Shareholders are advised that:
1. To receive and adopt the Group Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2020 and the reports of the Directors and Auditors.
Ordinary Resolution Number 1 was passed by shareholders.
2. To consider the re-appointment of the following Director who retires by rotation and being eligible offers himself for re-election:
Ordinary Resolution Number 2 was passed by shareholders.
3. To consider the re-appointment of the following Director who retires by rotation and being eligible offers himself for re-election:
Ordinary Resolution Number 3 was passed by shareholders.
4. To approve the appointment of the following Director who in terms of the Articles of Association of the Company is required to retire from the Board at the Company’s Annual General Meeting and being eligible offers herself for election:
Ordinary Resolution Number 4 was passed by shareholders.
5. To approve the appointment of the following Director who in terms of the Articles of Association of the Company is required to retire from the Board at the Company’s Annual General Meeting and being eligible offers himself for election:
Ordinary Resolution Number 5 was passed by shareholders.
6. To approve the appointment of the following Director who in terms of the Articles of Association of the Company is required to retire from the Board at the Company’s Annual General Meeting and being eligible offers himself for election:
Ordinary Resolution Number 6 was passed by shareholders.
7. To confirm Directors’ fees amounting to ZWL1,161,128 for the year ended 31 March 2020.
Ordinary Resolution Number 7 was passed by shareholders.
8. To approve the auditors’ fees of ZWL1,510,543 for the year ended 31 March 2020.
Ordinary Resolution Number 8 was passed by shareholders.
9. To appoint auditors for the year ending 31 March 2021. Messrs Deloitte & Touche, auditors for the year ended 31 March 2020, have indicated their willingness to continue in office Deloitte & Touche have acted as the Company’s independent auditors for more than ten years.
Ordinary Resolution Number 9 was passed by shareholders.
1. That the Memorandum and Articles of Association be amended by increasing the number of minimum directors at any given time under section 87(i) from 4 to 7: -
“Until otherwise determined from time to time by General Meeting, the number of Directors shall not be less than seven (7) and no more than fifteen (15)”
Special Resolution Number 1 was passed by shareholders.
2. Share Buy Back Scheme
2.1 THAT the Company be authorised in advance, in terms of Section 128 of the Companies and Other Business Entities Act (Chapter 24:31), the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange (ZSE) Listing Requirements and Article 160 of the Company’s Articles of Association, to purchase the Company’s own ordinary shares which:
2.2 THAT the Company be authorised to pay the transaction costs for shareholders who, in terms of the share buyback scheme, hold less than 1,000 (One Thousand) shares.
Special Resolution Number 2 was passed by shareholders.
8 December 2020