Interim Results
Edinburgh Small Companies Trust PLC
5 February 2001
5 February 2001
* The net asset value has fallen by 10.2% over the six month period
compared to an unchanged performance from the benchmark
* Over the past 18 months the net asset value of Edinburgh Small Companies
Trust has appreciated by 50.7% compared to a rise of 16.0 % in the
Extended Hoare Govett Smaller Companies Index (excluding investment
* We believe that the small company sector offers good long-term
investment opportunities
- Ends -
For further information, please contact:
Alistair Currie, Director
Edinburgh Fund Managers plc 0131 313 1000
Alex Gowans, Director,
Edinburgh Fund Managers plc 0131 313 1000
After the very strong performance during the last financial year a number of
the stocks which contributed to the 67.9% rise in the net asset value
encountered some profit taking in the period under review. As a result the net
asset value has fallen by 10.2% from 252.5p to 226.7p over the past six months
compared to an unchanged performance from the extended Hoare Govett Smaller
Companies Index (excluding investment trusts). The fall in share price of 3.4%
from 198.5p to 191.75p was less than the reduction in the net asset value due
to a narrowing in the discount to 15.4%.
Over the past 6 months the smaller companies sector has been affected by
volatility in the share prices of companies operating in telecommunications,
media and technology (TMT) related industries. After their excellent share
price performance throughout the last financial year a number have succumbed
to significant short-term profit taking. At 31 December 2000 around 50% of the
value of the portfolio was invested in TMT companies, and their weakness
contributed to the fall in the net asset value.
The sector continues to offer attractive longer-term investment opportunities
but may be characterised by wide swings in share prices as has been witnessed
over the past 6 months. It is encouraging that over the past 18 months, which
includes a period when TMT stocks were performing well, that the net asset
value of Edinburgh Small Companies has appreciated by 50.7% compared to a rise
of 16.0% by the benchmark emphasising once again the importance of taking a
long-term view when investing in smaller companies.
During the period under review a further £10m tranche of the existing
debenture was issued raising £10.6m after expenses. Under normal circumstances
the directors do not anticipate actual gearing levels exceeding 25% of
shareholders funds.
The level of borrowing committed to the market was actively managed over the
past 6 months and ranged between 14.2% and 24.5%. At 31 December 2000 the
amount of borrowings committed to the equity market represented 24.5% of
shareholders funds.
Revenue Account
Earnings per share have fallen from 0.81p per share to a loss of 0.38p per
share. The change to a loss in earnings per share reflects a change in the
composition of the portfolio towards lower yielding investments and an
increase in interest payable on the new debenture issue. The board is not
recommending an interim dividend.
The outlook for the smaller companies sector remains promising but the
volatility which has become evident over the past 6 months, particularly in
the TMT sectors, highlights once again the need to take a long-term view on
Whilst Edinburgh Small Companies Trust is not a technology trust the portfolio
does have a significant exposure to companies often referred to as TMT stocks.
We believe we have identified a number of companies with a strong
technological and competitive advantage in a dynamic area of the economy
which, if the markets develop as we anticipate, will produce substantially
above average growth in earnings per share.
A few may emerge as industry leaders in their chosen sector although,
inevitably, some will fall by the wayside. The valuation of the sector is
influenced by developments overseas, particularly by the NASDAQ in North
America. Nevertheless the longer-term outlook for many of the companies is
encouraging, and the recent setback in the sector, caused by a moderation in
US growth prospects, will offer the scope for selective purchases.
In addition to the holdings in TMT companies, the portfolio also has exposure
to smaller companies operating in more traditional industries. The valuation
of a number of these companies remains modest, which offers the potential for
a re-rating or corporate activity as pressure is put on management to realise
Not withstanding any further short term volatility in the sector the directors
continue to believe that the small company sector continues to offer good long
term investment opportunities.
