Unaudited Preliminary Results
9 February 2015
Guscio PLC
("Guscio" or the "Company" or the "Group")
Unaudited preliminary results for the year ended 30 September 2014
Chairman's Report
I am pleased to present the Company's results for the year ended 30 September
As shareholders will be aware, the Company disposed of its two trading
subsidiary companies on 8 September 2014, and was re-classified as an
Investing Company in accordance with the AIM Rules for Companies.
In last year's Chairman's Report, my predecessor as Chairman, Terry Bate,
highlighted a concern that the Board had at that time about the future
sustainability of the Group given the trading prospects of its two businesses.
It was against this background that the decision was taken to dispose of those
businesses and to refocus the Company as an Investing Company.
This year's financial statements therefore reflect the disposal of the
business. The loss from continuing operations was £177,000 (2013: £113,000
loss) and a profit from discontinued operations, largely reflecting the non
cash profit recorded on the disposal of the subsidiary companies, resulted in
an overall profit for the year of £467,000 (2013: £289,000 loss).
Since the year end, the Company has raised £200,000 from a placing of ordinary
shares which has stabilised the Company's financial position and has allowed
it to make its first investment, being an investment of £125,000 in Sportsdata
Limited in the form of a convertible loan. Sportsdata Limited is a technology
company that has developed and implemented a website application for
monitoring and improving the physical literacy of children in association with
the Youth Sports Trust.
The investment in Sportsdata Limited is in accordance with the Company's
Investing Policy which is to invest in and/or acquire technology and media
companies and/or assets where the Board believes there are opportunities for
growth which, if achieved, will be earnings enhancing for shareholders.
I joined the Board as Non-Executive Chairman on 26 January 2015 and look
forward to helping the Company identify and make further investments which
will enhance shareholder value.
A copy of the Company's report and accounts for the year ended 30 September
2014 together with a notice for its annual general meeting, to be held at 2.00
p.m. on 25 March 2015 at the offices of Peterhouse Corporate Finance Limited,
3rd Floor New Liverpool House, 15-17 Eldon Street, London EC2M 7LA, will
shortly be posted to shareholders and will be made available on the Company's
website www.guscioplc.com.
Richard Thompson
6 February 2015
For further information please contact:
Guscio PLC
Tony Humphreys / Marcus Yeoman 0203 056 4737
Sanlam Securities UK Limited
Virginia Bull / Simon Clements 020 7628 2200
Peterhouse Corporate Finance Limited
Lucy Williams / Eran Zucker 020 7469 0936
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income for the year ended 30 September
Notes 2014 2013
£'000 £'000
Continuing Operations
Revenue 3 - -
Cost of sales - -
Gross profit - -
Administrative expenses 3 (177) (113)
Operating loss (177) (113)
Finance income 5 - -
Finance costs 6 - -
Loss before taxation (177) (113)
Income tax 7 - -
Loss for the year from continuing operations (177) (113)
Discontinued Operations
Profit/(Loss) for the year from discontinued 2 644 (176)
(attributable to owners of the parent)
Profit/(Loss) for the year 467 (289)
Other comprehensive income - -
Comprehensive profit/(loss) for the year 467 (289)
Earnings per share from continuing operations attributable to the equity
holders of the Company during the year:
2014 2013
Basic earnings/(loss) per share 9 2.24p (1.31p)
Diluted earnings/(loss) per share 9 2.15p (1.26p)
There are no recognised gains or losses other than the results for the period
as set out above.
