Final Results

Chairman's Statement The total return on the net assets of Temple Bar during 2009 was 45.0%, which compares with a total return for the FTSE All-Share Index of 30.1%. The return achieved comprises underlying relative portfolio outperformance boosted by the capital gearing of the Trust. In share price terms the full extent of this benchmark outperformance was diluted by a widening of the discount shortly before the year end, reducing the share price total return for the year to 31.3%. The discount widening was common to the growth and income sector as a whole, possibly reflecting investors' greater appetite for higher risk asset classes. It is pleasing to report that the fund manager's record against the benchmark is very satisfactory over the past five years. Although the UK equity market recovered significantly from its lows, many companies decided to cut or omit dividends during the year. This impacted significantly on the level of dividends received by the Company. However, much of this shortfall was made good by the income generated from a decision to move into corporate bonds and also by the refund from HMRC of a significant amount of VAT. As a consequence, total income received, including the VAT refund, was only 2.0% lower than in 2008. This drove a reduction of post-tax earnings of 2.9% to £20.017m. The Board is recommending a final dividend of 23.0p, to produce a total increase of 2.0% for the year. This dividend will be payable on 31 March 2010 to shareholders on the register at 12 March 2010. This is the 26th consecutive year in which the dividend has been increased. Because of the VAT rebate, which I cover in greater detail below, the 2009 dividend has been covered by revenue generated during the year. Retained earnings of £655,000 for the year have been added to the revenue reserve. The revenue reserve represents 156% of the total 2009 dividend. At the year end, capital gearing, defined as gross assets divided by net assets, was 113%. However, currently cash and other similar assets plus a short-dated bond portfolio are offsetting virtually all of this gearing. Awards I am pleased to report that Temple Bar was the recipient during the year of two prestigious awards, namely the winner of the best investment trust in the UK Growth & Income sector from both Moneywise and Investment Week magazines. The fund manager is to be congratulated on these achievements which reflect Temple Bar's excellent long term track record. VAT rebate I reported at the interim stage that Temple Bar had received a repayment of £ 1.856m from HMRC for VAT paid on management fees in previous periods for which it is permissible to claim. Such amount was credited to the capital and revenue accounts pro rata to the allocation policies applicable at the relevant times. Since the half year a further repayment of £628,000 has been received representing the simple interest arising on the VAT paid on management fees. This has been allocated in full to the revenue account. In total, therefore, Temple Bar received during the year a recovery of VAT and interest of £2.484m of which £0.88m is attributable to capital and £1.604m to the revenue account. Furthermore, the Trust has taken the necessary measures to preserve its position in respect of a possible claim against HMRC for compound interest but the legal process on this matter will probably run for a number of years before there is a definitive outcome. International Investment Shareholders may be aware that Temple Bar currently has the ability to invest up to 10% of its portfolio in listed international equities in developed economies. Over the past couple of years this facility has progressively been utilised. In certain situations it is helpful to maximise the number of value opportunities upon which to base an investment decision. For the time being the board is content to preserve the present 10% limit but the position will be kept under review over the medium term. Field Walton After 27 years loyal and diligent service on the board Field Walton has decided to stand down as a director at the forthcoming AGM. Field has been an outstanding servant of the Company over that time. His forthright and perceptive views will be sorely missed by all his colleagues on the board, particularly his tendency to challenge the conventional wisdom. We shall greatly miss Field's wise counsel and wish him well for the future. In due course we may seek to recruit an additional director, bearing in mind the objective of optimising the mix of skills and experience on the board as a whole. Articles of Association At the Annual General Meeting it is proposed that the Company adopt new Articles of Association. These latest amendments to the current Articles reflect the changes in company law brought about by those elements