Final Results
British & American Investment Trust PLC
Preliminary Announcement
for the year ended 31 December 2007
Registered number: 433137
Directors Registered office
J Anthony V Townsend (Chairman) Wessex House
Jonathan C Woolf (Managing Director) 1 Chesham Street
Dominic G Dreyfus (Non-executive) London SW1X 8ND
Ronald G Paterson (Non-executive) Telephone: 020 7201 3100
Registered in England
29 April 2008
Financial Highlights
For the year ended 31 December 2007
2007 2006
Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total
return return return return
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Return before tax - 1,640 (422) 1,218 1,829 (53) 1,776
Return before tax - - (7,278) (7,278) - 5,159 5,159
__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________
Return before tax - 1,640 (7,700) (6,060) 1,829 5,106 6,935
__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________
Earnings per £1
ordinary share - 4.98p (30.80)p (25.82)p 5.85p 20.43p 26.28p
__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________
Earnings per £1
ordinary share - 4.56p (22.00)p (17.44)p 5.18p 14.59p 19.77p
__________ _________ __________ __________ _________ __________
Net assets 39,643 47,647
__________ __________
Net assets per
ordinary share
- deducting
preference 119p 151p
shares at par
__________ __________
- diluted 113p 136p
__________ __________
Diluted net asset
value per ordinary
share at 25 April
Dividends declared
or proposed for the
per ordinary share
- interim paid 2.7p 2.5p
- final proposed 3.7p 3.5p
- special paid 0.0p 1.0p
per preference 3.5p 3.5p
Chairman's Statement
I report our results for the year ended 31 December 2007.
The return on the revenue account before tax amounted to £1.6 million (2006: £
1.8 million). Gross income amounted to £1.9 million (2006: £2.1 million), of
which £1.5 million (2006: £1.7 million) represented income from investments and
£0.4 million (2006: £0.4 million) film, property and other income. The slightly
lower level of income from investments arose from the lower level of special
dividends received compared to the previous year.
The return before tax, which includes realised and unrealised capital
appreciation, amounted to a loss of £6.1 million (2006: £6.9 million profit)
reflecting in part a decline in the value of our US investments and weakness in
the US dollar over the year, as discussed below. The capital element of this
total was represented by £0.2 million of realised losses and £7.3 million of
unrealised losses. This is a disappointing result which is further explained in
the Managing Director's Report.
The revenue return per ordinary share was 5.0p (2006: 5.8p) on an undiluted
basis and 4.6p (2006: 5.2p) on a diluted basis.
Net Assets
Group net assets at the year end were £39.6 million (2006: £47.6 million), a
decrease of 16.8 percent. This compares to increases in the FTSE 100 and All
Share indices of 4.5 percent and 2.6 percent, respectively, over the period. On
a total return basis, after adding back dividends paid in the year, our
portfolio returned a decrease of 12.8 percent. This compares to an increase
over the same period of 7.5 percent (dividends reinvested) in the FTSE 100
share index and 5.6 percent (dividends reinvested) in the All Share index. The
net asset value per ordinary share decreased to 113p (2006: 136p) on a diluted
basis. Deducting prior charges at par, the net asset value per ordinary share
decreased to 119p (2006: 151p).
We are pleased to recommend an increased final dividend of 3.7p per ordinary
share, which together with the interim dividend makes a total payment for the
year of 6.4p (2006: 6.0p) per ordinary share. This represents an increase of
6.7 percent over the previous year's total dividend, excluding special
dividends. The final dividend will be payable on 26 June 2008 to shareholders
on the register at 30 May 2008. A dividend of 1.75p will be paid to preference
shareholders resulting in a total payment for the year of 3.5p per share.
