The Third Quarterly Report Of 2012
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong
Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, make no
representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any
liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance
upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement.
Datang International Power Generation Co., Ltd.
(a sino-foreign joint stock limited company incorporated in
the People's Republic of China)
(Stock Code: 00991)
In accordance with the requirements of the China Securities Regulatory
Commission, Datang International Power Generation Co., Ltd. (the "Company")
is required to publish quarterly reports for the first and third quarters of
the year.
The financial information contained in this quarterly report is unaudited, and
was prepared in accordance with the China Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises ("PRC GAAP").
This announcement is made pursuant to Rules 13.09(1) and (2) of the Rules
Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.
1.1 The board of directors (the "Board"), the supervisory committee, the directors,
the supervisors and senior management members of the Company warrant that there
are no false representations and misleading statements contained in, or material
omissions from, this report, and severally and jointly accept the responsibility
for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the content hereof.
1.2 Any directors who did not attend the Board meeting should be disclosed
Name of director Post of director Explanation of
not attending not attending director not attending Name of proxy
Liu Shunda Chairman of the Board Business engagement Cao Jingshan
Hu Shengmu Director Business engagement Fang Qinghai
Liu Haixia Director Business engagement Guan Tiangang
Mi Dabin Director Business engagement Ye Yonghui
Zhao Zunlian Independent Director Business engagement Li Yanmeng
Zhao Jie Independent Director Business engagement Li Hengyuan
1.3 The third quarterly financial report of the Company is unaudited.
1.4 Mr. Liu Shunda, the person-in-charge of the Company and Mr. Wang Xianzhou, the
person-in-charge of accounting matters and of the accounting institution (head
in charge of accounting), hereby make representation to confirm the truthfulness
and completeness of the financial statements contained in this quarterly report.
2.1 Major accounting data and financial indicators
Currency: RMB
at the end of the
reporting period
as compared to
At the end of At the end of the end of the
the reporting the previous previous year
period year (%)
Total assets
(RMB'000) 266,426,126.00 244,070,076.00 9.16
Interests of equity
holders (or
Interests of
(RMB'000) 39,272,593.00 38,787,864.00 1.25
Net assets per share
attributable to
equity holders of
the Company
(RMB/share) 2.95 2.91 1.37
Beginning of the year as compared to the
to the end of corresponding
the reporting period period of the
(Jan - Sep) previous year
Net cash flows
generated from
operating activities
(RMB'000) 17,740,979.00 77.63
Net cash flows per
share generated from
operating activities
(RMB/share) 1.3329 70.21
of the reporting
period as
Beginning of the compared to the
year to the end corresponding
The reporting of the reporting period of the
period period previous year
(Jul - Sep) (Jan - Sep) (%)
Net profit attributable
to equity holders of
the Company
(RMB'000) 715,858.00 1,804,944.00 101.82
Basic earnings per
(RMB/per share) 0.0538 0.1356 102.26
Basic earnings per
share excluding
(RMB/per share) 0.0473 0.1143 130.73
Diluted earnings per
(RMB/per share) 0.0538 0.1356 102.26
Weighted average an increase of
return on net assets 0.92 percentage
(%) 1.84 4.59 points
Weighted average return
on net assets
excluding an increase of
non-recurring 1.62 3.87 0.91 percentage
profit/loss (%) points
Excluding non-recurring profit/loss items and amounts:
Amount from the
beginning of the year to
the end of
the reporting period
Item (Jan-Sep) Explanation
Gains/losses from disposal of 1,967 Gain from disposal
non-current assets of non-current assets
Government's grants accounted
for in the profit and loss
account for the reporting
period (except for the
grants that are closely Government's grants
related to the Company's 75,817 for the reporting
ordinary course of business; period
and that are continuously
enjoyed in compliance with
the State's policies and
regulations in an amount or
quantity specified by certain
