Preliminary AR for the 12 months ended 31 Dec 2011
AIM: KEFI 07 June 2012
Preliminary Annual Results for the 12 months ended 31 December 2011
KEFI Minerals, the AIM-quoted gold and copper exploration company, is pleased
to announce its audited results for the year ended 31 December 2011.
* In June, 2011, KEFI Minerals announced the grant of G&M's first Exploration
Licence (`EL') in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Selib North Licence, by
the Deputy Ministry of Mineral Resources (the `DMMR').
* Exploration licence applications in Saudi Arabia pending on a further
sixteen licences.
* The Company raised £1.3m in February 2011 via a placing at 5.0p per share.
* The Company sold several projects in Turkey - which provided additional
funding, enabling it to move onto other prospects with a greater chance of
exploration success.
Post Period Highlights
* In January 2012 a further two EL's, Hikyrin and Hikyrin South, were granted
by the DMMR.
* At Hykirin South, samples taken from the waste dumps of ancient mining have
returned up to 16.3 g/t Au and an average of 5.9 g/t from 24 samples spread
over a 700m strike length.
* At Selib North samples taken from areas of new discoveries and of ancient
mining have returned up to 27.7g/t Au, 7.99g/t Au and included 7m at 1.18g/
t Au.
* Initial results from ongoing exploration trenching in a new area 1km NNW of
the main Selib North workings have returned the following results:
* Trench 2: 7m at 0.49 g/t Au; Trench 3: 6m at 0.97 g/Au; Trench 7: 17m at
3.43 g/t Au and Trench 8: 6m at 1.03 g/t Au. Gold is hosted in a carbonate
altered dyke in a shear zone which is traced over 200m and open to the
north. Trenching is ongoing and further results will be announced at the
completion of the programme.
* The Company raised £1.85m in February 2012 via a placing at 3.0p per share.
Mr Jeffrey Rayner, KEFI Mineral's Managing Director, said:
"We are delighted with the initial results from our trenching programme. The
Kingdom of Suadi Arabia is a highly prospective area and we are working hard
with our partner to ensure that we are well placed to benefit from the huge
potential of the region. The results of our exploration work have led to early
drill target definition and diamond drilling is scheduled to start at Selib
North in approximately two weeks time."
KEFI Minerals Fox-Davies Capital Bishopsgate Communications
Jeffrey Rayner Simon Leathers Nick Rome/Shabnam Bashir
+90 533 928 19 13 +44 203 463 5022 +44 207 562 3366
References in this announcement to exploration results and potential have been
approved for release by Mr Jeffrey Rayner (BSc.Hons). Mr Rayner is a geologist
and has more than 25years relevant experience in the field of activity
concerned. He is a member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and
Metallurgy (AusIMM) and has consented to the inclusion of the material in the
form and context in which it appears.
Managing Director's Statement
KEFI Minerals continues to develop its tenement position within the Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia as a 40% equity holder and operator of the Gold and Minerals Joint
Venture (`G&M') with Abdul Rahman Saad Al-Rashid and Sons LLC (`ARTAR').
In June, 2011, KEFI Minerals announced the grant of G&M's first Exploration
Licence (`EL') in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Selib North Licence, by the
Deputy Ministry of Mineral Resources (the `DMMR'). A further two EL's, Hikyrin
and Hikyrin South, were granted by the DMMR post the reporting period in
January 2012. The EL's are valid for a period of five years and renewable for
further five years thereafter. Field work is already underway at these licences
that have been granted with the team also treating safety, the environment and
community relations as a priority at all times. We have, through ARTAR, 16
Exploration Licence Applications (`ELA's') and are well placed to move quickly
as and when these are granted. Some ELA's are at an advanced stage and further
EL's are expected to be issued in 2012.
Exploration Strategy
The Company focuses on under-explored terrains of the highly prospective
Arabian-Nubian Shield and greater East African Orogenic Belt. These cover the
western part of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Eritrea. Despite sharing
a common craton as deposits hosting Sukari (Egypt 13 Moz Au), Hassai (Egypt,
2.1 Moz Au), Bisha and Zara (Eritrea, 1.8 Moz Au, combined), the Saudi part of
the craton hosts more than 12 Moz Au resources contained in deposits such as
Mahd adh Dhabab (6 Moz Au historic production). There are only three mining
operators in the region and very few other international explorers.
* Our geologists have spent significant time researching and evaluating
hundreds of ancient gold prospects in the Precambrian Arabian-Nubian
* G&M has created a substantial GIS database comprising information on
regional and prospect geology, geophysics, geochemistry, topography, remote
sensing, alteration studies, structural interpretation, mineral occurrences
and previous exploration.
