Annual Financial Report
Preliminary Announcement of Results
For the year ended 31 July 2009
Chairman's Statement
Over the 12 months to 31 July 2009, the net asset value per share of Fidelity
Asian Values PLCincreased by 15.7% compared with an increase in the benchmark
MSCI All Countries (Combined) Far Eastex Japan Index of 11.0%. The share price
increased by 20.6% over the period. (All figures in sterling terms and on a
total return basis.) Over the three and five years to 31 July 2009the
Company's net asset value rose by 43.9% and 136.5% respectively against rises
of 40.1% and 115.9% by the benchmark. The discount at which ordinary shares
traded to the net asset value of the Company widened slightly to 5.91% at the
end of the period from 5.42% six months ago.
Equities in the Far Eastex Japanregion registered double-digit gains in
sterling terms over the 12 month review period. The collapse of Lehman Brothers
precipitated the ongoing global financial turmoil leading to a steep decline in
world markets in October. Dismal economic data and subdued earnings results
drove share prices lower. Subsequently, governments across the region took
several policy measures aimed at increasing liquidity and promoting growth.
These provided some support to equities. In particular, Chinaannounced a RMB 4
trillion stimulus package and supplemented the move by lowering its cash
reserve ratio and interest rates. Mid-March onwards, investors started to
respond positively to growing evidence of an economic rebound in China, an
improvement in global credit markets and expansionary fiscal and monetary
policies. Foreign investors returned to the region encouraged by optimism about
an overall recovery underpinned by tentative signs of firmer industrial
activity in some areas. Earnings expectations, which had been cut sharply at
the end of 2008, were revised upwards, boosting share prices. Consequently, Far
Eastex Japanequities outperformed their developed as well as emerging markets
peers over the review period. In this environment, information technology
stocks benefited the most as confidence among US consumers improved. Consumer
discretionary companies, particularly automobile manufacturers, advanced.
Non-bank financials including insurance, property and diversified financials
were other beneficiaries of an improvement in investor sentiment. Healthcare
and industrials were the only two sectors that retreated. In particular,
shipping companies suffered due to a drop in cargo rates. The export-oriented
markets of Koreaand Singaporefell behind the regional benchmark. On the
economic front, interest rates were reduced in countries across the region to
spur domestic demand. However, towards the end of the period, most central
banks opted to keep rates unchanged in light of deflationary pressures. Real
GDPgrowth in China, Korea, Taiwan, Indonesiaand Singaporein the second quarter
of 2009 exceeded expectations. In July, the Purchasing Managers' Index in
China, an indicator of the health of the manufacturing sector remained above
the expansionary threshold of 50 for a fifth consecutive month. Property and
automobile sales growth were better than expected and industrial production
expanded on a month-on-month basis in many economies in the region. Although
regional exports failed to recover, they appeared to stabilise in Korea,
Taiwanand Singapore.
In recent months, signs of stabilisation have emerged in many Asian countries,
suggesting that the economic downturn may be past its worst and the recession
is starting to ease. However, overseas demand for the region's products remains
subdued and in particular continues to weigh on export-driven economies such as
Korea, Malaysia, Singaporeand Taiwan. A lower than expected rise in
unemployment, coupled with sustained industrial activity indicates that
domestic demand is helping to compensate for a decline in exports and there is
growing evidence of an economic recovery. Asian equity markets have
outperformed the global indices since the beginning of 2009; analysts have been
raising their corporate earnings forecasts for many companies in the region
resulting in a recovery in stock valuations. Although it may still be early to
talk of green shoots, investor confidence is improving and the increasing
evidence of a recovery in the Far Eastregion, ex Japan, should continue to
drive stockmarkets.
Subject to shareholders' approval at the 2009 Annual General Meeting the
Directors recommend that a final dividend in respect of the year to 31 July
2009 of 1.00p pence per share (2008:0.81p) be paid to shareholders on the
register at close of business on 16 October 2009 (ex dividend date 14 October
2009) on 16 December 2009. As the Company's objective is long term capital
growth any revenue surplus is a function of a particular year's business and it
should not be assumed that dividends will continue to be paid in future.
