Half-yearly Report

NEWS RELEASE 9 November 2007 FINSBURY WORLDWIDE PHARMACEUTICAL TRUST PLC Preliminary Results for the six months ended 30 September 2007 Finsbury Worldwide Pharmaceutical Trust PLC today announces its interim results for the six months ended 30 September 2007. Financial Highlights 30 September 31 March % Change 2007 2007 Shareholders' funds £268.4m £273.6m -1.9 Net asset value per share - basic 551.7p 520.9p +5.9 Net asset value per share - 535.9p 511.2p +4.8 diluted (for warrants) Share price 503.0p 477.8p +5.3 Warrant price 85.5p 103.0p -17.0 Discount of share price to basic 8.8% 8.3% - net asset value per share Discount of share price to diluted 6.1% 6.5% - net asset value per share Benchmark Index * 7,528.9 7,507.7 +0.3 Gearing # 6.0% 5.0% - Total Expense Ratio (annualised) 1.2% 1.3% - * Datastream World Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Index, total return, sterling adjusted. #Calculated using the Association of Investment Companies' definition (prior charges as a percentage of net assets). Attached: * Chairman's Statement * Income Statement * Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds * Balance Sheet * Cash Flow Statement * Notes to the Financial Statements For further information please contact: Ian Ivory, Finsbury Worldwide Pharmaceutical Trust PLC 01828 640383 Mark Pope, Frostrow Capital LLP 020 3008 4913Chairman's Statement Performance The period under review has been a challenging one for stock markets as a whole and, against a background of turbulent market conditions over the summer months, the Datastream World Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Index measured in sterling terms on a total return basis, rose by 0.3%. Against this background, I am pleased to report that the Company's undiluted net asset value per share rose by 5.9% over the same period, an outperformance of 5.6%. This compares to a rise in the diluted net asset value per share of 4.8%. This outperformance was derived principally from the Company's holdings in biotechnology stocks which performed strongly when compared to larger capitalisation pharmaceutical stocks which were held back due to a combination of weak drug development pipelines, lacklustre sales and the prospect of an increase in patent expirations commencing in 2009. The weak US dollar again played its part in constraining the Company's absolute performance; during the half year falling from $1.96 to £1 at the end of March 2007 to $2.04 to £1 at the end of September 2007, a drop of 4.1%. The Company's share price rose over the period by 5.3% as the discount of share price to the diluted net asset value per share narrowed slightly. Further information on the investment performance is given in the Review of Investments in the Interim Report. Despite shorter term difficulties in stock markets I would like to remind shareholders of the longer term investment performance delivered by the Company and your Board's continued belief that this historical strong performance will continue over the years ahead. The Company's longer term performance against its benchmark has been as follows: As at 30 September 2007 1 Year 5 Years 10 Years % % % Benchmark* -3.0 +33.7 +69.4 FWPT fully diluted net asset +4.9 +58.2 +169.8 value per share +7.9 +24.5 +100.4 Outperformance +4.9 +9.6 +10.4 Annual compound rate of return *Datastream World Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Index measured in sterling terms on a total return basis Source: Fundamental Data on behalf of the Association of Investment Companies Share Capital During the six months under review the Company has repurchased a total of 3,898,000 shares at a cost of £19,077,000, all of which were cancelled with the exception of 114,000 shares which were added to the shares held in treasury as at 4 April 2007. As at 30 September 2007, the Company held 5,192,100 shares in treasury and the Board confirms that any treasury shares remaining on 31 January 2008 will be cancelled. The annual exercise date for the Company's warrants occurred on 31 July 2007, at which time a total of 14,687 warrants were exercised, raising £68,000. The remaining 10.8m warrants are exercisable either on 31 July 2008 or 31 July 2009 at an exercise price 464p per share. Revenue and Dividends The revenue return for the period was £674,000 (Six months ended 30 September 2006: £787,000) and no interim dividend is declared (Six months ended 30 September 2006: nil). Composition of the Board As I mentioned in my Chairman's Statement in June, I will be stepping down from the Board at the Annual General Meeting to be held in 2008. I am delighted to report that Martin Smith and Dr David Holbrook have recently joined the Board. Martin Smith is currently a non-executive director of New Star Asset Management Group PLC and has held a number of senior positions both within and without the investment management industry over recent years. Dr David Holbrook is currently a life sciences partner with MTI Partners Limited and has a wide range of experience within the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors. Outlook Your Board remains of the view that the longer term outlook for the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors remains bright with merger and acquisition activity within the biotechnology sector being one of the main drivers of performance to the sector as a whole. Despite shorter term concerns over drug pipelines and