Profit/loss from restructuring 174 Profit gained from
of liabilities restructuring of
Profit/loss gained from loans 20,930 Profit gained from
entrusted to external entities loans entrusted to
associates (joint
Other non-operating income and 21,489 Net amount of other
expenses excluding the non-operating
above-mentioned items income and expenses
Other profit/loss items 270,000 Gain from trust
conforming with the definition investment
of non-recurring profit or loss
Impact of income tax -96,104 Impact of the above
items on income tax
Effects of minority shareholders' -10,926 Impact of the above
interests (after tax) items on minority
Total 283,347
2.2 Total number of shareholders as at the end of the reporting period and table of
shareholding of the top ten holders of shares free from selling restrictions
Unit: share
Total number of shareholders at the end of the reporting period 201,730
Shareholding of the top ten holders of circulating shares free from selling
Number of
held not subject
to selling
as at the end of
Name of shareholder the reporting
(Full name) period Type of shares
China Datang Corporation 4,038,977,414 RMB-denominated ordinary shares
HKSCC Nominees Limited 3,266,154,919 Overseas-listed foreign shares
Tianjin Jinneng Investment
Company 1,296,012,600 RMB-denominated ordinary shares
Hebei Construction &
Investment Group Co., Ltd. 1,281,872,927 RMB-denominated ordinary shares
Beijing Energy Investment
(Group) Company Limited 1,260,988,672 RMB-denominated ordinary shares
China Dongfang Electric
Group Co., Ltd. 239,960,000 RMB-denominated ordinary shares
Harbin Electric Co., Ltd. 200,000,000 RMB-denominated ordinary shares
Aerospace Science &
Technology Finance Co., Ltd. 169,097,023 RMB-denominated ordinary shares
Shanghai Tonghui Industrial
Co., Ltd. 166,000,000 RMB-denominated ordinary shares
Zhongrong Hui Investment
Guarantee Co., Ltd. 160,000,000 RMB-denominated ordinary shares
3.1 The details of and the reasons for the material changes in the major financial
statement items and financial indicators of the Company
Applicable Not applicable
(1) Notes receivables of the Company and its subsidiaries as at the end of the
reporting period increased by approximately 60% over the beginning of the
reporting period. This was mainly because of the increase in amount of
notes used by customers for settlement.
(2) Other receivables of the Company and its subsidiaries as at the end of the
reporting period increased by approximately 37% over the beginning of the
reporting period. This was mainly because of the incorporation of Shenzhen
Datang Baochang Gas Power Generation Company Limited into the consolidated
(3) Available-for-sale financial assets of the Company and its subsidiaries as
at the end of the reporting period increased by approximately 980% over the
beginning of the reporting period. This was mainly because Datang
International (Hong Kong) Limited, a subsidiary of the Company, participated
as a cornerstone investor in the placement of H shares of Inner Mongolia
Yitai Coal Co., Ltd.
(4) Construction materials of the Company and its subsidiaries as at the end of
the reporting period increased by approximately 79% over the beginning of
the reporting period. This was mainly because of the increase in scale of
the fundamental infrastructure construction during the reporting period.
(5) Other non-current assets of the Company and its subsidiaries as at the end
of the reporting period increased by approximately 2,691% over the beginning
of the reporting period. This was mainly because the Company invested
RMB2 billion in specialized trust scheme.
(6) Advances from customers received by the Company and its subsidiaries as at
the end of the reporting period increased by approximately 124% over the
beginning of the reporting period. This was mainly because of the increase
in the advances received from sales.
(7) Dividends payables of the Company and its subsidiaries as at the end of the
reporting period increased by approximately 174% over the beginning of the
reporting period. This was mainly because of the dividend announced and yet
to be paid by some of the subsidiaries.
(8) Non-current liabilities due within one year of the Company and its
subsidiaries as at the end of the reporting period decreased by
approximately 33% over the beginning of the reporting period. This was
mainly because of decrease in long-term borrowings due within one year.
