (350) (350)
__________ __________
__________ __________
CASH EQUIVALENTS (1,709) 1,036
__________ __________
YEAR 1,554 3,263
__________ __________
Purchases and sales of investments are considered to be operating activities of
the company, given its purpose, rather than investing activities.
1 Basis of preparation
The financial information set out above contains the financial information of
the company and its subsidiaries (together referred to as the "Group") for the
year ended 31 December 2006. The financial statements have been prepared on the
historical cost basis except for the measurements at fair value of investments
and derivative financial instruments and the inclusion of a subsidiary at cost.
The financial information set out above does not constitute the company's
statutory accounts for the years ended 31 December 2006 or 2005. Statutory
accounts for 2005, which were prepared under IFRS as adopted by the EU, have
been delivered to the registrar of companies and those for 2006, prepared under
IFRS as adopted by the EU, will be delivered in due course.
The auditors have reported on the 31 December 2006 year end accounts and their
reports were unqualified and did not include references to any matters to which
the auditors drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying their reports
and did not contain statements under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act
2 Income
2006 2005
£000 £000
Income from investments
UK dividends (cash and specie) 1,590 1,377
Overseas dividends 11 22
Scrip dividends 4 3
Interest on fixed income 130 176
Property unit trust income 100 102
Film revenues 185 205
__________ __________
2,020 1,885
__________ __________
Other income
Deposit interest 101 130
Other (16) 17
__________ __________
85 147
__________ __________
Total income 2,105 2,032
__________ __________
Total income comprises:
Dividends 1,605 1,402
Interest 231 306
Film revenues 185 205
Property unit trust income 100 102
(Loss)/profit on foreign (16) 17
__________ __________
2,105 2,032
__________ __________
Income from investments
Listed investments 1,664 1,472
Unlisted investments 356 413
__________ __________
2,020 1,885
__________ __________
Of the £1,605,000 dividends received in the group accounts, £686,000 related to
special dividends received from investee companies. A corresponding capital
loss of £587,000 was realised.
3 Earnings per ordinary share
The calculation of the basic and diluted earnings per share is based on the
following data:
2006 2005
Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total
return return return return
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Basic 1,464 5,106 6,570 1,352 5,144 6,496
dividend 350 - 350 350 - 350
__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________
Diluted 1,814 5,106 6,920 1,702 5,144 6,846
__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________
Basic revenue, capital and total return per ordinary share is based on the net
revenue, capital and total return for the period and after deduction of
dividends in respect of preference shares and on 25 million (2005: 25 million)
ordinary shares in issue.
The diluted revenue, capital and total return is based on the net revenue,
capital and total return for the period and on 35 million (2005: 35 million)
ordinary and preference shares in issue.
4 Dividends
2006 2005
£000 £000
Amounts recognised as distributions to equity holders
in the period:
Dividends on ordinary shares:
Final dividend for the year ended 31 December 2005 of
3.25p (2004:3.1p) per share 813 775
Interim dividend for the year ended 31 December 2006
of 2.5p 625 575
(2005:2.3p) per share
Special dividend for the year ended 31 December 2006
of 1.0p (2005:1.0p) per share 250 250
__________ __________
1,688 1,600
__________ __________
Proposed final dividend for the year ended 31 December
2006 of 3.5p (2005:3.25p) per share 875 813
__________ __________
Dividends on 3.5% cumulative convertible preference
Preference dividend for the year ended 31 December
2005 of 1.75p (2004:1.75p) per share 175 175
Preference dividend for the year ended 31 December
2006 of 1.75p (2005:1.75p) per share 175 175
__________ __________
350 350
__________ __________
Proposed preference dividend for the year ended 31
December 2006 175 175
of 1.75p (2005:1.75p) per share
__________ __________
The proposed final dividend is subject to approval by shareholders at the
Annual General Meeting and has not been included as a liability in these
financial statements in accordance with IFRS.
We also set out below the total dividend payable in respect of the financial
year, which is the basis on which the retention requirements of Section 842
Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988 are considered.
2006 2005
£000 £000
Dividends on ordinary shares:
Interim dividend for the year ended 31 December 2006
of 2.5p (2005:2.3p) per share 625 575
Special dividend for the year ended 31 December 2006
of 1.0p (2005:1.0p) per share 250 250
Proposed final dividend for the year ended 31 December
2006 of 3.5p (2005:3.25p) per share 875 813
__________ __________
1,750 1,638
__________ __________
Dividends on 3.5% cumulative convertible preference
Preference dividend for the year ended 31 December
2006 of 1.75p (2005:1.75p) per share 175 175
Proposed preference dividend for the year ended 31
December 2006 of 1.75p (2005:1.75p) per share 175 175
__________ __________
350 350
__________ __________
5 Net asset values
Net asset Net assets
value per attributable
2006 2005 2006 2005
£ £ £000 £000
Ordinary shares
Undiluted 1.51 1.31 37,647 32,765
Diluted 1.36 1.22 47,647 42,765
The undiluted and diluted net asset values per £1 ordinary share are based on
net assets at the year end and 25 million (undiluted) ordinary and 35 million
(diluted) ordinary and preference shares in issue.
British & American Investment Trust PLC
British & American Investment Trust PLC