Notice of Results
Preliminary Announcement of Unaudited Results
for the year ended 31 August 2002
The Year's Performance: NAV (diluted) 238.9p -11.8% - The past year has been
one of the most difficult for those involved in stock markets anywhere in the
world for many, many years, with share prices falling everywhere. In Britain
the FTSE All Share Index (our benchmark) declined by 21.0% which, as it
happens, was a little bit better than most of the other major world economies'
markets: America -24.2%, Japan -15.5%, Germany -27.6% and France -27.3%. The
reasons for the severity of the declines have been well aired in the media and
include concern about the prospect of another war in the Middle East, the
aftermath of the global technology boom, the corporate scandals in the United
States, large scale selling of stocks and shares by insurance companies and the
worry about the prospects for the US economy in an American dependent world
While it is never satisfactory to report a decline in our net asset value
because making money for our shareholders must always be our fundamental
objective, I can report that our net asset value declined by much less than our
benchmark, falling by 11.8% to 238.9p per share. Again, this year I would like
to pay tribute to Anthony Bolton, also to his team for this better than average
performance in what has been another difficult year. While Anthony Bolton is
well known to our shareholders and is an able and experienced investment
manager, even he would find it difficult to do as well as he has in the last
three years without the back-up of his many and skilful colleagues.
The share price declined by 12.2%, a little more than the net asset value but I
am pleased to report that it continued to sell at a premium to net asset value,
it being 6.0% at the year end. During the year we issued 3,714,182 shares at
various small premia (but always above 2%) which added a small amount, 1.6p per
share, to our net asset value. Furthermore during the course of the year, the
Board of Directors decided to broaden the base of those to whom we issue shares
as a consequence of the consent given by shareholders at the Annual General
Meeting; at an extraordinary general meeting held on 3 October 2002
shareholders approved a resolution allowing the Directors to issue a further
4,200,000 shares, providing that they are issued at a premium of at least 2% to
the then net asset value. This authority ends at the forthcoming Annual General
Meeting and the Directors will then seek authority to issue another 4,250,000
shares during the next 12 months.
Dividend: 1.40p per share - The Board of Directors is recommending a dividend
of 1.40p per share to shareholders at the forthcoming AGM. It is lower than
that paid last year - 2.50p per share - because the income earned during the
year is also lower; it is in line with our policy of managing the portfolio for
capital growth and paying out whatever net income the portfolio happens to earn
during that year. The dividend will be payable on 16 December to shareholders
on the register at close of business on 8 November (ex dividend date 6
Annual General Meeting, 13 December 2002 - The shareholders' Annual General
Meeting will take place at 12 noon on 13 December 2002 at Fidelity's offices at
25 Cannon Street, near St Paul's Cathedral. We emphasise in our report on
corporate governance that 'the Annual General Meeting is the pivotal point in
the relationship between the Board of Directors and shareholders and is the
occasion when the Board accounts for itself in public meeting'. We do encourage
as many shareholders as possible to attend - both individual and institutional
- as it gives you the opportunity to air your views or ask any questions you
may wish in front of the body of shareholders. Following the formal proceedings
Anthony Bolton will give a review of the past year and look at the prospects
for the current one.
At this Annual General Meeting shareholders will be asked to re-elect three of
the five members of the Board - James Laurenson, Simon Haslam and myself. While
I cannot comment on myself, I can say that all of the other directors make a
considerable contribution to the governance of your Company both as individuals
and as a team. James Laurenson is an able director, a qualified chartered
accountant and an experienced investor and all three attributes are valuable to
the Board. Simon Haslam, Fidelity International's Chief Administrative Officer,
is the one Fidelity person that serves as a director. As we say in our
corporate governance report we believe that it is most important that there is
a senior Fidelity individual on the Board and I can say that he is an excellent
director bringing his experience of the financial business and his knowledge
and understanding of Fidelity's operations to our deliberations; like James
Laurenson he is also a qualified chartered accountant. In all three cases the
Nomination Committee considered their re-elections individually and then
recommended to the Board that their names be put forward for re-election as
directors at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting.
Outlook - In my statement last year I said that 'the outlook for the current
year could not be more difficult to assess'. Well I have to say that it is even
more difficult to assess future prospects now than it was a year ago. In all
stock markets in the world there is a considerable lack of confidence in the
future whether the concerns are of war in the Middle East, of the accuracy of
the reporting of profits (particularly in the United States) and the
sustainability of profits generally, of the jobs of those in the business of
stock markets and of the possibility of global deflation. The stock markets
have continued to decline - the UK stock market is down another 4% since our
year end - so that the declines themselves are now feeding the bearish frenzy.
The issues are all real enough and won't all be resolved within a short span of
In Great Britain the outlook is rather mixed. The prospects for the private
sector do not appear to be too bad and they certainly seem rather better than
those of a number of other countries - notably Germany and Japan. The stock
market valuations are reasonable, even if they could go lower in the shorter
term - markets always go to one or other extreme. But the public sector is
experiencing great difficulties with all the implications that has for economic
life in Britain. The Government's solution to any of its problems seems to be
more spending, more central bureaucratic control, and more rules and
regulations, treating the symptoms of the problems with management of targets
and excessive use of spin to cover up the problems. It is likely to cause
problems for the Government's finances, which will result, I believe, in the
imposition of yet higher taxes. This in turn will undermine the efficiency and
productivity of all businesses and in particular will hurt the private sector
of the economy.
