Interim Results

Keystone Investment Trust plc Interim Results Six Months to 31 March 2006 Chairman's Statement Performance The Company's shares gave a total return to shareholders of 11.1% over the six months from 30 September 2005 to 31 March 2006. During the same period, the total return of the net asset value per share was 15.1%, while the total return of the Company's benchmark for performance measurement purposes, the FTSE All-Share Index, was 12.7%. (All these figures are with income reinvested.) On 31 March 2006, the discount of the share price relative to net asset value was 13.4%. The Manager's stock selection has continued to be good and is discussed below. Gearing and investment guidelines Equity exposure increased from 113% of net assets at 30 September 2005 to 116% at 31 March 2006. The gearing limits set by the Board are that the Manager must now make no net purchases if equity exposure is more than 120% of net assets, and must make sales if (as a result of market movements) equity exposure rises to more than 122.5% of net assets. In addition, up to £4 million may be held in corporate bonds. The Company had no exposure to such bonds during the period under review. Dividends The interim dividend will be 14.0p per share, compared with an interim dividend of 13.0p last year. The dividend will be paid on 23 June 2006 to shareholders on the Register on 26 May 2006. Richard Oldfield Chairman 25 May 2006 Manager's Report Market and Economic Review The UK equity market rose strongly in the six months to 31 March 2006, as reflected by the 12.7% return from the FTSE All-Share index. These overall gains masked a subdued start to the period as investors' appetite for equities weakened on concerns over rising inflation, higher US interest rates and on speculation that commodities' prices may have peaked. However, this downturn proved short-lived as an increase in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activity, combined with a change in tone from the UK and US central banks, provided the impetus for investors to re-enter the stockmarket. Notable M&A activity included Spanish telecommunications company Telefonica's purchase of O2, BOC's purchase by German rival Linde, P&O's sale to Dubai Ports and Boots' merger with Alliance Unichem. Towards the end of the review period, market sentiment remained buoyant as investors remained upbeat about a continuation of the positive global economic growth environment accompanied by low inflation. This was evidenced by the strong rise in commodity prices and reflected in the mining and industrial areas of the market. Within the UK economic context, GDP growth remained subdued, and both retail sales growth and manufacturing data continued to display signs of weakness. Although inflation remained under control, unemployment edged higher. UK interest rates were left unchanged during the period at 4.5%. Portfolio Strategy and Review Over the six-month review period to 31 March 2006, the Net Asset Value Total Return of the Company was 15.1%, while the FTSE All-Share Total Return was 12.7%. Over the same period, the Trust's Share Price Total Return was 11.1%. Performance during the period was enhanced by life assurance company Legal & General (benefiting from an increase in new business inflows), airports operator BAA (due to bid activity), airline company British Airways (due to further success in exceeding cost-reduction targets as well as revenue growth in the premium-traffic market) and support services company Babcock International (due to bid speculation). In addition, the holding of US tobacco company Reynolds American performed well. Portfolio activity was fairly limited over the review period. However, the Manager initiated a new holding in electricity company Drax to reflect his view that in the current environment, energy prices are likely to stay high for longer. This benefit will accrue to shareholders in the form of increased dividend payments, as Drax has stated its policy to distribute all free cashflow to shareholders. Capita Group, which supplies services to the public and private sector, was also purchased for the Company. In the Manager's view, Capita Group has excellent earnings visibility as a result of a large existing order book and the ability to win new business from an increasing number of business sectors which are turning to outsourced suppliers. Moreover, it has scope for further dividend increases following a 30% increase in the last financial year. In