Final Results - Part 3 of 7

RNS Number : 5272P
Standard Life plc
19 February 2016

Standard Life plc

Full year results 2015

Part 3 of 7


5. Directors' remuneration report

5.1 Remuneration Committee Chairman's statement

This report sets how we will pay the Directors of Standard Life plc in the future and what we paid them in 2015. Where tables and charts in this report have been audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP we have marked them as 'audited' for clarity.

Dear Shareholder

I am pleased to present the Remuneration Committee's report on Directors' remuneration for the year ended 31 December 2015. As we are not changing our policy for 2016, unlike the two previous years, we do not have a policy report to present to you but have provided a summary of the policy in operation this year. Whilst there have been a number of management changes with the resultant consideration of new remuneration packages, all of the decisions reached were within the policy agreed at the 2015 Annual general meeting (AGM).

During 2015 we have continued our journey to be a world-class investment company. As part of this journey Keith Skeoch was promoted to the role of Chief Executive on 5 August 2015 succeeding David Nish. As a consequence, we have appointed two new executive Directors to strengthen the executive component of the Board and increase the voice of our customers and clients.

In this year of change, the business has delivered an excellent set of results, with increased assets under administration, increased net flows and higher Group operating profit and underlying cash generation while maintaining our financial strength in challenging market conditions.

The assets that we looked after increased by 4% and our unit costs continued to decrease which helped us increase our operating profit by 9% to £665m. This excellent performance also means another year of increased dividends, with our recommended final dividend of 12.34 pence per share (up 8.0 per cent on 2014) giving a total dividend for 2015 of 18.36 pence per share, up 7.8 per cent on 2014.

Standard Life Investments have increased operating profit before tax by 33% to £342 million, and earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) to £352 million from £266 million in 2014.

Our continued strong performance together with the executive Director changes noted above have shaped the remuneration decisions we have made during the year.

Change of Chief Executive

Keith Skeoch was appointed Chief Executive on 5 August 2015.

Given his promotion to a group-wide role, the Remuneration Committee considered it both appropriate and necessary to move Keith to a remuneration package commensurate with his group-wide responsibilities.

The structure of pay and quantum is consistent with our move towards becoming a global investment business and when determining this structure we considered the remuneration arrangements for similar roles in asset management peer group companies as well as the more traditional insurers.

His remuneration package comprises:

·   Base salary of £700,000. Although this represents an increase of £200,000 from his previous base salary as Chief Executive, Standard Life Investments, it reflects his promotion and has been positioned at a level below the median position for companies of our market capitalisation and other FTSE 50 chief executives. It is also circa 16% lower than that paid to his predecessor.

·   A pension opportunity of 27.5% of salary or an alternative cash allowance of 25% of salary, unchanged on promotion

·   A maximum short term bonus opportunity set at 175% of salary. This is a significant reduction on the maximum opportunity in his previous role of 365% of salary as we increased the importance of variable remuneration now delivered over the long term.

·   A maximum opportunity under the Standard Life Executive Long-term Incentive Plan (Executive LTIP) of 500% of salary based solely on stretching group-wide performance measures and vesting over five years. The performance targets are measured over three years with awards vesting after five years. In his previous role as Chief Executive, Standard Life Investments, Keith had a long term maximum opportunity of 400% of salary of which half vested over three years (based solely on Standard Life Investments' performance) and the remainder over five years. As a result of the changes highlighted above a higher proportion of the variable remuneration is based on the long term performance of the Group and subject to malus and clawback over the long-term. It also aligns Keith's remuneration to the longer term shareholder experience for an investment company such as ours. The 500% maximum award limit under the Executive LTIP was approved as part of our policy vote at the 2015 AGM.

·   A shareholding requirement of 500% of salary (increased from 300% of salary). Keith Skeoch must maintain this value in the form of Standard Life plc shares during employment and for a period of one year following his departure from the Group.

As we had previously agreed to consult if increases were made to award levels for executive Directors, following the announcement of Keith Skeoch's appointment we wrote to 29 of our largest institutional investors, representing 35.74% of our shares. We had an open and transparent dialogue with a number of our largest shareholders and received a range of views and opinions on the remuneration package, the most common feedback being that we needed to demonstrate that the targets set for long term incentives going forward were sufficiently stretching in order to justify the increase in the maximum level of opportunity.

At the time we consulted with our largest investors we were unable to share the threshold and maximum performance targets for the 2016 Executive LTIP awards. These have been calibrated to be stretching against both our business plan and market expectations. I am now pleased to present these in comparison with the targets set for the 2015 awards.

The 2015 award is based on cumulative targets for the three years ended 31 December 2017. The 2016 award is based on cumulative targets for the three years ended 31 December 2018.

Executive LTIP targets

2016 award

2015 award


Cumulative Group operating profit - threshold




Cumulative Group net flows - threshold




Cumulative Group operating profit - maximum




Cumulative Group net flows-maximum




The weighting remains unchanged year on year with 70% of the award vesting based on cumulative Group operating profit and 30% based on cumulative Group net flows. 

The Remuneration Committee considers that the increase in long term incentive opportunity is justified by Keith's larger role and that the proposed targets are sufficiently stretching to ensure that the maximum opportunity will only be earned for outstanding performance and that the targets balance financial performance and risk.

The Remuneration Committee considered all the views expressed and, having reviewed all the elements of the package in their totality and the calibre of the individual appointed to the role, concluded that a remuneration package significantly weighted towards long-term pay at risk, rewarding performance against stretching Group level targets, and with an increased shareholding requirement, was the most appropriate structure to incentivise sustained performance over the long-term.

The Chief Executive succession allowed us to build on David Nish's strong performance in repositioning Standard Life for the future. The Remuneration Committee considered this sustained high level of performance, his role in repositioning the Company, including the overseeing of the sale of our Canadian business and the acquisition of Ignis, and his support of the successful Chief Executive transition and determined that he would be treated as a good leaver under the plan rules for the purposes of Group annual bonus awards and all outstanding long term-incentive awards. David's 12 month notice period commenced on 1 July 2015 and he is now on garden leave until 31 March 2016, at which point his employment terminates.

Since stepping down, and while on garden leave, David will, in line with the terms of his executive service agreement continue to receive his base salary of £835,000 per annum, his allowances and all benefits. During this time restrictions are in place on his ability to take up further employment and he remains available for consultation to the Group. In line with our normal practice, David will continue to be eligible to receive bonus under the rules of the Group annual bonus plan during this period (pro-rated for time).

From 1 April 2016 to 30 June 2016 David will be entitled, under the terms of his Executive Service Agreement, to payment in lieu of notice paid in instalments and subject to mitigation.

Further Board Appointments

On 29 October 2015, the Board announced the appointments of Paul Matthews, Chief Executive, UK and Europe and Colin Clark, Director of the Global Client Group, to the Board with effect from 1 November 2015. This is a clear signal that the Company continues to put clients and customers at the heart of its business and ensures that the full Board has direct access to those individuals most closely aligned to the delivery of our strategy and our global ambitions. Paul and Colin represent the main points of contact with our retail, workplace and intermediary customers and our global institutional and wholesale clients. This move is in line with best practice recommended by the Standard Life Investments stewardship team that executive representation on a board should be deeper than the Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer.

Paul Matthews was appointed with a salary of £630,000 and Colin Clark with a salary of £600,000. Their short and long term variable pay opportunities are in line with our policies and are set out in detail in the implementation report on pages 82 to 94.

Colin's appointment to the Board from his role in Standard Life Investments results in his remuneration becoming capped in line with our executive Directors' remuneration policy and there will be a substantial increase in the deferral period for his awards.

Although it is not usual for roles similar to Colin's to be held by board members, and for the role holder therefore to be subject to executive directors' remuneration policies, we believed it was important to make this appointment in order to create a board composition which reflects our business strategy and is best placed to deliver to the needs of our customers and shareholders.

Given Colin's skills, the value his appointment will bring to the Group and the impact stepping up to the Board has had on both quantum and time horizons of his remuneration, the Remuneration Committee considered it appropriate, before his appointment, to grant him a one-off award, to the value of £700,000, over Standard Life plc shares. The award will vest in 2017 subject to Colin maintaining a personal performance level above a pre-determined threshold and is forfeited in the event he resigns from the Company before vesting.

