Half-yearly Report
India Hospitality Corp. Releases Half-Year Fiscal 2009 Results
LONDON, Dec. 31 -- India Hospitality Corp. (LSE: IHC, IHC or India
Hospitality) today announced that it has released its half-year fiscal
2009 results to the public. The filing is available for all interested
investors to download from IHC's website at www.indiahospitalitycorp.com
by clicking on the "Investor Relations" tab.
About India Hospitality Corp.
India Hospitality Corp. (IHC) is a diversified pan-Indian hospitality and
leisure company. In July 2007, IHC closed on the acquisition from Navis
Capital Partners and its Affiliates of India-based Mars Restaurants Private
Limited, an emerging hotel and restaurant company, and SkyGourmet Catering
Private Limited, an airline catering company with 1,700 employees operating
out of five locations in India.
Deutsche Bank AG is IHC's nominated adviser and broker for the purposes
of the AIM Rules for Companies. Its responsibilities as IHC's nominated
adviser and broker under the AIM Rules for Nominated Advisers are owed solely
to London Stock Exchange plc and not to IHC, any director of IHC or any other
No offer or invitation to purchase or subscribe for ordinary shares in or
warrants to purchase or subscribe for ordinary shares or warrants of IHC is
being made by this announcement.
Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Information
India Hospitality Corp. and its subsidiaries
September 30, 2008
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet (Unaudited) 3
Condensed Consolidated Statement of Income (Unaudited) 5
Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity (Unaudited) 6
Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows (Unaudited) 7
Notes to Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Information
(Unaudited) 9
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet (Unaudited)
(All amounts in USD, unless otherwise stated)
As at As at
September 30, 2008 March 31, 2008
Cash and cash equivalents 7,929,270 18,102,932
Restricted cash 7,392 8,772
Prepayments & accrued income 328,140 59,943
Accounts receivable, net 8,619,749 8,133,181
Inventories 395,782 519,447
Other financial assets 2,492,000 2,897,539
Total current assets 19,772,333 29,721,814
Non current
Goodwill 26,272,730 30,922,539
Property, plant and equipment, net 76,231,790 85,528,629
Capital work in progress 4,054,668 6,343,325
Intangible assets 45,045,786 55,987,070
Deferred tax asset, net 844,558 844,558
Prepayments and other financial assets 10,652,146 11,076,141
Restricted cash 879,330 1,043,516
Investments 2,181 2,617
Total non current assets 163,983,189 191,748,395
Total assets 183,755,522 221,470,208
Current liabilities
Accounts payable 11,790,747 14,780,768
Income tax payable 229,567 313,411
Interest bearing loans 21,198,309 7,622,718
Total current liabilities 33,218,623 22,716,897
Non current
Interest bearing loans, net of
current portion 11,657,928 30,318,607
Employee benefit obligations 629,953 558,007
Deferred tax liabilities 18,181,684 21,589,638
Other liabilities - 109,873
Total non current liabilities 30,469,565 52,576,125
Total liabilities 63,688,188 75,293,023
As at As at
September 30, 2008 March 31, 2008
Stockholders' equity
Issued Capital 27,599 27,583
Additional paid in capital 147,469,659 147,369,662
Translation reserve (20,685,977) 79,646
Accumulated earnings (1,299,706) (1,299,706)
Loss for the period (5,444,241) -
Total stockholders' equity 120,067,334 146,177,185
Total liabilities and
stockholders' equity 183,755,522 221,470,208
(The accompanying notes are an integral part of this condensed consolidated
interim financial information)
Condensed Consolidated Statement of Income (Unaudited)
(All amounts in USD, unless otherwise stated)
For period April 1, For period April 1,
2008 to September 2007 to September
30, 2008 30, 2007
Operating revenue 19,541,543 5,247,361
Finance and other income 873,532 3,323,718
Total 20,415,075 8,571,079
Direct operating expenses 20,414,534 4,306,831
Administrative expenses 3,833,027 1,992,810
Selling expenses 59,869 19,285
Finance charges 1,766,297 517,624
Total 26,073,727 6,836,550
Result before tax (5,658,652) 1,734,529
Current tax expense - 130,655
Deferred tax (214,411) -
Net result from continuing
operations (5,444,241) 1,603,874
Net result attributable to
shareholders of India
Hospitality Corp. (5,444,241) 1,603,874
Earnings per share
Basic (0.20) 0.08
Diluted (0.20) 0.04
(The accompanying notes are an integral part of this condensed consolidated
interim financial information)
Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
(All amounts in USD, unless otherwise stated)
Equity attributable to share holders of India Hospitality Corp.
