This Abridged Circular is neither a prospectus nor an invitation to the public to subscribe for shares in Meikles Limited (“the Company†or “the Groupâ€), but is a document issued in compliance with the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange (“ZSEâ€) Listings Requirements, to inform Meikles Limited Shareholders of the proposed Transactions whose terms and conditions are fully set out in this Abridged Circular.
Action required:
(Incorporated in Zimbabwe under company registration number 1/37)
Regarding the proposed disposal of the Harare Meikles hotel business and immovable property including the related furniture, plant and equipment commonly known as Meikles Hotel for a total consideration of US$20 million
Lead Financial Advisors Corporate Excellence Financial Advisory Services (Private) Limited |
Independent Financial Advisors KPMG |
Independent Property Valuers Knight Frank Integrated Properties (Private) Limited EPG Global Real Estate |
Sponsoring Brokers Invictus Securities (Member of the ZSE) |
Independent Reporting Accountants & Auditors Deloitte |
Legal Advisors Wintertons Legal Practitioners |
Zimbabwe Transfer Secretaries ZB Transfer Secretaries (Private) Limited |
London Corporate Advisors St James’s Corporate Services Limited |
1. Background
Meikles Limited (“Meikles†or “the Company†or “the Groupâ€) is an investment holding company incorporated in 1892 with a dual listing on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange “ZSE†(primary listing) and the London Stock Exchange “LSE†(secondary listing). The main activities of the Group span into agriculture, retail trading and hospitality. Meikles Hotel is part of the hospitality segment.
Meikles Hotel requires substantial mordenisation of guest facilities as well as electro mechanical and plumbing infrastructure to restore it to a 5-star hotel by international standards. Major upgrades of hotels require foreign currency denominated long term capital. Initial estimates indicate that up to US$30 million is required to bring Meikles Hotel to a 5-star property by international standards.
Against the foregoing background and taking into account the current and projected performance of the Hotel as well as the volatile economic environment, the Directors have concluded that the Hotel as well as the Group do not have the capacity to carry the level of foreign currency denominated debt required to fund the refurbishment.
In view of the foreign currency funding needs of Meikles Hotel and the financial risks of spending a less substantial sum on refurbishment, the Directors are proposing to disinvest from the city hotel business. It is the Directors’ view that it is best for the future of the Hotel to place its development in the hands of skilled international hotel operators with the capacity to undertake the requisite refurbishments on the Hotel.
2. The proposed Transactions
Subject to regulatory and Shareholder approval, the Board is proposing that the Group makes the following disposals to ASB Hospitality (Zimbabwe) (Private) Limited:
3. Terms of the proposed Transactions
Set out below are the salient features of the arm’s length negotiated and agreed terms of the two connected disposals:
3.1 The Hotel Business and related Hotel Assets disposal
Item | Terms |
a) Purchaser |
b) Purchase Price |
c) Hotel Employees |
d) Sellers’ Liabilities |
e) Intellectual Property Licence |
f) Other |
3.2 The Hotel Building disposal
Item | Terms |
a) Purchaser |
b) Purchase Price |
c) Capital Gains Tax |
d) Transfer costs |
e) Other |
NB: The Board assessed and is satisfied with ASB Hospitality Zimbabwe’s capacity to fulfil the terms of the proposed Transactions, including the US$20 million combined purchase price.
It should also be noted that the previous carrying value of Meikles Hotel (US$26.7 million) was higher than the subsequent independent property valuations undertaken in April 2019 and August 2019.
4. Rationale for the proposed Transactions
The principal rationale for the proposed Transactions is that the Group does not want foreign currency exposure related to borrowings to fund the required refurbishment of Meikles Hotel to bring it to a five star property by international standards. Initial estimates indicate that up to US$30 million is required for the substantial modernisation of guest facilities as well as electro mechanical and plumbing to restore the Hotel to international standards. Accordingly the Board believes that it is best for the future development of the Hotel to be placed in the hands of skilled international hotel operators with the capacity to undertake the requisite refurbishments of the Hotel.
5. Use of proceeds
There are opportunities for value creation in other segments of the Group, which will be compatible with the financial strategy of the Group. Exploitation of these opportunities will coincide with the timing of the receipt of the proceeds.