(9) Other current liabilities of the Company and its subsidiaries as at the end
of the reporting period increased by approximately 214% over the beginning
of the reporting period. This was mainly because the Company issued super
short-term debentures of RMB3 billion.
(10) Debentures payables of the Company as at the end of the reporting period
increased by approximately 56% over the beginning of the reporting period.
This was mainly because the Company issued the first tranche of non-public
targeted debt financing instruments in the amount of RMB5 billion during
the reporting period.
(11) Undistributed profits of the Company and its subsidiaries as at the end of
the reporting period decreased by approximately 36% over the beginning of
the reporting period. This was mainly because the Company distributed
dividends and withdrew funds from discretionary surplus reserve during the
reporting period.
(12) Business tax and surcharges of the Company and its subsidiaries for the
nine months ended 30 September 2012 increased by approximately 36% over the
corresponding period of the previous year. This was mainly because of an
increase in tax expenses as a result of an increase in operating revenue
during the reporting period.
(13) Non-operating income of the Company and its subsidiaries for the nine months
ended 30 September 2012 increased by approximately 97% over the
corresponding period of the previous year. This was mainly because of an
increase in government grants received by the Company and its subsidiaries.
(14) Income tax of the Company and its subsidiaries for the nine months ended 30
September 2012 increased by approximately 76% over the corresponding period
of the previous year. This was mainly because of an increase in income tax
as a result of an increase in profits.
(15) Net profit attributable to the equity holders of the listed company of the
Company and its subsidiaries for the nine months ended 30 September 2012
increased by approximately 49% over the corresponding period of the previous
year. This was mainly because the increase in income was higher than the
increase in cost expenses.
(16) Basic earnings per share of the Company and its subsidiaries for the nine
months ended 30 September 2012 increased by approximately 43% over the
corresponding period of the previous year. This was mainly because of an
increase in the net profit attributable to the equity holders of the
Company since the increase in income was higher than the increase in cost
(17) Net cash flows generated from operating activities of the Company and its
subsidiaries for the nine months ended 30 September 2012 increased by
approximately 78% over the corresponding period of the previous year. This
was mainly because of the combined effect of factors, such as an increase
in sales income and gross profit margin of the Company and its subsidiaries.
(18) Net cash flows generated from investing activities of the Company and its
subsidiaries for the nine months ended 30 September 2012 decreased by
approximately 57% over the corresponding period of the previous year. This
was mainly because of an increase in capital expenditure during the
reporting period as compared to the previous period.
(19) Net cash flows generated from financing activities of the Company and its
subsidiaries for the nine months ended 30 September 2012 decreased by
approximately 33% over the corresponding period of the previous year. This
was mainly because of a non-public issuance of shares raising the sum of
RMB6.671 billion for financing purpose in the previous period while no
issuance of shares for financing purpose during the reporting period.
3.2 The analysis and explanation of progress and impact of major events and solutions
Applicable Not applicable
3.3 The performance of the undertakings made by the Company, shareholders and the
de facto controller
Applicable Not applicable
In October 2010, the Company received from its controlling shareholder, China
Datang Corporation ("CDC"), an "Undertaking on Relevant Matters regarding Further
Avoidance of Business Competition with Datang International Power Generation Co.,
Ltd. by China Datang Corporation". For further avoidance of business competition
with the Company, CDC further undertakes that: (1) CDC confirms that the Company
shall be the ultimate platform for integrating the coal-fired power businesses of
CDC; (2) in respect of the non-listed coal-fired power assets of CDC, CDC
undertakes that it will inject those assets into the Company in 5 to 8 years when
the profitability of such assets has improved and the relevant conditions are
met; (3) in respect of the coal-fired power business assets of CDC located in
Hebei Province, CDC undertakes that it will inject those assets into the Company
in approximately 5 years when the profitability of such assets has improved and
the relevant conditions are met; (4) CDC will continue to perform each of its
undertakings previously given to support the development of its subordinated
listed companies. Such commitments are presently being undertaken and no material
progress was made.
