Restated Financial Data
18 September 2001
ABB Media Relations ABB Investor Relations
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ABB releases historical figures, increases transparency
Zurich, Switzerland, September 18, 2001 - ABB, the global power and automation
technology group, today released historical figures restated to reflect its
customer-centric structure.
ABB President and CEO Jorgen Centerman said the figures, restated from 1999,
clarified the size and scope of ABB's divisions, establishing a baseline for the
company's financial reporting going forward.
'Restating ABB's historical financing data according to our new organization
improves transparency by providing a better window on our company and the
metrics we use to guide our business, and also puts our transformation in
context,' Centerman said.
'In addition, we are disclosing a separate balance sheet for the Financial
Services division. This allows better tracking of our industrial and financial
activities,' Centerman added.
ABB initiated its transformation in January, creating an organization based on
seven division. Four end-user divisions serve utilities, process industries,
manufacturing and consumer industries, and the oil, gas and petrochemicals
sectors. Two divisions serve ABB and external channels with power products and
automation products. ABB's Financial Services division is unchanged.
ABB's will report its results according to the new divisional organization for
the first time in its third-quarter announcement on October 24.
ABB ( is a global leader in power and automation technologies that
enable utility and industry customers to improve their performance while
lowering their environmental impact. ABB has 160,000 employees in more than 100
Division overviews (unaudited)
Please refer to appendix for detailed listing of figures, all of which are
presented as if the Company's new internal structure and transaction flow had
been in place for all periods presented. The Consolidated Financial Statements
for the first half 2001 under the previous structure were already published on
July 24 and can be viewed on ABB's web site:
EBIT excluding capital gains is shown in footnotes only if the aggregate of
these capital gains is material (in any case if it is more than 10% of
divisional EBIT)
US$ in millions, except Jan-Jun Jan-Jun Change Change
where indicated 2001 2000 in local
Orders 3'062 3'411 -10% -3%
Revenues 2'551 2'662 -4% 2%
EBIT* 86 154 -44% -42%
EBIT Margin 3.4% 5.8%
*EBIT excluding capital gains in the first six months of 2000: US$ 117 million
The ABB Utilities division serves electric, gas and water industries - whether
state-owned or private, global or local, operating in liberalized or regulated
markets - through a portfolio of capabilities, from essential products to
comprehensive services and systems. The Utilities division has approximately
16,000 employees.
Process Industries
US$ in millions, except Jan-Jun Jan-Jun Change Change
where indicated 2001 2000 in local
Orders 1'900 1'997 -5% 2%
Revenues 1'570 1'621 -3% 4%
EBIT 71 59 20% 28%
EBIT Margin 4.5% 3.6%
The ABB Process Industries division serves the chemical, pharmaceutical,
petroleum, gas, marine, metals, minerals, mining, cement, pulp, paper and
printing industries with a variety of power and automation technology products.
The division has strong domain expertise and uses its automation, power, supply
chain and service portfolio to create Industrial IT solutions on these
customers. The division also has approximately 16,000 employees.
Manufacturing and Consumer Industries
US$ in millions, except Jan-Jun Jan-Jun Change Change
where indicated 2001 2000 in local
Orders 2'465 3'052 -19% -12%
Revenues 2'362 2'512 -6% 1%
EBIT* 66 91 -27% -24%
EBIT Margin 2.8% 3.6%
*EBIT excluding capital gains in the first six months of 2000: US$ 70 million
The ABB Manufacturing and Consumer Industries division sells products, solutions
and services to improve customer productivity and competitiveness in areas like
automotive industries, telecom, product manufacturing, electronics, airports,
parcel and cargo distribution, public and commercial buildings. It also provides
air handling solutions for industrial and environmental processes. The division
employs approximately 32,000 people.