Tender Offer and Reduction in Capital
During the year under review, a tender offer was made for up to 40% of the
Company's issued share capital. The Board took this action to avoid the
potentially destabilising effect on the share price of certain shareholders
wishing to realise their holdings. Following shareholders' approval at an
Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company held on 5 September 2008and
completion of the Tender offer a total of 41,262,764 ordinary shares were
cancelled from the Register of Members. This equated to 40% of the issued
share capital immediately prior to the offer being made. Exiting shareholders
bore the costs involved and the remaining shareholders received the benefit of
an uplift in the net asset value of some 2% on the day the Tender offer was
The Lloyds TSB Bank PLCloan of US$11 million was repaid on 25 September 2009.
The current net gearing parameters set by the Board are between 0% and 10%.
This year three Directors will retire, two of whom, will offer themselves for
re-election. As detailed in the biographies in the Annual Report the Directors
have a wide range of appropriate skills and experience to make up a balanced
Board for your Company.
I am subject to annual re-election due to my tenure on the Board exceeding nine
years and Miss Matthews is subject to annual re-election under the Listing
Rules due to her recent employment relationship with the Manager. Miss
Matthews will retire from employment with the Manager in October 2009.
Sir Robin McLaren will retire from the Board after the Annual General Meeting.
He has served as a Director since 1997 and I would like to thank Sir Robin for
his contribution to the Company and personally for the quality and independence
of advice that he has given me over the years. His experience in Asiaand his
work as Senior Independent Director have been extremely valuable. A successor
for the role of Senior Independent Director will be appointed in due course.
A selection process for a new member of the Board is currently underway.
Annual General Meeting
The 2009 Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 7 December 2009at
Fidelity's Cannon Streetoffice commencing at 11.00 am. All shareholders and
Fidelity Savings Plan and ISA Scheme investors are invited to attend. The
Portfolio Manager will be making a presentation on the year under review and
immediate prospects for the Company.
Sir Victor Garland
28 September 2009
Chris Davies - Head of Investment Trusts, FIL Investments International - 01737
837 723
Anne Read - Corporate Communications, FIL Investments International - 0207 961
Rebecca Burtonwood, Company Secretary, FIL Investments International - 01737
836 869
Rebecca Tyerman - Company Secretariat, FIL Investments International - 01737
837 758
Income Statement
- for the year ended 31 July 2009
2009 2008
revenue capital total revenue capital total
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Gains/(losses) on investments - 9,210 9,210 - (26,390) (26,390)
- overseas dividends 2,626 - 2,626 4,188 - 4,188
- overseas scrip dividends 84 - 84 241 - 241
- deposit interest 55 - 55 150 - 150
- interest on VAT recovered on 2 - 2 - - -
investment management fees*
Investment management fee (861) - (861) (1,688) - (1,688)
Other expenses (402) - (402) (474) - (474)
Exchange gains/(losses) on 153 1,972 2,125 (14) (26) (40)
other net assets
Exchange losses on loans - (1,409) (1,409) - (247) (247)
Net return/(loss) before 1,657 9,773 11,430 2,403 (26,663) (24,260)
finance costs and taxation
Interest payable (444) - (444) (516) - (516)
Net return/(loss) on ordinary 1,213 9,773 10,986 1,887 (26,663) (24.776)
activities before taxation
Taxation on return on ordinary (233) - (233) (398) - (398)
Net return/(loss) on ordinary 980 9,773 10,753 1,489 (26,663) (25,174)
activities after taxation for
the year
Return/(loss) per ordinary 1.49p 14.85p 16.34p 1.43p (25.57p) (24.14p)
A Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses has not been prepared as there
are no gains and losses other than those reported in this Income Statement. The
total column of the Income Statement is the profit and loss account of the
Company. All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from
continuing operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued in the year.