2015 Performance outcome

Having considered the strong financial performance, as detailed earlier, and non-financial performance in 2015, the Remuneration Committee approved a score of 4.6 out of 5 for the Group element of the annual bonus plan. All bonus payments are set out on pages 85 to 86.

The Remuneration Committee also approved the vesting level of the 2013 Group Long-term Inventive Plan as 40.77% and awards granted under the Standard Life Investments Long-term Incentive Plan will vest at 84.2%.

2016 Implementation

The Chief Financial Officer has been awarded a salary increase of 2.5% which is in line with salary increases awarded across the Group. As the new Board appointments took place in the latter half of 2015 no other salary increases are proposed.

Our current remuneration policy sets out a two year deferral in relation to our Group annual bonus for executive Directors. Having considered our bonus deferral levels in the light of regulatory direction and best practice we have decided to increase the deferral period to three years which will apply for bonuses in respect of 2016 onwards.

This deferral level is in line with regulatory direction and conforms to best practice.

In line with the spirit of increased transparency we will now also disclose the financial target, in addition to threshold and maximum targets for annual bonus awards at the point of disclosure. The threshold, target and maximum which were used in determining the bonuses arising under the Group annual bonus plan for the 2014 performance period are presented alongside the outcome on page 86.

Under the recently amended European Banking Authority guidance on remuneration requirements under the EU Capital Requirements Directive (CRD IV), it is anticipated we may no longer be able to apply proportionality to dis-apply the remuneration regulations for material risk takers of companies subject to CRD IV. As at the end of 2015 we have two entities that are subject to the remuneration requirements under CRD IV which are Standard Life Savings Limited and Pearson Jones plc. In anticipation of this, we have drafted an AGM resolution requesting shareholders' agreement to give us the flexibility to pay variable remuneration to the impacted employees of these entities up to a maximum of 200% of their fixed remuneration. As the size and nature of the activities that are subject to this requirement have a very limited impact on the overall risk profile of the firm we have only 20 employees impacted by this requirement. None of the Directors of Standard Life plc are impacted by this requirement. This resolution and an explanation of it and can be found in the AGM guide 2016 which will be available online at from 17 March 2016.


Agenda for 2016

As we continue the next phase in our evolution in becoming a world-class investment company during 2016 we will continue to review our remuneration arrangements for our executive Directors and strategic executive committee. We will consult the Company's major institutional investors as part of that review as appropriate.


The Directors' remuneration report was approved by the Board and signed on its behalf by

Lynne Peacock,

Chairman, Remuneration Committee

19 February 2016

5.2 Overview of the remuneration policy

The following sets out a summary of the current remuneration policy as it applies to the Company's executive Directors. This summary does not override the Company's Directors' Remuneration Policy which was approved by shareholders at the 2015 AGM. That policy came into effect on 12 May 2015 and can be found on our website at and in the Annual report and accounts 2014.


Base salary


Purpose and link to strategy

To provide a core reward for undertaking the role, positioned at a level needed to recruit and retain the talent required to develop and deliver the business strategy.

Purpose and link to strategy

To provide market competitive monetary and non-monetary benefits, in a cost effective manner, to assist employees in carrying out their duties efficiently.


The Remuneration Committee sets base salaries taking into account a range of factors including:

·   The individual's skills, performance and experience

·   Internal relativities and wider workforce salary levels

·   External benchmark data

·   The size and responsibility of the role

·   The complexity of the business and geographical scope

·   Economic indicators


Executive Directors are provided with a package of core benefits and are invited to participate, in line with other employees, in the voluntary benefits programme which they fund themselves through salary sacrifice.

Core benefits include health screening, private healthcare, death in service protection, disability benefit and reimbursement of membership fees of professional bodies.

Maximum opportunity

No maximum level set.

Increases will normally be in line with the typical level of increases awarded to other employees at Standard Life and will be a reflection of the individual's performance.

The Remuneration Committee may award increases above this level in certain circumstances.

Maximum opportunity

Car allowance up to a maximum of £16,585 per annum.

There is no maximum value of the core benefit package as this is dependent on the cost to the employing company and the individual's circumstances.


All-employee share plans


Purpose and link to strategy

To promote share ownership by all employees to drive performance aligned to the Company's shareholders' interests.

Purpose and link to strategy

To provide a competitive, flexible retirement benefit in a way that does not create an unacceptable level of financial risk or cost to the Group.


Executive Directors can participate in the all-employee share plans operated by Standard Life on the same basis as all other employees. The two current all-employee share plans are:

·   The Standard Life (Employee) Share Plan

·   The Standard Life Sharesave Plan


Executive Directors are auto enrolled into a defined contribution pension plan and are offered the alternative of a cash allowance.

Legacy arrangements will continue to be honoured.


Maximum opportunity

The maximum opportunity is in line with all other employees and is as determined by the prevailing HMRC rules on maximum employee payment limits.

Maximum opportunity

Employer contribution into the Group's defined contribution pension plan of up to 32% of salary. Alternatively, a cash allowance of up to 30% of salary.


Group annual bonus

The Standard Life plc Executive Long Term Incentive Plan (Executive LTIP)

Purpose and link to strategy

To support the delivery of the Group's annual business plan.

The focus is on the delivery of the annual financial, strategic, customer and people objectives.

Purpose and link to strategy

To reward participants for the delivery of the Group's goals of driving shareholder value through customer experience including measures such as cumulative Group operating profit and cumulative Group net flows.


Performance targets are set annually by the Remuneration Committee.

The Remuneration Committee exercises its judgement to determine awards at the end of the year to ensure that the outcome is fair in the context of overall Group performance and against personal goals.

To date, 50% of any bonus above 25% of salary has been deferred into shares which vest two years from the date of award.

Having considered our bonus deferral levels in the light of regulatory direction the deferral period which will apply for bonuses in respect of 2016 onwards will be three years.

Deferred bonus shares are subject to malus between grant and vest and cash awards are subject to clawback for two years from the date of awards.



Award of shares subject to performance measured over a three-year period with a subsequent two-year holding period. Awards may only be exercised after the combined five-year period.

Performance targets are set annually for each three-year cycle by the Remuneration Committee.

Awards are subject to review by the Remuneration Committee and the Risk and Capital Committee at the end of the three-year performance period to confirm that vesting of the award is appropriate.

Unvested awards are subject to malus.

Dividend equivalents, or equivalents for other forms of awards, accrue over the five-year period on a re-invested basis.

Maximum opportunity

The maximum award opportunity in respect of any financial year is based on role and is up to 175% of salary.

Maximum opportunity

The maximum award opportunity is based on role.

The maximum award possible under the plan rules is 500% salary.

Performance metrics

Performance is measured against a range of key financial metrics, strategic, customer and people indicators and personal performance.

The performance scorecard is weighted with at least 50% of bonus based on financial performance and no less than 30% based on non-financial performance. A portion of the award may be based on individual performance objectives. This will be no more than 20% of the overall award.

Performance is measured over 12 months.

Performance metrics

Vesting of the award is based on the following Group performance measures:

·   Cumulative Group operating profit performance before tax weighted at up to 100% of the award

·   Cumulative Group net flows weighted at no more than 50% of the award

The split between these measures, for each grant, is set annually by the Remuneration Committee.


Legacy arrangements

There is currently no intention to make further awards under the following plans to executive Directors:

·      Standard Life Investments personal and company bonus plans - last operated (for an executive Director) for the Chief Executive Standard Life Investments, before his appointment to his new role

·      Standard Life Investments' Long-term Incentive plan - last award (to an executive Director) made in March 2015 to the Chief Executive, Standard Life Investments before his appointment to his new role

·      Group Long-term Incentive Plan - was replaced by the Executive LTIP at the 2014 Annual General Meeting and the last awards under this plan were made in March 2013

Further details on these plans are set out in the Annual report and accounts 2014.

Remuneration policy for new executive appointments


In determining remuneration arrangements for new appointments to the Board (including internal promotions), the Remuneration Committee applies the following principles:

·   The Remuneration Committee takes into consideration all relevant factors, including the calibre of the individual, local market practice and existing arrangements for other executive Directors, adhering to the underlying principle that any arrangements should reflect the best interests of the Group and its shareholders

·   Remuneration arrangements for new appointments will typically align with the remuneration policy approved by shareholders

·   In the case of internal promotions, the Remuneration Committee will honour existing commitments entered into before promotion

·   The Remuneration Committee will explain to shareholders the rationale for the relevant arrangements in the following year's Directors' remuneration report; and the maximum level of bonus and long-term incentive awards which may be awarded to a new executive Director (excluding the Chief Executive, Standard Life Investments) at or shortly following recruitment shall be limited to 475% of salary. The maximum level for the Chief Executive, Standard Life Investments will be 865% of salary. These limits exclude buyout awards and are in line with the policy table approved by shareholders.