Consolidated statement of financial position at 30 September 2014
2014 2013
Notes £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Non-Current Assets
Goodwill 10 - 1,082
Property, plant &
Equipment 11 - 3
Investments 12 - -
- 1,085
Current Assets
Inventories 13 - 85
Trade Receivables 14 66 161
Cash & Cash equivalents - 13
66 259
Total Assets 66 1,344
Equity and liabilities
Share capital 16 6,369 6,368
Share premium 11,871 11,822
Share option reserve 3 148
Retained earnings (18,250) (18,865)
Total Equity (7) (527)
Current Liabilities
Borrowings 17 - 920
Trade & other payables 18 73 951
Total Liabilities 73 1,871
Total equity & liabilities 66 1,344
Consolidated cash flow statements for the year to 30 September 2014
2014 2013
£'000 £'000
Cash flows from continuing operations
Operating loss (177) (113)
Adjustments for:
Share option expense 3 -
Decrease in trade & other receivables 16 -
(Decrease) in trade & other payables (258) -
Cash generated from continuing (416) (113)
Cash flows from discontinued
Operating profit/(loss) 698 (134)
Depreciation - 3
Loss on disposal of fixed assets 3 7
Loss on disposal of goodwill 1,082 -
Decrease/(increase) in trade & other 129 (83)
Decrease in inventories 85 53
(Decrease)/increase in trade & other (620) 270
Net (decrease)/increase in borrowing (892) 42
Cash generated from discontinued 485 158
Net cash inflow from operating 69 45
Cash flows from investing activities
Interest received 5 - 1
Purchase of property, plant & 11 - (5)
Sale proceeds of fixed asset - 6
Net cash used in investing activities - 2
Cash flows from financing activities
Interest paid (discontinued 6 (54) (43)
Issue of new shares (continuing 16 -
Net cash from financing activities (54) (43)
Net increase in cash & cash 15 15 4
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 15 (15) (19)
Cash and cash equivalents at 30 15 - (15)
Statement of changes in equity for the year ended 30 September 2014
Share Share Share Retained Total
Capital Premium Option Earnings
£'000 £'000 £'000
Balance at 1 October 2012 6,368 11,822 148 (18,576) (238)
Comprehensive loss for the year - - - (289) (289)
6,368 11,822 148 (18,865) (527)
Balance as at 30 September 2013
Balance at 1 October 2013 6,368 11,822 148 (18,865) (527)
Comprehensive income for the year - - - 467 467
Issue of shares 1 49 - - 50
Equity share options expired - - (148) 148 -
Equity share options issued - - 3 - 3
At 30 September 2014 6,369 11,871 3 (18,250) (7)
Share capital relates to the nominal value of shares issued. Share premium
relates to the amounts subscribed for share capital in excess of the nominal
value of the shares.
The share option reserve arose on the grant of share options to employees
under the employee share option plan. At 30 September 2014 the Company had no
employees other than the directors.
Retained earnings relates to cumulative profits and losses recognised in the
statement of comprehensive income.
Notes to the consolidated financial statements for the year to 30 September
1 Accounting policies
1.1 Basis of preparation and consolidation
The Company's financial statements are prepared under the
historical cost convention. The Company's financial statements have been
prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards
(IFRSs) as adopted by the European Union and applied in accordance with the
provisions of the Companies Act 2006 applicable to companies reporting under
The Group financial statements consolidate the financial statements
of the Company and its subsidiary undertakings made up to 30 September 2014.
The principal accounting policies adopted by the Group are set out
1.2 Going concern
The disposal of the trading subsidiaries was completed during the
year and as a result, Guscio Plc is now a non trading holding Company. No
substantive warranties or indemnities were given to the purchasers of the
trading subsidiaries and therefore the directors are not expecting any further
liabilities arising from the disposal of these companies. £250,000 has been
raised in three separate placings, with £50,000 being raised before the
balance sheet date and £200,000 being raised subsequent to the year end. These
funds have allowed all historical creditors to be paid and has put the Company
in a position where it has sufficient cash resources to meet the on going
expenses for at least a further 18 months. It is anticipated that the Company
may make new investments during this period but the directors will ensure that
any such investments can be funded in a prudent way. Therefore after making
enquiries, the directors have a reasonable expectation that the Group has
adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable
future. The Group therefore continues to adopt the going concern basis in
preparing its consolidated financial statements.
1.3 Revenue recognition
Revenue is recognised to the extent that it is probable that the
economic benefits will flow to the Company and the revenue can be reliably
measured. Revenue consists of the total value of goods sold in the year, net
of value added tax and comprises amounts invoiced in respect of making
Where a production straddles two financial years, the amount of
revenue, costs and profit are pro-rated based on the proportion of the
production completed at year end.
Distribution revenue arises from the licensing of programme rights
which have been obtained under distribution agreements with either external
parties or Group companies.
