Publication of a Supplementary Prospectus


14 November 2016

Publication of Supplementary Prospectus

Capital Gearing Trust P.l.c. (the "Company") has today published a supplementary prospectus approved by the UK Listing Authority.  The publication of the supplementary prospectus is a regulatory requirement under the Prospectus Rules following the publication of the Company's half-year financial report for the six months ended 5 October 2016.

The supplementary prospectus is supplemental to, and should be read in conjunction with, the prospectus published by the Company on 6 May 2016 (as supplemented by the supplementary prospectus dated 1 June 2016) in relation to the issue of further new ordinary shares.

A copy of the supplementary prospectus will shortly be available for inspection at  The supplementary prospectus is also available in electronic form on the Company's website at

All enquiries:

Steven Cowie
Company Secretary
Tel: 0131 538 6604

UK 100