Shares and performance
The discount to NAV at which our shares trade in the market widened during the
year to approximately 15 percent, continuing the trend reported at the interim
stage. Widening discounts have been experienced generally in the investment
trust sector as levels of investment and confidence have fallen as a
consequence of the unprecedented credit crisis experienced in financial markets
in the second half of 2007. As noted above, our performance based on net assets
fell significantly behind our benchmarks over the period. A significant
contributor to this was the fall in the value of Geron Corporation, our largest
US based investment and, to a lesser extent by year end, the value of the
dollar against sterling. In the months since the year end, however, a modest
recovery in these valuations has been seen, allowing our NAV to recover some
ground lost against the benchmarks. The Managing Director gives an overview of
Geron Corporation in the investment focus that follows.
With the turmoil in credit markets continuing for longer than perhaps expected
despite early and significant intervention by the authorities in the USA, the
short term outlook remains decidedly uncertain for almost all forms of
investment as confidence even between leading lending institutions remains
extremely fragile. It is clear from recent actions that the financial
authorities in the USA will take all and any measures necessary to ensure that
financial markets stabilise and reopen for normal business; however, until a
degree of clarity emerges in the exposures of lending institutions to doubtful
debts and investments, financial markets will remain extremely difficult and
volatile. This situation could easily continue for the greater part of the
current year. Our own equity-focused investment strategy is based on long-term
and income generating strategies in the UK and USA in quoted investments with
underlying exposures to many world economies. This strategy remains relevant in
current conditions and we look forward to the eventual return to normality in
financial markets.
As at 25 April 2008, group net assets had decreased to £38.5 million, a
decrease of 2.8 percent since the beginning of the calendar year. This is
equivalent to 114 pence per share (prior charges deducted at par) and 110 pence
per share on a diluted basis. Over the same period the FTSE 100 decreased 6.3
percent and the All Share Index decreased 6.3 percent.
Anthony Townsend
29 April 2008
Managing Director's report
As reported at the interim stage, strong gains in equity returns in the UK and
USA were recorded in the first half of 2007 of 6 and 8 percent, respectively.
However, growing concerns surrounding the US housing market and the
widely-traded structured loan market based thereon began to be foreshadowed at
the time through a significant rise in equity market volatility. These fears
were finally realised in August when credit markets in the USA and the UK
seized up as the extent of banks' exposures to and potential losses on these -
and later other - structured investments began to be made known. A serious
collapse in market confidence followed, resulting in the UK in the first run on
a major retail bank for almost 100 years. This deteriorating situation prompted
a series of emergency monetary interventions by the Federal Reserve, the Bank
of England and the European Central Bank in the Autumn and into 2008 on a scale
and in a fashion not seen before. These measures were designed to restore
confidence and provide liquidity to banks and financial institutions which were
unwilling to lend to each other. However, what started as a liquidity crisis
developed towards the end of the year into a solvency crisis as banks were
forced to write down the value of their exposures to these and other structured
investments. This provoked the failure of a small number of banks and some
hedge funds in the UK, USA and Europe and the central banks sought to restore
confidence and prevent further bank failures through large-scale operations in
the wholesale financial markets. This included acquiring for cash previously
unacceptable assets, underwriting the takeover of some weaker institutions and,
in the case of the UK, publicly acquiring one of the largest high street
mortgage banks. In addition, some of the most affected banks including the
world's largest commercial and investment banks, sought large capital
injections from new investors including for the first time sovereign wealth
Against this backdrop of disruption in the credit markets in the second half of
the year, equity markets in the UK and USA gained by 4.5 percent and 6.4
percent, respectively, for the year as a whole. This growth was provided almost
totally by the commodities and oils sectors in the face of significant declines
in most other sectors, particularly financials and retailers as the effects of
the financial crisis and its subsequent effects on the real economies began to
be understood. Given the high weightings of commodities stocks in the leading
companies indices and also a noticeable move by investors towards higher
capitalisation stocks in times of investment uncertainty, the FTSE 100 index in
the UK outperformed the All Share index in 2007 for the first time in over 10
Under the circumstances, this overall result in equity markets was unexpectedly
firm. The performance of investment funds, however, including investment
trusts, significantly lagged the main equity benchmarks for the year with the
generalist investment trust index falling by approximately 4 percent as retail
investment inflows began to falter. As noted above, our portfolio declined by
16.8 percent, the main contributor to this being a drop in value of Geron
Corporation, our largest investment, by 38% in US$ terms and 2% in respect of
weakness in the US dollar, giving rise to significant underperformance by the
portfolio overall. Since the year end the valuation of Geron has outperformed
the benchmark and has allowed our overall portfolio valuation to recover some
of the ground lost to the benchmarks in 2007.