3.4 The warning and explanation in the forecast of the possible aggregate net profits
from the beginning of the year to the end of the next reporting period becoming
a loss or significant changes over the corresponding period of the previous year
Applicable Not applicable
3.5 Status of the implementation of the cash dividend policy during the reporting
In accordance with the profit distribution plan for 2011 of the Company which was
considered and approved at the 2011 annual general meeting of the Company held on
6 June 2012, the Company completed the distribution of 2011 cash dividends on 3
August 2012. The distribution of cash dividends was RMB0.11 per share (tax
inclusive) and RMB0.099 per share after deduction of tax. Cash dividends of
RMB1.1 (tax inclusive) were distributed for every 10 shares; and cash dividends
were RMB0.99 for every 10 shares after deduction of tax.
By Order of the Board
Zhou Gang
Secretary to the Board
Beijing, the People's Republic of China, 25 October 2012
As at the date of this announcement, the directors of the Company are:
Liu Shunda, Hu Shengmu, Cao Jingshan, Fang Qinghai, Zhou Gang, Liu Haixia,
Guan Tiangang, Mi Dabin, Ye Yonghui, Li Gengsheng, Li Yanmeng*, Zhao Zunlian*,
Li Hengyuan*, Zhao Jie*, Jiang Guohua*
* Independent non-executive directors
4.1 Datang International Power Generation Co., Ltd.
Consolidated and the Company Balance Sheet as at 30 September 2012 (unaudited)
(Amounts expressed in thousands of Renminbi unless otherwise stated)
30 September 31 December 30 September 31 December
2012 2011 2012 2011
Item Consolidated Consolidated The Company The Company
Current assets:
Cash balance 5,324,001 4,467,372 1,828,209 2,302,521
Notes receivables 419,664 262,818 6,600 9,400
Accounts receivables 9,085,004 9,945,728 926,936 1,080,734
Prepayments 3,724,646 3,302,427 114,440 168,407
Dividend receivable 51,639 18,167 306,158 198,568
Other receivables 2,845,216 2,083,908 2,933,815 3,172,424
Inventories 5,773,500 6,093,786 353,101 403,422
Non-current assets
due within one year 6,128 12,012 - -
Other current assets 498,259 460,514 - -
Total current assets 27,728,057 26,646,732 6,469,259 7,335,476
Non-current assets:
financial assets 729,318 67,531 - -
Long-term receivables 96,367 96,367 13,111,326 9,758,925
Long-term equity
investments 13,695,580 11,342,341 44,979,150 38,795,052
Investment properties 542,672 502,302 262,514 264,677
Fixed assets 123,802,924 127,263,659 6,917,100 7,108,779
-in-progress 80,482,874 65,922,554 3,892,506 3,320,569
materials 10,225,589 5,711,846 366,092 287,615
Intangible assets 4,136,595 4,024,498 601,110 610,564
Goodwill 867,340 701,345 33,561 33,561
Long-term deferred
expenses 279,885 291,013 1,067 1,485
Deferred income tax
assets 1,754,645 1,425,210 222,711 147,169
Other non-current
assets 2,084,280 74,678 2,000,000 -
Total non-current
assets 238,698,069 217,423,344 72,387,137 60,328,396
Total assets 266,426,126 244,070,076 78,856,396 67,663,872
Datang International Power Generation Co., Ltd.
