Interim Results

FIDELITY ASIAN VALUES PLC Preliminary Announcement of Unaudited Interim Results for the six months ended 31 January 2006 PERFORMANCE For the six months to 31 January 2006, Fidelity Asian Values' undiluted net asset value per share rose by 19.9% and the diluted net asset value per share rose by 17.3%. In comparison, the benchmark MSCI All Countries (Combined) Far East ex Japan Index gained 14.6%. (All figures in sterling and on a total return basis.) The discount at which the ordinary shares traded to the diluted net asset value of the Company narrowed to 6.7% at the period end from 8.3% six months ago. The diluted net asset value is included in this report as, for the first time, the net asset value of each of the Company's shares exceeds the subscription price of one of its warrants. Hence on exercise of the outstanding warrants, permitted on 30 November 2006, the net asset value per share in issue will be diluted. MARKETS Asian stockmarkets performed well relative to the majority of their global peers over the six months to 31 January 2006. Investor sentiment remained buoyant despite the significant increase in oil prices and the rising interest rate environment in most markets across the region. Amongst the larger markets, Korea proved to be one of the region's strongest performers, benefiting from the clear recovery in the country's domestic economy, improving asset quality in the banking sector, robust export activity and turnaround in corporate investment. The return of the domestic Korean investor to the local equity market has been an important driver of that market's performance. China's performance varied over the review period but finished on a positive note. This was due to continued economic growth momentum and improvements in its macro visibility. Taiwan was lifted by foreign investor buying attracted by a positive news flow from the technology sector and relatively inexpensive valuations. In Hong Kong, concern over a moderation in property prices due to the rising interest rate environment in the United States dampened the market's performance. However, Hong Kong still posted positive returns. The Singapore market reported muted returns during the review period, although bank stocks and the technology sector performed well. The region's smaller exchanges produced strong returns for the six month period, but underperformed their larger peers in aggregate terms. Both Thailand and Indonesia posted variable performance. Equity prices in Malaysia ended the period on a weak note. PORTFOLIO REVIEW Rewarding stock selection in Korea, in particular selected overweight positions amongst capital goods and software and services, contributed to performance. Specifically, the Company's overweight position in Korea's top internet search engine and a holding in a Korean engineering, construction and procurement company had a positive impact. Stock selection in Singapore also proved rewarding. In the Hong Kong market overweight positions in certain retailing and clothing companies dampened performance. Telecommunication services and consumer durables in Taiwan also detracted from performance. Finally, the effects of stock selection in the region's smaller markets varied. A holding in Thailand's largest oil refiner contributed to the Company's performance whilst Malaysia continued to underperform the broader regional index and detracted from relative returns. Over the six month review period, the Company increased exposure to Korea to take advantage of attractively valued opportunities in the export market as well as domestically-driven sectors benefiting from the recovery in consumption. Exposure to China was also raised, the Manager having identified strong earnings potential across a variety of sectors including upstream oil companies, insurance and property companies and mobile telephone companies. OUTLOOK FOR THE REGION The Asian region continues to attract investor interest given the positive long term growth drivers and the opportunities available for both export and domestic-oriented investments amongst the region's markets. However, consensus forecasts suggest that the resilience of the Asian economies may be put to the test in 2006, with consumer spending widely expected to moderate. A rising interest rate environment, a recurring phenomenon affecting many Asian countries, is expected to be a major trend throughout the region in the near term. Many Asia Pacific central banks have taken their lead from the US Federal Reserve and are likely to continue to increase interest rates. This results in higher borrowing costs, potentially moderating economic growth rates and curbing inflation levels. Domestic consumption could be affected in the short term with a particular negative impact on those sectors that are interest rate sensitive, such as property, banks and retailers. More positively, the currency appreciation which is a potential byproduct of