Components and approach

The remuneration package offered to new appointments may include any element of remuneration included in the remuneration policy, or any other element which the Remuneration Committee considers is appropriate given the particular circumstances but not exceeding the maximum level of bonus and long-term incentive awards detailed above. In considering which elements to include, and in determining the approach for all relevant elements, the Remuneration Committee will take into account a number of different factors, including (but not limited to) typical market practice, existing arrangements for other executive Directors and internal relativities, and market positioning.


To facilitate recruitment, the Remuneration Committee may make an award to buy out remuneration terms forfeited on leaving a previous employer. In doing so, the Remuneration Committee will adhere to the FCA guidance in relation to the practice of buyout awards to new recruits and, in particular, the requirements for Code Staff (as defined by the Group's regulators). In considering buyout levels and conditions, the Remuneration Committee will take into account such factors as the type of award and performance measures and the likelihood of performance conditions being met. The buyout award will reflect the foregone award in amount and terms (including any deferral or retention period and performance conditions) as closely as possible but within the structures and timing of equivalent Group plans. Where appropriate, the Remuneration Committee retains the discretion to utilise Listing Rule 9.4.2 (a rule, set by the United Kingdom Listing Authority, which permits an arrangement to be made without shareholder approval, specifically to facilitate, in unusual circumstances, the recruitment or retention of the relevant individual) for the purpose of making an award to 'buy out' remuneration terms forfeited on leaving a previous employer or to utilise any other incentive plan operated by the Group.

Service contracts

The executive Directors' terms and conditions of employment are detailed in their respective executive service contracts. In these contracts, the Remuneration Committee aims to strike the right balance between the Company's interests and those of the executive Directors, while ensuring that the contracts comply with best practice, legislation and the agreed remuneration principles. Contracts are not for a fixed term, but set out notice periods in line with the executive Director's role.

The terms and provisions that relate to remuneration in each of the executive Directors' contracts (that are not set out elsewhere in this report) are set out below. It is intended that the terms for any new appointment would be in line with these:



Notice periods

Six months by the executive Director to the Company.

Up to 12 months by the Company to the executive Director.

A payment in lieu of notice can be made.


Salary, pension contributions and core benefits are specified in the contracts and are treated as described above.

There is no contractual entitlement to participate in the annual bonus plan or receive long-term incentive awards.

Individuals are notified of these discretionary schemes at the beginning of each year.

Non-compete clauses

Applies during the contract and, at the Company's choice, for up to six months after leaving.

Contract dates


Keith Skeoch

Luke Savage

Paul Matthews

Colin Clark

Date of current contract

5 October 2015

24 April 2014

29 October 2015

1 November 2015

Keith Skeoch signed a new contract in October 2015, reflecting his appointment to Chief Executive from 5 August 2015, his previous contract was signed on 3 April 2006. Luke Savage's contract was effective from 18 August 2014. Paul Matthews' and Colin Clark's contracts were effective from 1 November 2015.

The service agreements for executive Directors are available for shareholders to view on request from the Group Company Secretary at the Company's registered address (details of which can be found in Section 14) and at the 2016 AGM.

Loss of office remuneration

The Remuneration Committee will consider the following factors when considering remuneration for loss of office:

·   The individual's service contract and the rules of the relevant incentive plans

·   Circumstances of the loss of office

·   Performance during office

·   The commercial justification for any payments

The remuneration policy for loss of office for executive Directors is as follows:




Pay in lieu of notice

Any payment in lieu of notice will be up to 12 months' salary, pension contributions and the value of other contractual benefits.

A duty to mitigate applies.

The payment may be made in phased instalments and the policy is to do this for notice periods of over six months.

All-employee share plans

Rights to awards are governed by the rules of the respective plans.

Awards under all-employee share plans vest in accordance with their terms, under which good leavers are entitled to shares on or shortly after cessation. Other leavers would usually forfeit awards.

Bonus awards and long-term incentive awards

Rights to awards are governed by the rules of the respective plans.

Typically, for good leavers, rights to annual bonus and long-term incentive awards will be pro-rated for time in service to termination as a proportion of the performance period and will, subject to performance, be paid at the usual time (which in the case of the Executive LTIP will normally include the holding period). Outstanding deferred share awards typically vest in full at the date of termination.

In certain circumstances, such as the individual's death, the Remuneration Committee retains the discretion to accelerate payments if it is considered appropriate.

In all plans, the Remuneration Committee retains the discretion to dis-apply time pro-rating for good leavers (see below) and, in the case of the Group LTIP and Executive LTIP, performance pro-rating.

Typically, for other leavers, rights to annual bonus and outstanding long-term incentive awards will be forfeited.

In the rules of the annual bonus plans and long-term incentives plans distinction is made between good leavers and other leavers. A good leaver is someone whose employment comes to an end because of death, ill health, injury, disability, redundancy or retirement as determined by their employing company, sale of the employing company or business or any other circumstance at the discretion of the Remuneration Committee. For the purposes of the Standard Life Investments Long-Term Incentive Plan, a good leaver may also include an individual who is transferred out of Standard Life Investments to another company in the Group. In determining whether an individual is a good leaver, the Remuneration Committee will exercise its judgement in a manner which seeks to be in the Group's interests taking into account all relevant factors in relation to the departure. Where judgement has been exercised, the Remuneration Committee would provide an explanation in the following year's Directors' remuneration report.

Other payments

Other payments such as legal fees or outplacement costs may be paid if considered commercially appropriate.


In the event of a change of control, executive Directors may receive a cash bonus in respect of the year in which the change of control occurs which, unless the Remuneration Committee determines otherwise, will be time pro-rated by reference to the bonus year. Outstanding deferred share awards will typically vest in full. Long-term incentives will normally vest early, taking into account the extent to which any relevant performance conditions have been met and, unless the Remuneration Committee determines otherwise, the time that has elapsed from the beginning of the relevant performance period. If the Company undergoes a winding up or is subject to a demerger, delisting, special dividend or other event which in the opinion of the Remuneration Committee may affect the current or future share price, the Remuneration Committee may allow awards to vest on the same basis as for a change of control.

The treatment of other awards in the event of a change of control will be in line with the relevant plan rules as approved by shareholders.

There is no provision for compensation payments for loss of office for non-executive Directors.

The annual remuneration report is set out in section 5.3 and section 5.4 and is subject to an advisory vote of shareholders at the AGM.

5.3 Annual remuneration report - what we did in 2015 for executive Directors

Single total figure of remuneration - executive Directors (audited)

The following table sets out the single total figure of remuneration for each of the executive Directors who served as a Director at any time during the financial year ending 31 December 2015. Where a Director has been appointed or stepped down during the year the remuneration included in the table is that paid for the period for which they were an executive Director.


Executive Directors

Basic salary for year

Taxable benefits in year1

Annual bonus earned for year

Long-term incentives with performance period ending during the year2,3

Other payments4

Pension allowance paid in year

Total remuneration for the year








Keith Skeoch5

















Luke Savage5

















Paul Matthews

















Colin Clark

















David Nish5






















Base salary

Annual base salary as at 1 Jan 2015

Annual base salary from 16 March 2015

Annual base salary from 5 August 2015 or date of appointment if later

Total base salary

paid in 2015

Keith Skeoch





Luke Savage





Paul Matthews1





Colin Clark1





David Nish2







Pension (audited)

Executive Directors received a cash allowance in lieu of pension as follows:

Cash allowances in lieu of pension contribution as a % of salary

Paid in 2015

Keith Skeoch



Luke Savage



Paul Matthews1



Colin Clark1



David Nish2





In addition to the cash allowance shown above Paul Matthews is a member of the Standard Life Staff Pension Scheme. Under the pension scheme rules his normal retirement date is at age 60. At 31 December 2015 he was aged 55 and his accrued defined benefit pension was £136,616 per annum. There is no additional value paid on early retirement.