The table below shows a breakdown of the proposed use of the proceeds from the Transactions:
Description | Amount (US$) |
Importation of solar equipment | 5,000,000 |
Importation of fruit processing equipment | 3,450,000 |
Importation of materials for refurbishments, upgrades and expansion | 10,000,000 |
Taxes (Capital Gains Tax and Recoupment) | 1,200,000 |
Transaction costs | 350,000 |
Total | 20,000,000 |
6. Independent Financial Advisors’ Opinion
Having considered the proposed Transactions and based on conditions set out in the Independent Financial Advisors’ Report on the proposed Transactions, KPMG has concluded that nothing had come to their attention to cause them to believe that the proposed Transactions are not fair and reasonable to the Company and its Shareholders.
7. Effects of the proposed Transactions
7.1 Group structure before and after the proposed Transactions
Group structure before the proposed Transactions
Group structure after the proposed Transactions
See for structure charts
7.2 Effects of the proposed Transactions on Meikles Limited’s Net Asset Value (“NAVâ€)
NAV | before the Transactions | After the Transactions |
NAV (ZWL) as at 31 March 2019 | 203,379,000 | 229,752,000 |
Number of shares currently in issue | 261,064,590 | 261,064,590 |
NAV cents per share (ZWL) | 77.90 | 88.01 |
7.3 Effects of the proposed Transactions on share capital structure
The proposed disposal Transactions have no effect on the share capital structure of Meikles Limited.
7.4 Effects of the proposed Transactions on shareholding structure
The consummation of the proposed Transactions will not change the shareholding structure of Meikles Limited. As of 18 November 2019, being the Last Practicable Date prior to the publication of this Circular, the Company’s abridged shareholding appeared as shown in the table below:
Shareholder | No. of shares | % |
1. Gondor Capital Limited | 122,903,771 | 47.08% |
2. Old Mutual Life Assurance Company Zim Ltd | 20,280,408 | 7.77% |
3. Mega Market (Pvt) Ltd | 11,956,715 | 4.58% |
4. Stanbic Nominees (Pvt) Ltd – A/C140043470003 | 10,169,037 | 3.90% |
5. Windward Capital (Pty) Ltd | 8,065,263 | 3.09% |
6. Messina Investments Ltd | 7,564,075 | 2.90% |
7. London Register-Meikles Africa Limited | 4,556,899 | 1.75% |
8. Stanbic Nominees (Pvt) Ltd – NNR –A/C 1400434700 | 4,223,288 | 1.61% |
9. Meikles Consolidated Holdings (Pvt) Ltd | 4,158,319 | 1.59% |
10. Old Mutual Zimbabwe Limited | 4,006,665 | 1.53% |
Sub-total (top 10) | 197,884,440 | 75.80% |
Other | 63,180,150 | 24.20% |
Grand total | 261,064,590 | 100.00% |
Source: ZB
7.5 Financial impact
The pro-forma financial position of Meikles Limited showing the impact of the Disposals is set out below:
See for financial information
Assumptions and basis of preparation:
Assumptions and basis of preparation:
7.6 Tax impact of the proposed Transactions
Save for applicable Capital Gains Taxes and corporate income taxes in the books of Meikles Hospitality for the capital gains and recoupment of capital allowance to be realised through the Disposals, the proposed Transactions have no immediate tax impact in the hands of Shareholders.
8. Costs of the proposed Transactions
The costs for the proposed Transactions are expected to amount to approximately US$350,000 which relate to various advisory, accounting, regulatory as well as advertising, printing and postage charges.
9. Implications of not implementing the Transactions
For the Group to continue operating the Hotel, the upgrade and replacement of electro mechanical and plumbing infrastructure, which are now decades old and in dire need of attention, should commence immediately. In addition, refurbishment of South Wing bedrooms is long overdue. The Group will have to immediately raise foreign currency funds to finance the upgrades and refurbishments.
10. Prospects of Meikles Limited
The make-up of the Group from a revenue and cash flow generation perspective would not change materially following the Disposal. However, everything else being equal, the profitability of the Group will increase by the extent of the interest savings. In addition, a positive working capital position coupled with a debt and interest free financial position would increase internally generated cash resources and open affordable external funding options.
These developments together with ongoing strategies to restructure and reposition the Group in the current ZWL environment are expected to unlock value for Shareholders.
