Final Results
23 May 2007
Key Points
* The Fund's net asset value increased by 28.6% to 63.57 pence per share,
compared to a decline of 3.7% in the FTSE AIM market. The share price rose
by 38.9%.
* Since the Fund's change of investment objective 2½ years ago, the asset
value has increased by 97.6% against a benchmark rise of 26.9%.
* The discount narrowed dramatically from 9.0% at the end of March 2006 to
1.7% as at 31 March 2007.
* 545,000 shares were issued in March 2007 at a small premium to meet
investor demand.
* By being benchmark aware rather than attempting to replicate sector
weightings, the Fund has demonstrated less volatility than the AIM Index.
* The Fund has largely steered clear of new issues, preferring to concentrate
on companies that have been listed for some time. The benefits of a longer
term emphasis should produce a portfolio with more favourable risk reward
For further information, please contact:
Donald Robertson SVM Asset Management 0131 226 6699
Roland Cross Broadgate Marketing 020 7726 6111
Commenting on the results, Chairman, Peter Dicks, said:
I am delighted to report that the Fund had another successful period for the
year to 31 March 2007, continuing on from the out-performance which started
with its change of investment objective in September 2004. The Fund's net asset
value increased by 28.6% to 63.57 pence per share, compared to a decline of
3.7% in the FTSE AIM Index, the Fund's benchmark. The share price rose by 38.9%
in the period. Since the Fund's change of investment objective two and a half
years ago, the asset value has increased by 97.6% against a benchmark rise of
I am particularly pleased to report that the discount narrowed dramatically
from 9.0% at the end of March 2006 to 1.7% as at 31 March 2007. Indeed for part
of the year, the shares traded at a premium to asset value. Due to investor
demand, the opportunity was taken in March 2007 to issue a further 545,000
shares (approximately 10% of the issued share capital) at a premium slightly in
excess of 2%. The intention is to issue further shares at appropriate levels to
shareholders that are deemed to be long term holders.
The Fund has a concentrated portfolio of approximately forty stocks, five of
which are OFEX companies, four unlisted and the balance being listed on AIM.
Throughout the year, the Fund maintained a weighting of in excess of 80% in
companies listed on AIM with slightly less than 6% in OFEX companies, the
Fund's previous principal focus. The Fund is managed on a more absolute basis
and many of the holdings could be categorised as special situations. As such,
by being benchmark aware rather than attempting to replicate sector weightings,
the Fund has demonstrated less volatility than both the AIM Index or indeed the
broader market, represented by the FTSE All Share Index.
The Managers believe that this approach gives the potential of both relative
out-performance and absolute gains. Although individual investment risk is
higher, this can be mitigated through a diversified portfolio. There is always
a trade off between holding a broadly diversified portfolio which will
demonstrate benchmark type returns against holding relatively few large
positions with the potential of strong performance. The Managers favour the
latter approach.
Review of the year
Although the economic backdrop has been favourable for equities, the AIM market
has not benefited to the same extent as the main market. There is no single
reason for the relative weakness, more a combination of a number of factors.
The glut of questionable new issues, the demise of the internet gaming sector
and perceived regulatory concerns have been particularly unhelpful. However,
the AIM market continued to be the market of choice for small companies
globally. With over 1,700 companies capitalised in aggregate at in excess of £
75bn, there is no shortage of investment opportunities, however one has to be
careful as a substantial number of these companies offer limited attractions.
Unlike a number of competitors, the Fund has largely steered clear of new
issues, preferring to concentrate on companies that have been listed for some
time. Undoubtedly, short term profits have been foregone with this philosophy,
however the benefits of a longer term emphasis should produce a portfolio with
more favourable risk reward characteristics.
Generally, institutional investors have been net sellers of AIM companies,
principally for liquidity reasons which has allowed the Fund to invest at
attractive levels. The underlying companies appear to have done nothing wrong
other than being small. This is an opportunity as many of the Fund's
investments are growing faster with more earnings stability and visibility than
a number of their larger competitors. A good case in point is AT Communications
which is profitable, paying a dividend, with sustainable above average growth
rates trading at a low single figure multiple. The risk reward from such an
investment makes it a compelling buy. In addition, companies seeking further
funding in order to achieve profitability has been a fruitful area. Typically,
investors can command an attractive discount for these primary issues.