Consolidated and the Company Balance Sheet as at 30 September 2012 (unaudited)
(Amounts expressed in thousands of Renminbi unless otherwise stated)
30 September 31 December 30 September 31 December
2012 2011 2012 2011
Item Consolidated Consolidated The Company The Company
Current liabilities:
Short-term loans 19,832,238 21,523,709 1,508,000 2,450,000
Notes payables 1,977,487 1,685,269 - -
Accounts payables 16,992,111 19,193,475 929,897 485,698
Advances from
customers 1,272,568 568,013 689 689
Salaries payables 70,479 64,346 8,298 9,787
Taxes payables -2,317,236 -2,655,382 123,886 65,840
Interests payables 729,864 580,359 354,788 300,205
Dividends payables 423,967 154,881 - -
Other payables 2,394,500 1,848,551 393,554 256,968
liabilities due
within one year 10,401,275 15,624,917 1,123,420 4,153,400
Other current
liabilities 4,400,000 1,400,000 3,000,000 -
Total current
liabilities 56,177,253 59,988,138 7,442,532 7,722,587
Non-current liabilities:
Long-term loans 136,378,077 117,654,356 16,366,069 10,510,800
Debentures payables 13,908,687 8,937,277 13,908,687 8,937,277
Long-term payables 6,718,337 5,826,868 15,000 9,000
Specific payables 550 400 - -
Accrued liabilities 41,680 41,680 - -
Deferred income tax
liabilities 635,393 556,624 - -
Other non-current
liabilities 518,537 504,071 282,936 300,916
Total non-current
liabilities 158,201,261 133,521,276 30,572,692 19,757,993
Total liabilities 214,378,514 193,509,414 38,015,224 27,480,580
Shareholders' equity:
Share capital 13,310,038 13,310,038 13,310,038 13,310,038
Capital surplus 10,179,238 10,085,427 9,930,078 9,930,078
Specific reserve 564,019 512,934 506,572 480,979
Surplus reserve 13,872,308 12,806,171 13,909,742 12,843,605
Undistributed profits 1,290,194 2,016,179 3,184,742 3,618,592
Foreign currency
differences 56,796 57,115 - -
Total equity attributable
to the equity holders
of the Company 39,272,593 38,787,864 40,841,172 40,183,292
Minority interests 12,775,019 11,772,798 - -
Total shareholders'
equity 52,047,612 50,560,662 40,841,172 40,183,292
Total liabilities and
equity 266,426,126 244,070,076 78,856,396 67,663,872
Person-in-charge of the Company: Mr. Liu Shunda
Person-in-charge of accounting matters: Mr. Wang Xianzhou
Person-in-charge of the accounting institution: Mr. Wang Xianzhou
4.2 Datang International Power Generation Co., Ltd.
Consolidated Profit and Loss Account for the nine months ended
30 September 2012(unaudited)
(Amounts expressed in thousands of Renminbi unless otherwise stated)
Amounts for the
period from the
Amounts for the beginning of
period from the the previous
beginning of year to the
Amounts for the the year to end of the
Amounts for corresponding the end of the corresponding
the reporting period of the reporting period of the
period previous year period previous year
Item (Jul - Sep) (Jul - Sep) (Jan - Sep) (Jan - Sep)
1. Operating revenue 19,895,082 18,438,030 56,772,045 51,759,594
Operating revenue 19,895,082 18,438,030 56,772,045 51,759,594
2. Operating costs 18,358,302 18,195,441 53,889,869 50,466,769
Operating costs 15,460,791 15,643,323 45,301,677 43,449,421
Business tax and
surcharges 184,046 101,857 464,705 340,802
Selling expenses 71,093 186,127 394,562 363,284
General and
expenses 508,317 438,455 1,362,957 1,229,899
Financial expenses 2,134,503 1,825,679 6,366,416 5,083,419
Impairment loss on
assets -448 - -448 -56
Investment income
(losses stated
with "-") 86,898 378,197 787,939 739,458
Investment income
from associates
and jointly
entities 22,230 318,309 456,019 660,994
3. Operating profit
(losses stated
with "-") 1,623,678 620,786 3,670,115 2,032,283
Non-operating income 87,423 38,151 347,721 176,536
Non-operating expenses 11,672 990 16,793 20,185
Losses from disposal
of non-current
assets 226 295 234 301
4. Total profit
(Total losses stated
with "-") 1,699,429 657,947 4,001,043 2,188,634
Income tax expenses 284,935 130,534 723,013 410,336
5. Net profit
(Net losses stated
with "-") 1,414,494 527,413 3,278,030 1,778,298
Net profit
attributable to
equity holders of
the Company 715,858 354,710 1,804,944 1,208,842
Minority interests 698,636 172,703 1,473,086 569,456
6. Earnings per share
(1) Basic earnings
per share 0.0538 0.0266 0.1356 0.0948
(2) Diluted earnings
per share 0.0538 0.0266 0.1356 0.0948
7. Other comprehensive
income -6,760 -2,085 14,761 -51,602
8. Total comprehensive
income 1,407,734 525,328 3,292,791 1,726,696
Total comprehensive
income attributable
to equity holders
of the Company 709,098 352,578 1,819,705 1,157,126
Total comprehensive
income attributable
to minority
shareholders 698,636 172,750 1,473,086 569,570
Person-in-charge of the Company: Mr. Liu Shunda
Person-in-charge of accounting matters: Mr. Wang Xianzhou
Person-in-charge of the accounting institution: Mr. Wang Xianzhou
Datang International Power Generation Co., Ltd.