Tanganda Tea Company and the Group’s immovable property portfolio will provide the much-needed value preservation backbone in this environment. On the other hand, the supermarkets segment is expected to continue positively generating reasonable local cash flow and profit which, in the absence of finance charges, the Group expects to start contributing cash flow towards giving back to Shareholders as dividends.
The Company is still expecting receipt of the debt owed by the Government and remains optimistic that the debt will be eventually settled. Receipt of the debt will provide additional funds to capitalise the remaining operations thereby unlocking Shareholder value.
Overall, the remaining operations of the Group still have the critical mass and balanced diversity to preserve and deliver returns to Shareholders despite the challenges affecting businesses in Zimbabwe.
11. Conditions Precedent
The proposed Transactions are subject to the following Conditions Precedent to the extent required by Directors, the ZSE Listings Requirements or Zimbabwean laws and regulations:
12. Regulatory issues
12.1 ZSE approval
This Abridged Circular is issued in compliance with the ZSE Listings Requirements. The ZSE Listings Committee on 31 October 2019 approved the publication and distribution of this Abridged as well as the full Circular and the terms of the proposed Transactions. A copy of the approval letter from the ZSE Listings Committee is available for inspection by Shareholders ahead of the Extraordinary General Meeting at the registered office of the Company.
13. Financial information on Meikles Limited
The audited abridged historical financial statements of Meikles Limited for the year ended 31 March 2019 are set out below:
See for financial information
14. Material agreements
As at the date of issue of this Abridged Circular, Meikles Limited has entered into a Business Sale and Purchase Agreement, a Memorandum of Agreement for the Sale and Purchase of Immovable Property, and an exclusive License Agreement in respect of the proposed Transactions. Copies of the aforementioned agreements are available for inspection ahead of the EGM.
15. Borrowings
In terms of the Company’s Articles, the Directors shall not allow the borrowings of Meikles Limited to exceed at any time, twice the value of the funds attributable to the Shareholders.
The level of borrowings of Meikles Limited as of the Last Practicable Date did not exceed the limit set in terms of the Company's Articles.
16. Working capital adequacy statement
The Directors after considering the effects of the proposed Transactions, are of the opinion that the working capital available to the Company and the Group after the proposed Transactions will be sufficient for present requirements for at least the next 12 months from the date of issue of this abridged Circular.
17. Dividend policy
The Company’s policy is to declare dividends as set out in the Articles which generally provides that the Directors may from time to time pay dividends to members where the Company’s performance can justify such a distribution subject to ratification by Shareholders at a General Meeting. No dividend shall be payable except out of the profits of the Company and no dividend shall carry interest against the Company.
The Board has been passing dividends in recent years until the just ended financial year when the Board declared an interim dividend and final dividend amounting to ZWL0,0887 per share.
18. Litigation statement
There are no legal or arbitration proceedings, pending or threatened, of which Meikles Limited or any of its subsidiaries (including Meikles Hospitality) are aware, that may have or have had a material effect on the financial position of Meikles Limited in the 12-month period preceding the Last Practicable Date.
19. Expert consents
Invictus Securities, Knight Frank, Integrated Properties, EPG, Corporate Excellence, ZB, St. James Corporate Services, Deloitte, KPMG and Wintertons have consented in writing to act in the capacities stated in this Circular and to their names and reports being stated and reproduced in this Circular and have not withdrawn their consents prior to the date of issue of this Abridged as well as the full Circular.
20. Documents available for inspection
The following documents or certified copies thereof, are available for inspection at the Registered Offices of Meikles Limited at 90 Speke Avenue, Harare in Zimbabwe during normal business hours, on week days until the date of the EGM:
21. Directors’ recommendations
The Board of Directors has considered the terms and conditions of the proposed Transactions and having also considered the fair and reasonable opinion by the Independent Financial Advisors in relation to the proposed Transactions, is of the opinion that the terms and conditions thereof are fair and reasonable to Meikles Limited Shareholders. Accordingly, the Board recommends to Meikles Limited Shareholders that they vote in favour of the resolutions to be considered at the Extraordinary General Meeting giving effect to the proposed Transactions.
The Directors will collectively vote in favour of the individual resolutions to approve the proposed Transactions at the EGM in respect of their own shareholdings.
