Half-yearly Report

Newstrack announcement 30 September 2009 GSC Property Holdings plc Interim results for the 6 months to 30 June 2009 Highlights: * Profit before interest rises 3.5 per cent to GBP3,215,023 (2008: GBP3,105,874) * Rental income holds firm at GBP3,915,575 (2008: GBP3,980,948) * Interim dividend 2.0 pence per share (2008: 2.0 pence) Mark Rubin, Chief Executive commented: "Our low risk strategy has protected us from very difficult market conditions earlier this year and as a consequence we are in a strong position to capitalise on property investment opportunities as they arise." For further information please contact: Mark Rubin, Chief Executive 01702 293 300 Jonathan Williams, Bishop Fleming (Corporate Adviser) 0117 910 0250 Anthony Spiro, Spiro Financial (Press and Investor Relations) 020 8336 6196 ------------------------------------ GSC Property Holdings specialises in commercial property investment in the UK. The company's strategy is to spread risk through building a diverse portfolio to minimise exposure to any single end use or geographical area. Our objective is to add maximum value for shareholders. ------------------------------------ CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT FOR THE CONSOLIDATED UNAUDITED GROUP RESULTS FOR THE HALF YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2009 I am pleased to report that the six months to 30 June 2009 has been a challenging but relatively stable period for the company after the extraordinary turbulence and uncertainty of the second half of 2008. GSC entered 2009 hoping for the best but prepared for the worst, confident that its low risk strategy of focussing on owning quality commercial properties funded over the long term at fixed rates was the right one. Fortunately the worst fears of the "experts" did not materialise and GSC has delivered a most satisfactory set of results. Rental income held steady at GBP3,915,575 compared with GBP3,980,948 in the equivalent period last year. Profit before interest rose 3.5 per cent to GBP3,215,023 (2008: GBP3,105,874), an excellent performance in the circumstances and a most favourable reflection on the quality of our rental portfolio. The Board has declared an unchanged dividend of 2.0 pence (2008: 2.0 pence) which will be paid on 11 November 2009 to shareholders on the register on 28 October 2009. Activity in the six months to end June 2009 was very limited and no changes were made to the company's property portfolio. Since the period end the company has sold its interest, at a small premium, in a building in Glasgow housing a branch of Clydesdale Bank. Generally occupancy levels across the company's portfolio remain high with just one tenant failure this year. Towards the end of the period there were some encouraging signs that the property investment market was stabilising, albeit at valuations significantly below those of twelve months earlier. This is positive for GSC, which can move very quickly if the right investment opportunity presents itself, principally a quality property with unrealised potential. Financing is in place and the company has a number of lines of credit to draw down. GSC is a successful, well-financed business with a conservative and proven investment strategy. Conditions in the property market have been extremely difficult but are showing signs of improvement. GSC is well placed to act and will do so when the right opportunities present themselves. Alan Gerschlick Chairman 30 September 2009 CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT For the half year ended 30 June 2009 note 6 months to 6 months to 12 months 30 Jun 2009 30 Jun 2008 to 31 Dec (unaudited) (unaudited) 2008 (audited) GBP GBP GBP Turnover 2 3,915,575 3,980,948 7,793,240 ------------ ------------ ------------ Gross profit 3,852,275 3,908,348 7,638,353 Administrative and (789,403) (802,474) (2,475,228) distribution expenses Assets held for Sale - - - (2,500,000) Fair Value Adjustment ------------ ------------ ------------ Operating profit 3,062,873 3,105,874 2,663,125 Loan exit fee (604,812) Other operating income 152,150 - - ------------ ------------ ------------ Profit before interest 3,215,023 3,105,874 2,058,313 Interest payable (net) (2,518,168) (2,567,154) (5,571,416) ------------- ------------- ------------- Profit/(Loss) on 696,855 538,720 (3,513,103) ordinary