Results of AGM/Change of directorate
Electra Private Equity PLC
Results of Annual General Meeting/Change of Directorate
24 February 2011
Electra Private Equity PLC announces that all nine resolutions proposed at the
Company's Annual General Meeting held on 24 February 2011 were duly passed on a
poll including the special resolution set out in the notice of meeting
authorising the Company to make market purchases of its ordinary shares.
Ms Kate Barker, who was appointed as a Director on 1 November 2010, was duly
elected to the Board. Mr Geoffrey Cullinan was appointed as a director on 1
January 2011, which was after the notice of the 2011 AGM had been sent to
shareholders. In accordance with the Company's Articles, his appointment will
be put to shareholders for approval at the 2012 AGM.
Mr R A Armstrong and Mr J P Williams retired as Directors at the conclusion of
the Annual General Meeting.
The results of the poll were as follows:
Result of poll
Resolution No. Votes For % Votes % Votes % of Votes
Against total ISC Withheld1
1. To receive the 17,546,616 100.00 448 0.00 17,547,064 49.65 2,017
Report & Accounts.
2. To approve the 17,506,325 99.87 22,402 0.13 17,528,727 49.60 20,354
Remuneration Report.
3. To elect Ms K 17,534,117 99.98 2,699 0.02 17,536,816 49.62 12,265
Barker as a Director.
4. To re-elect Dr C 17,535,279 99.98 2,795 0.02 17,538,074 49.63 11,007
Bowe as a Director.
5. To re-elect 17,369,321 99.05 167,358 0.95 17,536,679 49.62 12,402
Mr MED' A Walton as a
6. To re-elect Ms L 17,534,656 99.98 3,152 0.02 17,537,808 49.63 11,273
Webber as a Director.
7. To re-appoint the 17,539,998 99.99 1,172 0.01 17,541,170 49.64 7,911
8. To authorise the 17,545,478 100.00 779 0.00 17,546,257 49.65 2,824
Directors to fix the
remuneration of the
9. To authorise the 17,481,953 99.66 59,995 0.34 17,541,948 49.64 7,133
Company to purchase
its own shares.
1 A vote withheld is not counted towards the votes "For" or "Against" a
Eleanor Cranmer
Frostrow Capital LLP
Company Secretary to Electra Private Equity plc
020 3008 4613