Interim Results

The Edinburgh Investment Trust plc Preliminary Announcement of Unaudited Results for the six months ended 30 September 2003 The Edinburgh Investment Trust plc is the UK's largest investment trust focussed entirely on the UK. The objectives of The Edinburgh Investment Trust plc are the achievement of capital growth at a higher rate than the FTSE All-Share Index and dividend growth above the rate of UK inflation. Highlights * Encouraging six month period of positive performance, exceeded FTSE All-Share Index by 3.9% on a capital only basis and 4.9% on a total return basis * Performance assisted by * + positive stock and sector selection + overweight exposure to FTSE 250 securities + beneficial effect of gearing * NAV per share rose on a capital basis by 20.7% compared to a rise in the FTSE All-Share Index of 16.8%. * Share price rose by 20.8% * Interim dividend of 4.2p per share maintained. * Nicola Ralston and Will Samuel appointed to the Board. For further information, please contact: Fidelity Investments International 020 7961 4409 Anne Read 01737 837847 Niki Bolton Chairman's Review I begin my first Review to shareholders by thanking my predecessor, Lord Eglinton, on your behalf for his contribution to the Company in the 11 years for which he served as Director and Chairman. Archie Eglinton, a man of strong commitment and integrity, led us wisely over a very difficult period. I am sure you will join me in wishing him happiness and success in the years ahead. The UK Equity Market The end of the Iraq war in early April removed a key source of uncertainty and led investors to focus on the more favourable prospects for recovery in the global economy and in corporate earnings. The resulting change in attitude to equity investment drove prices sharply higher, and the FTSE All-Share Index (capital only) rose by 16.8% in the six months under review with most of the increase occurring in the three months to 30 June. The overall advance was led by sectors - for example those technology-related and media - seen most likely to benefit from an improving economy. On the other hand, the more defensive sectors, such as food and tobacco under-performed. Performance Against this background the Company's portfolio performed well, with Net Asset Value (NAV) rising by 20.7%, 3.9 percentage points more than the FTSE All-Share Index. The share price rose by 20.8%. On a total return basis the NAV grew by 4.9 percentage points more than the relevant benchmark. About 4 5% of the out-performance was due to the positive effect of stock/sector selection, where overweight exposure to FTSE 250 securities was particularly beneficial. Gearing - the use of the Company's borrowings - was the other principal contributor to performance. At the start of the period the Manager utilised a relatively high proportion of the Company's borrowings. Following the strong market rally, increasing caution led the Manager to reduce net gearing during the period, in part by taking a short position in FTSE 100 Index Futures contracts. Gearing The 2003 Annual Report provided a detailed analysis of the Company's balance sheet, and of the Board's attitude to the two debenture stocks. We have subsequently continued to review these borrowings in the light of movements in the UK equity and fixed interest markets. This review, given our cautiously optimistic view of the equity market and expectation of firming bond yields, leads us to the conclusion that this is not an appropriate time to seek to redeem either debenture. Changes in market levels or expectations may lead us to change this position, which is tested regularly. Dividend Shareholders will be aware of the Company's two objectives - to grow assets at a higher rate than the FTSE All-Share Index, and to increase dividends by more than the rate of UK inflation. The Company did not meet the asset performance objective in aggregate over the six year period 199 8-200 3, thus the capital base from which it derives income has fallen, relative to the benchmark Index. On the other hand, dividend payments to shareholders have been increasing in line with inflation. The result is that net income from the Company's portfolio was not sufficient last year to cover these dividend payments; the same position is likely to occur this year. In the expectation of long-term growth in capital and income, it remains the Board's objective to raise dividends at a rate faster than inflation. In the meantime it is prepared to draw further from the Company's substantial revenue reserves to maintain the existing dividend which is currently equivalent to a yield approximately 40% higher than the FTSE All-Share Index. The Board will, however, be reluctant to recommend an increase in payments from the current level until the Company's capital base has shown a period of growth and dividend cover has increased. In the light of this, an unchanged interim dividend of 4.2p per share will be paid on 3 December 2003 to shareholders on the register on 7 November 2003. The ex dividend date will be 5 November. Investment Policy Further to the announcement of forthcoming amendments to the Listing Rules, the Board has resolved that it is the Company's policy to invest no more than 15% of its gross assets in other listed investment companies , including investment trusts. The Board We have made two appointments to the Board since the Annual General Meeting in July. Nicola Ralston, who has considerable experience at senior level in the investment management business, joined the Board on 29 September. I am pleased now to announce that Will Samuel, formerly Vice Chairman, European Investment Banking, Citicorp, will also join the Board with immediate effect. Will is a very highly regarded corporate advisor who worked for many years in