* All of the granted ELs and ELAs each have at least one base metal or gold
occurrence and some have a historic mine. Visible gold was discovered on
some ELAs and some areas have been the subject of advanced exploration
work. This includes trenching and drilling by previous workers, such as the
US Geological Survey (`USGS'), Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières
(`BRGM') or other explorers such as Riofinex.
* Our aim is to advance each prospect to be tested by an early phase of
drilling and to appraise the economic potential as quickly and efficiently
as possible.
G&M is funded as to 60% by ARTAR and 40% by KEFI Minerals. KEFI Minerals
completed Placements that raised £1.3m in February 2011 at 5.0p per share and £
1.85m in February 2012 at 3.0p per share. Additional funding was received from
the sale of two properties in Turkey and, through our Joint Venture partner in
the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, enabled KEFI Minerals to lever equity for our
KEFI has sufficient funds to support operation and in particular for its share
of the planned 12,000m drilling programme of identified targets on the three
granted EL's and on future EL's expected to be granted during 2012 in the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The Company's largest shareholder, EMED Mining, remains supportive, has
participated in both equity placings and retains 16.56% (as at 31 May 2012) of
the Company's issued share capital.
We are very pleased with the progress of our exploration programmes via G&M at
Hikyrin South and Selib North Projects. We have observed new high-grade
gold-bearing veins and mylonitic shear zones and although much work remains to
be done to establish if these are potentially economic, our geologists are
making rapid progress in mapping and trench sampling. This will potentially
lead to early drill target definition and drilling is currently planned for
this year.
We are fully focused on expanding G&M's presence in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
and are encouraged by our results thus far. These results provide good examples
of the benefit of the patient and dedicated efforts and we remain committed to
continued and diligent exploration across all our projects.
Jeffrey Rayner
Managing Director
Year ended 31 December 2011
2011 2010
GBP'000 GBP'000
Revenue - -
Exploration costs (426) (247)
Gross loss (426) (247)
Administrative expenses (908) (590)
Share-based payments (157) (30)
Share of loss from jointly controlled (154) (230)
Other income 67 153
Negative goodwill - 314
Operating loss (1,578) (630)
Foreign exchange loss (13) (53)
Finance costs - (4)
Loss before tax (1,591) (687)
Tax (1) (15)
Loss for the year (1,592) (702)
Other comprehensive income:
Exchange differences on translating 37 44
foreign operations
Total comprehensive loss for the year (1,555) (658)
Basic and fully diluted loss per share 0.44 0.24
The Company has taken advantage of the exemption conferred by section 408 of
Companies Act 2006 from presenting its own statement of comprehensive income.
Loss after taxation amounting to GBP2.0 million (2010: GBP0.6 million) has been
included in the financial statements of the parent company.
Year ended 31 December 2011
The The The The
Group Company Group Company
2011 2011 2010 2010
GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 2 - 27 -
Intangible assets - - - -
Fixed asset investments 181 182 181 182
183 182 208 182
Current assets
Financial assets at fair value 43 43 - -
through profit or loss
Trade and other receivables 86 3 206 442
Cash and cash equivalents 640 611 539 530
769 657 745 972
Total assets 952 839 953 1,154
Equity attributable to owners
of the Company
Share capital 3,650 3,650 3,311 3,311
Share premium 2,719 2,719 1,697 1,697
Share options reserve 385 385 396 396
Foreign exchange reserve (170) - (207) -
Accumulated losses (5,883) (6,142) (4,459) (4,344)
Total equity 701 612 738 1,060
Non-current liabilities
Share of loss in joint - - 95 -
- - 95 -
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables 251 227 120 94
251 227 120 94
Total liabilities 251 227 215 94
Total equity and liabilities 952 839 953 1,154
On 6 June 2012, the Board of Directors of KEFI Minerals plc authorised these
consolidated financial statements for issue.