Profit and Loss Account of the Company for the nine months ended
30 September 2012 (unaudited)
(Amounts expressed in thousands of Renminbi unless otherwise stated)
Amounts for the
period from the
Amounts for the beginning of
period from the the previous
beginning of year to the
Amounts for the the year to end of the
Amounts for corresponding the end of the corresponding
the reporting period of the reporting period of the
period previous year period previous year
Item (Jul - Sep) (Jul - Sep) (Jan - Sep) (Jan - Sep)
1. Operating revenue 2,325,937 2,467,008 7,149,727 7,022,898
Operating revenue 2,325,937 2,467,008 7,149,727 7,022,898
2. Operating costs 2,601,171 2,786,757 8,102,312 7,761,807
Operating costs 2,005,382 2,398,260 6,443,667 6,631,175
Business tax and
surcharges 42,002 15,577 83,192 57,422
General and
expenses 129,256 119,316 386,560 346,067
Financial expenses 424,531 253,604 1,188,893 727,143
Investment income
(losses stated
with "-") 644,505 518,811 2,954,208 2,804,512
Investment income
from associates
and jointly
entities 108,621 318,309 722,912 660,994
3. Operating profit
(losses stated
with "-") 369,271 199,062 2,001,623 2,065,603
Non-operating income 8,349 6,367 23,598 20,547
Non-operating expenses 3,143 363 4,371 12,464
Losses from disposal
of non-current
assets - 3 8 8
4. Total profit
(Total losses stated
with "-") 374,477 205,066 2,020,850 2,073,686
Income tax expenses 10,607 -57,262 -75,541 -94,091
5. Net profit
(Net losses stated
with "-") 363,870 262,328 2,096,391 2,167,777
Net profit
attributable to
equity holders of
the Company 363,870 262,328 2,096,391 2,167,777
Minority interests
6. Earnings per share
(1) Basic earnings
per share
(2) Diluted earnings
per share
7. Other comprehensive
income - -2,685 - -65,008
8. Total comprehensive
income 363,870 259,643 2,096,391 2,102,769
Total comprehensive
income attributable
to equity holders
of the Company 363,870 259,643 2,096,391 2,102,769
Total comprehensive
income attributable
to minority
Person-in-charge of the Company: Mr. Liu Shunda
Person-in-charge of accounting matters: Mr. Wang Xianzhou
Person-in-charge of the accounting institution: Mr. Wang Xianzhou
4.3 Datang International Power Generation Co., Ltd.
Consolidated and the Company Cash Flow Statement for the nine months ended
30 September 2012 (unaudited)
(Amounts expressed in thousands of Renminbi unless otherwise stated)
For the nine months ended 30 September
2012 2011 2012 2011
Item Consolidated Consolidated The Company The Company
1. Cash flows generated
from operating
Cash received from
sales of goods and
services rendered 64,836,101 60,385,258 8,468,790 8,124,654
Refund of taxes and
levies 9,195 59,046 - -
Other cash received
relating to operating
activities 1,103,060 836,502 111,305 240,007
Sub-total of cash
inflows from
operating activities 65,948,356 61,280,806 8,580,095 8,364,661
Cash paid for goods and
services received 39,483,366 43,338,613 4,570,827 6,724,720
Cash paid to and on
behalf of employees 1,744,604 1,505,632 747,346 614,483
Payments of all types of
taxes 4,712,860 4,386,145 504,337 598,745
Other cash paid relating
