Result of AGM
2014 Annual General Meeting
LMS Capital plc held its 2014 Annual General Meeting this morning. The results
of the voting by poll on the resolutions put to the meeting are listed below.
All resolutions were passed by the required majority.
Resolution For* Against Withheld**
Votes % Votes % Votes
1. Receive the 2013 Annual 127,979,492 100.00 526 0.00 0
Report and Accounts
2. Approve Remuneration 123,564,309 99.11 1,105,812 0.89 3,406,339
3. Approve Directors' 86,357,052 68.58 39,571,280 31.42 2,148,128
remuneration policy
4. Re-appoint Bernard 119,417,058 93.33 8,535,480 6.67 27,480
Duroc-Danner as a director
5. Re-appoint Robert Rayne 120,433,261 94.12 7,519,277 5.88 27,480
as a director
6. Appoint KPMG LLP as 124,679,183 97.42 3,298,705 2.58 2,130
7. Authorise the directors 127,966,225 99.99 13,793 0.01 0
to determine the auditor's
8. Authorise the calling of 126,695,248 99.00 1,276,262 1.00 8,508
general meetings on 14 days'
clear notice***
* The 'For' votes include those votes giving the Chairman discretion.
** The votes 'Withheld' are not counted towards the votes cast at the Annual
General Meeting
*** Special resolution
The Company's issued share capital is 187,356,236 ordinary shares of 10p each.
Antony Sweet
Company Secretary
Tel: 020 7935 3555
15 May 2014