Directors' Declaration

BACIT Limited (the "Company") (a closed-ended collective investment company incorporated under the laws of Guernsey with registered number 55514) Dealings by Directors 12 September 2014 Pursuant to Disclosure Rule 3.1, the Company is obliged to notify the market of Directors holdings or interests of the Directors or their connected persons in shares of the Company. The Company was notified on 10 September 2014 that, in payment of the Company's 2014 dividend, an aggregate of 1,892,450 new ordinary shares were issued on 10 September 2014 and the directors of the company received the following shares at a price equivalent to 113.9 pence per sharein the amounts listed below: Name of director New shares Shareholding following issue of new shares Jeremy Tigue 5,919 343,039 Colin Maltby 1,183 68,607 Jonathan Moulton 17,559 1,017,559 Martin Thomas 2,407 139,527 Peter Hames 1,183 68,607 Company website: Enquiries: Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Guernsey) Limited Email: Tel: +44 (0)1481 745381
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