Since the year end, the continuing disruption in credit markets has resulted in
steep falls in all developed country equity markets. In the first quarter,
equity markets in the US and UK fell by approximately 7.6 percent and 12.3
percent, respectively. At the time of writing, transparency in banks' exposures
to derivative investment losses has not yet been fully achieved and further
rounds of asset value writedowns by leading banks are still expected by the
markets. As a result, the major credit markets remain disrupted and equity
markets continue to show extreme volatility. Although central banks and
particularly the Federal Reserve remain ready to continue an aggressive
programme of intervention, many traditional measures such as discount/bank rate
reductions are not being fully reflected in the retail credit markets because
of the lack of confidence in the interbank market. In addition, further
aggressive loosening of monetary policy is constrained by above target and
growing levels of inflation. Investors, therefore, both in securities and real
assets are finding continuing difficulty in financing their operations and
central banks are increasingly relying more on non-traditional avenues to
stabilise the market such as opening the discount windows to a wider range of
assets and lending institutions. Furthermore, governments, particularly in the
UK, also find themselves with fewer alternatives to control events through
fiscal intervention because of constraints imposed by the budgetary imbalances
which have built up over recent years. Against this background and the lower
levels of economic activity expected in the coming year as already seen in the
increased numbers of profit warnings from major corporates including
non-financials, equity markets are likely to remain uncertain for a
considerable period in the current year. With the likely continued reduction in
interest rates and other monetary loosening over the coming months, value
should return as the disruption to the credit markets subsides and companies
can focus again on the medium term. At that time, opportunities to lock in good
long-term investment returns should present themselves again.
Investment Focus
Set out below are brief comments on three of the largest holdings in the
portfolio which are considered core holdings:
Geron Corporation Inc is a NASDAQ listed bio-medical company based in
California and currently represents 15.85 percent of the portfolio. The market
capitalisation is US$ 395 million. As an early stage bio-pharmaceutical company
with limited current earnings, Geron's share price has been subject to
considerable volatility. The 12 and 36 month share price highs have been $9.32
and $11.22, and lows $4.12 and $4.12, respectively, compared to the current
price of $5.05.
Over a period of 15 years, the company has discovered and patented a new form
of science based around embryonic stem cell technology which has the potential
to revolutionise the practice of medicine in the coming years, in particular in
the areas of oncology and regenerative medicine. Geron's technology covers a
broad range of platforms to treat a wide range of conditions including multiple
cancer types, spinal cord injury, heart failure, diabetes, Parkinson's disease
and HIV. Geron is currently conducting multiple clinical trials in the USA of
both its cancer vaccine and inhibition technologies and is expected this year
to commence the world's first embryonic stem cell trial for spinal cord injury.
In addition, through its ownership of the cloning technology used in the
creation of Dolly the sheep, Geron has licensed rights to the procedures
involved in the globally important markets of animal reproduction,
bio-agribusiness, and other biotechnology sourced products and medicines.
Following recent clearance by the FDA in the USA after a multi-year
investigation into the safety of foods originated from cloned animals, the
market for such products is now expected to commence in earnest and grow
The company's discoveries are protected by a world-wide patent estate and it
has already concluded collaborative/licensing agreements with a number of
leading international pharmaceutical and biomedical companies and institutions
including Merck, Roche, Procter & Gamble, Corning and Edinburgh and Oxford
Universities. Stem cell science is still in its infancy and, in the USA in
particular, has been subject to a large amount of adverse political pressure
from an anti-science administration. This interference has had the effect of
holding back the industry in the USA by a considerable number of years but
ironically it has also allowed Geron to pursue, develop and patent its
discoveries using its own private resources and thereby gain a pre-eminent
position in this new market which would have been impossible if the usual
supply of public and university funding had been allowed to be applied to this
new branch of medicine. Your company remains convinced that Geron is therefore
in a unique position to capitalise on what is expected to be a very significant
and highly valuable new branch of medical science and we intend to hold this
investment until its potential is recognised in its market value.