higher interest rates could help bring down the cost of imports. The region's increasing demand for energy will be another area of focus in 2006. Reflecting the concerns of some regional governments, the Asian Development Bank has expressed anxiety over the ongoing impact of inflated fuel prices. The political backdrop remained benign in the latter stages of 2005 but further developments could have a bearing on the direction of individual equity markets in the months ahead. The snap election called in Thailand in response to anti-Thaksin demonstrations and the declaration of a state of emergency in the Philippines by President Arroyo to thwart alleged preparations for a military coup have caused some local nervousness but are unlikely to affect wider regional stability. Taken together, the outlook for equity-based investment in the Asian region appears to be broadly positive. While valuations across the region have risen they still remain compelling in comparison to those of their international counterparts. Given the robust growth being generated by a number of Asia's economies and the positive impact on corporate earnings in the region, Asian equities should continue to benefit from the support of overseas investors. By order of the Board Fidelity Investments International 29 March 2006 Enquiries: Stephen Westwood - Head of Investment Trusts, Fidelity Investments International - 020 7961 4477 Graham Symonds - Fidelity Investments International, Company Secretary - 01737 837345 CB26566 FIDELITY ASIAN VALUES PLC Income Statement - for the six months ended 31 January 2006(1) for the six months for the year ended for the six months ended ended 31.01.06 31.07.05 31.01.05 unaudited audited unaudited Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Return Return Return £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Gains on Investments - 17,850 17,850 - 28,065 28,065 - 13,283 13,283 Income - UK dividends - - - 22 - 22 5 - 5 - UK scrip - - - 6 - 6 6 - 6 dividends - Overseas 928 - 928 2,619 - 2,619 840 - 840 dividends - Overseas scrip 215 - 215 138 - 138 - - - dividends - Overseas 10 - 10 253 - 253 188 - 188 interest - Deposit interest 17 - 17 41 - 41 29 - 29 Investment management fee (559) - (559) (900) - (900) (442) - (442) Other expenses (219) - (219) (391) - (391) (166) - (166) Exchange losses (5) (13) (18) (10) (85) (95) - (91) (91) Exchange gains/ - 90 90 - (89) (89) - 633 633 (losses) on loans Net return before finance costs and taxation 387 17,927 18,314 1,778 27,891 29,669 460 13,825 14,285 Interest payable (324) - (324) (924) - (924) (539) - (539) Loan redemption - - - - (168) (168) - - - costs Net return/(loss) on ordinary activities before 63 17,927 17,990 854 27,723 28,577 (79) 13,825 13,746 taxation Taxation on (156) - (156) (308) - (308) (66) - (66) ordinary activities* Net (loss)/return on ordinary activities after taxation for the period attributable to equity Shareholders (93) 17,927 17,834 546 27,723 28,269 (145) 13,825 13,680 (Loss)/return per ordinary share (7) Basic (0.10p) 19.17p 19.07p 0.58p 29.65p 30.23p 0.15p 14.78p 14.63p Diluted (0.10p) 18.86p 18.76p 0.58p 29.65p 30.23p (0.15p) 14.78p 14.63p * This relates to overseas taxation only.Fidelity Asian Values PLC Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' funds for the six months ended 31 January 2006 Called Share Capital Other Warrant Capital Capital Revenue Total up premium redemption reserve reserve reserve reserve reserve equity share account reserve realised unrealised capital £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Opening 23,376 7 2,330 59,282 7,369 (35,263) 5,468 (2,134) 60,435 shareholoders' funds: 1 August 2004 Net recognised - - - - - 9,718 18,005 - 27,723 gains for the period Net revenue - - - - - 546 546 for the period Closing 23,376 7 2,330 59,282 7,369 (25,545) 23,473 (1,588) 88,704 shareholders' funds: 31 July 2005 Effect of - - - - - - (215) - (215) changing prices from middle market to bid market at 1 August 2005 Net recognised - - - - - 12,619 5,308 - 17,927 gains for the period Net revenue - - - - - - - (93) (93) loss for the period Exercise of 1 5 - 2 (2) - - - 6 warrants Closing 23,377 12 2,330 59,284 7,367 (12,926) 28,566 (1,681) 106,329 shareholders' funds: 31 January 2006 FIDELITY ASIAN VALUES PLC Balance Sheet as at 31 January 2006 31.01.06 31.07.05 31.01.05 unaudited audited unaudited £'000 £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Investments at fair value through 115,807 97,779 88,848 profit or loss Current assets Debtors 1,258 2,325 567 Cash at bank 902 919 2,695 2,160 3,244 3,262 Creditors - amounts falling due within one year Fixed rate unsecured loan (10,162) - - Other creditors (1,476) (2,067) (1,008) (11,638) (2,067) (1,008) Net current (liabilities)/assets (9,478) 1,177 2,254 Total assets less current liabilities 106,329 98,956 91,102 Creditors - amounts falling due after more than one year Fixed rate unsecured loan - (10,252) (16,987) Total net assets 106,329 88,704 74,115 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 23,377 23,376 23,376 Share premium account 12 7 7 Capital redemption reserve 2,330 2,330 2,330 Other non-distributable reserve 59,284 59,282 59,282 Warrant reserve 7,367 7,369 7,369 Capital reserve - realised (12,926) (25,545) (34,425) Capital reserve - unrealised 28,566 23,473 18,455 Revenue reserve (1,681) (1,588) (2,279) Total equity shareholders' funds 106,329 88,704 74,115 Net asset value per ordinary share: Basic 113.71p 94.86p 79.26p Diluted 111.25p 94.86p 79.26p FIDELITY ASIAN VALUES PLC Cash Flow Statement for the six months ended 31 January 2006 31.01.06 31.07.05 31.01.05 unaudited audited unaudited £'000 £'000 £'000 Operating activities Investment income received 904 2,123 868 Interest received 23 294 217 Investment management fee paid (487) (848) (405) Directors' fees paid (18) (51) (21) Other cash payments (164) (338) (79) Net cash inflow from operating Activities 258 1,180 580 Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest paid (325) (966) (543) Loan redemption costs - (168) Net cash outflow from returns on investments and servicing of (325) (1,134) (543) finance Financial investment Purchase of investments (49,701) (73,315) (26,750) Disposals of investments 49,731 75,555 23,329 Net cash inflow /(outflow) from financial Investment 30 2,240 (3,421) Net cash (outflow)/inflow (37) 2,286 (3,384) before financing Financing Exercise of warrants 6 - - 6.28% fixed rate unsecured - (7,457) - loan part repaid Net cash inflow/(outflow) from 6 (7,457) - financing Decrease in cash (31) (5,171) (3,384) Notes 1. The results for the six months to 31 January 2006 and 31 January 2005, which are unaudited, constitute non-statutory accounts within the meaning of s240 of the Companies Act 1985. The figures and financial information for the year ended 31 July 2005 are extracted from the latest published accounts. These accounts, on which the auditors gave an unqualified report, have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. 2. These interim financial statements have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the Company's annual report and accounts dated 31 July 2005 except as stated below: UK GAAP is converging with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") and the following key changes were made as a result of the introduction of Financial Reporting Standards ("FRS") 26. FRS26: "Financial Instruments: Measurement" requires that quoted investments are measured at fair value which is deemed to be bid price. The company's investments have accordingly been revalued to bid price but no adjustments have been made to the prior period's results as the Company has taken advantage of paragraph 108D of the Standard and disclosed the effect of valuing the investments at bid price as shown in the Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds. 3. A Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses has not been prepared as there are no gains and losses other than those reported in the Income Statement. All revenue and capital items in the Income Statement derive from continuing operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued in the year. 4. The Statement of Total Return is now called the Income Statement and the total column, as opposed to the revenue column, is now the profit and loss account of the Company. 5. The Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds has been introduced as a new primary statement. The issue of ordinary shares from the exercise of the warrants is reported through this statement. 6. These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the AITC Statement of Recommended Practice ("SORP") issued in January 2003 and revised in December 2005 and the changes to the accounting policies as set out above. 7. (Loss)/returns per ordinary share are based on the net revenue loss on ordinary activities after taxation of £93,000 (31.07.05: return £546,000; 31.01.05; loss £145,000) and the capital return in the period of £17,927,000 (31.07.05: £27,723,000; 31.01.05: £13,825,000) and on 93,508,000 ordinary shares (31.07.05: 93,505,653; 31.01.05: 93,505,653) being the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period. According to the provisions of FRS14 the fully diluted returns have been calculated on the assumption that the warrants in issue were converted on the first day of the financial period on a weighted average basis for the period over which they were outstanding and that the proceeds from the conversion have been used by the Company to purchase its own shares at a fair market value. 8. Copies of the interim report will be posted to shareholders as soon as practicable. Copies will also be available to the public from the Company's registered office, Beech Gate, Millfield Lane, Lower Kingswood, Tadworth, Surrey KT20 6RB.
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