activities before tax Tax on profit on 3 - - - ordinary activities ------------- ------------- ------------- Profit/(Loss) for the 696,855 538,720 (3,513,103) period =========== ============= ============= Earnings per ordinary 6 6.66 5.15 (122.37) share (p) Statement of total realised gains and losses 6 months to 6 months to 12 months to 30 Jun 2009 30 Jun 2008 31 Dec 2008 (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) GBP GBP GBP Profit/(Loss) for the 696,855 538,720 (3,513,103) financial period Unrealised surplus / - - (9,296,711) (deficit) on revaluation of property ---------- ----------- -------------- Total recognised gains and 696,855 538,720 (12,809,814) losses for the period ========== =========== ============== CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET At 30 June 2009 Unaudited Unaudited 31 December as at as at 2008 30 June 2009 30 June 2008 (audited) Note GBP GBP GBP Fixed Assets Intangible assets 273,041 290,657 281,849 Tangible assets 4,312,549 3,724,596 4,376,262 Investment properties 6 86,521,001 93,894,000 86,521,001 -------------- -------------- -------------- 91,106,591 97,909,253 91,179,112 ============== ============== ============== Current assets Stock 12,896 13,569 13,236 Asset held for sale 20,000,000 22,500,000 20,000,000 Debtors 2,163,319 1,915,714 1,422,021 Other short-term 200 200 200 investments Cash at bank and in hand 647,217 2,130,397 1,280,991 -------------- ------------- ------------- 22,823,632 26,559,880 22,716,448 ============= ============= ============= Creditors: amounts falling (6,870,695) (13,304,443) (7,071,027) due within one year ------------- -------------- ------------- Net current assets 15,952,937 13,255,437 15,645,421 ------------- -------------- ------------- Total assets less current 107,059,528 111,164,690 106,824,533 liabilities Creditors: amounts falling (88,197,758) (79,284,804) (88,502,598) due in more than one year Provisions: deferred tax - - - ------------- -------------- ------------- Total assets 18,861,770 31,879,886 18,321,395 ============= ============== ============= Capital and reserves Called up share capital 104,680 104,680 104,680 Share premium account 1,414,350 1,414,350 1,414,350 Revaluation reserve 12,362,810 21,659,521 12,362,810 Profit and loss account 4,979,930 8,701,335 4,440,095 -------------- -------------- -------------- Shareholders' funds 18,861,770 31,879,886 18,321,935 ============== ============= ============== NOTES TO THE INTERIM REPORT 2009 1. BASIS OF PREPARATION The accounting policies used for the audited financial statements at 31 December 2008 have been used in the preparation of this interim report. The interim report is unaudited and does not comprise full financial statements. The results for the year to 31 December 2008 are an abridged summary of the financial statements for that year which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and on which the auditors' report was unqualified. 2. TURNOVER Turnover represents rental income on the group's investment portfolio and turnover from hotels, invoiced in the period and is stated net of VAT. Included within turnover is GBP 589,200 of revenues from hotel operations (2008: GBP 670,700). 3. TAX CHARGE No provision has been made for corporation tax for the current half year because of tax losses being brought forward from last year. 4. DIVIDENDS PROPOSED The directors propose an interim dividend of 2p per share (GBP 209,360) which will be paid on 11 November 2009 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 28 October 2009. In accordance with FRS21 the company recognises dividends in the financial statements in the period in which they are paid. 5. EARNINGS PER SHARE Earnings per share have been calculated to include total earnings attributable to equity shareholders arising in the period: 6 months 6 months 12 months to to 30 June to 30 June 31 December 2009 2008 2008 GBP GBP GBP Total earnings/losses arising 696,855 538,720 (12,809,814) in the period Weighted average shares in 10,468,000 10,468,000 10,468,000 issue Total earnings per share (p) 6.66 5.15 (122.37) 6. INVESTMENTS In the 6 months to 30 June 2009 there were no purchases or sales of properties. The directors of GSC Property Holdings plc accept responsibility for this announcement


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