the mobile telecommunications sector, the Manager took advantage of the weakness in Vodafone's share price to add to the Company's holding. The current valuation is attractive and the majority of the holding was purchased when the shares were trading with a prospective dividend yield of over 4%. Vodafone's global business model is coming under increasing scrutiny as, in a number of markets, it does not hold significant market share. Recently, Vodafone announced the sale of its Japanese business and the Manager expects Vodafone to pursue a shareholder-value agenda, which could see further significant asset disposals - including the US business - and the return of cash to shareholders. In terms of disposals, the Trust's holding in mobile telecommunications company O2 was sold following its takeover by Spanish telecommunications company Telefonica. Also sold from the Trust was food producer Associated British Foods, where the Manager felt that the strong recent performance of the Primark clothing division was largely discounted in the valuation and that better opportunities lay elsewhere. Outlook The Manager is mindful that the UK stockmarket has performed well in the past few years and that further gains of this nature should not automatically be expected in the future. He is concerned that some of the better performing areas of the market no longer appear attractively valued. Nevertheless, he remains cautiously optimistic for the market in 2006. The level of undervaluation within the largest and often more defensive companies has increased as investors have favoured the cyclically-biased mid- and small-cap areas more aggressively. The Manager believes that this area offers some of the best opportunities in the market going forward. The Manager is maintaining a defensively positioned portfolio in response to a belief in a continued subdued level of UK economic growth in 2006. Specifically, he continues to avoid consumer cyclicals while maintaining a significant exposure in defensive sectors, such as Utilities, Tobacco, Pharmaceuticals and Telecoms. Being positioned in these areas will, he believes, allow scope for the Company to make further gains for investors going forward. Mark Barnett Investment Manager 25 May 2006 Income Statement (Unaudited) Six months ended 31 March 2006 Revenue Capital Total £'000 £'000 £'000 Gains on investments - unrealised - 12,856 12,856 Gains on investments - realised - 8,773 8,773 Foreign exchange losses - (110) (110) Losses on currency hedges - (162) (162) Special dividends - - - Income: UK dividends 2,180 - 2,180 Overseas dividends 346 - 346 STIC interest 212 - 212 UK interest income 135 - 135 Deposit interest 94 - 94 Underwriting commission - - - Investment management fee (161) (484) (645) Performance fee - (1,348) (1,348) Other expenses (157) - (157) Net return before finance costs and taxation 2,649 19,525 22,174 Finance costs: Interest payable (380) (1,138) (1,518) Distributions in respect of Non-equity shares (6) - (6) Return on ordinary activities before taxation 2,263 18,387 20,650 Tax on ordinary activities (49) - (49) Return on ordinary activities after taxation and transfer to 2,214 18,387 20,601 reserves Return per ordinary share Basic 16.7p 138.0p 154.7p The total column of this statement represents the Company's Income Statement, prepared in accordance with UK Accounting Standards. The supplementary revenue and capital columns are both prepared under guidance published by the Association of Investment Trust Companies. All items in the above statement derive from continuing operations and the Company has no other gains or losses therefore no statement of recognised gains or losses is presented. No operations were acquired or discontinued in the period. Income Statement (Unaudited) Six months ended Year ended 31 March 2005 30 September Restated* 2005 Restated* Revenue Capital Total Total £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Gains on investments - - 9,462 9,462 20,020 unrealised Gains on investments - realised - 7,909 7,909 15,103 Foreign exchange gains/(losses) - 36 36 (78) Gains on currency hedges - 585 585 - Special dividends - - - 21 Income: UK dividends 1,706 - 1,706 3,979 Overseas dividends 292 - 292 593 STIC interest 348 - 348 692 UK interest income 34 - 34 34 Deposit interest 214 - 214 423 Underwriting commission - - - 16 Investment management fee (133) (391) (524) (1,098) Performance fee - (1,995) (1,995) (2,145) Other expenses (151) - (151) (285) Net return