Distribution income is recognised in the income statement on
signature of the licence agreement and represents amounts receivable on such
1.4 Property, plant and equipment
Items of property, plant and equipment are stated at the cost of
acquisition or production cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment
Depreciation is calculated to write down the cost less estimated
residual value of all tangible fixed assets by the reducing balance method.
The rates applicable are:
Fixtures and fittings - 15%
Office equipment - 33%
Items of property, plant and equipment are reviewed for impairment
whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount
may not be recoverable. An impairment loss is recognised for the amount by
which the assets carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount.
1.5 Investments
Investments in subsidiaries are included at cost less any
accumulated impairment losses.
1.6 Taxation
Current taxes are based on the results of the Group companies and
are calculated according to local tax rules, using the tax rates that have
been enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date.
Deferred tax is provided in full using the balance sheet liability
method for all taxable temporary differences arising between the tax bases of
assets and liabilities and their carrying values for financial reporting
purposes. Deferred tax is measured using currently enacted or substantively
enacted tax rates.
Deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent the temporary
difference will reverse in the foreseeable future and that it is probable that
future taxable profit will be available against which the asset can be
1.7 Foreign currencies
Transactions in foreign currencies are translated at the exchange
rate ruling at the date of the transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities in
foreign currencies are translated at the rates of exchange ruling at the
balance sheet date. All exchange differences are dealt with through the income
1.8 Leased assets
Costs in respect of operating leases are charged on a straight line
basis over the lease term. Leasing agreements or hire purchase contracts which
transfer to the Group substantially all the benefits and risks of ownership of
an asset are treated as if the asset had been purchased outright. The assets
are included in fixed assets and the capital element of the leasing
commitments is shown as obligations under finance leases. The lease rentals
are treated as consisting of capital and interest elements. The capital
element is applied to reduce the outstanding obligations, and the interest
element is charged against profit so as to give a constant periodic rate of
charge on the remaining balance outstanding at each accounting period. Assets
held under finance leases are depreciated over the shorter of the lease terms
and the useful economic life of equivalent owned assets.
1.9 Financial instruments
The Group uses financial instruments other than derivatives
comprising cash and various items such as trade debtors, other creditors etc.
that arise from its operations. The main purpose of these financial
instruments is to raise finance for the Group's business.
The board approves treasury policies and senior management directly
controls day-to-day operations. Surplus cash funds are deposited with third
party banks with high credit ratings in floating rate deposits. The security
of these deposits and the interest rates earned are monitored on a regular
basis against the products and services of competing financial institutions.
The fair values of the financial instruments at the period end
approximate the book values.
1.10 Inventories and work in progress
Work in progress represents expenditure relating to productions
which have not yet been completed and is valued at the lower of cost and net
realisable value. It is the Group's policy to write off amounts relating to
productions that do not proceed within one year of inception.
1.11 Goodwill
Goodwill arising on an acquisition represents the excess of the
cost of the acquisition over the Group's interest in the fair value of
identifiable assets and liabilities acquired as at the date of the exchange
transaction. Goodwill is stated at cost less any accumulated impairment
losses. Where an indication of impairment exists, goodwill is written down
immediately to its recoverable amount.
An impairment review is performed annually in which the recoverable
amount of the goodwill is calculated and compared with the carrying value
within the accounts.
1.12 Intellectual property rights
Intellectual property rights are shown at cost and are being
written off on a straight line basis over ten years, or written-off in full if
considered to have no further residual value. Amortisation is included in
administrative expenses in the income statement.
1.13 Cash and cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents compromise cash at bank and in hand and
short term deposits. Short term deposits are defined as deposits with an
initial maturity of three months or less.
Bank overdrafts that are repayable on demand and form an integral
part of the Company's cash management are included as a component of cash and
cash equivalents for the purposes of the cash flow statement.
1.14 Trade and other payables
Trade and other payables represent liabilities for goods and
services provided to the Company prior to the year end which remain unpaid at
the year end. Current liabilities represent those amounts falling due within
one year.
