Legal Entity Identifier (LEI): 213800RIA1NX8DP4P938
Appointment of Director
The Board of the Company is pleased to announce that it has appointed Mark Barker as a non-executive director of the Company with effect from 21 July 2017.
Mark is Managing Partner of Strategic Capital Investors, a boutique investment company focused on providing acceleration capital to early stage asset management businesses.
Mark was previously founder and Chief Investment Officer at Hermes BPK Partners, a fund of funds manager formed in partnership with Hermes Investment Management Limited. Prior to founding Hermes BPK, Mark was Co-Chief Investment Officer of the US$8bn Fund of Funds manager at Pioneer Alternative Investments. In 2003 Pioneer Alternative Investments acquired Momentum Asset Management where Mark had worked since 1986. At Momentum/Pioneer, Mark was responsible for portfolio management, asset allocation and risk management.
There are no matters to disclose in respect of Mark Barker under LR 9.6.13 of the UKLA's Listing Rules.
The Chairman of the Company, Mark Hadsley-Chaplin, commented:
"Following the retirements of Richard Bonsor and Terry Mahony, I am delighted to welcome Mark to our Board. He brings with him over thirty years of investment experience specific to fund of funds. His understanding of risk, portfolio construction and his success in building funds in terms of assets and performance will prove very valuable."
Aberdeen Fund Managers Limited (Investment Manager to Aberdeen Emerging Markets Investment Company Limited)
Jonathon McManus Tel: +44 (0)20 7618 1444
PraxisIFM Fund Services (UK) Limited (UK Administration Agent)
Anthony Lee Tel: +44 (0)20 7653 9690
Ordinary Shares - Listing Category: Premium - Equity Closed-ended Investment Funds
21 July 2017