* This is interest received on VAT on investment management fees reclaimed
following the decision of the European Court of Justice in the JPMorgan
Claverhouse Investment Trust/AIC case (C-363/05)
** This relates to overseas taxation only.
Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds - for the year ended 31 July
called share capital other other capital revenue total
up share premium redemption non-distributable reserve reserve reserve equity
capital account reserve reserve
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Opening 27,336 15,359 3,487 7,367 53,749 64,413 (990) 170,721
funds: 1
August 2007
Net - - - - - (26,663) - (26,663)
losses for
the year
Repurchase of (1,547) - 1,547 - (9,606) - - (9,606)
Revenue after - - - - - - 1,489 1,489
taxation for
the year
Closing 25,789 15,359 5,034 7,367 44,143 37,750 499 135,941
funds: 31
July 2008
Net - - - - - 9,773 - 9,773
capital gains
for the year
Share premium - (15,359) - - 15,359 - - -
Capital - - (13,803) - 13,803 - - -
Repurchase of (238) - 238 - (988) - - (988)
Ordinary (10,316) - 10,316 - (52,153 - - (52,153)
cancelled on
completion of
the Tender
Costs - - - - (842) - - (842)
with the
Tender offer
Loan - - - - (83) - - (83)
Net revenue - - - - - - 980 980
taxation for
the year
Dividend paid - - - - - - (494) (494)
Closing 15,235 - 1,785 7,367 19,239 47,523 985 92,134
funds: 31
July 2009
Balance Sheet
- as at 31 July 2009
2009 2008
£'000 £'000
Fixed assets
Investments at fair value through profit or loss 98,131 136,356
Current assets
Debtors 1,161 634
Cash at bank 425 8,954
1,586 9,588
Creditors - amounts falling due within one year
Fixed rate unsecured loan (6,584) -
Other creditors (999) (916)
(7,583) (916)
Net current (liabilities)/assets (5,997) 8,672
Total assets less current liabilities 92,134 145,028
Creditors - amounts falling due after more than one year
Fixed rate unsecured loan - (9,087)
Total net assets 92,134 135,941
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 15,235 25,789
Share premium account - 15,359
Capital redemption reserve 1,785 5,034
Other non-distributable reserve 7,367 7,367
Other reserve 19,239 44,143
Capital reserve 47,523 37,750
Revenue reserve 985 499
Total equity shareholders' funds 92,134 135,941
Net asset value per ordinary share 151.18p 131.78p
Cash Flow Statement
- for the year ended 31 July 2009
2009 2008
£ £'000
Operating activities
Investment income received 2,655 3,546
Deposit interest received 68 154
Investment management fee paid (1,268) (1,272)
Directors' fees paid (93) (60)
Other cash payments (337) (566)
Net cash inflow from operating activities 1,025 1,802
Returns on investments and servicing of finance
Interest paid (495) (511)
Net cash outflow from returns on investments and servicing (495) (511)
of finance
Financial investment
Purchase of investments (47,992) (84,344)
Disposal of investments 97,560 96,901
Net cash inflow from financial investment 49,568 12,557
Dividend paid to shareholders (494) -
Net cash inflow before financing 49,604 13,848
Repurchase of ordinary shares (988) (9,606)
Ordinary shares cancelled on completion of the Tender (52,995) -
Loan redemption costs on completion of the Tender offer (83) -
5.60% fixed rate unsecured loan part repaid (3,912) -
Net cash outflow from financing (57,978) (9,606)
(Decrease)/increase in cash (8,374) 4,242
Returns/ (losses) per ordinary share are based on the net revenue return on
ordinary activities after taxation of £980,000 (2008: £1,489,000), the capital
return in the year of £9,773,000 (2008: capital loss £26,663,000) and the total
return in the year of £10,753,000 (2008: loss £25,174,000) and on 65,827,251
ordinary shares (2008: 104,262,596) being the weighted average number of
ordinary shares in issue during the year.
The above statements have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies
as set out in annual financial statements to 31 July 2009. This preliminary
statement, which has been agreed with the auditor, was approved by the Board on
28 September 2009. It is not the Company's statutory financial statements. The
statutory financial statements for the financial year ended 31 July 2008have
been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The statutory financial
statements for the financial year ended 31 July 2009have been approved and
audited but have not yet been filed. The statutory financial statements for
the financial years ended 31 July 2008 and 31 July 2009 received unqualified
audit reports, did not include a reference to any matters to which the auditors
drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying the report and did not
contain statements under section 498 (2) and (3) of the Companies Act 2006.
The annual report and financial statements will be posted to shareholders as
soon as is practicable and in any event no later than 9 November 2009.