Fidelity Special Values PLC (the Company)
The issuer advises that the following replaces the transaction in own shares announcement released on 24 November 2015 at 17:00:55 under RIS number PRNUK-2411151707-C379. The repurchase of shares date should have read 24 November 2015 and not 26 November 2015 as previously announced. All other details remain unchanged. The full amended text appears below.
Repurchase of Shares
Fidelity Special Values PLC announces that the Company on 24 November 2015 bought into Treasury 50,000 of its own shares at a price of 193.6 pence per share. The total number of ordinary shares in issue is 270,644,480. This figure includes 4,220,000 ordinary shares held in Treasury which attract no voting rights.
Christopher Pirnie
For and on behalf of FIL Investments International
Company Secretary
01737 837929
24 November 2015