patent expiry within larger capitalisation pharmaceutical companies together with the continued weakness of the US dollar, your Board believes that the long term investor in the sector will be well rewarded. Ian Ivory Chairman 9 November 2007 Income Statement For the six months ended 30 September 2007 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) Six months ended Six months ended Year ended 30 September 2007 30 September 2006 31 March 2007 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Gains/(losses) - 15,373 15,373 - (36,518) (36,518) - (37,708) (37,708) on investments held at fair value through profit or loss Exchange gains - 1,022 1,022 - 2,544 2,544 - 3,903 3,903 on currency balances Income from 1,363 - 1,363 1,656 - 1,656 3,891 - 3,891 investments held at fair value through profit or loss (note 2) Investment (65) (1,244) (1,309) - (1,527) (1,527) (147) (2,787) (2,934) management and management fees (note 3) Operating (304) - (304) (518) - (518) (973) - (973) expenses Net return/ 994 15,151 16,145 1,138 (35,501) (34,363) 2,771 (36,592) (33,821) (loss) before finance charges and taxation Finance (35) (658) (693) - (1,228) (1,228) (100) (1,893) (1,993) charges Net return/ 959 14,493 15,452 1,138 (36,729) (35,591) 2,671 (38,485) (35,814) (loss) on ordinary activities before taxation Taxation on (285) 140 (145) (351) 155 (196) (819) 389 (430) net return/ (loss) on ordinary activities Net return/ 674 14,633 15,307 787 (36,574) (35,787) 1,852 (38,096) (36,244) (loss) on ordinary activities after taxation Return/(loss) 1.3p 28.9p 30.2p 1.4p (63.5)p (62.1)p 3.3p (66.9)p (63.6)p per Ordinary share - basic (note 4) Return/(loss) 1.3p 28.5p 29.8p 1.3p (63.5)p (62.2)p 3.2p (66.9p) (63.7)p per Ordinary share - diluted (note 4) The total column of this statement is the Income Statement of the Company. The revenue and capital return columns are supplementary to this and are prepared under guidance published by the Association of Investment Companies. All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. The Company has no recognised gains and losses other than those shown above and therefore no separate statement of total recognised gains and losses have been presented. No operations were acquired or discontinued during the year. Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds For the six months ended 30 September 2007 Six months ended Called-up Share Warrant Capital Capital Revenue Total £ share premium reserve reserve redemption reserve '000 30 September 2007 capital £ account £'000 £'000 reserve £ £'000 '000 £'000 '000 At 31 March 2007 14,401 117,565 7,436 130,724 375 3,130 273,631 Net return from - - - 14,633 - 674 15,307 ordinary activities Dividends paid in - - - - - (1,542) (1,542) respect of year ended 31 March 2007 Proceeds from 4 64 - - - - 68 exercise of warrants Transfer from - 10 (10) - - - - warrant reserve following exercise of warrants Shares purchased (946) - - (19,077) 946 - (19,077) including expenses At 30 September 13,459 117,639 7,426 126,280 1,321 2,262 268,387 2007 Six months ended Called-up Share Warrant Capital Capital Revenue Total £ share premium reserve reserve redemption reserve '000 30 September 2006 capital £ £'000 £'000 reserve £ £'000 '000 account '000 £'000 At 31 March 2006 14,356 116,613 7,458 193,699 375 2,257 334,758 Net (loss)/return - - - (36,574) - 787 (35,787) from ordinary activities Dividends paid in - - - - - (979) (979) respect of year ended 31 March 2006 Proceeds from 8 143 - - - - 151 exercise of warrants Transfer from - 22 (22) - - - - warrant reserve following exercise of warrants Issue of own 37 787 - - - - 824 shares At 30 September 14,401 117,565 7,436 157,125 375 2,065 298,967 2006 Year ended Called-up Share Warrant Capital Capital Revenue Total £ share premium reserve reserve redemption reserve '000 31 March 2007 capital £ £'000 £'000 reserve £ £'000 '000 account '000 £'000 At 31 March 2006 14,356 116,613 7,458 193,699 375 2,257 334,758 Net (loss)return - - - (38,096) - 1,852 (36,244) from ordinary activities Dividends paid in - - - - - (979) (979) respect of year ended 31 March 2006 Proceeds from 8 143 - - - - 151 exercise of warrants Transfer from - 22 (22) - - - - warrant reserve following exercise of warrants Shares purchased - - - (24,879) - - (24,879) including expenses Issue of own 37 787 - - - - 824 shares At 31 March 2007 14,401 117,565 7,436 130,724 375 3,130 273,631 Balance Sheet As at 30 September 2007 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) 30 September 30 September 31 March 2007 2006 2007 £'000 £'000 £'000 Investments held at fair value through 283,534 326,811 289,919 profit or loss 6,312 - - Derivative -OTC Swap 289,846 326,811 289,919 Current assets Debtors 5,191 1,427 1,319 Cash at bank 1,971 22,714 376 Derivative - financial investments 83 - - 7,245 24,141 1,695 Creditors Amounts falling due within one year (28,704) (51,985) (17,131) Derivative - financial investments - - (852) (28,704) (51,985) (17,983) Net current liabilities (21,459) (27,844) (16,288) Total net assets 268,387 298,967 273,631 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 13,459 14,401 14,401 Share premium account 117,639 117,565 117,565 Warrant reserve 7,426 7,436 7,436 Capital reserves 126,280 157,125 130,724 Capital redemption reserve 1,321 375 375 Revenue reserve 2,262 2,065 3,130 Total equity shareholders' funds 268,387 298,967 273,631 Net asset value per share - basic 551.7p 