It is now four years since the market nadir of March 2003. Markets have rallied
strongly globally and it is slightly surprising that smaller companies have not
performed better. It is likely that corrections, similar to those experienced
last May and in February this year, will become more common and more extreme.
Notwithstanding this, the Fund continues to demonstrate above average
performance with lower volatility. With the Fund concentrated on a number of
special situations and invested in companies that exhibit higher than average
growth potential but are still modestly valued, the Board and the Managers
believe that the Fund should extend the recent out-performance and is well
placed to deliver on its objective of long term capital growth.
Peter Dicks
23 May 2007
Summarised Income Statement
Year to 31 March 2007 Year to 31 March 2006
Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Gains on - 866 866 - 875 875
investments at
fair value
through profit or
Income 5 - 5 3 - 3
Investment - - - - - -
management fees
Other expenses (54) (8) (62) (60) (8) (68)
------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
Return before (49) 858 809 (57) 867 810
interest and
Bank overdraft (33) - (33) (28) - (28)
------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
Transfer (from) / (82) 858 776 (85) 867 782
to reserves
------ ------- ------- ------- -------- -------
Return per (1.49p) 15.61p 14.12p (1.56p) 15.88p 14.32p
ordinary share
Summarised Balance Sheet As at As at
(unaudited) 31 March 31 March
2007 2006
£'000 £'000
Investments at fair value through 3,712 2,616
profit or loss
Net current assets 105 84
------- -------
Total assets less current 3,817 2,700
------- -------
Equity shareholders' funds 3,817 2,700
------- -------
Net asset value per ordinary 63.57p 49.45p
Summarised Cash Flow Statement
(unaudited) Year to Year to
31 March 31 March
2007 2006
£'000 £'000
Net cash outflow from operating (54) (47)
Financing - share issue 341 -
Returns on investment and (33) (28)
servicing of finance
Capital expenditure and financial (307) 263
------- -------
(Decrease) / increase in cash (53) 188
------- -------
Summarised Reconciliation of Movement in
Shareholders Funds (unaudited)
For the year to 31 March 2007
Share Share Special Capital Capital Capital Revenue
capital premium reserve redemption reserve reserve reserve
reserve realised unrealised
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
As at 1 April 273 - 5,144 27 (1,345) (1,179) (220)
Realised gain on - - - - 457 - -
sale of
Transaction costs - - - - (8) - -
Movement in - - - - - 409 -
appreciation on
Return on - - - - - - (82)
activities after
Share issue 27 314 - - - - -
------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
As at 31 March 300 314 5,144 27 (896) (770) (302)
------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
For the year to 31 March 2006
Share Share Special Capital Capital Capital Revenue
capital premium reserve redemption reserve reserve reserve
reserve realised unrealised
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
As at 1 April 273 - 5,144 27 (803) (2,588) (135)
Realised gain on - - - - (534) - -
sale of
Transaction costs - - - - (8) - -
Movement in - - - - - 1,409 -
appreciation on
Return on - - - - - - (85)
activities after
------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
As at 31 March 273 - 5,144 27 (1,345) (1,179) (220)
------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
1. The results have been prepared in accordance with applicable accounting
standards and the 2005 Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) issued by the
Association of Investment Companies. These accounts have been prepared in
accordance with prior year accounting policies.
2. Return per share is based on a weighted average of 5,497,329 (2006 -
5,460,000) ordinary shares in issue during the year.
Total return per share is based on the total return for the year of £776,000
(2006 - £782,000). Capital return per share is based on net gains during the
year of £858,000 (2006 - £867,000). Revenue return per share is based on the
revenue loss after taxation for the year of £82,000 (2006 - £85,000).
The number of shares in issue at 31 March 2007 was 6,005,000 (2006 -
3. Due to the size of the Company, the Investment Managers have waived their
fees for the year to 31 March 2006 and 2007.
4. The above figures do not constitute full accounts in terms of Section 240 of
the Companies Act 1985 and based on the accounts for the year to 31 March 2007,
which are at present unaudited. The accounts for the year to 31 March 2006, on
which the auditors issued an unqualified report under Section 235 of the
Companies Act 2005, have been lodged with the Registrar of Companies and did
not contain a statement required under Section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies
Act 1985. The annual report and accounts will be mailed to shareholders and
will be lodged with the Registrar of Companies towards the end of May 2007.
Copies will be available for inspection at 7 Castle Street, Edinburgh EH2 3AH,
the registered office of the Company.