1.15 Share based payments
In accordance with IFRS 2 share based payments, the Group reflects
the economic cost of awarding shares and share options to employees by
recording an expense in the income statement equal to the fair value of the
benefit awarded, fair value being determined by reference to option pricing
models. The expense is recognised in the income statement over the vesting
period of the award.
1.16 Trade and other receivables
Trade and other receivables are recognised by the Company and
carried at the original invoice amount less an allowance for any uncollectible
or impaired amounts. An estimate for the doubtful debts is made when
collection of the full amount is no longer probable. Uncollectible receivables
are written off as soon as the payment loss has been established.
1.17 Development costs
Development costs are costs incurred in the course of developing
programmes for commission and are written off as incurred.
1.18 Accounting estimates and judgements
Details of significant accounting estimates and judgements have
been disclosed under the relevant note or accounting policy for each area
where disclosure is required. Principally these are valuation of work in
progress, trade receivables acquired intangible assets, goodwill impairment
testing and revenue recognition.
1.19 Borrowing Costs
Borrowing costs are charged to the profit and loss account on an
accruals basis, and added to the loan in liabilities if unpaid at year end.
1.20 Application of new EU endorsed accounting standards,
amendments to existing EU endorsed standards and interpretations
New Standards, amendments and interpretations effective for the
first time for the financial year beginning 1 October 2013, but not currently
relevant to the Group (although they may affect the accounting for future
transactions and events):
IAS 1 (amendment) - `Presentation of items of other comprehensive
IAS 12 (amendment) - `Income taxes'
IAS 16 (annual improvements 2011) - `Property, Plant and Equipment'
IAS 19 (amendment) - `Employee benefits'
IAS 34 (annual improvements 2011) - `Interim financial reporting'
IAS 32 (annual improvements 2011) - `Financial Instruments:
IFRS 1 (amendment) - `First time adoption'
IFRS 7 (amendment) - `Financial Instruments'
IFRS 13 - `Fair value measurement'
IFRIC 20 (interpretation) - `Stripping costs in the production
phase of a surface mine'
The above revised standards have not had any impact on the
Company's financial statements in the current year. The Company will apply for
the above standards prospectively to all future transactions and events.
New Standards, amendments and interpretations issued, but not
effective for the financial year beginning 1 October 2013 and not early
IAS 16 (annual improvements 2012) - `Property, Plant and Equipment'
- effective 1 July 2014
IAS 19 (amendment) - `Employee benefits' - effective 1 July 2014
IAS 27 (revised 2011) - `Separate Financial statements' - effective
1 January 2014
IAS 28 (revised 2011) - `Associates and joint ventures' - effective
1 January 2014
IAS 32 (amendment) - `Financial Instruments: Presentation' -
effective 1 January 2014
IAS 36 (amendment) - `Impairment of assets' - effective 1 January
IAS 37 (annual improvements 2012) - `Provisions, contingent
liabilities and contingent assets' - effective 1 July 2014
IAS 39 (annual improvements 2012) - `Financial instruments:
Recognition and measurement' - effective 1 July 2014
IAS 39 (amendment) - `Financial instruments: Recognition and
measurement' - effective 1 January 2014
IAS 40 (annual improvement 2013) - `Investment Property' -
effective 1 July 2014
IFRS 1 (annual improvement 2013) - `First time adoption' -
effective 1 July 2014
IFRS 2 (annual improvement 2012) - `Share-based Payment' -
effective 1 July 2014
IFRS 3 (annual improvement 2012) - `Business combinations' -
effective 1 July 2014
IFRS 3 (annual improvement 2013) - `Business combinations' -
effective 1 July 2014
IFRS 8 (annual improvement 2012) - `Operating segments' - effective
1 July 2014
IFRS 9 - `Financial instruments' - effective 1 January 2015
IFRS 9 (amendment) - `Financial instruments' - effective date to be
IFRS 10 (amendment) - `Consolidated financial statements' -
effective 1 January 2014
IFRS 11 - `Joint arrangements' - effective 1 January 2014
IFRS 12 - `Disclosures of interests in other entities' - effective
1 January 2014
IFRS 13 (annual improvement 2012) - `Fair value measurement' -
effective 1 July 2014
IFRS 13 (annual improvement 2013) - `Fair value measurement' -
effective 1 July 2014
IFRIC 21 (interpretation) - `Levies' - effective 1 January 2014
The directors do not anticipate that the adoption of these
interpretations in future reporting periods will have a material impact on the
Company's results.