Annual bonus plans

Group annual bonus opportunity

The target and maximum bonus award opportunities (expressed as a percentage of base salary at 31 December 2015) that could be earned in respect of 2015 Group performance were:


Maximum opportunity

Keith Skeoch1



Keith Skeoch2



Luke Savage



Paul Matthews3



Colin Clark3



David Nish






Group annual bonus outcome

The actual financial performance targets and the detailed non-financial measures used for the determination of the annual bonus plans for 2015 have not been disclosed in this Directors' remuneration report as the Board deems that, given the annual bonus rewards achievement of the Group's business plan, the disclosure of these could seriously prejudice the Group's business. The financial targets will be disclosed, at the earliest, in the Directors' remuneration report published for the financial year following the year for which the bonus is paid.

2015 Group annual bonus

The bonus award is based on Group performance and personal performance. The relative weightings are 90% based on Group performance and 10% on personal performance for Keith Skeoch and David Nish and 80% based on Group performance and 20% on personal performance in respect of the other executive Directors.

The scorecard is based on a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 reflecting maximum, 3 on target and 1 unsatisfactory performance.

More information on the Group's financial key performance indicators can be found in Section 1.3 of the Strategic report.

Before approving the level of performance in 2015, the Remuneration Committee sought the views of the Group Chief Risk Officer and the Risk and Capital Committee on the management of risk within the business.


The key achievements, scores for each element and overall score for the 2015 scorecard are shown in the following tables:




Performance measures


Group operating profit before tax1

Operating return on equity (RoE)1

Key achievements

Strong financial performance including:

·   Group operating profit before tax of £663m - above maximum

·   Operating return on equity of 14.5% - above maximum

Score (out of 5)



1    Operating profit and RoE Group targets were set based on the continuing business at 1 January 2015.  Therefore the reported outcomes exclude Canada but include Singapore (although its inclusion does not change the vesting outcome).



Performance measures


Management of the Group's strategy and its deployment in each business unit including the annual investment programme, any corporate actions and the efficiency of the Group's balance sheet.

Key achievements





Continuation of progress toward becoming a world-class investment company including:

·   Completion of the sale of the Canadian business

·   Return of value to shareholders

·   Integration of Ignis Asset Management into Standard Life Investments

·   Launch of 1825, 56°and Standard Life Savings brands

·   Bank of England approval of Solvency II internal capital model

·   Plc revolving credit facility reduced and extended for a further five years

Score (out of 5)






Customer and external leadership

Performance measures


Drive customer focus within the organisation and build advocacy for the Standard Life brand.

Protect and enhance Standard Life's corporate reputation.

Key achievements

·   Responded strongly to unprecedented customer demand arising from the new pension freedoms, helping customers make the most of the opportunities available to them

·   Retained our position on our key sustainability indices - Dow Jones Sustainability Indices World and Europe, FTSE 4 Good and the Climate Disclosure Project

·   Generated global brand exposure through our Andy Murray partnership, promoted our Ryder Cup sponsorship and concluded preparatory work for the January 2016 launch of our British & Irish Lions partnership

Score (out of 5)







Performance measures


Develop our organisational capability by building the environment, the resources, capabilities and developing the behaviours we will need.

This will include:

·   Ensuring the environment we work in creates a culture of continuous improvement

·   Developing powerful and consistent leadership, identifying and growing tomorrow's leaders

·   Embedding our remuneration and performance management strategy to encourage high performance and the delivery of our business objectives

Key achievements

·   Continued commitment to youth employment. Awarded gold status by Investors in People.

·   Continued strong engagement, measured by our interaction survey, during a year of change

·   First corporate employer to become a Living Wage Friendly Funder

·   Diversity and inclusion focus has continued with an increase in female participants in our emerging leaders programme to 56% and inclusion in The Times Top 50 Employers for Women

Score (out of 5)


Based on performance against each of the four Group performance elements and considering the performance of the Group as a whole, the Remuneration Committee approved a rating of 4.6 out of 5 for performance against the Group scorecard during 2015.

In addition, performance for each executive Director is measured against personal scorecards and objectives and against our leadership model to determine their bonus in relation to the personal bonus element.

As a result of the approved ratings, the Group annual bonus outcome as approved by the Remuneration Committee for 2015 is:

Bonus opportunity based on Group performance as a % of total bonus

Bonus opportunity based on Personal performance as a % of total bonus

Total bonus payable as a % of bonus maximum

Total bonus payable as a % of base salary


Keith Skeoch1












Luke Savage2












Paul Matthews2,3












Colin Clark2,3












David Nish2,4
















If the bonus payable amounts to more than 25% of salary, then half of the amount above 25% of salary is deferred for two years into an award over Standard Life plc shares. The deferral is not made if the amount to be deferred is less than 10% of salary.

There will be no deferral in respect of David Nish's bonus as the timing of the grant of deferred shares will coincide with the termination of his employment and as he is a good leaver the award would immediately vest.

2015 Standard Life Investments bonus outcome

Keith Skeoch participated in the Standard Life Investments' personal and company bonus plans until 4 August 2015, in addition to the Group annual bonus. These plans reward participants based on Standard Life Investments' corporate and investment performance. Consistent with fund management practice, the amount of the bonus pool is determined by reference to Standard Life Investments' financial performance, having regard to the total remuneration spend.

·   Personal bonus plan - rewards participants for personal performance in the year. Keith Skeoch's opportunity for 2015 was 105% of salary

·   Company bonus plan - Keith Skeoch's company bonus opportunity for 2015 was equal to 200% of salary

The determination of annual bonuses at Standard Life Investments is subject to two levels of control. First, the board of Standard Life Investments (Holdings) Limited reviews its financial results, and, after taking into account the level of overall performance and risk, its remuneration committee proposes the level of bonus payments. The second level of control is when this is referred to the Remuneration Committee which reviews these recommendations and determines the bonuses to be paid to the most senior employees within Standard Life Investments.

In 2015, Standard Life Investments continued to expand globally and had another very successful year. The key achievements during the year in which the bonus outcome was determined were:

·   Very strong EBITDA performance up 32% to £352m (2014: £266m) with EBITDA margin up to 42% (2014: 39%)

·   Strong investment performance with third party AUM (excluding strategic life partner businesses) above benchmark: one year 88%; three years 95%; and five years 90%

·   Revenue yield on third party AUM from our growth channels remained strong

·   Strong third party net inflows from our growth channels of £10.3bn (2014: £1.7bn)

·   67% or £8.4bn (2014: £4.1bn) of Institutional and Wholesale third party net inflows from outside the UK with strong net inflows across all geographies including Asia Pacific with net inflows of £1.2bn (2014: £0.4bn)

·   High levels of client service and an increasingly global client base

Based on Keith Skeoch's and Standard Life Investments' performance in 2015, the Remuneration Committee approved a personal bonus award of 105% of salary and a company bonus award of 200% of salary. These were based on his salary at 4 August 2015 and were pro-rated.

Company bonus plan

Personal bonus plan

Total bonus

payable as a % of bonus maximum

Total bonus payable as a % of base salary

Total bonus

Keith Skeoch












If the bonus payable amounts to more than 25% of salary, then half of the amount above 25% of salary is deferred for two years into an award over Standard Life plc shares. The deferral is not made if the amount to be deferred is less than 10% of salary.

Summary of bonus outcomes (audited)

The following table shows the total bonus awards made in respect of 2015. Annual bonus payments are not pensionable.

Group cash


Group deferred bonus

Standard Life Investments'

cash bonus

Standard Life Investments' deferred bonus


Keith Skeoch






Luke Savage






Paul Matthews






Colin Clark






David Nish







2014 Group annual bonus - disclosure of financial targets

The financial targets used in the determination of the 2014 Group annual bonuses paid in March 2015 and not previously disclosed are shown below. As disclosed in the Directors' remuneration report in the Annual report and accounts 2014 the targets for 2014 performance were restated to remove the Canadian business sold in January 2015 and include Ignis, acquired in July 2014. The restated targets for the 2014 performance year were as follows:

Performance measure





Group operating profit before tax1





European Embedded Value operating profit after tax1





Operating return on equity1






Long-term incentives

Standard Life Long-Term Incentive Plan (Group LTIP)

The plan under which awards were made in 2013 is the Group LTIP. The Executive LTIP has been used to grant awards since May 2014.

The awards granted in 2013 under the Group LTIP have a performance condition based on Group operating profit before tax. The awards are also subject to two underpins when assessing the Group performance. The first requires the Risk and Capital Committee to be satisfied that performance obtained has been achieved within acceptable defined risk parameters. The second requires the Remuneration Committee to be satisfied that Group operating profit performance reflects overall Group performance.