Schroders' Corporate Finance department, of which he ultimately became head. The addition of these two experienced people, selected with the help of leading recruitment consultants, will significantly strengthen the Board of your Company. Prospects The market has moved much higher from the over-sold position seen at the start of the period. Most commentators believe the outlook for the UK economy to be sound, with increasing expectations of strong growth in corporate earnings. These positives are offset by expectations of higher domestic interest rates which may dampen sentiment towards UK equities. The UK market will also be affected by international pressure, particularly from the US where the market, after recent upward trends, could be vulnerable to setback if corporate earnings disappoint. Against this generally positive background for investment, the Manager has positioned the portfolio to provide a relatively low-risk exposure to the UK market. The Board believes that The Edinburgh Investment Trust will provide shareholders with a highly appropriate vehicle for long-term savings. Scott Dobbie Chairman 22 October 2003 The Edinburgh Investment Trust plc Statement of Total Return (incorporating the revenue account) For the six months ended 30 September 2003 for the six months for the six months for year ended ended ended 30.09.03 30.09.02 31.03.03 unaudited unaudited audited revenue capital total revenue capital total revenue capital total £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Realised - (13,348) (13,348) - (121,208) (121,208) - (171,217) (171,217) losses on investments Increase/ - 155,980 155,980 - (320,457) (320,457) - (315,766) (315,766) (Decrease) in unrealised appreciation Income from 17,654 - 17,654 17,828 - 17,828 32,672 - 32,672 investments Interest 175 - 175 1,137 - 1,137 1,682 - 1,682 receivable on short term deposits Interest 1,479 - 1,479 - - - 914 - 914 receivable on other securities Underwriting - - - 43 - 43 43 - 43 commissions Investment (415) (968) (1,383) (755) (1,762) (2,517) (1,174)) (2,738) (3,912) management fee Other (526) - (526) (752) - (752) (1,222) - (1,222) expenses Exchange - - - - (2) (2) - (2) (2) gains/ (losses) Net return/ 18,367 141,664 160,031 17,501 (443,429) (425,928) 32,915 (489,723) (456,808) (loss) before finance costs and taxation Interest (2,944) (6,870) (9,814) (2,944) (6,870) (9,814) (5,850) (13,651) (19,501) payable Return/ 15,423 134,794 150,217 14,557 (450,299) (435,742) 27,065 (503,374) (476,309) (loss) on ordinary activities before taxation Tax on - - - - - - - ordinary (14) (14) activities Return/ 15,409 134,794 150,203 14,557 (450,299) (435,742) 27,065 (503,374) (476,309) (loss) on ordinary activities after taxation Dividend - (10,286) - (10,286) (32,016) - (32,016) (10,197) (10,197) Transfer to/ 5,212 134,794 140,006 4,271 (450,299) (446,028) (4,951) (503,374) (508,325) (from) reserves Return/ 6.35p 55.52p 61.87p 5.91p (176.91p) 11.05p (205.49 (194.44p) (loss) per (182.82p) p) ordinary share Interim 4.20p 4.20p 13.15p Dividend per ordinary share These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the AITC Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) issued in January 2003. The Edinburgh Investment Trust PLC Balance Sheet As at 30 September 2003 30.09.03 30.09.02 31.03.03 unaudited unaudited audited £'000 £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Investments 931,340 895,658 806,197 Current assets Debtors 10,711 19,365 12,380 Fidelity Institutional Cash 93,893 20,131 68,414 Fund Cash and other short term - 45,643 14,808 deposits Amounts held at futures 2,332 - - clearing houses and brokers 106,936 85,139 95,602 Creditors - amounts falling (21,724) (32,828) (25,380) due within one year Net current assets 85,212 52,311 70,222 Total assets less current 1,016,552 947,969 876,419 liabilities Creditors - amounts falling (195,228) (194,977) (195,101) due after more than one year Total net assets 821,324 752,992 681,318 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 60,699 61,549 60,699 equity Other reserves 760,625 691,443 620,619 Total equity shareholders' 821,324 752,992 681,318 funds Net asset value per 336.31p 303.81p 278.59p ordinary share: The balance sheet as at 31 March 2003 has been extracted from the accounts for the year ended 31 March 2003 which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and on which the auditors gave an unqualified report. The statement of total return and the balance sheet do not represent full accounts in accordance with Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The Edinburgh Investment Trust plc Cash Flow Statement For the six months ended 30 September 2003 30.09.03 30.09.02 31.03.03 unaudited unaudited audited £'000 £'000 £'000 Net revenue before finance 18,367 17,501 32,915 costs and taxation Decrease in debtors 3,018 4,801 2,779 Increase in creditors 2,038 690 437 Expenses charged to (968) (1,762) (2,738) capital Net cash inflow from 22,455 21,230 33,393 operating activities Net cash outflow from (9,625) (9,625) (19,250) servicing of finance Overseas taxation paid (14) - - Net cash inflow/(outflow) 21,917 (22,605) 12,022 from financial investment Equity dividends paid (21,730) (21,296) (31,636) Net cash inflow/(outflow) 13,003 (32,296) (5,471) before use of liquid resources and financing Net cash (outflow)/inflow (25,479) 77,700 29,417 from management of liquid resources Net cash outflow from - (2,558) (11,935) financing Decrease/(increase) in (12,476) 42,846 12,011 cash Copies of the interim report will be posted to shareholders as soon as practicable. Copies will also be available to the public at the Company's registered office and from the Secretary at Beech Gate, Millfield Lane, Lower Kingswood, Tadworth, Surrey KT20 6RP
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