Common Additional Translation Accumulated Total
stock - paid in reserve earnings
Amount capital
Balance as at
April 1, 2007 21,334 98,523,828 - 643,897 99,189,059
Currency translation
adjustment - - 445,126 - 445,126
Income recognized
directly in equity - - 445,126 - 445,126
Net income for the
period - - - 1,603,874 1,603,874
Total income and
expense recognized
for the period - - 445,126 1,603,874 2,049,000
Stock compensation
reserve - 3,150,000 - - 3,150,000
Shares issued for
acquisition 3,067 20,604,936 - - 20,608,003
Shares redeemed (1,210) (7,234,590) - - (7,235,800)
Share issue expense - (3,075,000) - - (3,075,000)
Issue of seller's
options - 9,043,981 - - 9,043,981
Balance as at
September 30, 2007 23,191 121,013,155 445,126 2,247,771 123,729,243
Equity attributable to share holders of India Hospitality Corp.
Common Additional Translation Accumulated Total
stock - paid in reserve earnings
Amount capital
Balance as at
April 1,
2008 27,584 147,369,662 79,537 (1,299,706) 146,177,077
adjustment - - (20,765,515) - (20,765,515)
Net income for
The period - - (5,444,241) (5,444,241)
Total income and
expense recognized
for the period - - - (5,444,241) (5,444,241)
Shares issued 16 99,998 - - 100,014
Balance as at
September 30,
2008 27,600 147,469,659 (20,685,978) (6,743,947) 120,067,334
(The accompanying notes are an integral part of this condensed consolidated
interim financial information)
Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows (Unaudited)
(All amounts in USD, unless otherwise stated)
For six months For six months
ended ended
September 30, September 30,
2008 2007
(A) Cash inflow/(outflow) from
operating activities
Net income before tax (5,658,652) 1,734,529
Adjustments to reconcile net income
before tax to net cash provided by
operating activities:
Depreciation and amortization 5,398,328 471,428
Preliminary & deferred revenue expenses
written off 171 -
Interest expenses, net 1,762,844 204,444
Profit/Loss on sale of asset, net 109,576 (140)
Income tax paid (77,191) (186,635)
Interest income (50,123) (2,779,789)
Dividend Income (367,128) (1,280)
Provision for diminution in value of
investments - (1,399)
Income from sale of investments - (37,941)
Loss by Flood - 3,547
Decrease in current liability (2,080,586) 295,573
Increase in Current Assets (217,244) (492,796)
Net cash provided by operating
activities (1,180,005) (790,459)
(B) Cash inflow/(outflow) from investing
Interest Received 28,827 2,779,789
Income from sale of Investment - 37,941
Investment in subsidiaries - (75,809,275)
Acquisition expenses - (3,173,443)
Proceeds from sale of property, plant
and equipment 18,727 1,123
(Purchase) / sale of investments (Net) - 247,658
Payments for purchase of property,
plant and equipment (7,531,479) (926,411)
Dividend received 144,128 1,280
Net cash used in investing activities (7,339,797) (76,841,338)
For six months For six months
ended ended
September 30, September 30,
2008 2007
(C) Cash inflow/(outflow) from
financing activities
Proceeds from Share issue 100,013 -
Redemption of capital - (7,235,800)
Share issue expenses - (1,500,000)
Interest Paid (1,762,844) (204,444)
Proceeds from short term borrowing 1,924,655 445,120
Repayment of secured loan (609,927) (166,171)
Borrowings / (Repayment) of unsecured
Loans (421,348) (106,578)
Net cash provided by/(used in)
financing activities (769,451) (8,767,873)
Net Increase/(decrease) in cash and
cash equivalents (9,289,253) (86,399,669)
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash (884,407) 15,762
Net (Decrease)/Increase in cash and
cash equivalents during the year (10,173,660) (86,383,907)
Cash and cash equivalents at the
beginning of the period 18,102,931 97,340,836
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of
the period 7,929,270 10,956,927
Net increase/(decrease) in cash & cash
equivalents (10,173,661) (86,383,909)
Cash and cash equivalents comprise
Cash in hand 107,703 192,452
Balances with banks 1,217,180 1,018,805
Investment in highly liquid funds 6,596,600 9,737,941
