Result of AGM


6 May 2022




The Annual General Meeting (‘AGM’) of Rightmove shareholders was held today at 5 Broadgate, London EC2M 2QS.

The full text of each resolution was included in the Notice of Meeting circulated to shareholders on 25 March 2022. The Company advises that all of the resolutions were proposed and voted upon by poll(1), including shareholder votes submitted electronically or by post before the meeting. The results of the poll are set out below.

Resolution Votes FOR  (including discretion) % Votes AGAINST % Withheld(2) Votes cast as a % of capital(3)
1. Receive the Report and Accounts 585,163,964 99.71 1,714,500 0.29 5,557,702 70%
2. Approve the Remuneration Report 566,927,070 97.35 15,459,054 2.65 10,050,042 69%
3. Declare final dividend 588,686,545 99.38 3,643,449 0.62 106,172 70%
4. Appoint Ernst & Young LLP as auditors 582,271,177 98.30 10,057,264 1.70 107,725 70%
5. Authorise directors to agree auditors’ remuneration 592,252,291 99.99 76,990 0.01 106,885 70%
6. To re- elect Andrew Fisher 586,248,230 99.80 1,151,246 0.20 5,036,690 70%
7. To re-elect Peter Brooks-Johnson 592,291,985 99.99 31,879 0.01 112,302 70%
8. To re-elect Alison Dolan 592,066,868 99.96 257,500 0.04 111,798 70%
9. To re-elect Jacqueline de Rojas 590,919,813 99.76 1,404,555 0.24 111,798 70%
10. To re-elect Rakhi Goss-Custard 591,792,252 99.91 531,612 0.09 112,302 70%
11. To re-elect Andrew Findlay 580,160,134 99.71 1,676,245 0.29 10,599,787 69%
12. To re-elect Amit Tiwari 590,674,635 99.72 1,649,229 0.28 112,302 70%
13. To re-elect Lorna Tilbian 577,334,011 99.13 5,047,635 0.87 10,054,520 69%
14. To renew authority to allot shares 589,381,267 99.49 3,025,867 0.51 29,032 70%
15. Disapply pre-emption rights* 592,090,032 99.95 316,102 0.05 30,032 70%
16. Disapply pre-emption rights for capital investments* 582,660,372 98.35 9,745,762 1.65 30,032 70%
17. Renew authority to purchase own shares* 585,032,385 98.87 6,662,448 1.13 741,333 70%
18. Authorise political donations 587,869,587 99.34 3,930,401 0.66 636,178 70%
19. Approve 14 days’ notice for general meetings* 572,662,256 96.68 19,665,775 3.32 108,135 70%

* Indicates a Special Resolution requiring a 75% majority

  1. In accordance with the Company's Articles of Association, on a poll every member present in person or by proxy has one vote for every share held.
  2. A vote “withheld” is not a vote in law and has not been counted as a vote “for” or “against” a resolution.
  3. The votes validly cast by proxy are expressed in the table above as a percentage of Rightmove’s issued share capital of 840,730,677 ordinary shares of 0.1p each, excluding treasury shares of 12,467,174 as at 5 May 2022.

In accordance with LR 9.6.2, a copy of the resolutions passed, other than resolutions concerning ordinary business, at today’s AGM will be submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at

No other resolutions were put to the meeting.

The Board appreciates the support it has received from our shareholders for the AGM resolutions.

Name and contact for queries and authorised official responsible for making this notification:

Sandra Odell

Company Secretary


Rightmove (RMV)
UK 100

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