2013 Group LTIP awards vesting in respect of performance ending in 2015 (audited)

Awards were made in March 2013 of 200% of salary to David Nish and Keith Skeoch. The original targets for the 2013 Group LTIP award were adjusted to reflect the impact of certain corporate actions. Further details of the adjustments made are provided in the Annual report and accounts 2014.





2015 Group operating profit before tax




Actual performance


1    The targets and actual performance include Singapore which has had an adverse impact on the vesting outcome.  Canada is excluded from the targets and actual performance following the restatements in the Annual report and accounts 2014.

In line with the above results, the Remuneration Committee determined that 40.77% of awards granted to David Nish and Keith Skeoch in 2013 should vest in 2016.

Standard Life Investments Long-Term Incentive Plan (Standard Life Investments LTIP)

In 2013, in addition to the Group LTIP, Keith Skeoch participated in the Standard Life Investments LTIP. Under the Standard Life Investments LTIP, awards will only begin to vest if Standard Life Investments' investment performance (three-year money-weighted average) is above the lower quartile of the money-weighted average of all assets under management (both captive and third party assets) compared to other asset managers.

The level of vesting is then subject to consolidated cumulative third party EBITDA performance as shown in the following table. The actual EBITDA targets are not disclosed as the Board deems that this is commercially sensitive information and, if disclosed, could seriously prejudice the Group's business.



Consolidated cumulative three-year third party EBITDA

% of target award of shares that vest1




60% of target






140% of target




2013 Standard Life Investments LTIP awards vesting in respect of performance ending in 2015 (audited)

In line with the above, Keith Skeoch received an award under this plan in March 2013 equivalent to 200% of salary (at maximum vesting). No other executive Director in post in 2013 received an award under this plan.

The following table sets out performance against targets for the 2013 award.


Performance level

Below threshold




Consolidated cumulative three-year third party EBITDA


<60% of target

60% of target

100% of target

140% of target

Actual performance

127.3% of target

As performance was above the lower quartile of the money-weighted average of all assets under management (both captive and third party assets) compared to other asset managers and the consolidated cumulative three-year third party EBITDA was 127.3% of target, the Remuneration Committee determined that 168.4% of the target award (84.2% of the maximum award) granted to Keith Skeoch in 2013 would vest in 2016.

Before an award can vest, the Risk and Capital Committee is required to verify to the Remuneration Committee that the level of vesting was not as a result of behaviour that has exposed the Group to undue risk. If the Risk and Capital Committee determines that the Group has been exposed to undue risk, the Remuneration Committee will take this into account when determining the level of vesting.

Awards granted in 2015

Awards to executive Directors were made in 2015 under the Executive LTIP and the Standard Life Investments LTIP.

The table below summarises the key details of the awards made in 2015 (audited):


Type of interest

Basis of award (% of salary and face value at grant)

Performance criteria

% of award vesting at threshold

% of award vesting at maximum

2015 Executive LTIP award, vests on 27 March 2020

Nil-cost option

Keith Skeoch

Value: 200%

Face value: £1,000,000


Luke Savage

Value: 125%

Face value: £750,000


David Nish

Value: 200%

Face value: £1,670,000

Cumulative Group operating profit before tax (70%) and cumulative Group net flows for the three-year period ended 31 December 2017

Vesting: 0% Cumulative Group operating profit before tax

Threshold: £1,670m

Cumulative Group net flows

Threshold: £16.6bn

Vesting: 100% Cumulative Group operating profit before tax

Maximum: £2,040m

Cumulative Group net flows

Maximum: £27.6bn

2015 Standard Life Investments LTIP award, vests on 30 March 2018

Nil-cost option

Keith Skeoch

Value: 200%

Face value: £1,000,000

Consolidated cumulative three-year third party Standard Life Investments (Holdings) Limited EBITDA to 31 December 2017; subject to an investment gateway

Vesting: 0%

Threshold: 60% of EBITDA target

Vesting: 100%

Maximum: 140% of EBITDA target


All of the above awards are subject to an additional personal performance underpin whereby, if an executive Director performs at an unsatisfactory level in any year during the three-year performance period, their original award would be reduced by one-third, unless the Chief Executive, or the Remuneration Committee in the case of the Chief Executive, recommends otherwise.

As explained in the Remuneration Chairman's statement, Colin Clark was granted an award under the Standard Life Restricted Stock Plan before his appointment.


Type of interest

Basis of award and face value at grant

Performance criteria

% of award vesting at threshold

% of award vesting at maximum

Standard Life Restricted Stock Plan, vests on 31 March 20171

Nil-cost option

Colin Clark

Face value £700,000

Maintaining a personal performance level above a pre-determined threshold

Vesting: 0%

Vesting: 100%

1    The Standard Life Restricted Stock Plan is a plan under which the Company can make share-based awards (options and conditional awards) to all employees other than executive Directors. 

Share ownership

A shareholding requirement was implemented in 2014 and we continue to require executive Directors and senior management to maintain a material long-term investment in Standard Life plc shares.

Keith Skeoch is required to hold 500% (increased from 300% at the time of his appointment to Chief Executive) of the value of his base salary in the form of Standard Life plc shares. Luke Savage, Paul Matthews and Colin Clark are required to acquire and hold Standard Life plc shares to the value of 200% of their base salary from awards granted under the Executive LTIP and deferred annual bonus plan following their appointment to the Board.

The shares which the executive Directors are required to hold to reach their respective shareholding requirement are based on the net vested shares arising from the exercise of an award. Net vested shares are those shares which the executive Director would retain after selling sufficient shares to cover the costs of the income tax and employee national insurance payable when the award is exercised. Executive Directors will be required to hold shares arising from the following awards:

·   100% of the net vested shares that could be acquired from the exercise of awards granted from 2014 onwards or the date of their appointment if later (this includes the awards arising from the deferral of annual bonus and awards granted under the Executive LTIP and the Standard Life Investments LTIP)

·   50% of the net vested shares that could be acquired from the exercise of awards granted prior to the introduction of the new requirement (this includes awards arising from the deferral of annual bonus and awards granted under the Group LTIP and the Standard Life Investments LTIP)

·   Shares currently held which were obtained from the exercise of awards and which contributed to satisfying the previous shareholding guidelines

Paul Matthews was subject to previous shareholding guidelines and from 2014, when the requirement was introduced, to a shareholding requirement. As Colin Clark was not subject to the previous shareholding guidelines, under the requirement he is only required to hold shares from awards granted in 2016 onwards. Executive Directors will be required to retain shares held in respect of the requirement for a period of one year following their departure from the Group. The Remuneration Committee reviews progress against the requirement annually and retains discretion to require executive Directors to purchase shares to meet the requirement.

Directors' interests in shares (audited)

The following table shows the total number of Standard Life plc shares held by the executive Directors and their connected persons.

Total number of shares owned at
 1 January 2015

Shares acquired/ (sold) by the Director during the period 1 January 2015 to 13 March 2015

Total number of shares owned at 13 March 2015

Total number of shares owned at 16 March 2015 or date of appointment        if later

Shares acquired/

(sold) by the Director during the period 16 March 2015 to 31 December 2015

Total number of shares owned at 31 December 2015 or date of cessation if earlier

Total value4 of shares owned at 31 December 2015 as a % of salary at 31 December 2015

Shares acquired/

(sold) by the Director during the period 31 December 2015 to 18 February 2016

Pre share consolidation on 13 March 20151

Post share consolidation on 13 March 2015

Keith Skeoch









Luke Savage









Paul Matthews2









Colin Clark2









David Nish3













As is shown from the table, Keith Skeoch met the share ownership requirement in 2015. Luke Savage was appointed in August 2014 and no share awards have vested and as such he does not meet the shareholding requirement. Paul Matthews holds 108% from share awards that were subject to the previous guidelines which count towards the requirement. Colin Clark holds 433% from previous awards. David Nish met the shareholding requirement at the point he ceased to be a Director and is required to continue to comply with his shareholding requirement for a period of one year from the date his employment ceases.

This table shows, in relation to each executive Director, the total number of share options with and without performance conditions held at 31 December 2015:

Options with performance measures1

Options without performance measures2

Vested but


Exercised during the year3

Keith Skeoch





Luke Savage





Paul Matthews





Colin Clark





David Nish








The closing market price of Standard Life plc shares at 31 December 2015 was 389.7p and the range for the year was 365.9p to 499.9p.

