Capital Contribution Agreement and Connected Tr...
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(a sino-foreign joint stock limited company incorporated in the People's Republic of China)
(Stock Code: 00991)
Capital Contribution Agreement
On 21 September 2011, the Company entered into the Capital Contribution Agreement with CDC,
China Power Huaze, Wenshan Guoneng and Chaozhou Xinghua. Pursuant to the agreement, CDC
agreed to make capital contribution in the sum of approximately RMB874 million to Chaozhou
Power Company, whereas China Power Huaze, Wenshan Guoneng and Chaozhou Xinghua
agreed to make corresponding capital contribution to Chaozhou Power Company in proportion to
their respective original shareholding in Chaozhou Power Company. The Company will not
participate in this capital contribution. Upon completion of the increase in capital contribution and
share enlargement, the shareholders and the shareholding structure of Chaozhou Power Company
will be adjusted as follows: the Company will hold 52.5% (original 75%), CDC will hold 22.5%,
China Power Huaze will hold 12%, Wenshan Guoneng will hold 8% and Chaozhou Xinghua will
hold 5%.
Connected Transaction
As at the date of this announcement, CDC is a controlling Shareholder of the Company. CDC and
its subsidiaries together hold approximately 34.71% of the issued share capital of the Company.
Chaozhou Power Company is a subsidiary of the Company and China Power Huaze is a
substantial shareholder of Chaozhou Power Company. Accordingly, CDC and China Power
Huaze are connected persons of the Company under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules and
therefore the entering into the Capital Contribution Agreement constitutes a connected transaction
of the Company.
As each of the applicable percentage ratios (as defined under Rule 14.07 of the Listing Rules) in
respect of the Capital Contribution Agreement is more than 0.1 % but less than 5%, the Capital
Contribution Agreement is only subject to the reporting and announcement requirements under
Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules but does not require the approval by the independent
Shareholders of the Company under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules.
21 September 2011
The Company, CDC, China Power Huaze, Wenshan Guoneng and Chaozhou Xinghua
(1) Pursuant to the Valuation Report on Chaozhou Power Company issued by Zhong Tong
Hua Assets Appraisal Co., an independent valuer of the Company, as at the valuation date
on 31 March 2011, the total equity of Chaozhou Power Company was valued at
RMB3,508 million;
(2) Based on the above-mentioned equity valuation made on 31 March 2011 (excluding
undistributed profits attributable to the original shareholders of Chaozhou Power
Company as at the valuation date), CDC agreed to make capital contribution in the sum
of approximately RMB874 million to Chaozhou Power Company, whereas China Power
Huaze, Wenshan Guoneng and Chaozhou Xinghua agreed to make corresponding
contributions to Chaozhou Power Company in proportion to their respective original
shareholdings in Chaozhou Power Company, i.e., approximately RMB139 million,
approximately RMB93 million and approximately RMB58 million, respectively. CDC,
China Power Huaze, Wenshan Guoneng and Chaozhou Xinghua agreed to make their
capital contributions by way of cash within 20 working days from the effective date of
the Capital Contribution Agreement;
(3) Upon completion of the aforesaid increase in capital contribution, the shareholders and
the shareholding structure of Chaozhou Power Company will be adjusted as follows: the
Company will hold 52.5% (original 75%), CDC will hold 22.5%, China Power Huaze
will hold 12%, Wenshan Guoneng will hold 8% and Chaozhou Xinghua will hold 5%.
The Company will continue to be the controlling shareholder of Chaozhou Power
Company and Chaozhou Power Company will continue to be a controlled subsidiary of
the Company. The shareholding of China Power Huaze, Wenshan Guoneng and
Chaozhou Xinghua in Chaozhou Power Company will remain unchanged;
(4) During the period between the valuation date, i.e., 31 March 2011, and the completion
date of the capital contribution, any losses or gains of Chaozhou Power Company will be
shared and borne by the original shareholders of Chaozhou Power Company.
The Capital Contribution Agreement will become effective upon signing by the relevant
authorised representatives of the parties and sealed with their respective company chops.