Share in joint venture 7,787 7,729
7,929,270 10,956,927
(The accompanying notes are an integral part of this condensed
consolidated interim financial information)
Notes to Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Information (Unaudited)
(All amounts in USD, unless otherwise stated)
The Company was formed on May 12, 2006 as a blank-check company
to acquire Indian businesses or assets in the hospitality, leisure, tourism,
travel and related industries, including but not limited to hotels, resorts,
timeshares, serviced apartments and restaurants.
In July 2007, the Company (through one of its subsidiaries)
completed the acquisition of India-based Mars Restaurants Private Limited
("MRPL" or Mars), an emerging hotel and restaurant company, and SkyGourmet
Catering Private Limited ("SGCPL" or SkyGourmet), an airline catering
Mars was incorporated in 2000 with the objective of operating and
managing restaurants. Since its incorporation, Mars has diversified into
bakery outlets and operating and managing food courts and hotels.
SkyGourmet was incorporated in 2002 and currently provides
in-flight catering services to a number of domestic and international
airlines. It has operations in Mumbai, Bangalore, New Delhi, Pune, Hyderabad
Chennai and Kolkata.
The Company was incorporated in the Cayman Islands on May 12,
2006 and its shares are publicly traded on AIM, a market operated by the
London Stock Exchange. As of March 31, 2008, the Company had wholly owned
subsidiaries incorporated in Mauritius, Netherlands and India. The Company
expects to conduct business, including the making of acquisitions, through
its Mauritius subsidiary.
To align the Company's year end to those of acquired entities,
the Company had changed its financial year to March 31 from December 31 and
therefore the Company has presented comparatives for the period April '07 to
September '07. As the interim financial information includes operations of
acquired entities, the comparatives presented for the period ended September
'07 include the business of these acquired entities from the date of
acquisition, being August 1, 2007.
This condensed consolidated interim financial information is as
approved by the Board of Directors on December 30, 2008.
The condensed consolidated interim financial information of the
Company and its subsidiaries for the six months ended September 30, 2008 and
the relevant comparatives have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 -
Interim Financial Reporting as developed and published by the International
Accounting Standards Board ('IASB'). This condensed consolidated interim
financial information has been prepared on a going concern basis.
The Company has been impacted by the current economic environment and in
particular the difficult circumstances being experienced by the Indian
aviation industry. The Company has incurred a loss after tax of USD 5,444,241
during the six months ended September 30, 2008 and experienced uneven
operating cash flows in recent months. The Company's ability to meet its
obligations in the ordinary course of business and to fund its future
operations is dependent upon its ability to establish profitable operations
and to obtain additional debt or equity financing. Management believes that
the Company needs to raise additional finance or reschedule its existing
indebtedness over the next few months without which there could be delays in
planned capital expenditure and the Company would be unable to take advantage
of growth opportunities. Management has shifted its focus towards cash
preservation and cost control and is also in the process of exploring all
potential sources of further funding (both from existing shareholders and
third parties) and monitoring its position under its banking covenants. The
Company is not currently in breach of its banking covenants. This condensed
consolidated financial information does not include any adjustments that
might result from the outcome of this uncertainty.