Directors' interests in the Company's shares through the medium of the Group's share plans, granted after appointment to executive Director are shown below.

Group, Executive and Standard Life Investments LTIPs

Awards are subject to vesting conditions that are based on continuous employment and on satisfying corporate performance targets over the performance period. All awards lapse six months after the expected first date of exercise and carry the right to receive rolled-up dividends, but only to the extent awards vest. All awards were granted under the Executive LTIP unless otherwise noted.


Award dates

Number of shares

Value of shares

Original award



Expected first date  of exercise

Original award

2015 awards

Shares in lieu of rolled-up dividends from date of grant to end of year

Exercised during year1

Lapsed during year



At end of year

Share price at award date

Share price on exercise date

Actual date of exercise

Total value on exercise date

Keith Skeoch







































































































Luke Savage































David Nish5
























































Bonus awards - deferred shares

These awards are the deferred share elements of the 2012, 2013 and 2014 bonus awards. The value of the bonus deferred into share awards is reported within the annual bonus figures shown in the Directors' remuneration for the year for which the bonus is payable. All awards lapse six months after the expected first date of exercise and carry the right to receive rolled-up dividends, but only to the extent awards vest.


Award dates                                            Number of shares                                                                                                   Value of shares

Original award



Expected first date of exercise

Original award

2015 awards

Shares in lieu of rolled-up dividends from grant to end of year

Exercised during year

Lapsed during year



At end of year

Share price at award date

Share price on exercise date

Actual date of exercise

Total value on exercise date

Keith Skeoch











































Luke Savage



















David Nish2













































The Standard Life Restricted Stock Plan

As detailed in the Chairman's statement the Remuneration Committee granted Colin Clark an award under this plan, before his appointment on 1 November 2015.

Original award

Expected first date of exercise

2015 awards

Shares in lieu of rolled-up dividends from grant to end of year

At end of year







The Standard Life Sharesave Plan

David Nish was granted options over 9,669 Standard Life plc shares exercisable from 1 November 2016 under the Sharesave Plan on 15 September 2011. The exercise price for these options is £1.5746. Under the rules of the plan he will be permitted to exercise the option within 6 months of the date his employment ceases. Luke Savage was granted options over 5,116 Standard Life plc shares exercisable from 1 November 2019 under the Sharesave Plan on 12 September 2014. The exercise price for these options is £2.961.

Executive Directors' external appointments

Subject to the Board's approval, executive Directors are able to accept a limited number of external appointments to the boards of other organisations and can retain any fees paid for these services. Significant executive Director appointments held during the year are shown below:

Executive Director

Role and organisation

2015 Fees

Keith Skeoch

Director of the Investment Association (until 9 September 2015)

Non-executive Director of the Financial Reporting Council


Luke Savage

Member of Council, Queen Mary University of London


Paul Matthews

Member of the board of the Association of British Insurers


David Nish1

Member of the Financial Services Advisory Board

Member of the Advisory Council of TheCityUK

Deputy Chairman of the Association of British Insurers

Non-Executive Director of the UK Green Investment Bank




Loss of office payments (audited)

The Board announced on 19 June 2015 that David Nish was stepping down as Chief Executive on 5 August 2015 with his notice period commencing on 1 July 2015. The Company's policy for payment for loss of office is set out on page 81. 

All payments made to David Nish in respect of the period in 2015 in which he was a Director are reported in the single figure of remuneration and following sections in Section 5.3. The following payments have been made in respect of the period 6 August 2015 to 31 December 2015:

·   Base salary: £339,216

·   Benefits: £6,886

·   Pension: £101,701

·   Annual bonus: £531,563 (in line with our normal practice as David Nish is prevented from taking up alternative employment whilst on garden leave he remained eligible for a bonus for this period)

·   Long-term incentive awards: £111,420 (which reflects the proportion of the 2013 Group LTIP award relating to the period 6 August 2015 to 31 December 2015). This vests in 2016 and is performance tested in line with the rest of the award as described on page 87. In line with the approach taken in the single figure table in section 5.3, the value of this award is based on the average Standard Life plc share price for the quarter 1 October 2015 to 31 December 2015. The award will vest on 25 March 2016.

As disclosed when his departure was announced on 19 June 2015, David Nish will be on garden leave until 31 March 2016 at which point he will cease to be an employee. Until this point he will continue to receive his base salary of £835,000 per annum, his allowances and all benefits in line with the terms of his executive service agreement. When his employment ceases on 31 March 2016 he will be entitled to payment in lieu of notice in respect of the remainder of his notice period (three months) which will be paid in instalments and is subject to mitigation. The payment in lieu of notice will include his salary, car allowance and pension allowance. In line with our normal practice, David Nish will remain eligible to receive a bonus in respect of the period to 31 March 2016. He will also receive a payment of £105,981 in respect of untaken holidays, and £560 in respect of private medical cover.

Treatment of outstanding incentive awards

On cessation of employment, David's unvested deferred share award will vest in full in line with the plan rules.

Unvested long-term incentive plan awards made in 2014 and 2015 will be pro-rated to the end of the period of garden leave, and will vest subject to performance.

·   2014 Executive LTIP - pro-rated between 1 January 2014 and 31 March 2016 and will vest on 20 May 2019. The maximum number of shares anticipated to vest subject to performance (excluding future dividend-equivalents) is 337,576

·   2015 Executive LTIP - pro-rated between 1 January 2015 and 31 March 2016 and will vest on 27 March 2020. The maximum number of shares anticipated to vest subject to performance (excluding future dividend-equivalents) is 149,918.

Payments to former directors (audited)

Payments made to former directors during the year (if not reported elsewhere) will in future be reported here if they are in excess of £20,000. No such payments were made in 2015.

Pay compared to performance

The following table shows the single figure of total remuneration for the Director (and in the case of 2015 the Directors) in the role of Chief Executive (CE) for the same seven financial years as shown in the graph opposite. Also shown are the annual bonus awards and LTIP awards which vested based on performance in those years.


Year ended 31 December

Chief Executive

CE single figure of total remuneration (£000s)

Annual bonus award rates against maximum opportunity (%)1

Long-term incentive plan vesting rates against maximum opportunity (%)


Keith Skeoch2





David Nish3





David Nish





David Nish





David Nish4





David Nish





David Nish





Sir Sandy Crombie








Relative importance of spend on pay

The following table compares what the Group spent on employee remuneration to what is paid in the form of dividends to the Company's shareholders. Also shown is the Group's operating profit before tax from continuing operations which is provided for context as it is one of our key performance measures:


Remuneration payable to all Group employees (£m)

Dividends paid in respect of financial year (£m)

Group operating profit before tax (£m)











Percentage change in remuneration of the director in the position of Chief Executive

The table below shows the percentage year-on-year change in salary, benefits and annual bonus earned between the year ended 31 December 2014 and the year ended 31 December 2015 for the Chief Executive compared to the average UK based Group employee:


% change in base salary

% change in bonus

% change in benefits





UK based employees of the Group






Implementation of policy in 2016

Base salary

The Remuneration Committee considered it appropriate to award increases as follows:

Increase to base pay

Base pay effective from 16 March 2016

Keith Skeoch



Luke Savage



Paul Matthews



Colin Clark





The executive Directors will participate in the Group annual bonus plan. Target and maximum award opportunities are:


Maximum opportunity

Keith Skeoch



Luke Savage



Paul Matthews



Colin Clark




For Keith Skeoch, 90% of the award will be based on Group performance and 10% on personal performance. For the other executive Directors, 80% of the award will be based on Group performance and 20% on personal performance.

In evaluating the non-financial metrics, the Remuneration Committee will reference, where possible, objective data and will exercise judgement in determining achievement of objectives when assessing performance. Disclosure on performance and how performance has been evaluated by the Remuneration Committee will be provided in the Directors' remuneration report at the end of the performance period. The financial targets will be disclosed, at the earliest, in the Directors' remuneration report published for the financial year following the year for which the bonus is paid. This will allow shareholders to assess whether awards are appropriate in the context of the performance and progress made at the end of the year.


Cash allowances of 25% of salary are paid in lieu of pension contributions to all executive Directors.