Oil, Gas and Petrochemicals
US$ in millions, except Jan-Jun Jan-Jun Change Change
where indicated 2001 2000 in local
Orders 1'900 1'991 0% 3%
Revenues 1'548 1'212 28% 34%
EBIT 88 65 35% 41%
EBIT Margin 5.7% 5.4%
The ABB Oil, Gas and Petrochemicals division focuses on systems, products and
services for oil and gas drilling both offshore and onshore, and the development
and supply of offshore production installations, refineries and petrochemical
plants worldwide. The division employs approximately 13,000 people.
Power Technology Products
US$ in millions, except Jan-Jun Jan-Jun Change Change
where indicated 2001 2000 in local
Orders 2'134 2'206 -3% 2%
Revenues 1'814 1'768 3% 9%
EBIT 132 141 -6% -2%
EBIT Margin 7.3% 8.0%
The ABB Power Technology Products division covers the entire spectrum of
technology for power transmission and power distribution. It includes
transformers, switchgear, breakers, capacitors, cables as well as other products
and technologies for high-and medium-voltage applications. All products are
currently developed to fit into a common Industrial IT architecture. The
increased use of Information Technology (IT), including online product
configurators, enables ABB Power Technology Products to deliver within best-in-
class cycle times. The division focuses on customers such as industrial,
commercial, utilities and external channel partners, e.g. distributors, system
integrators, contractors and OEM's (original equipment manufacturers). It has
approximately 29,000 employees.
Automation Technology Products
US$ in millions, except Jan-Jun Jan-Jun Change Change
where indicated 2001 2000 in local
Orders 2'687 2'839 -5% 1%
Revenues 2'572 2'544 1% 8%
EBIT 219 223 -2% 5%
EBIT Margin 8.5% 8.8%
The ABB Automation Technology Products division provides products, systems,
software and services for the automation and optimization of discrete process
and batch manufacturing operations plus related business aspects. Key
technologies include measurement control, instrumentation, process analysis,
drives and motors, power electronics, robots, and low-voltage products; all
geared toward one common industrial IT architecture for real-time automation and
information solutions across the business enterprise. These technologies are
sold both through third-party channels (OEM's systems integrators, distributors)
and through the ABB end-user divisions. It has approximately 43,000 employees.
Financial Services
US$ in millions, except Jan-Jun Jan-Jun Change Change
where indicated 2001 2000 in local
Revenues 1'019 984 4% 9%
EBIT 203 188 8% 17%
The ABB Financial Services division supports its internal and external customers
with innovative financial solutions in structured finance, leasing, project
development and ownership, financial consulting, insurance and treasury
activities. The division employs approximately 1,200 people.
Important dates
October 24, 2001 9 months 2001 results
October 29-30, 2001 Analyst Days in Zurich
October 29 Media Briefing in Zurich
Conference call
Details of today's conference call are as follows:
Time: Conference call begins at 4:00 p.m. CET (Central European Time)
3:00 p.m. UK time
10:00 a.m. EST (Eastern Standard
Dial-in: +41 91 610 4111 (if calling from Europe
+1 412 858 4600 (if calling from the US)
Please ask to be connected to the conference call
Replay: +41 91 610 2500 access code: 143 (if calling from Europe)
+1 412 858 1440 access code: 143 (if calling from the US)
