Final Results

Edinburgh Small Companies Trust PLC 20 August 2001 20 August 2001 EDINBURGH SMALL COMPANIES TRUST Edinburgh Small Companies Trust plc, the investment trust with an investment objective to achieve long term capital growth by investing in small UK quoted companies mainly with a market capitalisation below £150 million, announces its preliminary results for the year ended 30 June 2001. PRELIMINARY RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2001 * Exposure to TMT stocks during the period resulted in a fall in net asset value of 32.4%. * Over 2 years to June 2001 the NAV appreciated by 13.4% compared to a rise of 7.4% in its benchmark. * Dividend remains unchanged at 0.75p per share. * Good longer term prospects for many of the smaller growth companies in the portfolio. For further information, please contact: Alex Gowans, Director, Edinburgh Fund Managers plc 0131 313 1000 Alistair Currie, Director Edinburgh Fund Managers plc 0131 313 1000 Please note that past performance is not necessarily a guide to the future and that the value of investments and the income from them may fall as well as rise. Investors may not get back the amount they originally invested. Chairman's Statement Performance The period under review has proved to be difficult for investing in the smaller companies' sector and many of the exceptional gains which were achieved over the previous twelve months were reversed as a number of companies failed to meet short term growth projections. The fall in share prices became most acute for companies operating in the technology, media and telecoms (TMT) sectors many of which had become burdened with excessive short term expectations. During the year, the Techmark 100 Index which monitors the performance of technology companies fell by 47.2%. Value companies, on the other hand, performed better as investors focussed on their more modest historic valuations. Edinburgh Small Companies Trust has a significant exposure to technology and media stocks, representing around 42.7% of the assets as at 30 June 2001 and was not immune to the sharp falls in share prices as investors took profits following the strong gains most of which occurred during our previous accounting period. The exposure to value stocks, many of which did produce healthy returns, was not sufficient, however, to compensate for the significant fall in value from the growth stocks. In the period under review, the net asset value fell by 32.4% from 252.48p to 170.6p compared to a decline of 7.4% from the extended Hoare Govett Smaller Companies Index, excluding investment trusts. Over the same period the share price has fallen by 32.2% from 198.5p to 134.5p whilst the warrants have fallen by 49% from 121.5p to 62p. The underperformance of the net asset value in relation to the benchmark was exacerbated by the use of gearing during a period when share prices were falling and is in direct contrast to the positive returns which were achieved during the previous financial year when share prices were rising. Over the two years to 30 June 2001, which initially encompassed a period of rising share prices and latterly the corrections over the past twelve months, the net asset value has appreciated by 13.4%, compared to a rise of 7.4% by the benchmark. Investment in small companies needs to be judged over the longer term, and whilst it is disappointing to report a fall in the net asset value for the current financial period, when set against the turmoil the sector has experienced, the returns over the past two years are positive. Gearing The company has gearing in the form of a long term debenture repayable in 2023. In October 2000, a further £10m tranche of the existing debenture was issued at £107.017. In addition, it has an overdraft facility, which can be utilised to purchase securities. As at 30 June 2001, £35m of the £40m debenture issue was committed to the stockmarket, representing a gearing ratio equivalent to 29.4% of shareholders' funds. The balance of the loan is currently held on short term deposit. Throughout the period under review, gearing has ranged between 16.2% and 29.4% of shareholders' funds and has averaged 22.8% for the whole year. The board continues to believe that gearing can enhance returns to shareholders over the longer term but during periods of declining share prices can exacerbate a fall in the net asset value. Over the past twelve months, the use of gearing has contributed approximately 16p to the fall in the net asset value. In contrast, over the previous twelve months, the use of gearing enhanced the net asset value by approximately 12p. Revenue Account The company has produced a loss of 0.34p per share for the twelve months to 30 June 2001 compared to positive earnings of 0.81p for the previous year. The loss is due to a fall in the level of investment income receivable, the non-recurrence of interest on treasury bills and interest receivable, which boosted last year's income and a rise in interest payable on the enlarged debenture issue. Partially offsetting these figures was the fall in the management fee payable to Edinburgh Fund Managers, which is calculated on the value of assets. Although a loss in earnings is being declared for the current financial year, the company has accumulated revenue reserves equivalent to 3.08p per share. The board is proposing utilising part of these reserves to declare an unchanged dividend of 0.75p per share. If approved the final dividend will be paid on 26 October 2001 to shareholders on the register at close of business on 28 September 2001. Share and Warrant Buybacks No shares or warrants were purchased by the company for cancellation over the twelve-month period. Since 30 June 2001, 2.2m shares were bought back for cancellation. The board is seeking permission from shareholders to renew the authority to purchase up to 14.99% of the shares in issue. Details of the special resolution are set out on page 30 of the Annual Report. Marketing Initiatives The board has been supportive of the AITC's 'its' marketing initiative over the past two years to raise awareness of the attraction of investment trusts. Following consultation with members, the next phase of the 'its' campaign will centre around the core marketing programme, consisting of the development of public relations, consumer information including utilising the internet and its plans to promote better understanding in the IFA market. The campaign is being funded by the investment trust sector and the board remains supportive of the proposals. The company also contributes towards the Edinburgh Fund Managers Investment Trust Initiative, which enables shareholders to invest in Edinburgh Small Companies Trust in a cost effective manner through