City Merchants High Yield Trust Ltd
HEADLINE: Retirement of Director
The Board of City Merchants High Yield Trust Ltd (‘the Company’) announces that Winifred Robbins, Non-Executive Director, will retire from the Board of the Company, with effect from 31 March 2019.
Winifred served as a Non-Executive Director on the Board of the Company’s predecessor, City Merchants High Yield Trust plc, from March 2009 and joined the Board of the current Company in 2011. Winifred’s retirement after ten years with the Company and its predecessor is consistent with industry best practice in respect of board tenure. The succession planning process to identify a new Non-Executive Director is already underway and further details will be announced when the process is completed.
Commenting on Winifred Robbins’ retirement, Tim Scholefield, Chairman of the Company said ‘I would like to thank Win for her valued contribution to the Company and its predecessor over the past ten years’
R&H Fund Services (Jersey) Limited
6 March 2019