abrdn UK Smaller Companies Growth Trust plc (the "Company")
Legal Entity Identifier (LEI): 213800UUKA68SHSJBE37
23 September 2022
Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2022 (incorporating the Notice of Annual General Meeting)
A copy of the above document has been submitted to the National Storage Mechanism ("NSM") and will shortly be available for inspection at: https://data.fca.org.uk/#/nsm/nationalstoragemechanism *.
A copy of the document, together with the Pre-Investment Disclosure Document (per Article 23 AIFMD/Rule 3.2 FCA FUND Sourcebook), is also available for download from the Company's website, www.abrdnuksmallercompaniesgrowthtrust.co.uk *.
*Neither the NSM website nor the Company's website nor the content of any website accessible from hyperlinks on those websites (or any other website) is (or is deemed to be) incorporated into, or forms (or is deemed to form) part of this announcement.
For further information, please contact:
Gordon Hay Smith
Aberdeen Asset Management PLC
0131 528 4287