Long-term incentive arrangements

The Remuneration Committee proposes to grant awards set out in the table, in the form of nil-cost options under the Executive LTIP. Vesting of these awards, in 2021, is based on the following performance measures measured over the period to 31 December 2018:

·   Cumulative Group operating profit before tax performance weighted at 70% of the award

·   Cumulative Group net flows weighted at 30% of the award



2016 Executive LTIP award, to vest in March 2021

Type of interest

Nil-cost option

Basis of award

(% of salary and face value at grant)

Keith Skeoch-500%-£3,500,000

Luke Savage-125%-£768,750

Paul Matthews-120%-£756,000

Colin Clark-300%-£1,800,000

Performance criteria

Cumulative Group operating profit before tax (70%) and cumulative Group net flows (30%) for the three-year period ending 31 December 2018


(% of award vesting at threshold)

Vesting: 0%

Cumulative Group operating profit

Threshold: £2,130m

Cumulative Group net flows

Threshold: £30.8bn


(% of award vesting at maximum)

Vesting: 100%

Cumulative Group operating profit

Maximum: £2,595m

Cumulative Group net flows

Maximum: £51.0bn

5.4 Annual remuneration report - what we did in 2015 for non-executive Directors

Single total figure of remuneration - non-executive Directors (audited)

The following table sets out the single total figure of remuneration for each of the non-executive Directors who served as a Director at any time during the financial year ending 31 December 2015. Non-executive Directors do not participate in bonus or long-term incentive plans and do not receive pension funding.

Non-executive Directors

Fees for year ended 31 December


Taxable benefits in year ended 31 December1


Total remuneration for the year ended  31 December


Sir Gerry Grimstone









Pierre Danon









Melanie Gee2









Crawford Gillies









David Grigson3









Noel Harwerth









Isabel Hudson









Kevin Parry









John Paynter4









Lynne Peacock









Martin Pike













Letters of appointment

The non-executive Directors, including the Chairman, have letters of appointment that set out their duties and responsibilities. The key terms are:



Period of appointment

Three-year term which can be extended by mutual consent and is subject to re-election by shareholders in line with Company's articles of association and the UK Corporate Governance Code.

Time commitment

Two to three days per week for the Chairman. For other non-executive Directors - 30 to 35 days a year.

Notice periods (apply to both the Company and the Director)

Chairman - six months.

For other non-executive Directors - no notice period.


Fees (as set out on the following page) .

Reimbursement of travel and other reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.

No pension, annual bonus or other incentive payment permitted.

Date of letters of appointment


Current letter of appointment

Sir Gerry Grimstone1

6 June 2003 as Director and 28 February 2007 as Chairman (continuation 27 May 2010 and 28 May 2013)

Pierre Danon

28 November 2011 (continuation 6 October 2014)

Melanie Gee2

26 October 2015

Crawford Gillies3

7 December 2006 (continuation 11 January 2010 and 3 December 2012)3

David Grigson4

26 October 2009 (continuation 30 October 2012)

Noel Harwerth

18 July 2012 (continuation 29 June 2015)

Isabel Hudson

15 October 2014

Kevin Parry

27 October 2014

John Paynter5

21 December 2011 (continuation 1 January 2015)

Lynne Peacock

13 March 2012 (continuation 13 March 2015)

Martin Pike

27 September 2013



3       General Meeting when he will retire from the Board, having concluded nine years' service.



The service agreements/letters of appointment for Directors are available to shareholders to view on request from the Group Company Secretary at the Company's registered address (details of which can be found in Section 14) and at the 2016 AGM.

Non-executive Directors' interests in shares (audited)

The following table shows the total number of Standard Life plc shares held by each of the non-executive Directors and their connected persons:

Total number of shares owned at the earlier of 1 January 2015 or date of appointment if later

Shares acquired/(sold) by the Directors during the period 1 January 2015 to 13 March 2015

Total number of shares owned1 at 13 March 2015

Total number of shares owned at 16 March 2015 or date of appointment if later

Shares acquired/(sold) by the Directors during the period 16 March 2015 to 31 December 2015

Total number of shares owned at 31 December 2015 or date of cessation if earlier

Shares acquired/(sold) by the Directors during the period 31 December 2015 to 18 February 2016

Pre share consolidation on 13 March 20151

Post share consolidation on 13 March 2015

Sir Gerry Grimstone








Pierre Danon








Melanie Gee2








Crawford Gillies








David Grigson3








Noel Harwerth








Isabel Hudson








Kevin Parry








John Paynter4








Lynne Peacock








Martin Pike








1    The date on which the Company's shares were consolidated on a 9 for 11 basis.


3    Stepped down from the Board following the conclusion of the AGM on 12 May 2015.

4    Stepped down from the Board with effect 28 April 2015.

The Chairman continues to be subject to a guideline holding of 100% of the value of his annual fee in Standard Life plc shares within four years of appointment. Sir Gerry Grimstone, as Chairman, fully met this requirement in 2015 with the value of his shares at the end of the year being 218% of his fees.

Implementation of policy for non-executive Directors in 2016

Following a review of non-executive Director fees, the Board (and the Remuneration Committee in respect of the Chairman) considered it appropriate to increase the Chairman's fees by £10,000 (2.7%) and the non-executive fee by £2,100 (2.9%). In addition the fee paid to the Senior Independent Director is increased by £500 (2.9%) with effect from 1 January 2016.



2016 fees1

2015 fees

Chairman's fees2



Non-executive fees3



Additional fees:

Senior Independent Director



Chairman of the Audit Committee



Chairman of the Risk and Capital Committee



Chairman of the Remuneration Committee



Chairman of Standard Life Investments (Holdings) Limited4



Chairman of Standard Life Assurance Limited



1      £1,000,000 permitted under Article 87 of Standard Life plc's articles of association. Total fees including additional duties are expected to amount to £1,108,000 for 2016 (2015: £1,041,000).




The Remuneration Committee


During 2015 the Remuneration Committee was made up of independent non-executive Directors: Lynne Peacock (Chairman), Pierre Danon, Melanie Gee (from 7 December 2015), John Paynter (until 28 April 2015) and Martin Pike.



Lynne Peacock, Chairman


Pierre Danon


Melanie Gee


Martin Pike


Former member

John Paynter



Our role

To consider and make recommendations to the Board in respect of the total remuneration policy across the Group, including:

·   Rewards for the executive Directors, senior employees and the Chairman

·   The design and targets for any employee share plan

·   The design and targets for annual cash bonus plans throughout the Group

·   Changes to employee benefit structures (including pensions) throughout the Group

Find the Remuneration Committee's terms of reference in the Board Charter at or request a copy from the Group Company Secretary


Committee effectiveness

The Committee reviews its remit and effectiveness annually. The 2015 review was carried out via an internal self-assessment questionnaire. The review concluded that the Committee had:

·   Remained effective and fulfilled its remit during the year and liaised appropriately with the Risk and Capital Committee

·   Fulfilled its duties under its terms of reference, and amended its terms of reference as appropriate

·   Received sufficient, reliable and timely information from management and its advisers to enable it to fulfil its responsibilities

External advisers

The Remuneration Committee received information on comparative pay data from Towers Watson. Pinsent Masons LLP provided legal interpretation of remuneration related regulations to the Remuneration Committee.

During the year, the Remuneration Committee also took advice from Deloitte LLP (a member of the Remuneration Consultants Group), who were appointed as external advisers to the Remuneration Committee from October 2011.

A representative from Deloitte LLP attends, by invitation, all Remuneration Committee meetings to provide information and updates on external developments affecting remuneration as well as specific matters raised by the Remuneration Committee. Outside of the meetings, the Remuneration Committee's Chairman seeks advice on remuneration matters on an ongoing basis. As well as advising the Remuneration Committee, Deloitte LLP also provided tax, risk, data and real estate advice to the Group during the year. Deloitte Total Rewards and Benefits is an investment adviser to the trustees of the Standard Life Staff Pension Scheme. In addition, Standard Life is the current appointed provider for the Defined Contribution Master Plan that Deloitte LLP provides for its employees and Deloitte LLP is one of the employee benefit consultants through which Standard Life has been appointed to provide defined contribution arrangements for Deloitte's clients through competitive tender.

Fees paid to Deloitte LLP during 2015 for professional advice to the Committee were £111,250.

Where appropriate, the Remuneration Committee receives input from the Chairman, Chief Executive, Chief Financial Officer, Chief People Officer, Group Reward and Employment Policy Director, Group Chief Risk Officer and the Head of Corporate Governance at Standard Life Investments. This input never relates to their own remuneration.