Year ended 31 December 2011
Share Share Share Foreign Accumulated Total
capital premium losses
options exchange
reserve reserve
GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000
At 1 January 2010 2,382 1,413 382 (251) (3,773) 153
Comprehensive loss for - - - - (702) (702)
the year
Other comprehensive - - - 44 - 44
Recognition of share - - 30 - - 30
based payments
Forfeit of options/ - - (16) - 16 -
Issue of share capital 929 375 - - - 1,304
Share issue costs - (91) - - - (91)
At 31 December 2010 3,311 1,697 396 (207) (4,459) 738
Comprehensive loss for - - - - (1,592) (1,592)
the year
Other comprehensive - - - 37 - 37
Recognition of share - - 157 - - 157
based payments
Exercise of options/ - - (73) - 73 -
Forfeit of options/ - - (95) - 95 -
Issue of share capital 339 1,113 - - - 1,452
Share issue costs - (91) - - - (91)
At 31 December 2011 3,650 2,719 385 (170) (5,883) 701
The following describes the nature and purpose of each reserve within Group's
Reserve Description and purpose
Share capital amount subscribed for share capital at nominal value
Share premium amount subscribed for share capital in excess of nominal value,
net of issue expenses
Share options reserve reserve for share options granted but not exercised or
Accumulated losses cumulative net gains and losses recognised in the statement
of comprehensive income, excluding foreign exchange gains within other
comprehensive income
Foreign exchange reserve cumulative foreign exchange net gains and losses
recognised on consolidation
Year ended 31 December 2011
Share Share Share Accumulated Total
capital premium losses
GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000
At 1 January 2010 2,382 1,413 382 (3,743) 434
Comprehensive loss for the - - - (617) (617)
Recognition of share based - - 30 - 30
Forfeit of options/warrants - - (16) 16 -
Issue of share capital 929 375 - - 1,304
Share issue costs - (91) - - (91)
At 31 December 2010 3,311 1,697 396 (4,344) 1,060
Comprehensive loss for the - - - (1,966) (1,966)
Recognition of share based - - 157 - 157
Exercise of options/warrants - - (73) 73 -
Forfeit of options/warrants - - (95) 95 -
Issue of share capital 339 1,113 - - 1,452
Share issue costs - (91) - - (91)
At 31 December 2011 3,650 2,719 385 (6,142) 612
The following describes the nature and purpose of each reserve within owner's
Reserve Description and purpose
Share capital amount subscribed for share capital at nominal value
Share premium amount subscribed for share capital in excess of nominal value,
net of issue expenses
Share options reserve reserve for share options granted but not exercised or
Accumulated losses cumulative net gains and losses recognised in the statement
of comprehensive income
Year ended 31 December 2011
2011 2010
GBP'000 GBP'000
Loss before tax (1,591) (687)
Adjustments for:
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 3 17
Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment 14 -
Profit on disposal of subsidiary (12) -
Gain on exchange of shares (50) -
Net loss financial assets at fair value through 7 -
profit or loss
Negative goodwill - (314)
Share-based payments 101 16
Issue of warrants 56 14
Share of loss from jointly controlled entity 154 230
Write off of loans received (67) -
Exchange differences on borrowings 44 -
Exchange difference 13 (26)
(1,328) (750)
Changes in working capital:
Trade and other receivables 120 4
Trade and other payables 16 (13)
136 (9)
Net cash used in operating activities (1,192) (759)
Payments for purchase of property, plant and - (1)
Acquisition of jointly controlled entity - (181)
Proceeds from sale of subsidiary 61 -
Share of cash from jointly controlled entity (95) (55)
Advances to joint venture (160) -
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment 11 -
Net cash used in investing activities (183) (237)
Proceeds from issue of share capital 1,452 1,304
Listing and issue costs (91) (91)
Loan from related party 115 -
Net cash from financing activities 1,476 1,213
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 101 217
Cash and cash equivalents:
At beginning of the year 539 322
At end of the year 640 539
Year ended 31 December 2011
2011 2010
GBP'000 GBP'000
Loss before tax (1,966) (617)
Adjustments for:
Impairment of intercompany balances - 142
Gain on exchange of shares (50) -
Net loss on financial assets at fair value through 7 -
profit or loss
Share-based payments 101 16
Issue of warrants 56 14
Subsidiary balances write-off 206 -
Joint-venture balances write-off 599 -
Centerra advances write-back (251) -
Exchange differences on borrowings 52 -
Exchange difference (6) -
(1,252) (445)
Changes in working capital:
Trade and other payables 18 2
18 2
Net cash used in operating activities (1,234) (443)
Acquisition of jointly controlled entity - (181)
Advances to joint-venture (160) (378)
Loan to subsidiary (1) -
Net cash used in investing activities (161) (559)
Proceeds from issue of share capital 1,452 1,304
Listing and issue costs (91) (91)
Loan from related party 115 -
Net cash from financing activities 1,476 1,213
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 81 211
Cash and cash equivalents:
At beginning of the year 530 319
At end of the year 611 530