various saving products such as regular savings schemes, ISAs, Pension Scheme and PEP Transfers. Further details of the products available can be found on page 32 of the Annual Report. Additional information is also available on the Edinburgh Fund Manager website Shareholders can also access more up to date information on the performance and strategy being adopted by the company through The Inside Line, a monthly publication also published on the website. Prospects The slowdown in the US economy is having an impact on the expectations of growth around the world. Authorities have responded by reducing interest rates and it is to be hoped that the US is now close to the bottom of the current economic cycle. The UK has to date been relatively less affected by the international developments, with the domestic economy appearing to be more robust than a number of its international competitors. Nevertheless it is likely that there will be further pressure on corporate profitability over the next twelve months. It is important for the world economy that the slowdown in the US is not prolonged. In particular, the technology sector, which has suffered, more than most from the cancellation or deferment of orders, is likely to be a prime beneficiary once capital investment plans are resumed. The bursting of the bubble has led to a return of realism for technology company valuations. The board is encouraged by the longer term prospects of many of the smaller growth companies in the portfolio. These companies differ from the dot.coms as they have a real business and are producing goods and services, which will have an important role to play in the development of segments of the economy over the next decade. Some of their short term prospects have undoubtedly been hindered by the slowdown in economic growth but longer term potential remains intact. The past twelve months have been disappointing for investing, in TMT in particular. However, it does not detract from their longer term potential. The board remains confident that a pick up in world economic activity will help these companies to achieve their potential and that positive investor sentiment towards them will return. STATEMENT OF TOTAL RETURN for the year ended 30 June 2001 Revenue Capital Total (audited) £000 £000 £000 Realised net gains on investments - 14,282 14,282 Unrealised net losses on investments - (68,440) (68,440) TOTAL CAPITAL LOSSES ON INVESTMENTS (54,158) (54,158) Loss on early sales of treasury bills - - - Buyback of warrants - - - Investment Income 2,343 - 2,343 Interest receivable 220 - 220 Other income 10 - 10 Investment management fee (1,083) (1,083) (2,166) Administrative expenses (276) (2) (278) Net return before finance costs and 1,214 (55,243) (54,029) taxation Interest payable and similar charges (1,449) (1,421) (2,870) Return on ordinary activities before (235) (56,664) (56,899) taxation Taxation (2) - (2) Return on ordinary activities after (237) (56,664) (56,901) taxation Dividends in respect of equity shares (522) - (522) Transfer from reserves (759) (56,664) (57,423) Return per ordinary share (0.34p) (81.43p) (81.77p) Diluted return per ordinary share (0.33p) (79.88p) (80.21p) Dividends per ordinary share 0.75p - 0.75p for the year ended 30 June 2000 Revenue Capital Total (audited) £000 £000 £000 Realised net gains on investments - 30,596 30,596 Unrealised net gains on investments - 43,770 43,770 TOTAL CAPITAL GAINS ON INVESTMENTS 74,366 74,366 Loss on early sales of treasury bills - (4) (4) Buyback of warrants - (521) (521) Investment Income 2,763 - 2,763 Interest receivable 444 - 444 Other income 31 - 31 Investment management fee (1,168) (1,168) (2,336) Administrative expenses (337) (120) (457) Net return before finance costs and 1,733 72,553 74,286 taxation Interest payable and similar charges (1,141) (1,141) (2,282) Return on ordinary activities before 592 71,412 72,004 taxation Taxation (30) 26 (4) Return on ordinary activities after 562 71,438 72,000 taxation Dividends in respect of equity shares (522) - (522) Transfer to reserves 40 71,438 71,478 Return per ordinary share 0.81p 102.73p 103.54p Diluted return per ordinary share 0.79p 100.64p 101.43p Dividends per ordinary share 0.75p - 0.75p BALANCE SHEET (audited) At 30 June At 30 June 2001 2000 £000 £000 Fixed assets Investments 153,601 205,292 Current assets 8,905 3,406 Current liabilities 3,763 3,110 Net current assets 5,142 296 158,743 205,588 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year 41,474 30,954 117,269 174,634 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 17,400 17,386 Reserves 99,869 157,248 Total equity shareholders' funds 117,269 174,634 Adjusted net asset value per share 170.60p 252.48p Fully diluted net asset value per share 167.66p 245.99p CASHFLOW STATEMENT (audited) For the year ended For the year ended 30 June 2001 30 June 2000 £000 £000 Net cash inflow from operating activities 190 630 Net cash outflow from servicing of (2,737) (2,324) finance Total tax paid - (2) Net cash outflow from financial (1,871) (1,167) investment Equity dividend paid (522) (279) Net cash outflow before financing (4,940) (3,142) Net cash inflow from financing 10,645 (1,059) Management of liquid resources - 5,963 INCREASE IN CASH 5,705 1,762 NOTES: 1. The accounts are prepared under the same accounting policies used for the year to 30 June 2000. 2. The financial information for the year ended 30 June 2000 has been extracted from the Annual Report and Accounts of the company, which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies and contained an unqualified auditors' report. The statutory accounts for 2001 are unqualified and will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the company's Annual General Meeting which will be held at the registered office of the company, Donaldson House, 97 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh, EH12 5HD on Thursday 25 October 2001 at 11.00am. 3. The statement of total return (incorporating the revenue account) and balance sheet set out above do not represent full accounts in accordance with Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. 4. The investment management fee in each case includes irrecoverable VAT calculated at 17.5%. 5. The final dividend, subject to shareholder approval, will be paid on 26 October 2001 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 28 September 2001. The ex-dividend date is 26 September 2001. 6. The Annual Report will be posted to shareholders on 6 September 2001 and copies will be available from the registered office of the company. For Edinburgh Small Companies Trust plc Edinburgh Fund Managers plc, Secretary Amanda Fraser Company Secretary END
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