Final Results
Temple Bar Investment Trust plc
Final Results Announcement for the year ended 31 December 2011
Chairman's Statement
The total return on the net assets of Temple Bar during 2011 was -0.5%, which
compares with a total return for the FTSE All-Share Index of -3.5%. In share
price terms this outperformance was enhanced by the Temple Bar shares moving
from a discount at the beginning of the year to a premium at the year end. It
is pleasing to report that Temple Bar continues to significantly outperform its
benchmark over the past five years.
Revenue growth on the portfolio in 2011 was very strong and the sizeable
deficit generated in the previous year, mainly due to the suspension of the BP
dividend, was more than fully eliminated. Post-tax earnings increased by 19.2%
in 2011.
The Board is recommending a final dividend of 21.23p, to produce a total
increase of 3.0% for the year. The final dividend is lower than that paid last
year but I would remind shareholders that this is due to the rebalancing
exercise that took place at the interim stage which saw a significant increase
in the level of the interim payment. The dividend will be payable on 30 March
2012 to shareholders on the register at 16 March 2012, subject to shareholders'
approval. The shares go ex dividend on 14 March 2012. This is the 28th
consecutive year in which the dividend has been increased. This dividend
increase also allows approximately £1.5 million to be transferred to the
revenue reserve account. In deciding the size of the dividend increase the
Board has taken into account both the current level of inflation and potential
risks in the current volatile market conditions.
Whilst returns for the UK equity market were pedestrian in 2011, this should be
considered against the backdrop of the European economic crisis. Our portfolio
manager does not use macro-economic analysis to shape the portfolio or drive
his views on valuations; the dislocation between market movements and economic
newsflow perhaps illustrates the merits of this approach.
At the year-end, capital gearing, defined as gross assets divided by net
assets, was 112%. However, cash and other similar assets together with the
short-dated bond portfolio are currently offsetting virtually all of this
Board of Directors
It is with great sadness that I report the death in November of Gary Allen, a
former Senior Independent Director of the Company.
Retail Distribution Review (RDR)
With effect from 2013 independent financial advisers will be required to offer
advice to investors after considering a full range of investment options.
Commission for advice will no longer be payable and, instead, a fee basis must
be agreed with the client.
It is expected that RDR will create the opportunity for a greater number of
private investors to place funds in investment trusts; these have not
previously been considered due to a lack of commission incentive, limited
platform availability and less familiarity of investment trusts within the IFA
community. We are taking a variety of measures to ensure that Temple Bar is
optimally placed to attract any additional demand for investment trust shares
that might result from RDR.
Annual General Meeting
The 2012 Annual General Meeting will be held at 2 Gresham Street, London EC2V
7QP on 26 March 2012 at 11am. I look forward to meeting as many of you as are
able to attend. In addition to the formal business of the meeting the portfolio
manager, Alastair Mundy, will make a presentation reviewing the past year and
commenting on the outlook. He will also be available to answer any questions
alongside the directors.
The portfolio manager and his team remain committed to their analytical,
detailed and balance sheet aware approach to contrarian investing and will
continue to search for new investment opportunities arising in these volatile
market conditions.
John Reeve
22 February 2012
Twenty Largest Investments
as at 31 December 2011
Company Supersector Place of Valuation % of
listing portfolio
31 December
Royal Dutch Shell Oil & Gas UK 54,818 9.48
GlaxoSmithKline Health Care UK 51,187 8.86
Signet Jewelers Retail UK/USA 41,657 7.21
Unilever Food & Beverage UK 37,930 6.56
HSBC Banks UK 37,304 6.45
Vodafone Telecommunications UK 30,921 5.35
AstraZeneca Health Care UK 24,113 4.17
BT Telecommunications UK 21,292 3.68
British American Tobacco Personal & Household UK 20,396 3.53
Travis Perkins Industrial Goods & UK 19,847 3.44
Qinetiq Group Industrial Goods & UK 14,371 2.48
UK Treasury 5.25% 2012 Fixed Interest UK 13,159 2.28
Centrica Utilities UK 12,688 2.19
Grafton Group Industrial Goods & UK/ 11,712 2.02
Services Ireland
Pfizer Health Care USA 11,370 1.97
Avon Products Personal & Household USA 10,404 1.80
Charter International Industrial Goods & UK 10,101 1.75
CRH Construction & Ireland 10,048 1.74
UK Commercial Property Real Estate UK 8,937 1.55
Wolseley Industrial Goods & UK 7,722 1.33
449,977 77.84
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income
for the year ended 31 December 2011
2011 2010
Revenue Capital Revenue Capital
return return Total Return return Total
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Investment 25,640 - 25,640 22,030 - 22,030
Other operating 79 79 26 26
25,719 - 25,719 22,056 - 22,056
on investments
(Losses)/gains - (19,776) (19,776) - 55,254 55,254
on investments
held at fair
value through
profit and loss
Total income/ 25,719 (19,776) (5,943) 22,056 55,254 77,310
Management fees (816) (1,224) (2,040) (776) (1,162) (1,938)
Other expenses (527) (569) (1,096) (534) (473) (1,007)
Profit before 24,376 (21,569) 2,807 20,746 53,619 74,365
finance costs
and tax
Finance costs (1,824) (2,753) (4,577) (1,831) (2,746) (4,577)
(Loss)/profit 22,552 (24,322) (1,770) 18,915 50,873 69,788
before tax
Tax - - - - - -
(Loss)/profit 22,552 (24,322) (1,770) 18,915 50,873 69,788
before tax
Earnings/(loss) 38.08p (41.07)p (2.99)p 32.08p 86.28p 118.36p
per share (b
asic & diluted)
The total column of this statement represents the Consolidated Statement of
Comprehensive Income prepared in accordance with IFRS. The supplementary
revenue return and capital return columns are both prepared under guidance
issued by the Association of Investment Companies. All items in the above
statement derive from continuing operations. No operations were acquired or
discontinued during the year.