before finance costs and taxation 2,310 15,606 17,916 37,275 Finance costs: Interest payable (382) (1,145) (1,527) (3,037) Distributions in respect of non-equity shares (6) - (6) (12) Return on ordinary activities before taxation 1,922 14,461 16,383 34,226 Tax on ordinary activities (44) - (44) (91) Return on ordinary activities after taxation and transfer to 1,878 14,461 16,339 34,135 reserves Return per ordinary share Basic 14.1p 108.2p 122.3p 256.7p * Restated for new UK Accounting Standards Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds (Unaudited) Called Share Capital Capital Capital Revenue Total up premium redemption reserve- reserve- reserve share account reserve realised unrealised capital £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Balance as at 1 October 2004 (as previously stated) 6,685 1,258 466 85,664 13,697 3,454 111,224 Adjustment of investments to fair value - - - - (284) - (284) Add final dividend for 2004 (i) - - - - - 2,307 2,307 Adjustment to debenture cost amortised on effective interest - - - 58 - 20 78 basis Balance as at 1 October 2004 (restated) 6,685 1,258 466 85,722 13,413 5,781 113,325 Final dividend paid in 2005 (i) - - - - - (2,307) (2,307) Net return on ordinary activities - - - 10,442 19,378 4,315 34,135 Interim dividend paid in 2005 - - - - - (1,738) (1,738) Balance as at 30 September 2005 (restated) 6,685 1,258 466 96,164 32,791 6,051 143,415 Final dividend (ii) - - - - - (2,473) (2,473) Net return on ordinary activities - - - 5,645 12,742 2,214 20,601 Balance as at 31 March 6,685 1,258 466 101,809 45,533 5,792 161,543 2006 (i) The final proposed dividend for the year ended 30 September 2004 was declared and paid in the year ended 30 September 2005. (ii) The final proposed dividend for the year ended 30 September 2005 was declared and paid in the six month period ended 31 March 2006. Balance Sheet (Unaudited) At At At 31 March 30 September 31 March 2006 2005 2005 Restated* Restated* £'000 £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Investments at fair value through profit or loss 187,152 162,050 143,748 Current assets Amounts due from brokers 1,177 - - Tax recoverable 17 17 17 Unrealised profit on forward contracts - - 76 Prepayments and accrued income 1,102 578 1,702 Certificates of deposit 14,997 - - Cash at bank 106 23,667 25,586 17,399 24,262 27,381 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year Bank overdraft - (49) - Amounts due to brokers (1,080) (424) - Unrealised loss on forward contracts (11) (31) - Accruals and deferred income (1,109) (1,075) (1,035) Performance fee due and deferred - (651) (2,340) (2,200) (2,230) (3,375) Net current assets 15,199 22,032 24,006 Total assets less current liabilities 202,351 184,082 167,754 Creditors: due after more than one year Debenture stock (39,527) (39,520) (39,513) Cumulative preference shares (250) (250) (250) Provisions for liabilities and charges (1,031) (897) (345) Net assets 161,543 143,415 127,646 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 6,685 6,685 6,685 Share premium account 1,258 1,258 1,258 Capital redemption reserve 466 466 466 Other reserves: Capital reserve - realised 101,809 96,164 90,710 Capital reserve - unrealised 45,533 32,791 23,174 Revenue reserve 5,792 6,051 5,353 Equity Shareholders' funds 161,543 143,415 127,646 Net asset value per share Basic 1208.4p 1072.8p 954.8p * Restated for new UK Accounting Standards Cash Flow Statement (Unaudited) Six months Year to Six months to to 31 March 30 September 31 March 2006 2005 2005 Restated* Restated* £'000 £'000 £'000 Cash flow from operating activities (241) 3,359 1,850 Servicing of finance (1,516) (3,033) (1,516) Capital expenditure and financial investment Purchase of fixed asset investments (37,652) (63,381) (33,394) Proceeds from sale of fixed asset 33,660 66,684 36,323 investments Equity dividends paid (2,473) (4,045) (2,306) Net cash (outflow)/inflow before management of liquid resources and financing (8,222) (416) 957 Management of liquid resources 8,569 287 (1,626) Increase/(decrease) in cash in the 347 (129) (669) period Decrease in debt (8) (14) (6) Exchange movements (292) (51) 543 Cash (outflow)/inflow from movement in liquid resources (8,569) (287) 1,626 Movement in net debt in the period (8,522) (481) 1,494 Net debt at beginning of period (16,152) (15,671) (15,671) Net debt at end of period (24,674) (16,152) (14,177) * Restated for new UK Accounting Standards Notes to the Interim Accounts 1. Changes in Accounting