22. Directors’ responsibility statement
The Directors of Meikles Limited, collectively and individually accept full responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided in this abridged as well as the full Circular and certify that, to the best of their knowledge and belief, there are no other facts the omission of which make any statement in this abridged as well as the full Circular false or misleading, that they have made all reasonable enquiries to ascertain such facts (where applicable), and that this abridged as well as the full Circular contains all information required by law.
23. Important dates and information
Event | Date | |
Notice of Meikles Limited EGM published | Friday, 22 November 2019 | |
Abridged Circular to Meikles Limited Shareholders published | Friday, 22 November 2019 | |
Circular to Meikles Limited Shareholders posted | Friday, 22 November 2019 | |
Last day of lodging Proxy Forms (at 1030 hours) | Wednesday, 11 December 2019 | |
Meikles Limited EGM (at 1030 hours) | Friday, 13 December 2019 | |
Publication of EGM resolution results | Friday, 20 December 2019 | |
Completion of Conditions Precedent and consummation of disposal | By 29 February 2020 | |
Notes |
(Incorporated in Zimbabwe under company registration number 1/37)
Directors: J. R. T. Moxon (Executive Chairman), K. Ncube (Executive Director), J. A. Mushore (Non-Executive Director), R. Chidembo (Non-Executive Director)
Registered Address: 90 Speke Avenue, Harare, Zimbabwe
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT an Extraordinary General Meeting of members of Meikles Limited will be held at Parklands, 26 Greenhithe Lane, Borrowdale, Harare on Friday, 13 December 2019 at 1030 hours. Members will be asked to consider, and if deemed fit, to pass with or without modification, the resolutions set out below:
1. Exchange Control approval
“That the Directors obtain approval from Exchange Control Authorities to receive the proceeds of the Disposals in resolutions 2 and 3 below in a ring fenced foreign currency account under the control of the Company to be utilised as set out in section 5 of this Abridged Circular as well as Full Circular or any other mechanism that safeguards the proceeds in foreign currency to the satisfaction of the Directors.â€
2. Disposal of the Meikles Hotel Immovable Property
“That in terms of Article 119 of the Company’s Articles of Association, and subject to the passing of resolution 1 above, the Directors be and are hereby authorised to dispose of the Meikles Hotel Immovable Property, being land and buildings located on Stand 17600 Harare Township, corner Jason Moyo Avenue and Third Street, Harare, Zimbabwe, to ASB Hospitality (Zimbabwe) (Private) Limited for a gross consideration of US$16.2 million payable in United States dollars.â€
3. Disposal of the Meikles Hotel Business and Related Hotel Assets
“That in terms of Article 119 of the Company’s Articles of Association and subject to the passing of resolutions 1 and 2 above, the Directors be and are hereby authorised to dispose of the Meikles Hotel Business and Related Hotel Assets to ASB Hospitality (Zimbabwe) (Private) Limited for a gross consideration of US$3.8 million payable in United States dollars.â€
4. Directors’ authority to give effect to the above resolution
“That the Directors of the Company be and are hereby authorised to do any and all such things as may generally be required or necessary to give effect to the above Resolutions.â€
BY ORDER OF THE BOARD | 22 November 2019 |
Company Secretary
Meikles Limited
90 Speke Avenue
P.O. Box 3598
Harare, Zimbabwe
Members are notified that they are entitled to appoint one or more proxies who need not be a member of the Company, to act in their alternative, to attend, speak and vote in his/her stead at the EGM. Proxies must be lodged at the Registered Office of the Company at least forty-eight hours before the meeting.
(Name in block letters)
Of _____________________________________________________________________________
Being the holder of _____________________________________ Shares in the Company hereby appoint
1._____________________________ of _____________________________________ or failing him/her
2._____________________________ of _____________________________________ or failing him/her
3. the Chairman of the EGM.
