Statement re discount and premium management po...


Implementation of the discount and premium management policy

At the Company’s Annual General Meeting on the 8 July shareholders passed all resolutions, including the resolution to adopt a new discount and premium management policy (“DMP”). Under the new policy the Company will purchase or issue shares to ensure that, in normal market conditions, shares trade as close as possible to their underlying net asset value per share.

The Company has engaged Personal Assets Trust Administration Company Limited (‘PATAC') to manage the DMP from close of business on 31 July 2015.  PATAC has significant experience of operating DMPs similar to the new policy the Company will apply. PATAC has also been engaged as Company Secretary from 31 July 2015 and administrator from 5 October 2015.

The Board would like to thank TMF Nominees for all their services as Company Secretary.


Alastair Laing, CG Asset Management Ltd                                                  0207 131 4423

Steven Budge, Personal Assets Trust Administration Company Ltd           0131 538 6602

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