2 Discontinued operations
Analysis of the results of discontinued operations and the result
recognised on the re-measure of assets or disposal Group is as follows:
2014 2013
£'000 £'000
Revenue 562 677
Cost of sales (491) (459)
Administrative expenses (327) (352)
Finance costs (54) (43)
Finance income - 1
Loss on discontinued operations (310) (176)
Profit recognised on the re-measurement of
assets and liabilities on disposal 954 -
Profit/(Loss) for the year from discontinued
644 (176)
See notes 8 and 12 for further details.
3 Revenue and loss on discontinued and continued activities before
The revenue and loss on discontinued activities before taxation are
primarily attributable to the creation, development and production of
television programmes.
The loss on continuing activities before taxation is primarily
attributable to investing in companies and assets.
By geographical origin
For the year to 30 September 2014:
Revenue Profit Total Total
assets liabilities
before tax
£'000 £'000
£'000 £'000
United Kingdom 321 467 66 (73)
Rest of Europe 162 - - -
Asia 79 - - -
562 467 66 (73)
All revenue is from discontinuing operations and profit before tax is from
both discontinued operations and continuing operations, see note 2.
For the year to 30 September 2013:
Revenue Loss before Total Total
tax assets liabilities
£'000 £'000 £'000
United Kingdom 556 (289) 1,344 (1,871)
Rest of Europe 121 - - -
Asia - - - -
677 (289) 1,344 (1,871)
Total assets include property, plant and equipment and goodwill,
all of which are allocated to operations within the UK. Non cash expenses such
as depreciation and amortisation are also allocated to operations in the UK.
2014 2013
£'000 £'000
Loss before taxation is arrived at after
Depreciation of tangible fixed assets - 3
Loss on disposal of fixed assets 3 7
Auditors' remuneration :
- audit of the annual accounts of the Group 12 12
- other services relating to taxation 4 2
Provision for bad debt - 1
4 Directors and employees
2014 2013
£'000 £'000
Staff costs during the year were as follows:
Wages and salaries 248 256
Social security costs 28 31
Share-based payments to employees 3 -
279 287
All staff costs are included within discontinued operations, except for
the share-based payments to employees.
The monthly average number of employees during the year was made up as
No. No.
Production 4 4
Administration 2 2
Management 1 1
7 7
£'000 £'000
Details of emoluments paid to directors are as
Emoluments 222 245
All directors emoluments are included within discontinued operations.
[[TAB_STOP_RIGHT]]The emoluments of directors disclosed above include
the following amounts paid to the highest paid director:
£'000 £'000
Director emoluments 78 85
5 Finance income
2014 2013
£'000 £'000
Interest receivable - 1
6 Finance costs
2014 2013
£'000 £'000
Interest payable 54 43
All amounts are included within discontinued operations.
7 Taxation
2014 2013
£'000 £'000
Domestic current year tax
UK corporation tax - -
Domestic prior year tax
UK corporation tax - repayment - -
- -
Factors affecting the tax charge for the
Profit/(Loss) on ordinary activities before 467 (289)
Profit/(Loss) on ordinary activities 94 (58)
multiplied by the standard rate of Corporation
tax in the UK of 20% (2013 - 20%)
Expenses not deductible for tax purposes 215 -
Income not taxable (395) -
Other short term timing differences 6 24
Deferred tax not recognised 80 34
Current tax charge - -
8 Related party transactions
On 12 August 2014, the Company entered into two separate
conditional agreements to dispose of its entire shareholdings in (i) Talent
Television South Limited and (ii) Talent Holdings Limited and its subsidiary
undertakings. As detailed below, both transactions were to related parties and
were therefore subject to shareholder approval. Both transactions were
approved at a General Meeting held on 8 September and therefore the sales
completed on that date.