Donald MacDonald
5 February 2001
For the six months to 31 December 2000 (unaudited)
Revenue Capital Total
£000 £000 £000
Realised gains/(losses) on investments - 13,195 13,195
Unrealised gains/(losses) on investments - (30,063) (30,063)
Total capital gains/(losses) on - (16,868) (16,868)
Loss on early sales of Treasury Bills - - -
Buy back of warrants - - -
Income from investments 1,077 - 1,077
Interest receivable on short term deposits 86 - 86
Other income 10 - 10
Investment management fee (618) (618) (1,236)
Administrative expenses (131) - (131)
Net return before finance costs and 424 (17,486) (17,062)
Interest payable and similar charges (691) (663) (1,354)
Return on ordinary activities before (267) (18,149) (18,416)
Taxation - - -
Return on ordinary activities after (267) (18,149) (18,416)
Dividend in respect of equity shares - - -
(267) (18,149) (18,416)
Return per ordinary share (0.38p) (26.09p) (26.47p)
Diluted return per ordinary share (0.38p) (25.51p) (25.89p)
For the six months to 31 December 1999 (unaudited)
Revenue Capital Total
£000 £000 £000
Realised gains/(losses) on investments - 7,879 7,879
Unrealised gains/(losses) on investments - 67,554 67,554
Total capital gains/(losses) on - 75,433 75,433
Loss on early sales of Treasury Bills - - -
Buy back of warrants - (448) (448)
Income from investments 1,202 - 1,202
Interest receivable on short term deposits 230 - 230
Other income 26 - 26
Investment management fee (517) (517) (1,034)
Administrative expenses (160) (46) (206)
Net return before finance costs and 781 74,422 75,203
Interest payable and similar charges (574) (574) (1,148)
Return on ordinary activities before 207 73,848 74,055
Taxation - - -
Return on ordinary activities after 207 73,848 74,055
Dividend in respect of equity shares - - -
207 73,848 74,055
Return per ordinary share 0.30p 106.20p 106.50p
Diluted return per ordinary share 0.29p 104.64p 104.93p
For the year to 30 June 2000 (audited)
Revenue Capital Total
£000 £000 £000
Realised gains/(losses) on investments - 30,596 30,596
Unrealised gains/(losses) on investments - 43,770 43,770
Total capital gains/(losses) on - 74,366 74,366
Loss on early sales of Treasury Bills - (4) (4)
Buy back of warrants - (521) (521)
Income from investments 2,763 - 2,763
Interest receivable on short term deposits 444 - 444
Other income 31 - 31
Investment management fee (1,168) (1,168) (2,336)
Administrative expenses (337) (120) (457)
Net return before finance costs and 1,733 72,553 74,286
Interest payable and similar charges (1,141) (1,141) (2,282)
Return on ordinary activities before 592 71,412 72,004
Taxation (30) 26 (4)
Return on ordinary activities after 562 71,438 72,000
Dividend in respect of equity shares (522) - (522)
40 71,438 71,478
Return per ordinary share 0.81p 102.73p 103.54p
Diluted return per ordinary share 0.79p 100.64p 101.43p
At 31 At 30 June At 31
December December
2000 1999
£000 £000 £000
Fixed assets
Investments 196,469 205,292 199,864
Current assets 2,737 3,406 9,636
Current liabilities 1,420 3,110 1,288
Net current assets 1,317 296 8,348
197,786 205,588 208,212
Creditors: amounts falling due after more 41,510 30,954 30,975
than one year
156,276 174,634 177,237
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 17,400 17,386 17,386
Reserves 138,876 157,248 159,851
Total shareholders' funds relating to equity 156,276 174,634 177,237
Net asset value per ordinary share 226.70p 252.48p 256.26p
Fully diluted net asset value per ordinary 221.41p 245.99p 249.40p
At 31 December At 31 December At 30 June
2000 1999 2000
£000 £000 £000
Revenue before finance costs and 424 781 1,733
Decrease in accrued income 355 271 (135)
Increase in debtors 2 (26) (6)
Increase in creditors (33) 132 105
Tax on unfranked investment income - - (2)
Expenses charged to capital (618) (439) (1,065)
Net cash inflow from operating 130 719 630
Net cash outflow from servicing of (1,187) (1,163) (2,324)
Total tax paid - - (2)
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from (9,382) 3,991 (1,168)
financial investment
Equity dividends paid (522) (278) (278)
Net cash inflow/(outflow) before (10,961) 3,269 (3,142)
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from 10,649 (857) (1,059)
Management of liquid resources - (1,999) 5,963
1. The accounts are prepared under the same accounting policies used for the
year to 30 June 2000.
2. The financial information for the year ended 30 June 2000 has been
extracted from the Annual Report and Accounts of the Company which have
been filed with the Registrar of Companies and contained an unqualified
auditors' report.
3. The statement of total return (incorporating the revenue account),
balance sheet and cashflow statement set out above do not represent full
accounts in accordance with Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.
4. The investment management fee in each case includes irrecoverable VAT
calculated at 17.5 per cent.
5. No interim dividend has been declared in respect of the year ending 30 June
6. The Interim Report will be posted to shareholders on 21 February 2001 and
copies will be available from the registered office of the Company .
Please note that past performance is not necessarily a guide to the future and
that the value of investments and the income from them may fall as well as
rise. Investors may not get back the amount they originally invested.
For Edinburgh Small Companies Trust plc
Edinburgh Fund Managers plc, Secretary
Valerie MacKenzie
Company Secretary