The replay will be available for 72 hours commencing 2 hours
after the conference
Literature: Presentation material will be available in.pdf format
on September 18 at 12:00 a.m. CET on
ABB's web site:
Division data (unaudited)
Presented according to the new organizational structure of ABB Ltd
Orders received
2001 2000 1999
US$ in millions Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan-
Jun Mar Dec Sep Jun Mar Dec
Utilities 3,062 1,700 6,235 4,710 3,411 1,686 5,981
Industries 1,900 1,055 3,497 2,818 1,997 990 3,525
and Consumer
Industries 2,465 1,337 5,485 4,283 3,052 1,547 6,046
Oil, Gas and
Petrochemicals 1,990 961 3,923 3,197 1,991 1,117 3,030
Power Technology
Products 2,134 1,105 4,071 3,059 2,206 1,027 3,841
Products 2,687 1,419 5,421 4,184 2,839 1,457 5,622
Services 1,019 479 1,966 1,318 984 453 1,687
Other 1) -2,609 -1,270 -5,158 -4,076 -2,833 -1,136 -5,099
Total 12,648 6,786 25,440 19,493 13,647 7,141 24,633
2001 2000 1999
US$ in millions Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan-
Jun Mar Dec Sep Jun Mar Dec
Utilities 2,551 1,196 5,473 3,898 2,662 1,288 5,875
Industries 1,570 775 3,339 2,422 1,621 794 3,485
and Consumer
Industries 2,362 1,163 5,225 3,665 2,512 1,184 5,697
Oil, Gas and
Petrochemicals 1,548 769 2,796 1,829 1,212 529 3,086
Power Technology
Products 1,814 855 3,662 2,626 1,768 806 3,862
Products 2,572 1,276 5,175 3,796 2,544 1,242 5,550
Services 1,019 479 1,966 1,318 984 453 1,687
Other 1) -2,337 -1,133 -4,669 -3,337 -2,235 -1,037 -4,886
Total 11,099 5,380 22,967 16,217 11,068 5,259 24,356
1)Corporate/Other includes Corporate/holdings, Group Processes, New Ventures,
Corporate R&D, service business not specific to other divisions and elimination
of internal transactions
Division data (unaudited)
Presented according to the new organizational structure of ABB Ltd
2001 2000 1999
US$ in millions Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan-
Jun Mar Dec Sep Jun Mar Dec
Utilities 2) 86 40 250 196 154 46 182
Industries 71 35 88 75 59 30 123
and Consumer
Industries 3) 66 37 205 137 91 40 147
Oil, Gas and
Petrochemicals 88 41 157 101 65 30 165
Power Technology
Products 4) 132 64 244 170 141 54 282
Products 219 112 464 337 223 101 392
Services 203 84 349 250 188 84 337
Other 1) -239 -79 -372 -228 -130 -70 -506
Total 5) 626 334 1,385 1,038 791 315 1,122
1) Corporate/Other includes Corporate/holdings, Group Processes, New Ventures,
Corporate R&D, service business not specific to other divisions and
elimination of internal transactions
Aggregate capital gains on divisional level are shown only if they are material,
in any case if they are above 10% of divisional EBIT
2) Contains material capital gains of US$ 37 million in the first 6 months of
2000, US$ 46 million in the first 9 months of 2000 and US$ 54 million for
the full year 2000
3) Contains material capital gains of US$ 13 million in the first 3 months of
2000, US$ 21 million in the first 6 months of 2000, US$ 21 million in the
first 9 months 2000 and US$ 41 million for the full year 2000
4) Contains material capital gains of US$ 30 million for the full year 1999
5) Total capital gains amounted to US$ 180 million in 1999. Total capital gains
in 2000 were US$ 24 million for the first 3 months, US$ 184 million in the first
6 months, US$ 340 million in the first 9 months and US$ 447 million for the full
year. In the first 3 months of 2001 total capital gains were US$ 2 million and
in the first 6 months of 2001 they amounted to US$ -6 million.