Policies The accounts have been prepared in accordance with applicable United Kingdom Accounting Standards and with Statement of Recommended Practice ("SORP") "Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies", issued by the Association of Investment Trust Companies in 2005. The same accounting policies used for the year ended 30 September 2005 have been applied, with the following exceptions: (a) Investments are recognised on the date they are traded and are classified as held at fair value through profit or loss. Financial assets designated as fair value through profit or loss are measured at subsequent reporting dates at fair value, which is the bid price. Prior to 1 January 2005, these were valued at mid price. (b) Dividends are not recognised in the accounts unless there is an obligation to pay at the balance sheet date. Proposed dividends are thus recognised in the period in which they are either approved by or paid to shareholders. (c) Debentures - FRS 26 requires interest bearing borrowings to be recognised at amortised cost, using the effective interest method. Previously the debentures were recognised at amortised cost using the straight line method. (d) Non-equity preference shares are required to be shown as a liability on the balance sheet and dividends payable thereon are recognised as finance costs. Previously the preference shares were shown as part of share capital with no effect on the profit for the period. The reconciliation of net cash flow to the movement in net debt is also effected. Comparatives have been restated to reflect these changes and are disclosed in note 9. 2. Transaction costs on purchases of £231,000 (30 September 2005: £391,000; 31 March 2005: £206,000) and on sales of £64,000 (30 September 2005: £124,000; 31 March 2005: £68,000) are included within gains and losses on investments. 3. The equity portfolio includes £14,575,000 (30 September 2005: £12,993,000; 31 March 2005: £12,031,000) of equities denominated in currencies other than pounds sterling. In order to manage the currency risk, the Manager has hedged their currency exposure into sterling through the use of forward foreign exchange contracts. The gains and losses to date on these contracts are more or less exactly offset by the changes in value of the equity investments due to currency movements. These are fair value hedges through profit or loss. 4. STIC interest comprise income from investments in Short-Term Investments Company (Global Series) PLC. UK interest income includes interest income from Certificates of Deposit. 5. The performance fee is based on a calendar year. 31 March 30 September 31 March 2006 2005 2005 £ £ £ Performance fee relating to 31 December 2005 317,000 - - 31 December 2004 - 1,248,000 1,650,000 Provision for performance fee relating to 31 December 2006 1,031,000 - - 31 December 2005 - 897,000 345,000 Total 1,348,000 2,145,000 1,995,000 Under the management agreement with INVESCO Asset Management Limited the Company recognised a deferred performance fee in creditors for the three years to 31 December 2005. This fee, totalling £651,000, became payable as at 31 December 2005. 6. The returns per ordinary share are based on the net revenue return attributable to equity shareholders and on 13,368,799 (30 September 2005 and March 2005: 13,368,799) ordinary shares, being the number of ordinary shares in issue in the period. 7. The basic net asset value per ordinary share is calculated on net assets attributable to equity shareholders of £161,543,000 (30 September 2005: £ 143,415,000 (restated); 31 March 2005: £127,646,000 (restated) and on 13,368,799 (30 September 2005 and 31 March 2005: 13,368,799) ordinary shares in issue. 8. The Directors have declared an interim dividend of 14.00p (2005: 13.00p) per ordinary share in respect of the six months ended 31 March 2006. This will be paid on 23 June 2006 to ordinary shareholders registered on 26 May 2006. 