of the Companies Act 2006 which came into effect on 1 October 2009. Annual General Meeting The annual general meeting will be held at 2 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7QP on Monday 29 March 2010 at 11 a.m. I look forward to meeting as many of you as are able to attend. In addition to the formal business of the meeting the fund manager, Alastair Mundy, will make a presentation reviewing the past year and commenting on the outlook. He will also be available to answer any questions. Outlook I highlighted last year that `bear markets can generate some very attractive opportunities, provided the companies in which we invest have balance sheets strong enough to withstand a serious economic downturn and franchises durable enough to produce good returns over the longer term'. Certain of the shares on the portfolio performed spectacularly over the year and the manager decided to take some profits. He believes the easier money has been made on the most cyclical parts of the portfolio but that a number of holdings, while likely to remain volatile, still offer good long term value. He also believes that many of the largest stocks in the market remain cheap and that their dividend yields and strong balance sheets make them attractive investments. The manager has provided the board with a number of scenarios for revenue over the next five years. There are many variables which contribute to a wide range of possible outcomes. Under a number of scenarios the revenue reserve is large enough to support the dividend until revenue generated on the portfolio naturally covers the dividend. Because of the highly concentrated portfolio, the greatest risk factor is that of further dividend cuts amongst our largest holdings. Clearly, great uncertainties exist and the Board believes that the scope for dividend increases over the next few years is, at best, likely to be limited. Our manager and his experienced team stuck to their contrarian investment principles in their darkest hour and their long term performance illustrates the merits of a well articulated and consistently implemented process. While they constantly search for new investment ideas, new opportunities are currently thin on the ground. However, history tells us that patience has its rewards. John Reeve Chairman 23 February 2010 TWENTY LARGEST INVESTMENTS as at 31 December 2009 Company Valuation Net Appreciation/ Valuation Total Equity yield as 31 purchases (depreciation) 31 assets at 31 December / December December less 2009* 2008 (sales) 2009 current liabilities £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 % % HSBC 25,720 13,766 8,952 48,438 8.75 2.91 BP 39,247 - 5,564 44,811 8.10 6.07 GlaxoSmithKline 36,576 2,467 1,751 40,794 7.37 4.55 Royal Dutch Shell 38,519 - 1,944 40,463 7.31 7.89 Vodafone 37,158 - 1,272 38,430 6.94 5.47 Unilever 27,702 - 7,246 34,948 6.32 3.23 Signet Jewelers 6,637 1,756 15,456 23,849 4.31 - AstraZeneca 22,793 - 817 23,610 4.27 4.38 Travis Perkins 8,045 (4,891) 15,393 18,547 3.35 - British American 11,982 - 1,475 13,457 2.43 4.44 Tobacco Nationwide - 7,056 5,994 13,050 2.36 **8.15 BT 12,350 - (28) 12,322 2.23 2.52 Charter 5,528 - 6,567 12,095 2.19 2.91 International Centrica 11,208 - 633 11,841 2.14 4.41 H&R Block - 7,737 2,912 10,649 1.92 2.65 Market Vectors ETF - 7,259 1,990 9,249 1.67 0.24 Invensys 5,178 - 3,827 9,005 1.63 0.84 Compass 6,180 - 1,484 7,664 1.38 2.96 Paddy Power 7,141 (6,496) 6,251 6,896 1.25 2.25 Computacenter 2,015 - 3,716 5,731 1.04 3.40 303,979 28,654 93,216 425,849 76.96 All securities in any one company are treated as one investment. * This ignores the yield on fixed interest holdings where relevant. ** Represents the weighted average running yield of Nationwide securities Consolidated income statement for the year ended 31 December 2009 2009 2008 Revenue Capital Revenue Capital return return Total return return Total £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 INVESTMENT 20,988 - 20,988 22,923 - 22,923 INCOME Other operating 1,081 - 1,081 595 - 595 income 22,069 - 22,069 23,518 - 23,518 GAINS/(LOSSES) ON INVESTMENTS Gains/(losses) - 131,412 131,412 - (134,284) (134,284) on investments held at fair value through profit and loss Total income/ 22,069 131,412 153,481 23,518 (134,284) (110,766) deficit EXPENSES Management fees (660) (990) (1,650) (624) (937) (1,561) Other expenses (537) (310) (847) (449) (1,062) (1,511) VAT Refund 976 880 1,856 - - - Profit/(loss) 21,848 130,992 152,840 22,445 (136,283) (113,838) before finance costs and tax Finance costs (1,831) (2,746) (4,577) (1,831) (2,745) (4,576) PROFIT BEFORE 20,017 128,246 148,263 20,614 (139,028) (118,414) TAX Tax - - - - - - PROFIT/(LOSS) 20,017 128,246 148,263 20,614 (139,028) (118,414) FOR THE YEAR EARNINGS PER 33.98p 217.70p 251.68p 35.33p (238.27)p (202.94)p SHARE (BASIC & DILUTED) The total column of this statement represents the Group's Income Statement prepared in accordance with IFRS. The supplementary revenue return and capital return columns are both prepared under guidance issued by the Association of Investment Companies. All items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued during the year. There are no minority interests. Consolidated statement of changes in equity for the year ended 31 December 2009 Ordinary Share share premium Capital Retained Total capital account reserve earnings equity £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 BALANCE AT 1 14,585 5,083 446,741 27,931 494,340 JANUARY 2008 CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR 2008 Profit for the - - (139,028) 20,614 (118,414) year 14,585 5,083 307,713 48,545 375,926 Dividends paid to - - - (18,418) (18,418) equity shareholders Issue of share 62 1,450 - - 1,512 capital BALANCE AT 31 14,647 6,533 307,713 30,127 359,020 DECEMBER 2008 CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR 2009 Profit for the - - 128,246 20,017 148,263 year 14,647 6,533 435,959 50,144 507,283 Dividends paid to - - - (19,362) (19,362) equity shareholders Issue of share 93 1,974 - - 2,067 capital BALANCE AT 31 14,740 8,507 435,959 30,782 489,988 DECEMBER 2009 Consolidated balance sheet as at 31 December 2009 31 December 2009 31 December 2008 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 NON-CURRENT ASSETS 541,611 404,467 Investments held at fair value through profit or loss CURRENT ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents 8,899 14,347 Other receivables 3,462 4,059 12,361 18,406 TOTAL ASSETS 553,972 422,873 CURRENT LIABILITIES Other payables (580) (465) TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT 553,392 422,408 LIABILITIES NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES Interest bearing borrowings (63,404) (63,388) NET ASSETS 489,988 359,020 EQUITY ATTRIBUTABLE TO EQUITY HOLDERS Ordinary share capital 14,740 14,647 Share premium 8,507 6,533 Capital reserve 435,959 307,713 Retained earnings 30,782 30,127 489,988 359,020 TOTAL EQUITY 489,988 359,020 NET ASSET VALUE PER SHARE 831.03p 612.76p Consolidated cash flow statement for the year ended 31 December 2009 2009 2008 £'000 £'000 £000 £'000 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Profit/(Loss) before tax 148,263 (118,414) Adjustments for: Purchases of investments¹ (193,313) (184,030) Sales of investments¹ 187,581 199,855 (5,732) 15,825 Gains/(Losses) on investments (131,412) 134,284 Financing costs 4,577 4,576 Operating cash flows before 15,696 36,271 movements in working capital Decrease in accrued income and (389) (242) prepayments Increase/(decrease) in receivables 984 (1,009) Increase/(decrease) in payables 114 (2,619) NET CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING 16,405 32,401 ACTIVITIES BEFORE AND AFTER INCOME TAX CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITES Proceeds from issue of new shares 2,067 1,512 Unclaimed distributions 2 - Interest paid on borrowings (4,558) (4,558) Bank interest paid (2) (2) Equity dividends paid (19,362) (18,418) NET CASH USED IN FINANCING (21,853) (21,466) ACTIVITIES NET (DECREASE)/INCREASE IN CASH (5,448) 10,935 AND CASH EQUIVALENTS Cash and cash equivalents at the 14,347 3,412 start of the year CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT THE 8,899 14,347 END OF THE YEAR ¹ Purchases and sales of investments are considered to be operating activities of the Company, given its purpose, rather than investing activities. Dividend The directors will recommend to shareholders at the annual general meeting to be held on 29 March 2010 that a final dividend of 23.0p per ordinary share be paid on 31 March 2010 to shareholders on the Register at the close of business on 12 March 2010. Notes i. The figures set out above are derived from the audited consolidated accounts of Temple Bar Investment Trust Plc and its subsidiaries for the years ended 31 December 2008 and 31 December 2009. The 2009 accounts will be sent to shareholders shortly. ii. The financial information contained in this announcement does not constitute full accounts within the meaning of section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. The 2009 accounts, on which the report of the auditors is unqualified, will be filed with the Registrar of Companies in due course. The audited accounts for the year ended 31 December 2008 on which the report of the auditors was unqualified and did not contain a statement under Section 498 of the Companies Act 2006, have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. 23 February 2010 Contact: Alastair Mundy Telephone 020 7597 2000 Investec Asset Management Limited
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