This condensed consolidated interim financial information of the
Group is prepared and presented in United States Dollars ("USD"), the
Company's reporting currency. The Group has chosen to present the condensed
consolidated balance sheet, condensed consolidated income statement,
condensed consolidated statement of cash flows and condensed consolidated
statement of changes in shareholders' equity along with selected explanatory
notes (referred to as 'condensed consolidated interim financial
This condensed consolidated interim financial information has
been prepared in accordance with IAS 34, using the same accounting policies
that were applied in the preparation of the consolidated financial statements
of the Group for the year ended March 31, 2008, which have been prepared in
accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS')
issued by the International Accounting Standards Board effective for
accounting periods commencing on January 01, 2007.
The subsidiaries which consolidate under India Hospitality Corp.
comprise the entities listed below:
Name of the Year End Holding Country of Effective
Entity Date Co. Incorporation Group
holding (%)
India Hospitality Corp. (IHC) March 31,
2008 Cayman Island 100
IHC Mauritius (IHC M) March 31,
2008 IHC Mauritius 100
Mars Restaurants Private March 31,
Limited (MRPL) 2008 IHC M India 100
SkyGourmet Catering Private March 31,
Limited (SGCPL) 2008 IHC M India 100
New India Glass Private March 31,
Limited 2008 SCPL India 98
Gordon House Estates Private March 31,
Limited 2008 MRPL India 100
Navigate India Investments March 31,
B.V 2008 IHC M Netherlands 100
IBEA Mars and GHH Holdings March 31,
B.V 2008 IHC M Netherlands 100
S.C. Ventures Ltd March 31,
2008 IBEA Mauritius 100
Karia Investments B.V March 31,
2008 Navigate Netherlands 100
MRPL holds a 49% stake in Gourmet Restaurants Private Limited, a
joint venture company. The remaining 51% is held by the Tendulkar family.
All of the above entities follow uniform accounting policies.
In consolidating the financial information of SGCPL and MRPL,
whose functional currency is the Indian Rupee, the assets and liabilities for
each balance sheet presented have been translated to USD, the presentation
currency at the closing rate at the date of that balance sheet, and income
and expenses for each income statement have been translated at exchange rates
at the dates of the transactions and all resulting exchange differences are
recognized as a separate component of equity. Between the two balance sheet
dates, there has been a significant movement in the exchange rates of Indian
Rupee to the USD from Rs 39.90/USD as of March 31, 2008 to Rs 47.35/USD as of
September 30, 2008. This has resulted in a significant exchange difference of
$20.69 million, which has been shown under currency translation reserve.
The basic earnings per share for the six months ended September
30, 2008 and for the comparative period has been calculated using the net
results attributable to shareholders of India Hospitality Corp. as the
numerator. None of the dilutive shares relate to interest or similar expense
recognisable in the income statement for the six months ended September 30,
2008 and the comparative period.
Calculation of basic and diluted EPS is as follows:
Six months ended Six months ended
September 30, September 30,
2008 2007
(Loss)/Profit attributable to
shareholders of India Hospitality
Corp., for basic and dilutive (5,444,241) 1,603,874
Weighted average numbers Shares
outstanding during the period for
Basic 27,587,137 20,745,735
Effect of dilutive potential
ordinary shares: 22,104,167 21,854,167
Weighted average numbers Shares
outstanding during the period for
Dilutive 17,540,864 16,945,720
Basic EPS, in USD (0.20) 0.08
Diluted earnings per share, in USD (0.20) 0.04
Related parties with whom the Company has transacted during the period
Key Management Personnel
Sanjay Narang
Ajith Mathur
Arvind Ghei
Patrick Rodrigues
Jaswinder Singh
Ramesh Joshee
Enterprises over which significant influence exercised by key management
Bullworker Pvt. Ltd
Mars Food Services
Mars Enterprises
Mars Corporation
Mars Hotel & Resorts Private Limited
Mars Catering Services Private Limited
Gordon House Airport Hotels Pvt. Ltd
Gordon House City Hotels Pvt. Ltd
Gordon House Estate Pvt. Ltd
Gordon House Hotel & Resorts Pvt. Ltd
Gordon House Properties Private Limited
Summary of transactions with related parties during the period
Nature of Transaction September September 30,
30, 2008 2007
Transactions with key management personnel
Remunerations 12,424,896 1,063,483
Transactions with enterprises over which
significant influence exercised by key
management personnel/ directors
Sale of Goods 5,757,255 448,116
Rendering of other services 26,750,494 3,323,777
Services received 23,447,991 13,025,046
Amount payable at the period end 5,981,770 5,611,541
Amount receivable at the period end 87,559,778 32,643,206
Primary segments
During the six months ended September 30, 2008 the Group has not made any
changes in the basis of segmentation or basis of measurement of segment profit
or loss from the basis adopted for presentation of segment information in the
last annual financial statements for March 31, 2008.
