Issue of Equity

Matrix Income & Growth 4 VCT plc (the "Company") 1 April 2010 Issue of Equity Offer for Subscription of up to 1,995,757 new ordinary shares, subject to a maximum of £2.18 million of funds raised The Company announces that on 31 March 2010 it allotted and issued 1,462,871 new Ordinary Shares of 1p each ("Ordinary shares") under the Offer for Subscription ("the Offer") at a price of 112.4p per share. Dealings in the new Ordinary Shares are expected to commence on 8 April 2010. Following this allotment the issued share capital of the Company is 21,420,443 Ordinary Shares of 1p each. For further information please contact: Robert Brittain at Matrix-Securities Limited, Company Secretary, on 020 3206 7000.
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