Chaozhou Power Company was incorporated on 15 November 2003, with a registered capital
of RMB391,990,000. With a total installed capacity of 3,200MW, Units 1 and 2 of Phase 1
project (2x600MW) and Units 3 and 4 of Phase 2 extension project (2x1000MW) have already
been put into operation. Before the increase in capital contribution under the Capital
Contribution Agreement, the Company held 75% interests of Chaozhou Power Company
whereas other shareholders together held an aggregate of 25% interests in Chaozhou Power
As at 31 March 2011, the total assets of Chaozhou Power Company amounted to approximately
RMB11,831 million, total liabilities amounted to approximately RMB10,505 million and the
net assets amounted to approximately RMB1,326 million (the above-said figures have been
As at 31 December 2010, the net profits before and after taxation and extraordinary items of
Chaozhou Power Company amounted to approximately RMB1,023,883,193 and
RMB767,284,113, respectively (the above-said figures have been audited).
As at 31 December 2009, the net profits before and after taxation and extraordinary items of
Chaozhou Power Company amounted to approximately RMB307,683,800 and
RMB230,693,829, respectively (the above-said figures have been audited).
The Company is principally engaged in the construction and operation of power plants, the sale
of electricity and thermal power, the repair and testing and maintenance of power equipment as
well as the provision of power-related technical services, with its main service areas of being in
the PRC.
CDC is a wholly state-owned enterprise. Its main scope of business includes the development,
investment, construction, operation and management of power energy, organisation of power
(thermal) production and sales; as well as power technology development and consultation.
China Power Huaze was incorporated on 19 January 2004 with a registered capital of RMB50
million. Its main scope of business includes investments in electricity projects and investment
management. Before and after the increase in capital contribution, China Power Huaze holds
12% interest in Chaozhou Power Company and is a substantial shareholder of Chaozhou Power
Company and a connected person of the Company.
Wenshan Guoneng was incorporated on 14 February 2003 with a registered capital of
RMB34.5 million. Its main scope of business includes investments in water conservancy,
electricity, energy and environmental protection infrastructures and facilities. To the best of the
Directors' knowledge, information and belief having made all reasonable enquiry, Wenshan
Guoneng and its ultimate beneficial owner are third parties independent of the Company and its
connected persons.
Chaozhou Xinghua was incorporated on 22 November 2002 with a registered capital of
RMB20 million. Its main scope of business includes investments in water conservancy,
electricity, highways, lands and municipal facilities projects. To the best of the Directors'
knowledge, information and belief having made all reasonable enquiry, Chaozhou Xinghua and
its ultimate beneficial owner are third parties independent of the Company and its connected
Through involving CDC as a shareholder of Chaozhou Power Company by way of capital
contribution and share enlargement, new funds will be injected into Chaozhou Power Company.
Moreover, through the effect of financing leverage, the asset-liability ratio of Chaozhou Power
Company will be further lowered and its financing capability will be strengthened. With the
involvement of CDC, Chaozhou Power Company will enhance its corporate governance,
standards in operational management, competiveness and profitability, and the Company's and
Chaozhou Power Company's market competitiveness and profitability will be further
strengthened, thereby ensuring better returns for the Company and the Shareholders.
Upon completion of the capital contribution and share enlargement, even though the
shareholding of the Company in Chaozhou Power Company will be adjusted from 75% to
52.5%, the Company will still remain its controlling position in Chaozhou Power Company and
the scope of consolidation of financial reports of the Company will not be affected.
The Capital Contribution Agreement is entered into on normal business terms. The Directors
and independent Directors are of the view that the relevant terms of the Capital Contribution
Agreement are fair and reasonable and are in the interest of the Company and the Shareholders
as a whole.
Upon completion of the capital contribution and share enlargement in Chaozhou Power
Company, the shareholding of the Company in Chaozhou Power Company will be adjusted
from 75% to 52.5%, representing a decrease of 22.5%.
Equity interests attributable to owners of the Company calculated on the basis of the
consolidated financial statements of the Company will increase by approximately
RMB313,431,400 due to the deemed disposal of the 22.5% equity interests in Chaozhou Power
Company by the Company contemplated under the Capital Contribution Agreement. The
increase in such interest was arrived at by the Company after calculating the differences
between the interests in Chaozhou Power Company entitled by the Company before the
capital contribution and share enlargement and the interests in Chaozhou Power Company
entitled by the Company under the capital contribution and share enlargement basing on the
figures of Chaozhou Power Company as at the valuation date on 31 March 2011.
