Result of AGM
Results of Annual General Meeting 2007
The Annual General Meeting of Serco Group plc was held on 4 May 2007.
All resolutions were passed on a show of hands. Two copies of the resolutions
passed at the meeting (other than resolutions concerning ordinary business)
will be forwarded to the UK Listing Authority making them available to the
public for inspection at the Document Viewing Facility.
The results of the proxy votes lodged in advance of the meeting are set out
For Against Discretion Vote
Resolution 1: Annual Report and 348,298,611 1,778,957 5,309,465 313,609
Resolution 2: Remuneration 344,930,410 3,138,890 5,316,324 2,315,017
Resolution 3: Declare a Final 350,363,507 992 5,309,115 27,028
Resolution 4: C Hyman 346,638,185 1,477,751 5,312,477 2,272,228
Resolution 5: A Jenner 346,631,277 1,484,657 5,312,477 2,272,230
Resolution 6: D Julius 349,745,508 631,888 5,312,551 10,695
Resolutions 7: Reappoint 344,878,393 3,224,384 5,315,779 2,274,585
Resolution 8: Share buybacks(*) 348,577,046 1,797,154 5,317,791 8,651
Resolutions 9: Allotment of 347,363,882 2,998,178 5,319,099 19,483
Resolution 10: Disapply 350,147,388 192,652 5,336,130 24,472
Pre-emption Rights (*)
Resolution 11: Long Term 325,393,790 17,680,971 5,325,734 7,300,147
Incentive Plan
Resolution 12: Articles of 350,294,579 39,811 5,317,517 46,976
Association (*)
(*) Special Resolution
A "Vote Witheld" is not a vote in law and is not counted in the calculation of
the proportion of votes "For" or "Against" a Resolution.
At the meeting date there were 478,511,468 ordinary shares in issue.