Final Results
Govett Asian Recovery Trust PLC
26 May 2000
Preliminary announcement of Unaudited Results for the year ended 31st March
Chairman's Statement
The year to 31st March witnessed a continuation of the remarkable resurgence
in Asian markets discussed in the last Annual Report. During the period, the
Net Asset Value of the Trust rose by 72% from 130.64p to 224.81p, compared to
a rise in its benchmark index of 45%. The Trust's discount to Net Asset Value
narrowed during the year from 25% to 18% as confidence in Asian markets
returned. Against the gain in Net Assets of 72%, the Trust's share price rose
by 88%.
This out-performance resulted from the Trust's strategically overweight
positions in the markets of South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan which
were among the first to recover from the Crisis which had hit the region in
1997 and 1998. These markets rose by 58%, 37%, 60% and 58% respectively during
the course of the year and the Trust added to positions which were benefiting
from the rapid improvement in investor sentiment. At the same time, the Trust
maintained an underweight position in the Japanese market, as the overall
prospects for a pickup in the economy remained uncertain. However, stock
selection within the Japanese part of the portfolio added significantly to
performance, due to the concentration on Internet-related stocks. The Trust
began to reduce these holdings towards the end of the year at the same time
as building up exposure to more traditional parts of the Japanese economy.
The Trust deployed borrowing facilities throughout the year in order to
enhance performance and, at the end of the year, the Trust was 23% geared.
Borrowings have subsequently been reduced and are unlikely to be increased
significantly in the near term, given the continuing volatility in markets.
In addition, the Board has used its powers to buy back 200,000 shares in the
Trust, thereby enhancing Net Asset Value by 1%. Since the year end, a further
150,000 shares have been bought back.
As in the previous year, the Trust will be making no dividend payment this
year given its primary objective of capital growth.
Since the year end,markets in Asia have fallen quite sharply. This has
adversely affected your Trust's Net Asset Value. The Manager has now
eliminated all net borrowings and substantially reduced the Trust's exposure
to technology stocks,particularly in Japan. Although markets may continue to
be volatile in the short term, we are still confident that the longer term
outlook for the region remains promising.
David Price, Chairman
26th May 2000
Unaudited Consolidated Statement of Total Return (incorporating the revenue
account*) for the year ended
31st March 2000
Year ended Period ended
31st March 2000 31st March 1999
Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total
£000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s
Realised & - 37,266 37,266 - 10,179 10,179
unrealised gains
on investments
Net foreign - (1,756) (1,756) - 786 786
currency exchange
Income from 817 - 817 385 - 385
Cash enhancement - - - - 561 561
from manager
Deposit interest 23 - 23 17 - 17
Investment (623) - (623) (172) - (172)
management fee
Performance-related - (209) (209) - - -
Other expenses (382) (6) (388) (140) (30) (170)
Net return before (165) 35,295 35,130 90 11,496 11,586
finance costs and
Interest payable (221) - (221) (21) - (21)
Return on ordinary (386) 35,295 34,909 69 11,496 11,565
activities before
Tax on ordinary (82) - (82) (36) - (36)
Return on ordinary (468) 35,295 34,827 33 11,496 11,529
activities after
Return per (1.26)p 95.43p 94.17p 0.09p 30.81p 30.90p
Ordinary share
* The revenue column of this statement represents the revenue account of the
All items derive from continuing activities.
2000 1999
£000 £000
Investments at valuation 93,337 51,002
Net current liabilities (9,947) (2,503)
Provision for liabilities and charges (387) (4)
83,303 48,495
Net asset value per share 224.81p 130.64p
The Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at 12 noon on 25th
July 2000 at Glaziers Hall, 9 Montague Close, London Bridge, London SE1 9DD.
We look forward to meeting shareholders at the AGM, which will be followed by
a brief presentation.
The Company's annual report and accounts will be sent to shareholders in June
2000. Copies will be available to the public at the registered office of the
Company, Shackleton House, 4 Battle Bridge Lane, London.
This preliminary statement, which has been agreed with the auditors, was
approved by the Board on 25 May 2000. It is not the Company's statutory
accounts. The statutory accounts for the period ended 31 March 1999 have been
delivered to the Register of Companies and received an audit report which was
unqualified and did not contain statements under s237(2) or (3) of the
Companies Act 1985. The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2000
have not yet been audited or filed.
By order of the Board
Shackleton House AIB Govett Secretaries Limited
4 Battle Bridge Lane Secretary
London 25th May 2000
SE1 2HR Registered in England no:3582911