As at the date of this announcement, CDC is a controlling Shareholder of the Company. CDC
and its subsidiaries together hold approximately 34.71% of the issued share capital of the
Company. Chaozhou Power Company is a subsidiary of the Company and China Power Huaze
is a substantial shareholder of Chaozhou Power Company. Accordingly, CDC and China Power
Huaze are connected persons of the Company under the Listing Rules and therefore the
entering into of the Capital Contribution Agreement constitutes a connected transaction of the
As each of the applicable percentage ratios (as defined under Rule 14.07 of the Listing Rules)
is more than 0.1 % but less than 5%, the Capital Contribution Agreement is only subject to the
reporting and announcement requirements under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules but does not
require the approval by the independent Shareholders of the Company under Chapter 14A of
the Listing Rules.
None of the Directors have any material interest in the transaction. Those connected Directors,
including Liu Shunda, Hu Shengmu and Fang Qinghai, who are principal management staff of
CDC, have abstained from voting at the Board meeting on the approval of the relevant
transaction in accordance with the requirements of the listing rules of the Shanghai Stock
In this announcement, unless the context otherwise requires, the following expressions have the
following meanings:
"Board" the board of Directors of the Company
"Capital Contribution
Agreement" the agreement entered into between the Company, CDC, China
Power Huaze, Wenshan Guoneng and Chaozhou Xinghua on 21
September 2011 in respect of the capital contribution and share
enlargement for Chaozhou Power Company, the details of which
are set out in this announcement
"CDC" China Datang Corporation, a State-owned enterprise established
under the laws of the PRC and is a controlling Shareholder of the
Company pursuant to the Listing Rules. CDC and its subsidiaries
own approximately 34.71% of the issued share capital of the
Company as at the date of this announcement
"Chaozhou Power Guangdong Datang International Chaozhou Power Generation
Company" Company Limited, a controlled subsidiary of the Company
"Chaozhou Xinghua" Chaozhou Xinghua Energy Investment Company Limited,
incorporated on 22 November 2002 with a registered capital of
RMB20 million
"China Power Huaze" Beijing China Power Huaze Investment Company Limited,
incorporated on 19 January 2004 with a registered capital of
RMB50 million
"Company" Datang International Power Generation Co., Ltd., a sino-foreign
joint stock limited company incorporated in the PRC on 13
December 1994, whose H Shares are listed on the Stock
Exchange and the London Stock Exchange and whose A Shares
are listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange
"connected person" has the meaning ascribed to it under the Listing Rules
"connected transaction" has the meaning ascribed to it under the Listing Rules
"Director(s)" the director(s) of the Company
"Group" the Company and its subsidiaries
"Listing Rules" the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock
"PRC" the People's Republic of China
"RMB" Renminbi, the lawful currency of the PRC
"Shareholders" the shareholders of the Company
"Stock Exchange" The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited
"Valuation Report on a valuation report on Chaozhou Power Company issued by
Chaozhou Power Zhong Tong Hua Appraisal Co. (Zhong Tong Hua Ping Bao Zi
Company" (2011) No.233)
"Wenshan Guoneng" Wenshan Guoneng Investment Company Limited, incorporated
on 14 February 2003 with a registered capital of RMB34.5
"Zhong Tong Hua Beijing Zhong Tong Hua Assets Appraisal Co., Ltd.
Assets Appraisal Co."
"%" percent
By Order of the Board
Zhou Gang
Secretary to the Board
Beijing, the PRC, 21 September 2011
As at the date of this announcement, the Directors of the Company are:
Liu Shunda , Hu Shengmu, Cao Jingshan, Fang Qinghai, Zhou Gang, Liu Haixia,
Guan Tiangang, Su Tiegang, Ye Yonghui, Li Gengsheng, Li Yanmeng*, Zhao Zunlian*,
Li Hengyuan*, Zhao Jie* and Jiang Guohua*
* Independent non-executive Directors