Directorate Change

CAPITAL GEARING TRUST P.L.C. (the "Company") Changes to the Board of Directors The Company is pleased to announce that Miss Jean Matterson and Mr Robin Archibald have today been appointed to the Board of the Company as independent non-executive directors with immediate effect. Jean Matterson is a partner of Rossie House Investment Management in Edinburgh which specialises in private client portfolio management with particular emphasis on investment trusts. She was previously with Stewart Ivory & Co Ltd for 20 years, as an investment manager and director. Robin Archibald was most recently head of corporate finance and broking at Winterflood Investment Trusts. He qualified as a chartered accountant in 1983 and subsequently worked with Samuel Montagu, SG Warburg Securities, NatWest Wood Mackenzie and as partner and corporate financier with the corporate finance division of a Scottish accountancy firm. Since the early nineties, he has concentrated on advising and managing transactions in the UK closed-ended funds sector. In accordance with Listing Rule 9.6.13 (1), the Company discloses the following information in respect of Miss Matterson: Directorships held in publicly quoted companies in the five years prior to appointment: Current directorships: Pacific Horizon Investment Trust PLC BlackRock Throgmorton Trust PLC In accordance with Listing Rule 9.6.13 (1), the Company discloses the following information in respect of Mr Archibald: Directorships held in publicly quoted companies in the five years prior to appointment: Current directorships: Albion Technology & General VCT PLC Ediston Property Investment Company PLC Former directorships: Albion Income & Growth VCT PLC (dissolved) There is no information required to be disclosed in accordance with Listing Rules 9.6.13 (2) to (6). Both Miss Matterson and Mr Archibald will join the Company's audit committee and management engagement committee. The Board further reports that Mr Tony Pattison, having served as a director since 1985 and as Chairman of the Board since 2005, has indicated that he will not stand for re-election at the next AGM which will be held on 8 July 2015. Mr Graham Meek will take over the Chairmanship with effect from that date. Mr George Prescott will take over from Mr Meek as Senior Independent Director, also with effect from 8 July 2015. Capital Gearing Trust P.l.c. operates as an investment company as defined under section 833 of the Companies Act 2006. Its investment objective is to achieve capital growth in absolute terms principally through investment in quoted closed-ended and other collective investment vehicles with a willingness to hold cash, bonds, index-linked securities and commodities when appropriate. Enquiries Katherine Manson TMF Nominees Limited Company Secretary Email: 28 May 2015
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