Result of AGM

LMS CAPITAL PLC 2011 Annual General Meeting LMS Capital plc today held its 2011 Annual General Meeting. The results of the voting by poll on the resolutions put to the meeting are listed below. All resolutions were passed by the required majority. Resolution For* Against Withheld** Votes % Votes % Votes 1. Approve the Financial 208,507,818 100 2,027 0 67,686 Statements 2. Approve Directors' 177,902,307 87.57 25,259,779 12.43 5,415,445 Remuneration Report 3. Re-appoint John Barnsley as 205,457,171 98.54 3,051,393 1.46 68,967 a director 4. Re-appoint Richard Christou 205,317,762 98.53 3,060,802 1.47 68,967 as a director 5. Appoint Mark Sebba as a 205,337,171 98.54 3,041,393 1.46 68,967 director 6. Re-appoint KPMG Audit Plc 208,501,175 100 8,423 0 67,933 as auditors 7. Authorise the directors to 208,505,817 100 1,921 0 69,793 determine the auditors remuneration 8. Authorise the directors to 192,375,061 92.26 16,132,784 7.74 69,686 allot shares 9. Authorise the directors to 199,491,025 95.68 9,011,757 4.32 74,087 make non pre-emptive share allotments*** 10. Authorise the directors to 208,460,839 99.98 47,690 0.02 69,002 purchase market shares*** 11. Authorise the calling of 208,432,189 99.96 75,989 0.04 69,353 general meetings on 14 days clear notice*** 12. Approve the Waiver of Rule 84,332,336 75.05 28,035,833 24.95 95,178 9 of the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers**** * The 'For' votes include those votes giving the Chairman discretion. ** The votes 'Withheld' are not counted towards the votes cast at the Annual General Meeting *** Special resolutions **** The Rayne family concert party, representing approximately 100,181,600 ordinary shares, (36.69% of the Company's issued share capital as at 11 April 2011) was ineligible to vote on this resolution. The Company's issued share capital, as at 12 May 2011, is 272,674,285 ordinary shares of 10p each. Matthew Jones Company Secretary Tel: 020 7935 3555 12 May 2011


LMS Capital (LMS)
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