Prudential PLC is one of the largest UK listed life assurance companies
operating in the UK and internationally in savings, pension provision and fund
management with a market capitalisation of £16 billion. Our investment
represents 10.61 percent of the portfolio. The 12 and 36 month share price
highs have been 811p and 811p and lows 573p and 463p, respectively, compared to
the current price of 700p, yielding 2.6 percent and a P/E of 21.2.
Prudential derives 34% of its long-term operating profits in the UK, 25% in the
USA and 41% in Asia. In the UK it has £167 billion of funds under management
through M&G Investments.
Life assurance, pension provision and fund management are recognised to be
global growth industries as populations worldwide increase, mature and age. The
fast pace of population development in the Far East in particular and the
growing shift of global capital away from the West to the East is likely to
yield significant growth opportunities for financial service companies in the
East and Prudential is well represented in all the major countries of the
region including, Hong Kong and China, India, Japan, Korea Malaysia, Singapore
and Thailand to take advantage of this.
Finally, in addition to the fundamental growth potential of this investment
noted above, there remains the possibility that the significant inherited
estate in the UK life assurance company may be reattributed between policy
holders and shareholders, yielding a substantial windfall bonus to shareholders
at some date in the future.
RIT Capital Partners plc (`RIT') is a UK listed investment trust investing to
deliver long-term capital growth in a widely diversified international
portfolio of both quoted and unquoted investments and third party funds. As at
30th September 2007 funds under management totalled £1.9 billion. The current
share price premium is 2.8 percent, which compares to an average discount of
5.7 percent for its AIC sector and is an indication of investor esteem placed
in this company. The 12 and 36 month share price highs have been £11.98 and £
11.98, and lows £9.85 and £6.86, respectively, compared to the current price of
£11.68 yielding 0.3 percent.
RIT has significantly outperformed the AIC international growth sector and its
benchmarks of Morgan Stanley Capital International and FTSE All Share indices
over 1,3,5 and 10 years and is placed in the top two of its AIC grouping over
all periods.
As at the last report date, the majority of the portfolio (51%) was invested in
quoted investments, 22% in unquoted securities and partnerships, 15% in long
equity funds and 8% in government securities, money market funds and property.
Individual investments vary widely in terms of their underlying industry,
currency, investment type and nationality and together make up a portfolio of
widely diversified international holdings which have served to outperform
consistently all relevant capital growth indices for many years.
Jonathan Woolf
29 April 2008
Consolidated income statement
For the year ended 31 December 2007
2007 2006
Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total
return return return return
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Investment income (note 2) 1,939 - 1,939 2,105 - 2,105
(Losses)/gains on fair
value through profit or - (7,278) (7,278) - 5,159 5,159
loss assets - unrealised
(Losses)/gains on fair
value through profit or - (264) (264) - 97 97
loss assets - realised
Expenses (299) (158) (457) (276) (150) (426)
________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________
(Loss)/profit before tax 1,640 (7,700) (6,060) 1,829 5,106 6,935
Tax (44) - (44) (15) - (15)
________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________
(Loss)/profit for the 1,596 (7,700) (6,104) 1,814 5,106 6,920
________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________
Earnings per share
Basic - ordinary shares 4.98p (30.80)p (25.82)p 5.85p 20.43p 26.28p
________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________
Diluted - ordinary shares 4.56p (22.00)p (17.44)p 5.18p 14.59p 19.77p
________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________
The total column of this statement represents the Group's Income Statement,
prepared in accordance with IFRS. The supplementary revenue return and capital
return columns are both prepared under guidance published by the Association of
Investment Companies. All items in the above statement derive from continuing
All income is attributable to the equity holders of the parent company. There
are no minority interests.