Pursuant to the Sale and Purchase Agreement for Talent Television
South Limited, Stitchcombe Productions Limited, a Company which is
beneficially owned and controlled by Bob Benton, who was at that stage a
Non-Executive Director of the Company, and his wife, acquired the entire
issued share capital of Talent Television South Limited for a maximum cash
consideration of £42,000. Of the consideration, £30,000 was payable on
completion and the remainder was paid subsequent to the year end.
The amount of intercompany debt to be novated to and assumed by
Talent 2014 Limited for the acquisition of Talent Holdings Limited assumed
that the consideration monies became due and payable to the Company under the
Talent South Sale and Purchase agreement.
9 Loss per share
(a) Basic
Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the loss attributable to
equity holders of the Company by the weighted average number of ordinary
shares in issue during the year.
The calculation of the basic loss per ordinary share is based on:
2014 2013
Number Number
Weighted average number of Ordinary shares
in issue during the period 20,840,286 21,960,284
Profit/(Loss) for the year (£'000) 467 (289)
(b) Diluted
Diluted earnings per share is calculated by adjusting the weighted
average number of ordinary shares outstanding to assume conversion of all
dilutive potential ordinary shares. The Company has one category of dilutive
potential shares and share options. A calculation is performed to determine
the number of shares that could have been acquired at fair value (determined
as to the average annual market share price of the Company's shares) based on
the monetary value of the subscription rights attached to outstanding share
options. The number of shares calculated as above is compared with the number
of shares that would have been issued assuming the exercise of the share
The calculation of diluted earnings per share is based on:
2014 2013
Number Number
Weighted average number of Ordinary
shares in issue 20,840,286 21,960,284
Adjustments for dilutive effect of:
- Employee share options 856,008 867,500
Weighted average number of ordinary
shares for diluted earnings per share 21,696,294 22,827,784
10 Goodwill
At 1 October 2012 and 30 September 2013 1,082
During the year to 30 September 2014
Net book amount as at 30 September 2014
Net book amount as at 30 September 2013 1,082
See notes 8 and 12 for further details.
11 Property, plant and equipment
Office Equipment Fixtures
and Total
£'000 fittings
£'000 £'000
At 30 September 2012 137 37 174
5 -
Disposals (134) (37) (171)
___________________ÂÂÂ ________ ________
At 30 September 2013 8 - 8
Additions in year
- - -
Disposals (8) - (8)
At 30 September 2014 - - -
At 1 October 2012 129 32 161
Charge for the year 3 - 3
Disposals (127) (32) (159)
At 31 September 2013 5 - 5
Charge for the year - - -
Disposals (5) - (5)
At 30 September 2014 - - -
Net book value
At 30 September 2014 - - -
Net book value
At 30 September 2013 3 - 3
12 Fixed asset investments
- At 1 October 2013 6,344
Amounts written off
- At 1 October 2013 (4,145)
Net book amount at 30 September 2013 2,199
Additions during the year to 30 September 2014 -
Disposals during the year to 30 September 2014 (1,323)
Net book amount at 30 September 2014 876
Details of the Group's investments, which are wholly owned by the parent
Company and are included in the consolidated financial statements, are as
Name of entity Principal activity Country of
RMR Design Associates Ltd Dormant England & Wales
Guscio 2 Limited Dormant England & Wales
Fair value information has not been disclosed for the investments
as their fair value cannot be measured reliably. This is because the
investments are not traded on an active market.
On 12 August 2014, the Company entered into two separate
conditional agreements to dispose of its entire shareholdings in (i) Talent
Television South Limited and (ii) Talent Holdings Limited and its subsidiary
undertakings. As detailed below, both transactions were to related parties and
were therefore subject to shareholder approval. Both transactions were
approved at a General Meeting held on 8 September and therefore the sales
completed on that date. Further details of the terms of these disposals are
explained in the related party note.