9. Restatement of balances for effects of new UK Accounting Standards (a) Balance Sheet as at 30 September 2005 Previously reported Restated as at as at 30 September 30 September 2005 Adjustments 2005 £'000 £'000 £'000 Investments i 162,519 (469) 162,050 Current Assets 24,262 - 24,262 Creditors: less than one year Bank overdraft (49) - (49) Forwards (31) - (31) Creditors (424) - (424) Proposed dividend ii (2,473) 2,473 - Accruals (1,075) - (1,075) Performance fee deferred (651) - (651) (4,703) 2,473 (2,230) Total assets less current 182,078 2,004 184,082 liabilities Creditors: more than one year Debentures iii (39,606) 86 (39,520) Cumulative preference iv - (250) (250) shares (39,606) (164) (39,770) Provisions (897) - (897) Net current assets 141,575 1,840 143,415 Share capital 6,685 - 6,685 Share premium 1,258 - 1,258 Capital redemption 466 - 466 reserve Capital - realised iii 96,100 64 96,164 Capital - unrealised i 33,260 (469) 32,791 Revenue reserve ii, 3,556 2,495 6,051 iii Equity Shareholders' funds 141,325 2,090 143,415 Cumulative preference iv 250 (250) - shares Total Shareholders' funds 141,575 1,840 143,415 Net asset value per 1057.1p 15.7p 1072.8p ordinary share (b) Balance Sheet as at 31 March 2005 Previously reported Restated as at as at 31 March 31 March 2005 Adjustments 2005 £'000 £'000 £'000 Investments i 144,078 (330) 143,748 Current Assets 27,381 - 27,381 Creditors: less than one year Proposed dividend ii (1,738) 1,738 - Accruals and deferred (3,375) - (3,375) income (5,113) 1,738 (3,375) Total assets less current 166,346 1,408 167,754 liabilities Creditors: more than one year Debentures iii (39,596) 83 (39,513) Cumulative preference iv - (250) (250) shares (39,596) (167) (39,763) Provisions (345) - (345) Net current assets 126,405 1,241 127,646 Share capital 6,685 - 6,685 Share premium 1,258 - 1,258 Capital redemption 466 - 466 reserve Capital - realised iii 90,648 62 90,710 Capital - unrealised i 23,504 (330) 23,174 Revenue reserve ii, 3,594 1,759 5,353 iii Equity Shareholders' funds 126,155 1,491 127,646 Cumulative preference iv 250 (250) - shares Total Shareholders' funds 126,405 1,241 127,646 Net asset value per 943.7p 11.1p 954.8p ordinary share (c) Balance Sheet as at 30 September 2004 Previously reported Restated as at as at 30 September 30 September 2004 Adjustments 2004 £'000 £'000 £'000 Investments i 130,559 (284) 130,275 Current Assets 25,248 - 25,248 Creditors: less than one year Amounts due to brokers (716) - (716) Unrealised forward (3) - (3) currency losses Amounts due to (1) - (1) subsidiary Proposed dividend ii (2,307) 2,307 - Accruals and deferred (1,031) - (1,031) income (4,058) 2,307 (1,751) Total assets less current 151,749 2,023 153,772 liabilities Creditors: more than one year Debentures iii (39,584) 78 (39,506) Cumulative preference iv - (250) (250) shares Performance fee deferred (408) - (408) (39,992) (172) (40,164) Provisions (283) - (283) Net assets 111,474 1,851 113,325 Share capital 6,685 - 6,685 Share premium 1,258 - 1,258 Capital redemption 466 - 466 reserve Capital - realised iii 85,664 59 85,723 Capital - unrealised i 13,697 (284) 13,413 Revenue reserve ii,iii 3,454 2,326 5,780 Equity Shareholders' funds 111,224 2,101 113,325 Cumulative preference iv 250 (250) - shares Total Shareholders' funds 111,474 1,851 113,325 Net asset value per 832.0p 15.7p 847.7p ordinary share (d) Income Statement for the year ended 30 September 2005 Note £'000 Revenue return (as previously reported) 4,313 Capital return (as previously reported) 29,999 Total return 34,312 Adjustment for revaluation of investments to fair value: - for 30 September 2004 i 284 - for 30 September 2005 i (469) Adjustment to debenture interest on iii 8 effective interest basis Total return (restated) 34,135 Notes i Listed investments are classified as held at fair value through profit or loss, being the bid price. Previously these were carried at mid price. ii Dividends are not recognised until they are approved by or paid to shareholders, thus no provision is made for proposed dividends and these are added back to revenue reserves. iii Debentures, being interest bearing liabilities, are carried at amortised cost under the effective interest method. Previously these were recognised at amortised cost using the straightline method. iv Cumulative preference shares are recognised as a liability. Previously these were recognised as non-equity share capital. 10. It is the intention of the Directors to conduct the affairs of the Company so that it satisfies the conditions for approval as an investment trust company set out in section 842 of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988. 11. The foregoing information at 30 September 2005 is an abridged version of the Company's full accounts which carry an unqualified Auditor's report and have been filed with the Registrar of Companies, after adjusting for the effects of new accounting standards. By Order of the Board INVESCO Asset Management Limited Secretary 25 May 2006
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