Director Shareholding

2 January 2007 Personal Group Holdings Plc DIRECTORS PURCHASE OF SHARES Personal Group Holdings Plc ("the Company") operates an Inland Revenue approved All Employee Share Ownership Plan ("AESOP") which allows certain directors the opportunity to purchase shares in the Company currently held by Personal Group Trustees Limited. The tenth allocation period ended on 31 December 2006 and the following directors have been allocated shares as follows: Director Price Shares Total number of shares held Allocated at 31 December 2006 Dr J P Barber 236.5p 366 299,811 Mr S M Donald 236.5p 366 6,607 Mr R Pease 236.5p 366 77,717 Mr K Rooney 236.5p 366 75,651 Mr R Green 236.5p 357 21,932 Mr C Curling 236.5p 341 11,593 Under the Rules of the AESOP, the share price at which the shares are allocated is the lower of the mid-market value at the start and end of the relevant accumulation period.
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