Consolidated statement of changes in equity
For the year ended 31 December 2007
Share Capital Capital Retained Total
capital reserve reserve earnings
realised unrealised
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Balance at 31 December 2005 35,000 15,141 (9,676) 2,300 42,765
Changes in equity for 2006
Profit for the period - 2,013 3,093 1,814 6,920
Ordinary dividend paid (note - - - (1,688) (1,688)
Preference dividend paid - - - (350) (350)
(note 4)
________ ________ ________ ________ ________
Balance at 31 December 2006 35,000 17,154 (6,583) 2,076 47,647
Changes in equity for 2007
Profit for the period - 1,126 (8,826) 1,596 (6,104)
Ordinary dividend paid (note - - - (1,550) (1,550)
Preference dividend paid - - - (350) (350)
(note 4)
________ ________ ________ ________ ________
Balance at 31 December 2007
35,000 18,280 (15,409) 1,772 39,643
________ ________ ________ ________ ________
Consolidated Balance Sheet
For the year ended 31 December 2007
2007 2006
£000 £000
Non-current assets
Investments - fair value through profit or 37,901 45,876
Current assets
Receivables 1,073 553
Cash and cash equivalents 1,846 1,554
__________ __________
2,919 2,107
__________ __________
Total assets 40,820 47,983
__________ __________
Current liabilities (1,177) (336)
__________ __________
Total assets less current liabilities 39,643 47,647
__________ __________
Net assets 39,643 47,647
__________ __________
Equity attributable to equity holders
Ordinary share capital 25,000 25,000
Convertible preference share capital 10,000 10,000
Capital reserve - realised 18,280 17,154
Capital reserve - unrealised (15,409) (6,583)
Retained earnings 1,772 2,076
__________ __________
Total equity 39,643 47,647
__________ __________
Approved: 29 April 2008
Consolidated cash flow statement
For the year ended 31 December 2007
Year ended Year ended
2007 2006
£000 £000
(Loss)/profit before tax (6,060) 6,935
Adjustments for:
Loss/(gain) on investments 7,542 (5,256)
Scrip dividends and interest (6) (27)
Film income tax deducted at source (3) (4)
Proceeds on disposal of investments 13,864 20,510
at fair value through profit and loss
Purchases of investments at fair (12,867) (19,452)
value through profit and loss
__________ __________
Operating cash flows before movements 2,470 2,706
in working capital
(Increase)/decrease in receivables (115) 13
Decrease in payables (148) (2,305)
__________ __________
Net cash from operating activities 2,207 414
before income taxes
Income taxes paid (15) (85)
__________ __________
__________ __________
Dividends paid on ordinary shares (1,550) (1,688)
Dividends paid on preference shares (350) (350)
__________ __________
__________ __________
__________ __________
YEAR 1,846 1,554
__________ __________
Purchases and sales of investments are considered to be operating activities of
the company, given its purpose, rather than investing activities.
1 Basis of preparation
The financial information set out above contains the financial information of
the company and its subsidiaries (together referred to as the "Group") for the
year ended 31 December 2007. The financial statements have been prepared on the
historical cost basis except for the measurements at fair value of investments
and derivative financial instruments and the inclusion of a subsidiary at cost.
The same accounting policies as those published in the statutory accounts for
31 December 2006 have been applied.
The financial information set out above does not constitute the company's
statutory accounts for the years ended 31 December 2007 or 2006. Statutory
accounts for 2006, which were prepared under IFRS as adopted by the EU, have
been delivered to the registrar of companies and those for 2007, prepared under
IFRS as adopted by the EU, will be delivered in due course.