Business segments
Particulars Air catering Hotels Restaurants Six months
and others ended
30, 2008
Segment Revenue 15,000,707 1,384,446 3,156,390 19,541,513
Less: Inter segment revenue - - - -
Net revenue from
operations 15,000,707 1,384,446 3,156,390 19,541,513
Segment result before tax
and finance charges (5,004,814) 630,620 (391,694) (4,765,887)
Add : Finance and other
income (not allocable) - - - 873,533
Less: Finance charges and
other expenses (not
allocable) - - - (1,766,297)
Total loss/(profit) before
tax (5,004,814) 630,620 (391,694) (5,658,652)
Particulars Air catering Hotels Restaurants Six months
and others ended
30, 2007
Segment Revenue 3,581,113 430,590 1,235,658 5,247,361
Less: Inter segment revenue - - - -
Net revenue from
Operations 3,581,113 430,590 1,235,658 5,247,361
Segment result before tax
and finance charges (1,636,734) 170,748 394,420 (1,071,565)
Add : Finance and other
income (not allocable) 3,323,718
Less: Finance charges and
other expenses (not
allocable) (517,624)
Total loss/(profit) before
tax (1,636,734) 170,748 394,420 1,734,529
Description of business segments
Air Catering: SGCPL acquired by the Group is identified as an
independent business segment offering air catering services. SGCPL also
provides handling, stores management, transportation of meals,
loading/unloading of goods and other consumable and ancillary services.
However these services are directly related and covered under the original
meals supply contract and related air catering services contract.
Hotels: Currently this segment represents independent operations
of Gordon House Hotel located at Mumbai. The Hotel is a modern boutique
providing state of the art facilities.
Restaurants and others: This segment comprises operating
speciality restaurants, and a chain of patisserie, cake shops and food
Geographical segments
The Group has not presented geographical segments as all its
operations are carried out in India.
In May 2006, the Company had appointed Banyan Tree Capital
Limited as an exclusive strategic advisor to provide advisory services to the
Company and its Mauritius subsidiary with regard to the acquisition of assets
for a monthly fee capped at $20,000. In addition, the Company was to issue
500,000 shares of common stock of the Company at the initial offering price
of the units in the offering, subject to satisfaction of conditions as
specified in the agreement. Subsequently, in March 2008, the Company agreed
to modify the terms of the above agreement to waive the conditions for
vesting. Additional cost in relation to this modification was recognized
during the year ended March 31, 2008.
Subsequent to the period end, pursuant to the above arrangement,
the Company allotted 500,000 shares to Banyan Tree Capital Limited on
November 19, 2008.
In December 2008, the Board of Directors appointed Mr. Ravi Deol as the
Company's new Chief Executive Officer and mandated him to lead the Company's
efforts of sourcing and reinforcing its capital structure in order to
continue to fund the Company's growth initiatives and ongoing operations.
SOURCE: India Hospitality Corp.
CONTACT: Media Contact: Harsh Wardhan, Mutual Image & Events Management
Pvt. Ltd., 11 41416523, Investor Relations Contact: William Schmitt, ICR
Inc., 203-682-8200, Nominated Adviser and Broker: Mumtaz Naseem, Deutsche
Bank AG, 20 7545 8000