There are no minority interests.
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
for the year ended 31 December 2011
Ordinary Share
share premium Capital Retained Total
capital account reserves earnings equity
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Balance at 1 14,740 8,507 435,959 30,782 489,988
January 2010
Changes in
equity for 2010
Profit for the - - 50,873 18,915 69,788
Dividends paid - - - (19,754) (19,754)
to equity
Balance at 31 14,740 8,507 486,832 29,943 540,022
December 2010
Changes in
equity for 2011
Loss for the - - (24,322) 22,552 (1,770)
Issue of share 185 5,935 - - 6,120
Dividends paid - - - (22,332) (22,332)
to equity
Balance at 31 14,925 14,442 462,510 30,163 522,040
December 2011
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
as at 31 December 2011
31 December 2011 31 December 2010
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Non-current assets 578,048 599,878
Investments held at fair value
through profit or loss
578,048 599,878
Current assets
Other receivables 4,634 3,202
Cash and cash equivalents 3,883 1,974
8,517 5,176
Total assets 586,565 605,054
Current liabilities
Other payables (1,085) (1,610)
Total assets less current 585,480 603,444
Non-current liabilities
Interest bearing borrowings (63,440) (63,422)
Net assets 522,040 540,022
Equity attributable to equity
Ordinary share capital 14,925 14,740
Share premium 14,442 8,507
Capital reserves 462,510 486,832
Retained earnings 30,163 29,943
522,040 540,022
Total equity 522,040 540,022
Net asset value per share 874.42p 915.89p
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
for the year ended 31 December 2011
2011 2010
£'000 £'000 £000 £'000
Cash flows from operating
(Loss)/profit before tax (1,770) 69,788
Adjustments for:
Purchases of investments¹ (162,877) (97,611)
Sales of investments¹ 163,921 95,608
1,044 (2,003)
Loss/(gains) on investments 19,776 (55,254)
Financing costs 4,577 4,577
Operating cash flows before 23,627 17,108
movements in working capital
(Increase)/decrease in accrued (4) 257
income and prepayments
(Increase)/decrease in (1,428) 3
Increase in payables 485 20
Net cash flows from operating 22,680 17,388
activities before and after
income tax
Cash flows from financing
Proceeds from issue of new 6,120 -
(4,559) (4,559)
Interest paid on borrowings
Equity dividends paid (22,332) (19,754)
Net cash used in financing (20,771) (24,313)
Net increase/(decrease) in c 1,909 (6,925)
ash and cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents at 1,974 8,899
the start of the year
Cash and cash equivalents at 3,883 1,974
the end of the year
¹ Purchases and sales of investments are considered to be operating activities
of the Company, given its purpose, rather than investing activities.
i. The figures set out above are prepared on the same basis as set out in the
previous year's annual accounts and are derived from the audited
consolidated accounts of Temple Bar Investment Trust Plc and its subsidiary
for the year ended 31 December 2010 and 31 December 2011. The 2011 accounts
will be sent to shareholders shortly.
ii. The financial information contained in this announcement does not
constitute full accounts within the meaning of Section 434 of the Companies
Act 2006. The 2011 accounts, on which the report of the auditors is
unqualified, will be filed with the Registrar of Companies in due course.
The audited accounts for the year ended 31 December 2010 on which the
report of the auditors was unqualified and did not contain a statement
under Section 498 of the Companies Act 2006, have been filed with the
Registrar of Companies.
22 February 2012
Contact: Alastair Mundy
Telephone 020 7597 2000
Investec Asset Management Limited