The auditors have reported on the 31 December 2007 year end accounts and their
reports were unqualified and did not include references to any matters to which
the auditors drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying their reports
and did not contain statements under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act
2 Income
2007 2006
£000 £000
Income from investments
UK dividends (cash and specie) 1,296 1,590
Overseas dividends 11 11
Scrip dividends 4 4
Interest on fixed income 153 130
Rental income (PID) 59 -
Property unit trust income 101 100
Film revenues 238 185
__________ __________
1,862 2,020
__________ __________
Other income
Deposit interest 95 101
Other (18) (16)
__________ __________
77 85
__________ __________
Total income 1,939 2,105
__________ __________
Total income comprises:
Dividends 1,370 1,605
Interest 248 231
Film revenues 238 185
Property unit trust income 101 100
Loss on foreign exchange (18) (16)
__________ __________
1,939 2,105
__________ __________
Income from investments
Listed investments 1,469 1,664
Unlisted investments 393 356
__________ __________
1,862 2,020
__________ __________
Of the £1,311,000 (2006: £1,605,000) dividends received in the group accounts,
£468,000 (2006: £686,000) related to special dividends received from investee
companies. There was a corresponding capital loss of £445,000 (2006: £587,000).
3 Earnings per ordinary share
The calculation of the basic and diluted earnings per share is based on the
following data:
2007 2006
Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total
return return return return
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Basic 1,246 (7,700) (6,454) 1,464 5,106 6,570
dividend 350 - 350 350 - 350
__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________
Diluted 1,596 (7,700) (6,104) 1,814 5,106 6,920
__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________
Basic revenue, capital and total return per ordinary share is based on the net
revenue, capital and total return for the period and after deduction of
dividends in respect of preference shares and on 25 million (2006: 25 million)
ordinary shares in issue.
The diluted revenue, capital and total return is based on the net revenue,
capital and total return for the period and on 35 million (2006: 35 million)
ordinary and preference shares in issue.
4 Dividends
2007 2006
£000 £000
Amounts recognised as distributions to equity holders
in the period:
Dividends on ordinary shares:
Final dividend for the year ended 31 December 2006 of
3.5p (2005:3.25p) per share 875 813
Interim dividend for the year ended 31 December 2007
of 2.7p 675 625
(2006:2.5p) per share
Special dividend for the year ended 31 December 2007
of 0.0p (2006:1.0p) per share - 250
__________ __________
1,550 1,688
__________ __________
Proposed final dividend for the year ended 31 December
2007 of 3.7p (2006:3.5p) per share 925 875
__________ __________
Dividends on 3.5% cumulative convertible preference
Preference dividend for the 6 months ended 31 December
2006 of 1.75p (2005:1.75p) per share 175 175
Preference dividend for the 6 months ended 30 June
2007 of 1.75p (2006:1.75p) per share 175 175
__________ __________
350 350
__________ __________
Proposed preference dividend for the 6 months ended 31
December 2007 of 1.75p (2006:1.75p) per share 175 175
__________ __________
The proposed final dividend is subject to approval by shareholders at the
Annual General Meeting and has not been included as a liability in these
financial statements in accordance with IFRS.
We also set out below the total dividend payable in respect of the financial
year, which is the basis on which the retention requirements of Section 842
Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988 are considered.
2007 2006
£000 £000
Dividends on ordinary shares:
Interim dividend for the year ended 31 December 2007
of 2.7p (2006:2.5p) per share 675 625
Special dividend for the year ended 31 December 2007
of 0.0p (2006:1.0p) per share - 250
Proposed final dividend for the year ended 31 December
2007 of 3.7p (2006:3.5p) per share 925 875
__________ __________
1,600 1,750
__________ __________
Dividends on 3.5% cumulative convertible preference
Preference dividend for the 6 months ended 30 June
2007 of 1.75p (2006:1.75p) per share 175 175
Proposed preference dividend for the 6 months ended 31
December 2007 of 1.75p (2006:1.75p) per share 175 175
__________ __________
350 350
__________ __________
5 Net asset values
Net asset Net assets
value per attributable
2007 2006 2007 2006
£ £ £000 £000
Ordinary shares
Undiluted 1.19 1.51 29,643 37,647
Diluted 1.13 1.36 39,643 47,647
The undiluted and diluted net asset values per £1 ordinary share are based on
net assets at the year end and 25 million (undiluted) ordinary and 35 million
(diluted) ordinary and preference shares in issue.
British & American Investment Trust PLC
British & American Investment Trust PLC