Division data (unaudited)
Presented according to the new organizational structure of ABB Ltd
Depreciation & amortization
2001 2000 1999
US$ in millions Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan-
Jun Mar Dec Sep Jun Mar Dec
Utilities 36 18 75 50 34 17 68
Industries 35 17 73 51 33 17 59
and Consumer
Industries 25 12 59 41 28 14 66
Oil, Gas and
Petrochemicals 37 17 69 45 29 15 55
Power Technology
Products 58 29 123 92 62 31 121
Products 115 61 264 162 121 53 279
Services 12 6 23 17 12 7 17
Other 1) 66 30 150 117 58 45 130
Total 384 190 836 575 377 199 795
Capital Net operating Number of
expenditures assets 2) employees
US$ in millions,
except for 2000 1999 2000 1999 2001 2000
employees Jan-Dec Jan-Dec Dec 31 Dec 31 June 30 Dec 31
Utilities 26 42 1,018 912 16,273 15,826
Industries 27 40 839 795 15,862 15,997
and Consumer
Industries 33 43 411 634 32,058 33,449
Oil, Gas and
Petrochemicals 30 48 893 554 12,628 11,549
Power Technology
Products 105 162 1,328 1,483 28,709 27,785
Products 139 190 3,215 3,388 42,693 41,332
Services 25 47 9,098 7,750 1,209 1,125
Other 1) 100 94 -2,170 -2,372 14,406 13,755
Total 485 666 14,632 13,144 163,838 160,818
1) Corporate/Other includes Corporate/holdings, Group Processes, New Ventures,
Corporate R&D, service business not specific to other divisions and
elimination of internal transactions
2) Net operating assets is calculated based upon total assets (excluding cash
and cash equivalents, marketable securities, current loans receivable, taxes
and deferred charges) less current liabilities (excluding borrowings, taxes,
provisions and pension related liabilities)
Balance sheets of ABB Ltd Consolidated, ABB Group and Financial Services
In the balance sheet data appearing on this page, 'ABB Ltd Consolidated' means
the accounts of ABB Ltd and all its subsidiaries presented on the basis of US
GAAP, with all significant intercompany balances eliminated in consolidation.
The balance sheet data for 'Financial Services' and 'ABB Group' is reported on
the same basis as management uses to evaluate segment performance which includes
the following adjustments:
- 'Financial Services' represents the accounts of all subsidiaries in ABB's
Financial Services division, with net intercompany balances and certain
capital contributions received from other ABB subsidiaries presented on a
one-line basis.
- 'ABB Group' represents the accounts of ABB Ltd and all its subsidiaries other
than those in ABB's Financial Services division, with net intercompany
balances and ABB's investment in its Financial Services division presented on
a one-line basis. For the purpose of this presentation, ABB's investment in
its Financial Services division is accounted for under the equity method of
ABB Ltd Financial
Consolidated ABB Group 1) Services
Jun 30, Dec 31, Jun 30, Dec 31, Jun 30, Dec 31,
2001 2000 2001 2000 2001 2000
Cash, cash
and marketable
securities 5,506 5,606 1,368 1,285 4,138 4,321
Receivables, net 8,473 8,328 6,356 6,652 2,117 1,676
Inventories, net 3,456 3,192 3,456 3,192 - -
Prepaid expenses
and other 2,578 1,585 1,198 1,067 1,380 518
Total current
assets 20,013 18,711 12,378 12,196 7,635 6,515
receivables 4,300 3,875 486 541 3,814 3,334
Property, plant
and equipment,
net 2,975 3,243 2,888 3,177 87 66
Goodwill and
other intangible
assets, net 3,391 3,155 3,312 3,067 79 88
Investments and
other 2,051 1,978 1,437 1,350 614 628
Net intercompany
balances - - - - 4,628 2,105
Total assets 32,730 30,962 20,501 20,331 16,857 12,736
Accounts payables,
trade 3,584 3,375 3,558 3,347 26 28
Accounts payables,
other 2,326 2,363 1,435 1,512 891 851
Short term
borrowings 6,388 3,587 336 397 6,052 3,190
Accrued liabilities
and other 6,957 6,127 3,982 4,303 2,975 1,824
Total current
liabilities 19,255 15,452 9,311 9,559 9,944 5,893
Long term
borrowings 4,416 3,776 668 509 3,748 3,267
Pensions and other
related benefits 1,640 1,790 1,634 1,783 6 7
Deferred taxes 1,301 1,528 591 694 710 834
Other liabilities 2,615 2,924 2,145 2,350 470 574
Net intercompany
balances - - 2,749 44 - -
Total liabilities 29,227 25,470 17,098 14,939 14,878 10,575
Minority interest 290 321 190 221 100 100
Total stockholders'
equity 3,213 5,171 3,213 5,171 1,879 2,061
Total liabilities
and stockholders'
equity 32,730 30,952 20,501 20,331 16,857 12,736
1) ABB industrial operations/holdings with equity accounting of participation in
Financial Services