Portfolio Update


Quarterly Portfolio Update

Capital Gearing Trust P.l.c. announces that, as at 5 April 2017, it held the

following investments in other listed closed-ended investment funds, which do

not have a stated investment policy to invest no more than 15% of their total

assets in other listed closed-ended investment funds:

Name Percentage of portfolio
Utilico Finance Ltd Zero Div Pref 2018 0.89%
Acorn Income Fund ZDP 0.86%
Ecofin Global Utilities and Infrastructure 0.59%
Utilico Finance Ltd Zero Div Pref 2020 0.56%
HICL Infrastructure 0.55%
DW Catalyst Fund 0.51%
Phoenix Spree Deutschland 0.37%
BH Macro 0.33%
BH Macro USD 0.29%
Ranger Direct Lending 0.26%
BH Global 0.17%
Miton Worldwide Growth Investment Trust 0.13%
Hansa Trust 'A' (Non-Voting) 0.07%
LMS Capital 0.02%
Total 5.60%

Capital Gearing Trust P.l.c. also announces that, as at 5 April 2017, the ten

largest investments were as follows:

Name Percentage of portfolio
UK Treasury 0.125% Index-Linked 2019 4.98%        
USA Treasury 2.0% Index-Linked 2026 4.53%        
UK Treasury 1.25% Index-Linked 2017 4.07%        
North Atlantic Smaller Companies 3.10%
UK Treasury 0.125% Index-Linked 2024 2.45%
USA Treasury 0.25% Index-Linked 2025 2.39%        
USA Treasury 0.625% Index-Linked 2021 1.96%        
NB Private Equity ZDP 1.89%
UK Treasury Bill 2017 1.77%        
Aberforth Geared Income Trust ZDP 1.77%
Total 28.91%

There were no additional investments with a value greater than 5% of the

Company's portfolio.

It should be noted that the above percentages are calculated using 'bid'



Steven Cowie, Company Secretary

Email: company.secretary@capitalgearingtrust.com

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