Holding(s) in Company

SCHEDULE 10 NOTIFICATION OF MAJOR INTERESTS IN SHARES All relevant boxes should be completed in block capital letters. 1. Name of company 2. Name of shareholder having a major interest INVESTEC PLC BARCLAYS BANK PLC 3. Please state whether notification 4. Name of the registered holder(s) and, indicates that it is in respect if more than one holder, the number of of holding of the shareholder shares held by each of them named in 2 above or in respect of a non-beneficial interest or in the case of an individual holder if it is a holding of that person's spouse or children under the age of 18 BARCLAYS BANK PLC Barclays Capital Nominees Limited 41,769 BNP Paribas 14,260 Chase Nominees Ltd 42,725 Chase Nominees Ltd 1,695,912 Chase Nominees Ltd 89,069 CIBC Mellon Global Securities 8,397 Investors Bank and Trust Co. 66,729 Investors Bank and Trust Co. 72,468 Investors Bank and Trust Co. 412,138 Investors Bank and Trust Co. 3,824 Investors Bank and Trust Co. 1,598 Investors Bank and Trust Co. 140,960 Investors Bank and Trust Co. 1,017 JP Morgan (BGI Custody) 24,991 JP Morgan (BGI Custody) 44,507 JP Morgan (BGI Custody) 53,015 JP Morgan (BGI Custody) 18,703 JP Morgan (BGI Custody) 31,461 JP Morgan (BGI Custody) 759,256 JP Morgan (BGI Custody) 56,924 JP Morgan Chase Bank 1,905 JP Morgan Chase Bank 43,484 Mellon Trust - Boston & SF 21,396 Mellon Trust of New England 26,573 Northern Trust Bank - BGI SEPA 34,081 Northern Trust Bank - BGI SEPA 28,823 Northern Trust Bank - BGI SEPA 7,055 5. Number of 6. Percentage of 7. Number of shares 8. Percentage of shares/amount issued class /amount of stock issued class of stock disposed acquired Not disclosed Not Disclosed n/a n/a 9. Class of security 10. Date of 11. Date company transaction informed Investec plc ordinary shares 28 April 2005 04 May 2005 12. Total holding following this 13. Total percentage holding of issued notification class following this notification 3,743,040 5.02 14. Any additional information 15. Name of contact and telephone number for queries Richard Vardy +44 (0)207 597 4485 16. Name and signature of authorised company official responsible for making this notification RICHARD VARDY INVESTEC PLC GROUP COMPANY SECRETARY Date of notification 04 MAY 2005


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