Correction : Result of AGM

In the additional statement by the Chairman of the meeting, the word 'shortly'
was incorrectly shown as 'quarterly'.


AGM Results

The Rights and Issues Investment Trust plc (‘Company’) announces that at the Annual General Meeting of the Company duly convened and held today, 4 April 2016, all Resolutions as set out in the Notice of Meeting were passed on a show of hands.

In addition, the following statement was made by the Chairman:

‘Before putting the resolutions to be voted on to the meeting I would like to make a brief statement to shareholders in relation to a restructuring of the Company’s capital, which was mentioned at last year’s Annual General Meeting.   Your Board intends to send out a Circular to shareholders shortly setting out its proposals for a restructuring.’

Maitland Administration Services Limited * - Corporate Secretary

4 April 2016

* previously Phoenix Administration Services Limited

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