However the UK stock market has declined a very long way - it fell by nearly
half from its peak in the early part of 2000 to the recent trough. There is a
great deal of pessimism around, much of which has emerged in the last few
months when markets around the world suddenly plunged to much lower levels,
caused in part by insurance companies having to sell stocks and shares. It is a
truism that everything looks worst at the bottom and best at the top. I am not
suggesting that we have reached the bottom yet but at half the level it once
was, it cannot be that far away in relation to its peak. At this level, there
are lots of attractively valued opportunities, which could prove to be very
profitable investments on, say, a three year view - even if the stock market
itself does not make much progress. Finding and investing in such opportunities
is what good investment managers are able to do. In Fidelity and in Anthony
Bolton and his team we have such capability and I see no reason why we should
not make money for our shareholders over, say, that three year time span.
Alex Hammond-Chambers
25 October 2002
Enquiries: Barbara Powley - Fidelity Investments International
01737 836883
(incorporating the revenue account) of the Company for the year ended
31 August 2002
2002 2001
Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
(Losses)/gains on - (14,511) (14,511) - 12,330 12,330
Dividends 3,595 - 3,595 3,676 - 3,676
Interest from 31 - 31 22 - 22
Other income 133 - 133 227 - 227
Investment management (1,404) - (1,404) (1,313) - (1,313)
Other expenses (388) - (388) (330) - (330)
Exchange (losses)/ - (163) (163) - 19 19
Net return/(loss) 1,967 (14,674) (12,707) 2,282 12,349 14,631
before finance costs
and taxation
Interest payable (1,409) - (1,409) (1,186) - (1,186)
Return/(loss) on 558 (14,674) (14,116) 1,096 12,349 13,445
ordinary activities
before tax
Tax on ordinary (9) - (9) - - -
Return/(loss) on 549 (14,674) (14,125) 1,096 12,349 13,445
ordinary activities
after tax
attributable to
equity shareholders
Dividend (600) - (600) (939) - (939)
Transfer (from)/to (51) (14,674) (14,725) 157 12,349 12,506
Return per ordinary 1.39p (37.08p) (35.69p)
3.04p 34.27p 37.31p
Fully-diluted 1.35p (36.16p) (34.81p) 2.71p 30.53p 33.24p
The revenue column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the
All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing
No operations were acquired or discontinued in the year.
BALANCE SHEET (unaudited)
as at 31 August 2002
2002 2001
£'000 £'000
Fixed assets
Investments 125,652 119,769
Current assets
Debtors - amounts falling due within one 446 2,230
Cash at bank 1,917 9,416
2,363 11,646
Creditors - amounts falling due within one
Fixed rate unsecured loans - (10,000)
Other creditors (2,640) (2,382)
(2,640) (12,382)
Net current liabilities (277) (736)
Total assets less current liabilities 125,375 119,033
Creditors - amounts falling due after more
than one year
Fixed rate unsecured loans (20,000) (10,000)
Total net assets 105,375 109,033
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 10,526 9,393
Share premium account 37,731 28,409
Capital redemption reserve 404 404
Other reserves
Warrant exercise reserve 1,586 744
Warrant reserve 970 1,200
Capital reserve - realised 69,265 60,732
Capital reserve - unrealised (16,388) 6,819
Revenue reserve 1,281 1,332
Total equity shareholders' funds 105,375 109,033
Net asset value per ordinary share:
Basic 250.28p 290.20p
Fully-diluted 238.87p 270.76p
for the year ended 31 August 2002
2002 2001
£'000 £'000
Operating activities
Investment income received 2,424 2,647
Underwriting commission received 15 -
Deposit interest received 117 227
Investment management fee paid (1,412) (1,269)
Directors' fees paid (59) (54)
Other cash payments (334) (208)
Net cash inflow from operating activities 751 1,343
Returns on investments and servicing of
Interest paid (1,376) (1,191)
Net cash outflow from servicing of finance (1,376) (1,191)
Taxation 9
UK income tax recovered 14
Tax recovered 9 14
Financial Investment
Purchase of investments (78,730) (60,503)
Realised currency (losses)/gains (163) 19
Disposals of investments 61,925 57,410
Net cash outflow from financial investment (16,968) (3,074)
Equity Dividend paid (950) (813)
Net cash outflow before financing (18,534) (3,721)
Exercise of warrants 816 447
Fixed rate 5.65% unsecured loan drawn down - 4,000
Fixed rate 5.9704% unsecured loan drawn - 6,000
Fixed rate 6.42% unsecured loan drawn down 10,000 -
Repayment of fixed rate 7.095% unsecured - (3,500)
Repayment of fixed rate 7.04094% unsecured - (2,500)
Repayment of fixed rate 5.65% unsecured (4,000) -
Repayment of fixed rate 5.9704% unsecured (6,000) -
Issue of ordinary shares 10,222 5,037
Net cash inflow from financing 11,038 9,484
(Decrease)/increase in cash (7,496) 5,763
The above statements have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies
as set out in the most recently published set of annual financial statements.
The figures for the year to 31.08.01 have been extracted from the accounts for
the year ended 31.08.01 which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies
and on which the Auditors gave an unqualified report.
The annual report and accounts will be posted to shareholders by no later than
14 November 2002. Copies will also be available from the Company's registered
office at Beechgate, Millfield Lane, Tadworth, Surrey KT20 6RB.