As my/our proxy to act for me/us at the EGM for the purpose of considering and, if deemed fit, passing, with or without modification, the resolutions to be proposed thereat, and at each adjournment or postponement thereof, and to vote for and/or against the resolutions and/or abstain from voting in respect of the shares in the issued share capital of the Company registered in my/our name (see note 2) in accordance with the following instructions:
ORDINARY RESOLUTIONS | For | Against | Abstain |
1. Exchange Control Approval “That the Directors obtain approval from Exchange Control Authorities to receive the proceeds of the Disposals in resolutions 2 and 3 below in a ring fenced foreign currency account under the control of the Company to be utilised as set out in section 5 of this Abridged Circular as well as the Full Circular or any other mechanism that safeguards the proceeds in foreign currency to the satisfaction of the Directors.†|
2. Disposal of the Meikles Hotel Immovable Property “That in terms of Article 119 of the Company’s Articles of Association and subject to the passing of resolution 1 above, the Directors be and are hereby authorised to dispose of the Meikles Hotel Immovable Property, being land and buildings located on Stand 17600 Harare Township, Corner Jason Moyo Avenue and Third Street, Harare, Zimbabwe, to ASB Hospitality (Zimbabwe) (Private) Limited for a gross consideration of US$16.2 million payable in United States dollars.†|
3. Disposal of the Meikles Hotel Business and Related Hotel Assets “That in terms of Article 119 of the Company’s Articles of Association and subject to the passing of resolution 1 and 2 above, the Directors be and are hereby authorised to dispose of the Meikles Hotel Business and Related Hotel Assets to ASB Hospitality (Zimbabwe) (Private) Limited for a gross consideration of US$3.8 million payable in United States dollars.†|
4. Directors’ authority to give effect to the above resolution “That the Directors of the Company be and are hereby authorised to do any and all such things as may generally be required or necessary to give effect to the above Resolutions.†|
Every Meikles Limited Shareholder present in person or represented by proxy and entitled to vote at the EGM will be entitled to one vote per Meikles Limited share held by such Meikles Limited Shareholder. The Chairman of Meikles Limited has elected to call for a poll regarding the voting at the EGM.
Signed at _______________ on _____________________________________________2019
Assisted by me _______________________________________________________________
Full name(s) of signatory/ies if signing in a representative capacity (see note 2). (PLEASE USE BLOCK LETTERS).
1. A Shareholder may insert the name of a proxy or the names of two alternative proxies of the Shareholder’s choice in the space provided, with or without deleting “the Chairman of the EGMâ€, but any such deletion must be initialed by the Shareholder. The person whose name appears first on the form of proxy will, unless his/her name has been deleted, be entitled to act as proxy to the exclusion of those whose names follow.
2. A Shareholder’s instructions to the proxy must be indicated by the insertion of the relevant number of votes exercisable by that Shareholder in the appropriate space/s provided as well as by means of a cross whether the Shareholder wishes to vote, for, against or abstain from the resolutions. Failure to comply with the above will be deemed to authorize the proxy to vote or abstain from voting at the EGM as he/she deems fit in respect of the entire Shareholder’s votes exercisable thereat. A Shareholder or his/her proxy is not obliged to use all the votes exercisable by the Shareholder or by his/her proxy, or cast them in the same way.
3. A deletion of any printed matter and the completion of any blank spaces need not be signed or initialed. Any alteration or correction must be initialed by the signatory/ies.
4. The Chairman shall be entitled to decline to accept the authority of a person signing the proxy form:
5. If two or more proxies attend the meeting then that person attending the meeting whose name appears first on the proxy form and whose name is not deleted, shall be regarded as the validly appointed proxy.
6. When there are joint holders of shares, any one holder may sign the form of proxy. In the case of joint holders, the senior who tenders a vote will be accepted to the exclusion of other joint holders. Seniority will be determined by the order in which names stand in the register of members.
7. The completion and lodging of this form of proxy will not preclude the member who grants this proxy form from attending the EGM and speaking and voting in person thereat to the exclusion of any proxy appointed in terms hereof should such member wish to do so.
8. In order to be effective, completed proxy forms must reach the Company’s transfer secretaries or the registered office of the Company by 1030 hours Wednesday, 11 December 2019.
9. Please ensure that name(s) of the member(s) on the form of proxy and the voting form are the same as those on the share register.
10. Please be advised that the number of votes a member is entitled to will be determined by the number of shares recorded on the Share Register by 1600 hours on Thursday, 12 December 2019.
ZIMBABWE OFFICE OF THE TRANSFER SECRETARIES ZB Transfer Secretaries 21 Natal Road Avondale Harare, Zimbabwe Tel: +263-4-242 759 660/9 Email: |
REGISTERED OFFICE OF THE COMPANY Company Secretary Tabani Mpofu Meikles Limited 90 Speke Avenue P.O. Box 3598 Harare, Zimbabwe Email: |