As noted in Section 2, Sir Gerry Grimstone is an independent non-executive of Deloitte LLP. He was appointed to this role to represent the public interest following a recommendation by the Financial Reporting Council that all major audit firms should have such representation. His remuneration for that role is a fixed sum and has no relationship to Deloitte's business activities. Both the Chairman and the Remuneration Committee recognised the need to ensure there is no conflict of interest arising from the appointment process. We were satisfied at the date of the appointment that the nature of the Chairman's appointment to Deloitte LLP did not create a conflict of interest. The Remuneration Committee continue to monitor this position and are satisfied that the continuing appointment does not give rise to a conflict of interest. Deloitte LLP operates appropriate safeguards to maintain the independence of its advice, for example, the team responsible for providing advice to the Remuneration Committee are not rewarded for cross-selling non-related services to Standard Life and work is contracted for independently from work performed by the rest of the firm. Whilst Sir Gerry Grimstone has access to the Remuneration Committee adviser to the extent that he is invited to attend Remuneration Committee meetings, he does not meet with the Remuneration Committee advisor, other than in those meetings, to discuss matters relating to Standard Life. Communication between Deloitte LLP and the Remuneration Committee is on instruction from the Remuneration Committee Chairman.

The Committee's work in 2015

An indicative breakdown as to how the Remuneration Committee spent its time is shown below:  Diagram removed for the purposes of this announcement.  However it can be viewed in full in the pdf document.

The Remuneration Committee met nine times during 2015. The key issues discussed/approved were:

January to March

April to June

·  2014 Directors' remuneration report

·  Approving 2014 bonus payments and 2012 LTIP outcome

·  Setting 2015 annual bonus and LTIP targets

·  Agreeing 2015 salaries and LTIP awards

·  Regulatory update

·  Code Staff - review of population

·  Review of external regulation and its impact on Standard Life

·  Review of sales remuneration principles and governance


July to September

October to December

·  Executive Director appointments - remuneration

·  Mid-year review of annual bonus and LTIP performance

    conditions against target

·  Regulatory update

·  Planning 2016 remuneration

·  2015 Directors' remuneration report

·  Sales incentive governance

·  Regulatory update


Shareholder voting

We remain committed to on going shareholder dialogue and take an active interest in voting outcomes. Where there are substantial votes against resolutions in relation to Directors' remuneration, we seek to understand the reasons for any such vote, and will detail here any actions in response to it.

The following table sets out actual voting on the remuneration policy and 2014 Directors remuneration report presented at the 2015 AGM on 12 May 2015.






(% of total votes)




(No. of votes cast)








2014 Directors remuneration report 

(% of total votes)



2014 Directors remuneration report

(No. of votes cast)





Promoting all-employee share ownership

We believe that share ownership by our employees helps them to understand the interests of the Company's shareholders. On 31 December 2015, 75% of our employees were Standard Life plc shareholders through participation in the Standard Life (Employee) Share Plan. We promote employee share ownership with a range of initiatives:

·   The Standard Life (Employee) Share Plan which allows employees to buy Standard Life plc shares directly from their earnings. At 31 December 2015, 3,796 employees were making a monthly average contribution of £45. A similar tax-approved plan is used in Ireland and has a 47% take-up. Even though the plan cannot be structured on a tax-favourable basis in Germany and Austria, more than 126 employees in these countries are buying shares each month.

·   The Standard Life Sharesave Plan which allows UK tax resident employees to save towards the exercise of options over Standard Life plc shares with the option price set at the beginning of the savings period at a discount of up to 20% of the market price. Sharesave invitations have been made annually since 2011 to UK employees and, as at 31 December 2015, over 3,400 employees in the UK were saving towards one or more of the Sharesave offers.

·   The Standard Life Ireland Sharesave Plan which launched in August 2012. Invitations have been made annually from August 2012. As at 31 December 2015, over 100 employees were saving towards one or more of the Sharesave Ireland offers.

Share dilution limits

The Executive LTIP, the Group LTIP, the Standard Life Investments LTIP, the Standard Life (Employee) Share Plan, the Standard Life Sharesave Plan and the Standard Life Ireland Sharesave Plan contain dilution limits that comply with the guidelines produced by The Investment Association (IA). On 31 December 2015, the Company's standing against these dilution limits was:

·   3.87% where the guideline is no more than 5% in any 10 years under all discretionary share plans in which the executive Directors participate (Executive LTIP, Group LTIP and Standard Life Investments LTIP)

·   4.86% where the guideline is no more than 10% in any 10 years under all share plans (Executive LTIP, Group LTIP, Standard Life LTIP, Standard Life (Employee) Share Plan, the Sharesave Plan and Sharesave Ireland Plan)

As is normal practice, there are employee trusts that operate in conjunction with the Executive LTIP, Group LTIP and Standard Life Investments LTIP and the Standard Life (Employee) Share Plan. On 31 December 2015, the number of unallocated shares held within these trusts was 6,854 in respect of the Standard Life (Employee) Share Plan. In addition, the trusts held 1,637,419 shares acquired to satisfy deferred bonus awards, Executive LTIP, Group LTIP and Standard Life Investments LTIP awards and other share plan awards. Of these shares 7,447 are committed to satisfying vested but unexercised awards. The percentage of share capital held by the employee trusts is significantly less than the 5% best practice limit endorsed by the IA.

Related party transactions

All transactions between Directors and the Group are on commercial terms that are equivalent to those available to all employees. During the year to 31 December 2015, the Directors contributed £3,283,620 (2014: £599,203) to products sold by the Group.

6. Directors' responsibilities

The following statements should be read with the statement of auditors' responsibilities included in the independent auditors' reports. They are made to help shareholders distinguish between the responsibilities of the Directors and those of the auditors in relation to the financial statements for 2015.

The Directors are responsible for preparing the Annual report and accounts 2015. It is also their responsibility to state that they consider that the Annual report and accounts 2015, taken as a whole, is fair, balanced and understandable and provides the information necessary for shareholders to assess the Company's position and performance, business model and strategy. Under the Companies Act 2006, the Directors are required to prepare and approve financial statements for each financial year. The Directors must only approve the financial statements when they are satisfied that they give a true and fair view of how the Group and the Company have performed at the end of the financial year, and that they give a true and fair view of the profit of the Group and the Company for that year. The financial statements of the Group and, where relevant, the Company have been prepared in accordance with:

·   International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union (EU)

·   The Companies Act 2006

·   The Disclosure and Transparency Rules (DTR) issued by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)

·   Article 4 of the International Accounting Standards (IAS) Regulation

In preparing these financial statements, the Directors are required to:

·   Select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently

·   Make judgements and accounting estimates that are reasonable and prudent

·   State whether applicable IFRS as adopted by the EU have been followed, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements

·   Prepare the financial statements on the basis that the Group is a going concern, unless it is inappropriate to presume that the Group will continue in business

The Directors are responsible for ensuring that proper accounting records are maintained. These must disclose, with reasonable accuracy at any time, the financial position of the Group and the Company and enable the Directors to ensure that the financial statements and the Directors' remuneration report comply with the Companies Act 2006 and the DTR. The Directors should also make sure that the Group financial statements comply with Article 4 of the IAS Regulation.

The Directors are also responsible for:

·   Safeguarding the assets of the Company and the Group

·   Taking reasonable steps to prevent and detect fraud and other irregularities

·   The maintenance and integrity of the Group's website

·   Preparing a Strategic report, Directors' report, Annual remuneration report and Corporate governance statement which comply with applicable law and regulations

·   The maintenance and integrity of the corporate and financial information included on the Company's website

UK legislation governing the preparation and dissemination of financial statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions.

Directors' responsibility statement

Each of the Directors, whose names and functions are listed in the Board of Directors section, confirms that to the best of their knowledge and belief:

1.  The Group and the Company financial statements, which have been prepared in accordance with IFRS as adopted by the EU, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit of the Group and of the Company and taken as a whole, are fair, balanced and understandable and provide the information necessary for shareholders to assess the Group's performance, business model and strategy

2.  The Strategic report includes the information required by DTR 4.1.8 and DTR 4.1.9 - a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the position of the Group, together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties it faces


By order of the Board


Sir Gerry Grimstone


19 February 2016

Luke Savage

Chief Financial Officer

19 February 2016




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The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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