519.0p 520.9p (note 5) Net asset value per share - diluted 535.9p 510.3p 511.2p (note 5) Cash Flow Statement For the six months ended 30 September 2007 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) Six months Six months Year ended ended ended 30 September 30 September 31 March 2007 2006 2007 £'000 £'000 £'000 Net cash outflow from operating (432) (1,101) (645) activities Servicing of finance Interest paid (644) (1,135) (2,007) Taxation 135 141 140 Taxation recovered Financial investment Purchases of investments (98,888) (27,177) (102,329) Sales of investments 119,927 49,092 152,855 Net cash inflow from financial 21,039 21,915 50,526 investments Equity dividends paid (1,544) (979) (979) Net cash inflow before financing 18,554 18,841 47,035 Financing Shares issued from exercise of 68 152 151 warrants Issue of shares - 822 824 Purchase of shares (19,382) - (24,179) Increase/(decrease) in short term 2,098 (3,566) (29,907) loans Net cash outflow from financing (17,216) (2,592) (53,111) Increase/(decrease) in cash in the 1,338 16,249 (6,076) period Notes to the Financial Statements 1. Accounting Policies The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention, modified to include the revaluation of investments and in accordance with applicable accounting standards, pronouncements on interim reporting issued by the Accounting Standards Board and with the Statement of Recommended Practice `Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies' dated December 2005. All of the Company's operations are of a continuing nature. The same accounting policies used for the year ended 31 March 2007 have been applied. 2. Income (Unaudited) Six months ended 30 September 2007 £'000 (Unaudited) Six months ended 30 September 2006 £'000 (Audited) Year ended 31 March 2007 £'000 Investment income 1,152 1,522 3,123 Interest receivable 211 134 768 Total 1,363 1,656 3,891 3. Investment Management and Management Fees (Unaudited) Six months ended 30 September 2007 £'000 (Unaudited) Six months ended 30 September 2006 £'000 (Audited) Year ended 31 March 2007 £'000 Investment management and management fees Irrecoverable VAT thereon 1,309 - 1,458 69 2,901 33 Total 1,309 1,527 2,934 Notes to the Financial Statements (continued) 4. Return/(Loss) per Share After Tax (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) Six months Six months Year ended ended 30 ended 30 September 2007 September 2006 31 March 2007 £'000 £'000 £'000 The return per share is based on the following figures: Revenue return 674 787 1,852 Capital return/(loss) 14,633 (36,574) (38,096) Total return/(loss) 15,307 (35,787) (36,244) Weighted average number of 50,710,624 57,566,950 56,962,481 shares in issue for the period/ year - basic Revenue return per share 1.33p 1.37p 3.3p Capital return/(loss) per share 28.85p (63.53)p (66.9)p Total return/(loss) per share 30.18p (62.16)p (63.6)p Weighted average number of 51,325,484 58,288,352 57,619,379 shares in issue for the period - diluted Revenue return per share 1.31p 1.35p 3.20p Capital return/(loss) per share 28.51p *(63.53)p (66.9)p Total return/(loss) per share - 29.82p (62.18)p (63.7)p diluted * dilution not applicable 5. Net Asset Value per Share and Issued Share Capital Net asset value per share is calculated on attributable assets at 30 September 2007 of £268,387,000 (30 September 2006: £298,967,000 and 31 March 2007: £ 273,631,000) and 48,643,468 being the number of shares in issue at 30 September 2007 (30 September 2006: 57,604,881 and 31 March 2007: 52,526,781). The diluted net asset value per share assumes all outstanding warrants are exercised at 464p resulting in assets attributable to equity shareholders of £ 318,307,000 (30 September 2006: £348,955,000, 31 March 2007: 323,619,000) and on the resultant number of shares of 59,402,148 (30 September 2006: 68,378,248, 31 March 2007: 63,300,148). 6. Exchange Rates The following spot foreign exchange rates were used to convert the investments of the Company: 30 September 2007 : 2.0374 31 March 2007 : 1.9614 30 September 2006 : 1.8680 Notes to the Financial Statements (continued) 7. Transaction Costs Purchase transaction costs for the six months ended 30 September 2007 were £ 165,000 (six months ended 30 September 2006: £83,000; year ended 31 March 2007: £291,000). Sales transaction costs for the six months ended 30 September 2007 were £ 218,000 (six months ended 30 September 2006: £133,000; year ended 31 March 2007: £419,000). 8. Publication of Non Statutory Accounts The financial information contained in this interim report does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The financial information for the half years ended 30 September 2007 and 30 September 2006 has not been audited or reviewed by the auditors. The information for the year ended 31 March 2007 has been extracted from the latest published audited financial statements. The audited financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2007 have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The report of the auditors on those accounts was unqualified, did not include a reference to any matters to which the auditors drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying the report, and did not contain statements under section 237(2) or 237(3) of the Companies Act 1985. Finsbury Worldwide Pharmaceutical Trust PLC Interim Results for the six months ended 30 September 2007
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