Result of AGM
30 April 2014
Pendragon PLC ("the Company")
Results of Annual General Meeting
Following the Company's Annual General Meeting held at 10.30am today, the
Company announces the results of the business proposed at the meeting. Each of
resolutions 1 to 16 were passed. Details of the proxy votes cast on all
resolutions are set out below.
These are also available at the Company's website at:-
In accordance with UK Listing Rule 9.6.2 copies of all resolutions passed,
other than ordinary business, have been submitted to the National Storage
Resolution Votes for % For Votes % Votes
Against Against Withheld
1. To receive the annual 1,086,359,262 99.99 62,252 0.01 4,843,727
accounts and Directors' and
Auditors Reports for year
ended 31 December 2013
2. To approve the annual 1,061,643,617 99.86 1,485,910 0.14 28,136,714
report on Directors'
3. To approve the Directors' 1,083,753,681 99.75 2,707,284 0.25 4,805,276
Remuneration Policy
4. To declare a final 1,086,590,372 99.99 30,794 0.01 4,645,075
dividend of 0.3 pence per
5. To re-elect Mr D A L Joyce 1,085,376,369 99.98 209,584 0.02 5,680,288
as a director
6. To re-elect Mr M J le May 1,085,374,111 99.94 680,121 0.06 5,212,009
as a director
7. To re-elect Mr M S Casha 1,085,461,024 99.95 587,866 0.05 5,217,351
as a director
8. To re-elect Mr M J 1,085,389,704 99.94 668,561 0.06 5,207,976
Egglenton as a director
9. To elect Mr P N Hampden 1,085,399,002 99.94 663,053 0.06 5,204,186
Smith as a director
10. To elect Miss G C Kent as 1,085,384,500 99.98 190,135 0.02 5,691,606
a director
11. To appoint KPMG LLP as 1,037,744,203 99.84 1,685,196 0.16 51,836,842
auditors of the Company
12. To authorise directors to 1,085,884,822 99.93 714,282 0.07 4,667,137
determine remuneration of the
13. To authorise the 1,084,902,987 99.90 1,096,441 0.10 5,266,813
Directors to allot shares in
the Company
14. To authorise the 1,066,005,440 98.11 20,550,154 1.89 4,710,647
directors to call a general
meeting on not less than 14
clear days' notice
15. To authorise the 1,085,877,649 99.94 599,796 0.06 4,788,796
Directors to dis-apply
pre-emption rights when
allotting shares
16. To authorise the Company 1,086,382,163 99.98 210,241 0.02 4,673,837
to make market purchases of
its shares
30 APRIL 2014
Enquiries: Pendragon PLC
Trevor Finn Tel: 01623 725114
Tim Holden
Gordon Simpson Tel: 0207 1513801