Non-renounceable Rights Issue – Allotment of ...

17 February 2009 Manager of Company Announcements Australian Securities Exchange Level 6 20 Bridge Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 Via e-lodgement Dear Sir / Madam Non-renounceable Rights Issue - Allotment of Securities Range Resources Ltd (the "Company") advises that, in relation to its non-renounceable rights issue the following securities have today been allotted to shareholders and option holders who applied. Note that the allotted securities do not include the shortfall commitments made which are currently being processed and will be finalised at the end of the week 20 February 2009:- a. a total of 55,051,227 new options (unlisted, A$0.015; 31 May 2009) ("New Options") were today allotted to existing shareholders and option holders of the Company; b. a total of 13,762,882 free attaching options (listed, A$0.05; 31 December 2011) ("Attaching Options") were today allotted to the above allottees; and c. as a result , before the shortfall finalisation, Range has the following securities on issue: (i) 209,304,944 fully paid ordinary shares; (ii) 55,051,227 New Options; (iii) 13,762,882 Attaching Options; (iv) 64,901,186 existing options (listed, A$1.00; 1 October 2010); and (v) 3,177,029 existing options (unlisted, A$0.50; 30 June 2012). Option certificates in respect of the New Options and holding statements in respect of the Attaching Options have been despatched to holders. Please find attached a Top 20 holder's statement for the New and Attaching Options and a distribution schedule for each class of option. The Company will update the ASX with revised allotment and distribution details, and Top 20 listing after the shortfall has been completed this week. Yours faithfully Peter Landau Executive Director Contacts Range Resources Peter Landau Tel: +61 (8) 8 9488 5220 Em: Australia PPR David Tasker Tel: +61 (8) 9388 0944 Em: London Conduit PR Jonathan Charles Tel: + 44 (0) 20 7429 6666 Em: RFC Corporate Finance (Nominated Advisor) Stuart Laing Tel: +61 (8) 9480 2500 Fox-Davies Capital (Broker) Daniel Fox-Davies Tel: +44 (0) 207 936 5200 CRP/COMPUTERSHARE INVESTOR SERVICES PTY LTD *** T O P 2 0 H O L D E R S ***(RSP520:15.50:170209) RANGE RESOURCES LIMITED/RRS RUN NUMBER 3079 17/02/09 A.C.N. 002 522 009 PAGE :1 CLASS: UO2/UNL OPTS EX 31/05/09 @0.015 HOLDER NO NAME AND ADDRESS UNITS % I/C RANK MR DAVID SCANLEN 10,125,000 18.39 1 CITICORP NOMINEES PTY LIMITED 9,813,877 17.83 2 DRN REDFERN 3,333,333 6.05 3 MR MATTHEW DAVID BURFORD 2,199,999 4.00 4 MR XAVIER GENE 1,052,500 1.91 5 MR PETER BRUCE KING & 1,000,600 1.82 6 MR BENJAMIN PETER KING <PBK SUPER FUND A/C> G & D FINN PTY LTD 1,000,000 1.82 7 ANZ NOMINEES LIMITED 928,987 1.69 8 <CASH INCOME A/C> MR MARK CHOW 860,000 1.56 9 PATFURN NOMINEES PTY LTD 708,956 1.29 10 <BLAZE LEATHER LOUNGES A/C> MR SCOTT JAMES DUNCAN & 625,000 1.14 11 MRS SHELLY MARY THERESE DUNCAN MR HAROLD KUCKO & 602,500 1.09 12 MR DARREN HAROLD KUCKO MR THOMAS PHILIP GOOCH 550,000 1.00 13 MR SHANE MATHEW COLLINS 535,000 0.97 14 MR RAYMOND PETER CUNNEEN 491,250 0.89 15 WILLIAM GEOFFREY KROON 460,000 0.84 16 MR RUSSELL JOHN MITCHELL & 400,000 0.73 17 MRS SELINA MAY MITCHELL <MITCHELL SUPER A/C> MR DARYL STEVEN PURVIS & 360,000 0.65 18 MRS ANNETTE PURVIS MR PHONG NGUYEN 350,000 0.64 19 MR JULIAN ALBERTO RAMIREZ 340,353 0.62 20 *** REPORT TOTAL *** 35,737,355 64.92 *** REMAINDER *** 19,313,872 35.08 ------------------- *** GRAND TOTAL *** 55,051,227 100.00 =================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL CURRENT HOLDERS MEETING CRITERIA FOR THIS REPORT: 823 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ************************************************************************************************************************ ********** NUMBER OF PAGES WRITTEN = 3 *********** END OF REPORT ************ NUMBER OF LINES WRITTEN = 99 ************* CRP/COMPUTERSHARE INVESTOR SERVICES PTY LTD *** Range Of Units Summary *** (RSP510:15.52:170209) RANGE RESOURCES LIMITED/RRS RUN NUMBER 3079 No date A.C.N. 002 522 009 PAGE : 1 1 1001 5001 10001 100001 * TOTAL * to to to to to 1000 5000 10000 100000 (MAX) UO2 /UNL OPTS EX 31/05/09 @0.015 Holders Cert 131 291 114 218 69 823 Total 131 291 114 218 69 823 Units Cert 73455 894239 917381 7414833 45751319 55051227 Total 73455 894239 917381 7414833 45751319 55051227 TOTAL HOLDERS FOR CLASSES SELECTED 823 TOTAL UNITS " " " 55051227 ************************************************************************************************************************ ********** NUMBER OF PAGES WRITTEN = 1 *********** END OF REPORT **************** NUMBER OF LINES WRITTEN = 14 ********* ************************************************************************************************************************ CRP/COMPUTERSHARE INVESTOR SERVICES PTY LTD *** T O P 2 0 H O L D E R S ***(RSP520:15.49:170209) RANGE RESOURCES LIMITED/RRS RUN NUMBER 3079 17/02/09 A.C.N. 002 522 009 PAGE : 1 CLASS: OP1/LST OPTS EXP 31/12/11 @ $0.05 HOLDER NO NAME AND ADDRESS UNITS % I/C RANK MR DAVID SCANLEN 2,531,250 18.39 1 CITICORP NOMINEES PTY LIMITED 2,453,469 17.83 2 DRN REDFERN 833,333 6.05 3 MR MATTHEW DAVID BURFORD 550,000 4.00 4 MR XAVIER GENE 263,125 1.91 5 MR PETER BRUCE KING & 250,150 1.82 6 MR BENJAMIN PETER KING <PBK SUPER FUND A/C> G & D FINN PTY LTD 250,000 1.82 7 ANZ NOMINEES LIMITED 232,247 1.69 8 <CASH INCOME A/C> MR MARK CHOW 215,000 1.56 9 PATFURN NOMINEES PTY LTD 177,239 1.29 10 <BLAZE LEATHER LOUNGES A/C> MR SCOTT JAMES DUNCAN & 156,250 1.14 11 MRS SHELLY MARY THERESE DUNCAN MR HAROLD KUCKO & 150,625 1.09 12 MR DARREN HAROLD KUCKO <KUCKO SUPER FUND A/C> MR THOMAS PHILIP GOOCH 137,500 1.00 13 MR SHANE MATHEW COLLINS 133,750 0.97 14 MR RAYMOND PETER CUNNEEN 122,813 0.89 15 WILLIAM GEOFFREY KROON 115,000 0.84 16 MR RUSSELL JOHN MITCHELL & 100,000 0.73 17 MRS SELINA MAY MITCHELL <MITCHELL SUPER A/C> MR DARYL STEVEN PURVIS & 90,000 0.65 18 MRS ANNETTE PURVIS MR PHONG NGUYEN 87,500 0.64 19 MR JULIAN ALBERTO RAMIREZ 85,088 0.62 20 *** REPORT TOTAL *** 8,934,339 64.92 *** REMAINDER *** 4,828,543 35.08 ------------------- *** GRAND TOTAL *** 13,762,882 100.00 =================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL CURRENT HOLDERS MEETING CRITERIA FOR THIS REPORT: 823 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ************************************************************************************************************************ ********** NUMBER OF PAGES WRITTEN = 3 *********** END OF REPORT **************** NUMBER OF LINES WRITTEN = 99 ********* ************************************************************************************************************************ CRP/COMPUTERSHARE INVESTOR SERVICES PTY LTD *** Range Of Units Summary *** (RSP510:15.51:170209) RANGE RESOURCES LIMITED/RRS RUN NUMBER 3079 No date A.C.N. 002 522 009 PAGE : 1 1 1001 5001 10001 100001 * TOTAL * to to to to to 1000 5000 10000 100000 (MAX) OP1 /LST OPTS EXP 31/12/11 @ $0.05 Holders Issuer 92 78 5 18 5 198 Chess 254 205 52 103 11 625 Total 346 283 57 121 16 823 Units Issuer 39790 175603 31513 574238 3807447 4628591 Chess 108648 491782 382726 3386831 4764304 9134291 Total 148438 667385 414239 3961069 8571751 13762882 TOTAL HOLDERS FOR CLASSES SELECTED 823 TOTAL UNITS " " " 13762882 ************************************************************************************************************************ ********** NUMBER OF PAGES WRITTEN = 1 *********** END OF REPORT **************** NUMBER OF LINES WRITTEN = 16 ********* ************************************************************************************************************************
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