Directorate Change

Release date: 14 September 2007 - For immediate release CLS HOLDINGS PLC ("CLS") DIRECTORATE CHANGE The Board of CLS Holdings plc is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Anders Böös as an independent non-executive director with effect from 13 September 2007. Anders is highly regarded in the Scandinavian business community and he also has detailed experience of UK business operations. Anders is Chairman of both Cision AB and Industrial & Financial Systems AB ("IFS"), which are listed in Stockholm, and holds several other non-executive directorships. Cision AB is a media intelligence firm with 2,700 employees across 10 countries. IFS AB is one of the world's leading providers of component-based business software and is represented in more than 45 countries and has 2,600 employees. Prior to his current assignments, Anders was the Chief Executive Officer of Drott AB - at the time the largest real estate company in the Scandinavian region. Before joining Drott, he was the Chief Executive Officer of HQ AB, a leading Investment & Private Bank in Sweden. Sten Mortstedt, Executive Chairman of CLS, said: "I am delighted to welcome Anders to the board of CLS. He brings with him a wealth of experience and will be a huge asset for us going forward." Pursuant to Listing Rule 9.6.13 (1), details of directorships held by Anders Böös in publicly quoted companies during the past five years are set out below: Cision AB Non-executive Chairman (current) IFS AB Non-executive Chairman (current) Investment AB Latour Non-executive Director (current) Haldex AB Non-executive Director (current) Securitas Systems AB Non-executive Director (current) HQ Bank Non-executive Director (ceased 2006) Executive Director before 2002 Drott AB Executive Director (ceased 2004) Bostads AB Drott Non-executive Director (ceased 2004) No further information is required to be disclosed pursuant to LR 9.6.13 R. Anders does not currently have any beneficial interests in CLS shares. 14 September 2007 -ends- For further information, please contact: Sten Mortstedt, Executive Chairman Per Sjöberg, Chief Executive Officer CLS Holdings plc Tel. +44 (0) 20 7582 7766


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