The Companies which were disposed of during the year were as
Name of entity Principal activity Country of
Talent Holdings Ltd Holding company England & Wales
Talent Television Ltd Television production and England & Wales
Talent Television Television production and England & Wales
South Ltd development
Name of entity Principal activity Country of
Talent Films Ltd Dormant England & Wales
Talent Kids Ltd Dormant England & Wales
Talent Music Ltd Dormant England & Wales
Talent Theatre Dormant England & Wales
Productions Ltd
KMB Productions Ltd Dormant England & Wales
13 Inventories
2014 2013
£'000 £'000
Work in progress - 85
14 Trade and other receivables
2014 2013
£'000 £'000
Due within one year:
Amounts due from Group
undertakings - -
Other receivables 63 61
Prepayments and accrued income 3 100
66 161
The above items represent financial assets (financial instruments) of the
15 Cash and cash equivalents
2014 2013
£'000 £'000
Cash at bank and in hand - 13
Bank overdraft - (28)
- (15)
16 Share capital
2014 2013
£'000 £'000
Allotted, called up and fully paid
3,378,506 (2013 - 21,960,284) Ordinary shares of
0.1p (2013 - 1p) each 3 220
1,689,253 B Deferred shares of 12.9p each 218 -
62,102,847 Deferred shares of 9.9p each 6,148 6,148
6,369 6,368
On 8 September 2014, 1,694,911 Ordinary shares of 0.1 pence each in
the Company were issued raising £50,000 before expenses for the benefit of the
The Subscribers were issued with one Warrant for each ordinary
share subscribed for and these warrants will be exercisable at the
subscription Price (being 2.95 pence per share) at any time during the five
year period from the date of issue.
In order to carry out the Subscription described above, it was
necessary to reduce the nominal value of the Company's issued Ordinary Shares
at that date to an appropriate level which was less than the Subscription
Price. Accordingly, a share reorganisation was effected and became effective
from 8 September 2014 on the following basis:
a. the previous Ordinary Shares of 1p each were consolidated into
ordinary shares of 13p each at a ratio of 13 existing Ordinary Shares for
every 1 new ordinary share of 13p each; and
b. each of the new ordinary shares of 13p each were then subdivided
into and reclassified as one New Ordinary Share (being an ordinary share in
the capital of the Company with a nominal value of 0.1p each) and one New
Deferred Share (being a B deferred share in the capital of the Company of
12.9p nominal value).
The New Deferred Shares carry negligible value as they do not carry
any rights to vote or dividend rights and have not be admitted to trading on
AIM and will not be transferable. The New Deferred Shares have limited rights,
and are subject to the restrictions, set out in the Company's New Articles. It
is intended that in due course, all deferred shares in the capital of the
Company will be repurchased by the Company for an aggregate of £1 and
The rights attaching to the New Ordinary Shares of 0.1 pence will
be identical in all respects to those of the Existing Ordinary Shares.
Shareholders with a holding of less than 13 Existing Ordinary
Shares were not entitled to any New Ordinary Shares and any fractions of
Ordinary Shares arising from the Capital Reorganisation were aggregated and
sold for the benefit of the Company.
17 Borrowings
Current borrowings 2014 2013
£'000 £'000
Overdraft - 28
Other loans - 892
- 920
Other loans related to amounts provided by T Bate, former Non-Executive
Chairman. Interest was payable monthly at the rate of 6% per annum on the
first £700,000, and interest at 7% per annum was payable upon repayment of the
balance. The loans were unsecured and no guarantees were given.
a) Ageing
The loans were repayable on demand.
b) Fair values
Cash and cash equivalents
The carrying value approximates to fair value.
Other assets and liabilities
No disclosure of fair value has been made as the carrying value is a
reasonable approximation of the fair value.
18 Trade and other payables: Amounts falling due within one year
2014 2013
£'000 £'000
Amounts owed to Group undertakings - -
Social security and other taxes - 97
Other payables 46 68
Accruals and deferred income 27 786
73 951
With the exception of social security and other taxes, the above
items represent financial liabilities (financial instruments) of the Group.
19 Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in cash and cash equivalents
2014 2013
£'000 £'000
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 15 4
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of (15) (19)
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year - (15)
20 Financial commitments
Neither the Group nor the Company have commitments under non-cancellable
operating leases as follows:
Capital commitments
Neither the Group nor the Company had any capital commitments at 30 September
21 Loans from related parties
2014 2013
£'000 £'000
Loans from T Bate, former Non-Executive - 892
Further details of these loans are provided in note 17.