to operating activities 2,266,547 2,062,579 1,061,246 509,210
Sub-total of cash
outflows from
operating activities 48,207,377 51,292,969 6,883,756 8,447,158
Net cash flows generated
from operating
activities 17,740,979 9,987,837 1,696,339 -82,497
2. Cash flows generated
from investing
Cash received on
of investments 481,744 569,074 4,329,059 2,493,003
Cash received on
income 421,535 729,519 2,177,571 2,165,501
Net cash received from
disposals of fixed
assets, intangible
assets and other
long-term assets - 5,052 - -
Other cash received
relating to investing
activities 403,916 549,492 769,521 221,714
Sub-total of cash
inflows from
investing activities 1,307,195 1,853,137 7,276,151 4,880,218
Cash paid to acquire
fixed assets,
intangible assets
and other
long-term assets 21,141,661 14,338,799 1,330,221 607,732
Cash paid to acquire
investments 5,226,383 3,220,263 14,892,862 10,283,219
Other cash paid relating
to investing activities 867,689 819,447 471,162 1,074,887
Sub-total of cash
outflows from
investing activities 27,235,733 18,378,509 16,694,245 11,965,838
Net cash flows generated
from investing
activities -25,928,538 -16,525,372 -9,418,094 -7,085,620
Datang International Power Generation Co., Ltd.
Consolidated and the Company Cash Flow Statement for the nine months ended
30 September 2012 (unaudited)
(Amounts expressed in thousands of Renminbi unless otherwise stated)
For the nine months ended 30 September
2012 2011 2012 2011
Item Consolidated Consolidated The Company The Company
3. Cash flows generated
from financing
Cash received from
investments 565,975 8,790,169 - 6,670,950
Cash received from
minority shareholders'
equity investments in
subsidiaries 348,896 1,411,303 - -
Cash received from
borrowings 65,888,495 53,075,108 13,778,999 5,700,000
Cash received from
the issuance of
debentures 4,985,000 2,976,000 4,985,000 2,976,000
Other cash received
relating to financing
activities 388,393 2,060,930 172,483 28,454
Sub-total of cash
inflows from
financing activities 71,827,863 66,902,207 18,936,482 15,375,404
Cash paid on repayments
of borrowings 52,018,210 45,802,556 8,910,710 4,807,200
Cash paid for dividends,
profit appropriation
or interest expenses 10,676,562 7,259,281 2,768,924 697,354
Dividends and profit
appropriation paid
to minority shareholders
by subsidiaries 548,990 205,954 - -
Other cash paid relating
to financing activities 84,717 347,295 10,436 35,570
Sub-total of cash
outflows from
financing activities 62,779,489 53,409,132 11,690,070 5,540,124
Net cash flows generated
from financing
activities 9,048,374 13,493,075 7,246,412 9,835,280
4. Effect of foreign
exchange rate changes
on cash and cash
equivalents -4,186 -15,906 1,031 -8,642
5. Net increase in cash
and cash equivalents 856,629 6,939,634 -474,312 2,658,521
Add: Cash and cash
equivalents at the
beginning of the
reporting period 4,467,372 3,442,976 2,302,521 2,145,796
6. Cash and cash equivalents
at the end of the
reporting period 5,324,001 10,382,610 1,828,209 4,804,317
Person-in-charge of the Company: Mr. Liu Shunda
Person-in-charge of accounting matters: Mr. Wang Xianzhou
Person-in-charge of the accounting institution: Mr. Wang Xianzhou
- END -