22 Share-based payment transactions
2014 2014 2013 2013
No. of Weighted No. of Weighted
options average options average
exercise price exercise price
(pence) (pence)
Outstanding at 1 October 867,500 - 1,027,500 3.42
- Granted 676,832 4.18 - 3.00
- Forfeited (867,500) - - -
- Exercised - - - -
- Expired - - (160,000) 7.50
Outstanding at 30 676,832 867,500
Exercisable at 30 676,832 867,500
The estimated fair value was calculated by applying the Black
Scholes model. The exercise price of all the options granted is equal to the
share price at time of grant. The new warrants issued can be exercised at any
time before 8 September 2019.
The model inputs, in addition to the above, were:
Risk free rate 2%
Expected volatility 20%
Gross dividend yield 0%
The weighted average estimated fair value of each warrant granted
in the general employee share option plan is 4.18p.
Date of grant Exercise Latest Estimated Number of Number of
price exercise fair value options options
date 2014 2013
July 2008 7.50 July 2018 3.16 - 5,000
August 2010 2.00 August 2020 2.47 - 312,500
March 2011 3.00 March 2021 3.58 - 550,000
September 2014 2.95 September 4.18 676,832 -
676,832 867,500
All share-based payments are equity rather than cash based.
23 Financial Risk Factors
Risk management objectives
The Group manages financial risks relating to the companies within
the Group through regular review by the board.
Capital risk management
The Group aims to manage its overall capital so as to ensure that
companies within the Group continue to operate as a going concern, whilst
providing an adequate return to shareholders.
The Group's capital structure represents the equity attributable to
the shareholders of the Company together with borrowings and cash and cash
equivalents. The structure is reviewed on a quarterly basis to ensure that an
appropriate level of gearing is being used.
Market risk
Market risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of
a financial instrument will fluctuate because of changes in market prices. The
principal ways in which the Group is exposed to such fluctuations is through
interest rate risk.
Interest rate risk management
The Group has an exposure to interest rate risk arising principally
on borrowings which are at fixed rates of interest. The only borrowings of the
Group are disclosed in note 17.
Credit risk
Credit risk is the risk that a counter-party will cause a financial
loss to the Group by failing to discharge its obligation to the Group.
The Group manages its exposure to this risk by having fixed
contracts with known suppliers and companies.
Liquidity risk
Liquidity risk is the risk that companies within the Group will
encounter difficulty in meeting obligations associated with financial
To counter this risk, the Group operates monthly cash flow
Maturity analysis of financial liabilities and liquidity risk
Details of the Group's borrowings are given in note 17.
24 Post Balance Sheet Events
On 8 October 2014 the Company raised £150,000 following the issue
of 2,835,538 ordinary shares at a price of 5.29p per share. In connection with
the subscription, the Company has entered into a warrant instrument pursuant
to which the Company issued two new warrants for every three ordinary shares
subscribed for. Accordingly, the Company has issued a total of 1,890,356 new
warrants pursuant to the warrant instrument. These new warrants are
exercisable at the subscription price of 5.29p per share and can be exercised
at any time during the three year period from admission.
On 29 October 2014 the Company raised £50,000, by way of a
subscription for 945,179 new ordinary shares at a price of 5.29 pence per
share. In connection with the subscription, the Company has entered into a
warrant instrument pursuant to which the Company issued two new warrants for
every three Ordinary Shares subscribed for. Accordingly, the Company has
issued a total of 630,119 new warrants pursuant to the warrant instrument.
These new warrants are exercisable at the subscription price of 5.29p per
share and can be exercised at any time during the three year period from
Subsequent to the year end the Company has invested in Sportsdata
Limited and has entered into an agreement to provide a £125,000 nominal
unsecured convertible loan note. This loan note is repayable on the first
anniversary of drawdown and has an annual interest rate of 5%, which is
payable on a quarterly basis. The Company is entitled to convert the loan into
ordinary shares at a valuation equivalent to £1.125 million.
On 29 December 2014 some share options were exercised at a price of
5.29p and therefore the Company issued 63,012 ordinary shares.
On 30 January 2015 some share options were exercised at a price of
5.29p and therefore the Company issued 157,529 ordinary shares.